- - . T I " 1 w ' " " .' 1 . ' " It it a' a The following change of schedule took effect Jnnel2, 1899. : . " - ; ' NORTHBOUND. ; No. 8 arrives at 5.52 a m, 86 M "1000 am, ia u 709 p m, 33 " ' 8.51 pm, (flag) 34 M 9.45 pm. 63 2.00am(treiuj.t) SOUTHBOUND. f No. 87 arrives at 8 49, a m, (flag) " U "1123 a m M 7 "8.51pm, 35 m u 9.20 p-mi (flag) -r - 33 749 m, v r; - 61 f :j. N 849 a ,m, (f rejv; ; No. 35. when tanning aheadtoXNoi'TL is flagged if necessary for through trayel south of Cnarldtte. and is stopped for passengers arriving from Lynchburg tor beyond. ' Noy 38 'stops regularly for Greensboro, Keidsville. Danville and principal stations between Datayille ahdi Washington. -No; .37. stops fortvpaa sengers coming irom J-yncuDure" f or J i 1 1 3 X T poiuio utsjruuui ana w ia&6 cw pas sengers for ' regtdar V stopping''' 'places south of Newllsi - N o. 38 stopscr let off passengters f from YeearBtofcttim? places south' of "Ne wells and to take on passengersilor- regular stopping- places, Lynchburg or beydrid. Nos. 33v-and 34'8tbp at Cdricorcfor ..7mssenger&-toi sr Irom theXJ.C.A. LfivisionOlirfrloUo to AagusfcVr-aad other points in South, Carolina,? Georgia and Florida, reached through 'Columbia or Augusta. Nos.'7-"8' 11 and 12lare theloeal trains And connect at Salisbury with- traiaaf W. N. U. Division. , TELEPHONE1 71. 7 "SING THEIO; PRAISE.? S Mfflfflef Underwear The MeiTitt Of the Standard A German ttivpn Thpm . : ' - Oil. Company. was visible town todays He' will return to ; mvvuu aui ana jos. Charlotte- tonight,, , - : - Cannon gave , a german Mon- atMjrotososSfe feS Plimcutary to .MW Emily Gib- a i , - .'. snti n.nri nor vicifTn tp -vv. gvuo.wnisnome.at Unester. S : . Juuu6 fj. -Jtri iBTvanrl.! rtr nrr; ".! ladies. MlSSPS TTn.irf?v Tkirir iissamac vve uivesiea neavixy -gainea a Who habeenMsiiinMislv cupies wera - present: After Gibson; Has gone Youngs so aoing. Huan- Mr. Will Pawault has eon fa Faco and Mr; J ps. Cannon, Miss Elmwood. .where: h 'wil Ti f rkT I Tjoyimor anft:' Mr -Mnw "Ril SRtfeSi'fl v ?57.lt mo Missi Elizabeth- Gibson tity is a factor in , bringing d wn welki" T. Mr- .Holland " Thompsoii, miEjs. jiirauy Aiipson ana Mr. Jtta- We are going to close out i .Marvin SmTOt, whoupty lately ward Hill; Miss" Margaret Can- -nTinOQ te&fiUS non M, Fran, Rogers. P11068' f 'V. . - - - .... ... .... "I.,-- month for Richmond f- where he enters a medical colle&e s; x si . .. o . ; ; J . , .,1. , fMrvBo the first beffinninesr .with -lS? f rtend . He leaves in n?v te, The Grumbling Habit. i nPmpp. f slias the; topii; of . ' grumbling. , Stop and it will If there aloutifeii ty&ff or IJewv Yoi j is. just cause of: complaint, try to Monday night on their wav to bllite9f improvement, teach that SCJQQ01 ;aXu Alont Amoena.1 HI siienv enaurance is me oesii way Miller went to Columbia and tb meet the inevitable. It is chaperoned them to the school never wise" to stay in a place and buildiner. vv I .r :,'v r 'il i:' - f, lorrnmn m it r,n ininirs von nis. t, FOR liE A new Wheeler like cannot be altered, change & ., Wilsoni .s&fang-; mhinemth vcmr environments If. on reflec- a3JlSr. ' tionl:you;aecide that, balancing a. nrst ciass machine on easy ,vv tefms ,J-' ' : a ;vu I wpuld rather bear the. ills that v v ,w ocJyou know than fly to. others that of thevLutheran church at Bur- yu know not of bear tnem in j lingtonr bas accepted a , call as I silence. Home Journal. pastor 01 me' cnurcnes m ixowan c 3unty made vacant by the death b'' .. .1.. 