ArrlTBl of Trains. Thc following change o't schedule Jook ,l,rct Junel2, iS09. " NORTHBOUND. No. 8 arrives at o 52 a m, m 12 33 34 62 44 10 00 am, 44 7-09 pm, 44 8.51 p m, (flag) 44 US p m, " 2 00 a m (lreim t) SOUTHBOUND. So. 37 arrives at 8 40 a m, (flag) ' n 4 "1123 a m, 7 44 44 8.51 p m, So tt " 9.20 p m, (flagr) ' 33 ' 7.19 a m, 61 " " 849 a m, (freight) Nn .35. when ruDnine: ahead of No. 7. art ao-crtwl if .Tifeasarv f or thronerh travel , j j- w - a r soutu of Charlotte, and is stopped for oassengers arriving from Lynchburg or beyond. No. 36 stops regularly for MAKHenerers for Salisbury. His:hPoint. Greensboro, Reidsville, DanvillrXand riucipal stations between D anvil Washington. -No. 37 stops foil New ad. Read it. v ...... Craven Brothers; Parker Gets 15 Years. Melville Parker, who it will Tom Barrinerer came home from Charlotte Saturday night to spend Sunday. Miss Marv "RpnrlriY line remembered, attenmted an turned to school at Mont Amoena ! assault on the little daughter of seminary. LJ Mr. Hurlston near Durham a few weeks ago, was found guilty on last Saturday of the attempt and not the consummation of the act. Judge Brown gave him 15 years in the penitentiary. He intimated his pleasure at the finding of the jury, as there was a reasonable doubt in the matter. It is regarded as a vindication of the law and a demonstration of the danger of lynching. A big real estate deal is about to take place in Concord. It is not a certainty yet. 'The little child of Mr. and Mrs. S F Harmon on Church street is very sick. Milledse Hollman ' son of Rev. Dr. Hollman, is here today. Mr. Hollman is a printer. Miss Mollie Sparks, of Mocks ville, is visiting at Mr. Graham's on North Main street. Billy Caldwell has gone to Spray to assist in the wiring of three cotton mills there. After visiting several days here. Brandon Means has re turned to school at Mebane. senders coming from Lynchbun points beyond, and to take ony s ucers for regular stopping places Bouthof Newells. No. 38 stops to let ift" rmsseiisrers from reerular - stoDDinsr s x " n o !nnfa south of Newells and to take on passengers for regular stopping places, Lynchburg or beyond. , Nos. 2'? and 34 stop at Concord for seuers to or from the C. C. & A. division Charlotte to - Augusta and other points in South Carolina, Georgia iiid Florida, reached through Columbia ; i Noh.' 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trains mills at Gastonia, spent Sunday ..uu connect at oansDury wun trains 01 nere. W. N. C. Division. Mr. T C Wilson, intendent of one who bf is super - the cotton bummer Underwear We invested heavily gained a point for you by so doing. Q,u an tity is a factor in bringing d wn TELEPHONE NO. 71. 1FOUNDRU 1842. ; A german will bo wen in the MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in fliA land xohn arfi r.rt. afraid to be generous to the neeJy and suffer- lOu Ol lDg. IH8 proprietors ui uu King 8 New Discovery for Con sumption, Cougbs and Colds, have giAen away oyer ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satislaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of honeless cases. Asthuaa.Broncb itis, Hoarseness xand all dis eases ot the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. prices. We are going to close out 1E3 Phifer hall tomgnl, ccmpiiment- 0all on F Fetzer, Druggist, ary to Miss Emily