''III! 1,1-1 ' 1 I . H ' - " . - T - " l 9 -- , .'... . M m - . i prico $4.00 Per Your. CONCOUD, N. 0., TUE30A Y , SEPTEMBER?, 1899. Single Copy 5 Cents THE COTTON SEEP OIL MILL. his V siding near the seed At the Baptist Chun . The Uinnery to Begin Work Yet This "house will be scales for weighing Despite the fact that Rev. B ek-Several of the Buildings Al- Qrs l seed and cotton: Lacy Hoge was sick yesterday i n -if .8Hfli.i; Tt T) ; Buildms be lined along the he filled his pulpit last night. rcadyBmlt-A Sidetrackto Be Built- sidetrackfor a distance Of 458 Though: 'he, did not deliver a l. -Twenty Minutes Cotton Passes , -feet.' ,' oUowing are the diineri-, sermon lie made a talk after Through the Ginnery and Is Ready sions of the different buildings: reading the story of "The for the Owner. , j The cotton seed house, which is Prodigal Son." A large crowd The fact that Concord is to a wooden building, is 110 feet was present. The church was have a cotton seed oil mill does j long and 40 feet wide. Thrbnly almost filled. not suffice for our people to know tine tnat. the seed will be hand- As at every service, Mr. Wolf- tlie amount of business thnt will j led is when thev are being, taken sohn, the noted singer, delighted bo done there and the number of fxom the waons or tne cars, the audience with his selections ildings such nn enterprise ! elev,ators take arge; of both as leader and - soloist. J;"A "f-4 uLLtJiu. tu uuii xiits voice is ciear ana aistinci; places in'the oil mill. The next and it is a pleasure to listen to building alongside the railroad him. H , ' will be the oil; mill a building'' Rev. Hoge is better today and 147 feet long built of. brick, will preach tonight. This morn- This building will contain the ing service was conducted by engine and boUer rooms and also Mr. Wolfsohn. The hour of the The only buildinyet completed an ell of 40 feet, k , Next in line, morning 4 service has been with space of sixty feet between changed from 9.30 to 9 o'clock, on .account of the "insurance The evening service begins at 8 regulation, comes the hull or o'clock: general warehouse with adimen DU necessitates. Almost a village of its own is the site of the new mill beyond Slippery Rock4 near the Buffalo mill. . ..' r - , : As rapidly as possible work ; is being done on the buildings ( is the ginnery, which is'the most complete one to be seen in. the Old North 'State. The farmer, even yet this week, can bring his cotton upon the scales and in a very few moments the whole load is by a suction pipe hurled ! into the four 70-saw gins, each getting an equal amount of the work to do. By machinery the seed are being placed in a hop per in the seed house where by the time the driver can get his team there he raises a slide door and his wagon is loaded. Until he drives to the other end of the ginnery building his bale is also on the platform waiting for him. In all this time only twenty min utes have elapsed. Never be iore have our people seen a press such as the one used there. No person has the objectionable work of handling the lint, but it simply passes from the gin into the press and instead of one jumping into the press to pack the lint, which work brings joy to the small boy, a steam valve awaits a slight turn and down goes a. large wooden presser. Automatically, the supply of lint stops now until the packer re turns to its place when the gate asrain onens. "Wnen the press L t .mm becomes full the large revolv-1 j,oregt Hilh sion of 80 by 40 feet. This will, as its name indicates, be a gen eral storage house and is a wood en building. In rear of this line of buildings will be seen the gin nery, which in addition to its dimension of 20 by 62 feet has a onttnr. hmisiA of. 30 "hxr 94. foot, unci cts i o r. i -x-r ! Mr. Marshall Mabery, who for a seed house 20 by 30 feet. Near Al , , V " mnra rnnn n. TTrori r hoc Kaon onvT. the north end of this row Town Fathers Meet Tonight. : Tonight is the time for the regular monthly meeting of the town commissioners. One thing that will come before them is the election of a policeman in the I place of Eli Goldston, who re signed. i1 : PERSONAL POINTERS. Rev. J C Davis returned home last night from Lexington. Mrs. C L T Fisher and children returned to Charlotte this morning. Rev. J A Dorritee, of Char lotte, spent awhile today at Sun derland hall. Mr, M J Freeman left this morning on a business trip of more than two weeks: . Messrs. Chase Brenizer and Jno. R Van Ness Tof Charlotte, spent last night here. Mrs. R K Black' went over to Charlotte this morning to spend today with her parents. 1 Mrs. M L Stevens returned here this morning from China Grove. She is stopping at Rev, Chas. B. Miller's. Misses Virgie Shoup and Bessie Summers arrived here this morning on No. 36 on their way to Mont Amoena Seminary. Both are teachers there the com ing session. On His Return to the Army. Mr. Columbus Hartsell, a young man who for more than a week has been visiting his father at Leo, in Stanly county, was here toaav (Tuesdav'l on his - rptnm tn ol more than a week has been serv- the army near Washington. Mr. buildinsrs semratelv will be a iAXf Uii wr. Hartsell is a member of the cav i mj. - j. i t Whose name is among tne list oi building for the business depart-! . r- , , 4i -i t t tvt t : apphcantsfor the place, has re- ment the office where Mr. M L ; J T - - r, : -, , Buchanan, the secretary and;, , ' , , , , -n i j j have his name left oif of the list treasurer, will be quartered. . . . . -ttt- n j for the consideration of the com- viTn an 01 tms up-io-aate