1ST IIS2 Delay Mot w For Delay Is Dangerous Of course yu want: Piano,. but P&ZZA&1.Z haps you cant afford a new one. pastorof the' churches m Rowan TTTVRR'S YOUR OHANfJE. V 1imv Seven Nanares and One Of ReV. G A ROSS. 4; rand, encn a Birenin. These Pianos have been put in-Perfect Condition MrS.'.M'J Scott. Of Oxford, and are now juste a good as when MlSS., IS . VlSltmg:, at . Mr. F A tSiSonSSSSS Archibald's for a few days. She lor a silKFF any time wlthtn 3 years intends to leave the first Of next Take First and Second Choice and weekfor StarkviUe, Ala., where xT;,. tj-kc iin ntl one Will 11V6. Henrv Cachle C pearl inlaid) 105.00 Boardaan & Gray 100.00 Bacon & Ray en Heinekamp Bacon & Rayen 70.00 TlTlW.a Mr. and' Mrs. Jiio.. Barringor. ; Mn WM. Shubert, . machinist Others beinff reDaired and we can suit Mrs. Wooten is a sister of Mr. at cannon- ivianuiacxurmg vjv. DOWT YOU 6MISS IT. You have been thinking about taking out a Policy of Life In- MrV Chas. Wooten and wife, of SURance. Yes, and for tue 90.oa UoiumDia, . u., wno nave been oenent oi yoursen auu luvec. 75.00 visiting at Mr. D P Day vault's, ones you will .take an Accident have gone to Spencer to visit Policy. you in price and terms. Fine Tuning and Repairing. Chas, M-. Stieff, Piano" Manufacturer, Baltimore, Sid. Factory Branch Wareroom, No. 213 N. TryonSt.,Charlotte,N.O. G. H. "WlIiMOTH, Manager. PALACE -RGANSy Hiss Julia McConnell is quite sick. ' Mrs. A H Propst, who has been quite sick, is better i New ad. Read it. Craven Brothers. Dayvault. Mr. Wooten is a rail road conductor. Concord: oakery, Fruit and Cream .- Parlor. Fresh Bread. Cakea. Buns.:' Doughnuts. etc., Creams Fruits and Candies always on hand. Wm, T. Johnson, rrop. Thone No. 122. i Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Washita. I T. He writes: "Four bot tles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula; vwhich had caused her erreat enfferine for years." Terrible sores would brea out on ner neaa ana face, and the best doctors could give no helD: but ner cure is complete anu uer health is excellent."; This shows that and Mr. Jr. 13. Havdock. ma chinist at the Bleachery, have both been injured recently, and both promptly received their weekly indemnity, (io to. see them, they were insured, by me. You can find me m my omce every evening during , the ' week from 8 to 9 o'clock. Office in Pdstomce' Building. JnoiASims, Insurance Agent. Sept. 1, 1899:' love the flavor IS THE OSB WHO OSES JIN; ECONOMICAL' ASl) CONVENIENT Buck' s tove or BEST COOKING: AND BAKING AI'PARATU MADE: SEE THE WFV ARE THE- for low prices and big values on . F U, R N ITU RE! . . neaith is exceueni." xnis buowb iuui, -g Satisfactory work is always thousands have proved, that Electrio jf QX1KCG given vou at Brown's barber Bitters is the best blood purifier known. "i1fvn It's the supreme remeay ior . eczema, 5UU1J tetter, salt rheum ulcers, boils and run- LOST Purse containing $7.50. ning sores. It stimulates lir, kidneys Owner will be liberally rewarded t'S uv returning to ims ouiw. cents, bold at Jbetzers