Gibson's d fc free trial bottle. Regular - . ... sum "SING. THEIR OWN PRAISE." Oi course yu want a Piano, but per haps you can't afford a new one. HERE'S TOUR CHANCE. i ihovaii Nonares and One ;ruiirt, oncli a Bargain. Thc flanos friends. Miss Nellie Grimball, of Union, S. C, arrived Saturday night to visit her friend. Miss Mabel Means. advertisement of HL Parks & at three points but were repulsed 1 Go., which will be found in an- without loss to the Americans other column. An ntivfi rantain and six men 1 AAV M-M.wm mr w -ww - Last Saturday was te best were captured. cotton dav of the season . so lar. size bUc. ana $1. ivery uoum guaranteed, or price refpuded. ; Filippinos Are AggressiYe. Dispatches of the 9th say that that the Filipinos made attacks nave been . ai"2 (UAwWdtA, -PronRt's-lKiales 1 T A TT lVTrMTI emr rl """'ir1!: w"" . .Z I I M. . M Y Ifllll himI DON'T YOU BMISS JIT. nnn are now jasi an rou jru" worA nsftrt tiTtV-TOUr times. m B7aMAa.v nnn will " v w u iiii)uru iruui .. - i lor h any iira n yirs li ivi JKlicnie nas arnveu Take First and Second Choice and rra from Richfield and: is living sons in Mr. Geo. W Brown's new residence on South Main street. A "9 . dt 1 A . 1 mm - ' write quicK, tneywou . uuB. -rHln hor Haines Brothers -.iiu.w For Delay Is Dangerous mBanlj Henry Cachle (pearl inlaid) Boardaan & Gray Bacon & Raven Heiaekamp -Bar,on & Raven Collard & Collard Grand Terms : $10 cash and Others con in nriee Fine Tuning and Repairing Chas. M Piano Manufectarer, Baltimore XXd. Factory Branch Tarer ooxa. 105.00 100.00 90.00 1 75.00 Stieff I Ynn have been thinking about . - v , likWiriff out a Policy of Life "In- f0Z LS' Yes:ana for the n?no wno nas owuviwimg.uw JtiafTt voUrself and lovea I nr T7 line. TCkV1nTn 1 t . ., i , . . i" : Lucasaanat pc - " 'D1rtnY, yv Ones, you will tn.o being repaired and we caii suit to Charlotte. Mrs. Sloan accom- - 1 ; ; iandterma. , " panied her home. : Mr W D, Shubert, machinist mine: and Repairing. ... . m rt' FOR RENT.-Three or' lour at uannon lviiwuiactuims w. plats of land for farming purposes and Mr. F. , B? Haydock, ma- . j a- '-uiriTcf. a.,ViA THfiacherv.; have botn oeen lniureu , rewu njr , xa Vinth -nromriuv receiveu. mcu. - vmm . r ' 4 - iNo. 213 N. TryoaStCharlott,N.O. confined in jail Sunday to await tnem they, were insured by me. C. H. WILMOTH Manager- a trial for a fortnbie trespass. xe i ? You can find me in my ; ofljee was jluuuu guuvjr axv vv-v very eyeuixigitiuxiiAg ua Yt v to the chainganjg. from 8 to 9 o'clock. There wiU bo meeting of the ; : Cce in Posiofflce Biding. r.hnrch tonight at 7:30 o'clock in ;( , Insurance Agent. Co;0ofrtw wai-V is alwavs Uia rfirATtkm'-rdom of the Cabar-1 1 ; Sept. 1, ;189y. ' ven you at Brown's barber jrUs Savings Bank.;" 1 - S,10P- " Mr Martin M Misenheimer Mr. McCree Anderson, ticket and Miss Isabella Elkins were agent at the depot, spent Sunday granted marriage license last at his home in Statesville. Saturday afternoon. Both live ... . j near Mt. Pleasant. Miss IrmaKimmons will attend ue41 AXU . school at the Greensboro State Miss Helen Johnson).' who has Normal the coming session. been spending her vacation here with her mother, has gone to Mil Mrs. Sol Levy and children re- fordj ; pe, ' where she teaches turned home Saturday night after eiocuti0n in the Milford college spending a week in Athens, Ga. there