missioners tonigrht. machinery, looking towards con- J venience above all things, with They are Figuring on It. an oil mill of forty tons capacity Mr. W A Foil intends to go to per day and a ginnery which Camden, JS. C. the last of this disposes of cotton from and to . week, He has succeeded m get- the wagons in less than twenty minutes, there is going to'be one great necessity and that is the cotton and cotton seed on which to work. But . the most enter prising farmers of our county are the stockholders, together with some of our most promi nent business men, and the out look for the success of the Con cord : Cotton Seed Oil mill is hopeful. tingsome northern capitalists in terested in building a fine hotel. It is not yet assured but Mr. Foil thinks it is almost a cer tainty. Camden is quite a popu lar winter resort. Two More to the Chaingang. Policeman Mabery made a double haul Monday night off of No. 38, the northbound vestibule ! train.. He pulled two. negroes for beating their, way. They ! were both sent to the chaingang airy in the regular army. He was in the volunteer service and after being mustered out he re enlisted. . V During the civil war, as well as in our late war with Spain, diar rhoea was one of the most troublesome diseases the army had to contend with. In many instances it became chronic and the old soldiers still enffer from it. - Mr. David Taylor, of Wind Ridge, Greene county, Pa , is one of these. JBe uses Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and says he never fonnd anything that would give him such quick relief. It . is for sale by M. L. Marsh & Co.. Druggist NEW LINE OF w i N T E R A ten lie OF s.f Eli' it 11 m f f 9 sum 1 1 p E R C A L S AT Miss Berta Saunders, of Char- for fifteen days. lotte, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. j ing table is turned and an empty press is thrown into position for tilling while the one containing th( hnlo is tVirntcrn into -position mere were ,-iiu x viw and Malaria. It is simply Iron and tor pressing. By these means o11Tlda,v ht on account of Rev. Onimne in a tasteleas form OhUdren filliricr nnrl rrossinP' continuallv i .1.. '. rni - sove it. Adults refer it to bitter, nau .-0 r.-0 Arnoia Deingpwft. Price. 50c. 13 4 : Know ne is Dexier, Neithgi1 eottd'n hor seed i I inn 1 W A Wood. There were NO CUBE. NO PAI. That is, the way all drucrgistsSeell t nnmnnno horn limVH M lUBlBlCiSO WiiUi xuuxu vx vuo.u AT H L Parks LG- are The large iron smoke stack' handled at any time. In case ; for min No. 5 has been placed, tne bins of cotton, which are lor business. small quantities, are to be gin ned a person only opens a small j door and a suction pipe ia wait- Iha Charter ObtAliled South Carolina First H. C. 5ext. n4-4-rm wannffl'.tnrinp' in tha making things look ffiore like j o . . . , Azfld in t The Summer is Ended, The Harvest is Past. the southeastern States. South j Carolina consumes nearly .one- - ' -.. . i -I 1 !T 1 THE TIME TO BUY FURNITURE IS NOW AT HAND. tng for it and sends it rapidly into the gin i- Later an arrange been secured .third of the total number of bales it.. noton mill to be required by the factories of this mt ii oico h vft 1 uu Tf Peasant. It will be section; South Carolina and thereby the seed irom the gin-1 calei the Tuscarora cotton mUl. ! North Carolina together Consume nery wiu be blowed dfefefctly to . Th'6 incorporators are Messrs. L about 60 per of the total, tha wv wwas.V- o i'a xt-:1 r.onnnV. Jas. W Cam South Garolmav North Carolina, tube. A I50-Horse)ower engine ion; A N James, and Rev. Paul -GeOia a4 Alabama consume nd the best fatel-W in the Uni vill furnish the -oower for 4m -Rer. . r eent., and the other eight ; Us a long lead M LOW PRICES. entire work'ok "the hill after all. - arrnrio. lkX - I . j . -State. xi&omcutlS aic uuiujictou. ine sootnm0' ana neaiiu fivp- Everytody and their kinsfolk knew that BELLj HARRIS & CO. is tne Waco to buy H and don't you forget it. Car lots, spot cash We have bousht to sell we seU, " : - . ...x ; 4.x States 12 per cent. Columbia j see if we don't. Have you seen ouriine oi Pictures jum ! ins like it ever snown m uoncoru. rnues lu. - v ! TWt miss the siffht. Just the thing for Bridal, Birthday or any Present, on accout of the neces-1 erties of Chamberlaiu s Cough j A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER ' other kind of Presents. New line ot mouiamg usi ir. x uauh. sityofthe ginnery long before -Remedy, its pleasant taste w often cau8e a horrible Burn. - . Frames made on short notice, the oil mill a -40-hnrRA 'nnwAr 1 Drompt and permanent cures Qator Braise. Bticklen's Arnica v , X - . i,,oVroilAi. a areat favorite witn Salve, the best in the world, will km the gme nas Deen placed at the " sale i pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old innerv the people everywhere. ITOrsai . nnery. L Margh & Co.. Druggists, .-r6 Eruptions Best ive separate buildings will ' " " " : - Ipilecureon earty. Only 25 cts. a box. Stand on the site when the entire j . CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Cure guaranteed. Sold at Fefczer's vulK is completed. -A sidetrack Take Laxative Bromo ymnine xauxc. . lli be rmt itv fm -o AU drueeists reluna money K Grip makes one sic . ' v& v . .a A I I I : 1 I . ..... ... V. . - - a . mr n u ... . r - x r i 'n o tTHri ii in xioo -j ' rv n; . ouitr. wi ' t- . jjx We Are Strictly in it for Business files' -Rcst6rative weary and restless. rvip.e brings rest. iBELW i HARRIS GOMPA Odell mills switcn. Un each tablet.

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