urug oiore. Watch FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING . ... . Mrs. Holden returned home jt is a WOnder that some of the Monday night after visiting at manufacturers of artificial limbs FOR Richfield, China Grove and else- have not sent " circulars to the President calling attention to xne Mrs. Garrison, who has-been b,TTOVlfQrrQC f i.nhnTifi that .... . r 1 I uuyuiuuuwvu . . .w - visiting ner parents, mr. , aa imnT1 South. uionD Mrs. D B Goltrane tor some time has returned to Bessemer. port Standard, Misses Mary and Eleanor Wat son, who have" been visiting- at Dr. J B S moot's, have returned to Salisbury. t THAT THROBBING HEADACHE. AT Wnnid nnicklv leave vou. if you used Dr. King's New Lile Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proyed their matchless ' uaV and "MorvmiH TTfiadftchea. Rev. J R Brooks, the presid- rrLvma nnre - blood strong nerves ino-ollo. thic HiRtrip.t srftnt VmiM nn von r health. Easyto take. Rimdn.Tr or,ri Mdv hrA with. Tuv them. Only 25 ceuts, Money back Msi'Se ; . : Hi Mured.aM!etZer's rutore. Miss Asrnes f Moss, returnea Hi8 Coniition Up changed. I nome Monday evening nw cur- ;.: condition of Langdon w Correll where . she has. been .visiting Mrs Manie' Davis. Miss Annie Burkhead returned home from Baltimore Monday night. Miss Carrie" Mehaffy re; turned but went on to Albemarle where she will take - charge of the millinery department, for Parks &Peden. changed today. It was thought that his condition w&s slightly better yesterday afternoon: G antiacne stopped In 20 minutes by Dt. gXSODe cent a dose." .,nwv,v ftabaTe Netirainla. Gev Dr. Mfle3 Winter is Gomingo I ALREADY HAVE ON -HAND .THREE; CAES. OF Jellico Coal And have ten more car loads on the way. G W PATTERSON FOR Kock bait Fresh Butter on Ice, Quaker Oats, Hominy, Chipped Beef, Canned Corn. Tomatoes, and Peaches. Soda, Baking Powders, Starch Orac&era Lard, Hams, Prunes, Breakfast Strips, Green aod Parched Coif ee, Tea, j Sugar, Soap, Peas, Meal, Corn, Shipstuff, Oats, Oilj Ploar, Molasses, Salt, Vinegar, Snuff, Tobacco, Bice, Potash, Spices,' bottled Pickles, Washing Powders and anything in the Grocery liner ' WQ also carry Rope, Crockery, Glass-ware, vy.OOuenMvaro, aijfuuwuo, pAhnnriri Wnfinnnl Don!' is LUiiLuiu mmmi mm Offero the business pnblic a reliable, per. maneiit, conservative and aocommodbtr ing banking instution. We solicit your patronage with the assurance of honorable treatment on i due appieciation of your patronage. If we can serve you any time we will be glad to have you come and see u. ' LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS. - - - - - - Cajital ana SurjDlns - - $70000. I). B Coltbake, Chashier, J. M. Odeij. President. ' it is time for you to lay 'in- a supply for gixoes Bfatsf Tinwar Etc. Etc the winter isn'ts it? I' also have1 oh - - J hand the best of antraeite coalt r - e;cioS pur BtorVat 8.'l5 dnr- West Depot St. at Store. E'Phbne 68. Hver gobds until 6 p. m. M. L. Brown & BRe. r i LIVERY. FEED AND SALE STABLES, Jnst.in rear of St. Clond Hotel. Oa nibus . meet all passenger : trainu Outfits of all ' kinds fhmisbeo promptly and at reasonable price Horobd aud nou! always on band or sale Brood rs of .aoroughbrcd polaod Cin How. tf Headache nq KeuraVjla csrrt riUa CILCSPAUi (