WIFE PALACE. OR GANS- Miss Winona Copk oi Mount Pleasant, spent Sunday at JCroi. Jas. PCooks. ' X;: r7tm w -NrriT YTR AV AG ANT BE CAUSE SHE INSISTS ON HAV ING NEW V : F U R Nl l t f I E cfHritsriTlxr and. thfl this fall., sue nas seen m low brices and knows its economy, to buy, fl : it ourr. newllwSuld be a BUCK'S STOVE Best Made. - , . . s:iven SEE THE Vanle Watch ' " " Tt ' - ' . - ' " f 11 i , 1 f.i, f Mrs. G W Patterson returned Miss Jennie Sloan and her home last Saturday night from friend, Miss May Bradshaw, Charlotte where she spent sev- have returned to Mill Bjidge. eraldays. They have "been1 visiting' Miss Ar , f pw Sloan's brother, Mr. Eugene Mr. Jno. Rutledge, of Char lotte, has secured a position with olutu' t he Cannon- Manufacturing Co. Mr. Jno. Nelson, of Cannon He will be in the office of the viHe, was granted license to mar . i ew mill. i ry Miss - Allie Christenbury, . -r daughter of Mr. Reuben Chris Messrs. R J Cook ar Geo L No. 2 township. Kisher have opened a livery sta- tenoury, oi nu. r hio qi. Pnroct, TTill on North Mr Mnmford Ritchie, formerly the several T?'ir.hfiftld. but whose home i Ml. J1X kJ V- V- V - i vx W a- w j that street.' - Lrrrin Via in Concord, has se L,i a.vnsitinn in -the store oi FOR S ALE-A new. Wheeler J & Fetzer Co. He is Wilson sewiner machine with ru ,f MofiBrS Mack and1 lJS??,'.1-- w Walter Ritchie Here.' wry. vjail aL tint uuiuo aaiu a first class machine on easy - tf. FOR AT Correll 1 Dr. Stevens left here last Satur day evening to spend a few days at China Grove and from there he returns to A shAville. Mrs. bakery Concord Fruit ana nreani f - t-..j n.iofl 'Rnng. Douerhnuta, . . k ob n nrHHu. vjobwi " . Stevens will spend a week or eto.. Creams.' Fruited Candies aurejs more here and at China Grove on hand. : . wS5Su - Parlor Winter is Coming. I ALREADY HAVE ON HAND THREE CARS OF JellicO; Arid have ten more car loads on the way. Coal FURNITURE AND csasa Go To GW PATTERSON Rock Salt 1 ffrftsh Butter on Ice, nnnbpr Oats. . Hominy, ChiDDea Beef, rrA Tomatoes, vauuuv . nfi Peaches. Soda, Baking Powders, Starch Oracfcera, Liara, n.aniH,xuD, ttraakfast Strips, Green and Parched Colfee, Tea , Qnr Snai. reas, meai, nr: Hhfnatnff. Oats, Oil, i?innr Molasses, bait, Vinegar, Snuffi Tobacco, Rice Toi,h Rnices. bottled Tsvi' ; Washing Powders and. anything in .the Grocery line., we aiso Bope,-' Crockery, Glasswax Wooden-ware, Dry Goods, UNDERTAKING- nflfAm tTiA bnsinesat)nblio a reliable. rer- manent, conseryative and accommodate ing banking instutlon. We solicit vour patronage with tbo assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage; : If we can serve you any time we will be glad to have you come and see ns. LIBERAL AOOOMMODATIONSj TO CUSTOMERS. - - - - - - Capital ani Snrplns - - $100(18. J. M. Odei-l. rreaaent M. L. Brown & BRo. LIVERY, FEED AND 8 ALB STABLES, Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. 0 a nikr moot all nftfl'JPn croi tfftln Glass-ware, ntfif nf ftll vnAR fnrmh promptly and at reasonable price?. It is time for ybuto lay in- a rapply fox ghoes gts, Tinnware Etc. fcto H crnea and mnl es always on hanc ' it? T also have on " r-- . " or sale. Breierd of JioroughbreJ iae -v" , , - . . r,f. PAkr,H Chins Hriu. . hand the best ol anxraciie com. We close our Jtore ahr , West Depot St. at Store; ftsThone cs. Hyer goods Xrrvf I f XUUUW