1 1 - ' . . i. s . ."Ik-1''' . v t , - . Prico $4.00 Per Year. SCHOOLS PROSPEROUS. OqNCQKD, N. O.,; WEDNESDAY; SEPTEMBER 1899' ! A REVENUE RAID. DREYFUS SAli TO BJE PARDONED. Single Copy. 6 Cents Dreyfus had been Functions Personals. Written for The Standard. Mt. Pheasant, Sept. -13 M-essrs, Glass,. Sept. 12. The revenue -TV1 ., om John and' ;Ed. Fullenwider, of officers .madeia : raid) here lat- stating' that : luuuiw) ;uw ;uVvu .'b im uay . ... : pru.oneci. , , ' friends here for a few days. .They j The child kof John McKinlev Aw, if IWo diedlghtr; ...r?i ' Rofehilds at. London' has re We had a very heavy Tarn arid jv ';"-1"' . ; . verv .sick the result of takimr ' Rtnrm 1 rat iaTOD;xn -paraon naa Mrv George Moose, ; son John F Moose, has accepted a On last Sunday everiiny Mrs. nnsition as clerk in Moose's ' R T TjiTriV,of oa v .tt In Sr His Condition Is Serious. . ' There is no change in the con ditibn of iLangdon Smith this af The Collesre Has a Good Enrollment and A Damaging Rain Visits Them-A Mar-- From the : Char Jotte News this me . ocuuiiaij vpcuo i iittgc juust onnuay--nir. roieai wow. L ii-.j. , j xiUiuu vuaugw I " CHXICIUUUU WK IKMI II I IIHTi M. KTlPf! H. I ... In Cuba-Mr. Hammon Back Again, i t J - v ; v ; t- . I ernoon unless it be for the Written for The Standard. r, r - - . journal irom jaris was received v; have returned to Monroe: Miss Ina'Barringer - has been ; ; j some damage to crops.;an :Of JingS. . : - t'-C ; 7, IV. ' " . : ; A SUDDEN DEATH. drug store. " Mr. James Peck, who has been quite sick, is again alole to be out. He has not as yet resumed his duties iil the company store; Mr. JTbhn McAllister is con fined . to his room with a slight attack of malarial fever. ; . New students are arriving I daily at the College. . About fifty are now enrolled. What would haye been the result had we enjoyed the Hearty co-operation of our Lutheran , brethren, instead of their indifference and even the antagonism of some. The above number with those of the Lutheran element that will attend Roanoke college, and at other institutions in this State, would place North Carolina col lege on a paying and highly respectable basis, without mov ing it any where. Arrangements are being made for a cake walk at the home of Mr. L J Foil next Saturday night. So "stop your talking, and go to walking for a great big chocolate cake," Last Friday night being the time set apart for a reception in honor of the college boys, our town's people, old . and young, were seen wending their way up the college hill to the president's house. - By 8 o'clock all were present. The first feature of the. evening was the students drawing their partners for the night. The ladies were upstairs and each had the end of a string which led idown stairs. The young men would select some string and pull. As. several married ladies, and even some gentlemen, were up there, the I matches were sometimes laugh- a Feir j Moments Heart Trouble the Qanse of Her Death . S E Earnhardt and Mr. -Henry ' Tucker were married? ;- She has ' five children and he Ha thrfiA.i 1 Miss .Carrie Giiion, ' of' ttiis place, is visiting in Concord tJbis: b,ilock-the wife of -vMr. G60; week. 7 " r: ! 1 ' r iPiland, whd lives on North ,'iTARogershaia last from Dr. Cruser Mc6ree, ' breath. Her death camesuddenly. Alabama.- He is serenty-piie ?hox8h her healtlMd not been years old. He ij a native of this good i she had .been; sick only a county and - practiced ' rmedicine feays. Her heart was affected worse, i His condition is now al most hopeless. Tis sad to think that one of our young ineri who only last Sunday evening. , was apparently well is now' lying at the point of death. , , : ? He Has Joined the Army. ; v ; ; John Pitts, son of Esq lC, A Pitts, : of. L'this .place,"", r.wen.y.to Greensborojlasib week and lhas enlisted again in the army. He passed the examination ajiti was sworn in - Monday. . He f will be long to Battery rpJ-fi'tnBVPourtti artillery, 5 and at present is gta; tioned near Baltimore. " r personal Jointers. Mr. Frank Rogers went over to Charlotte this morning. 5 A TVVl QTT Orl Ck tT7rf. -f.r .Qo l here in the fifties. He would be ' - Hd?nd:wH a.. dautier- i isbury.this morning to spend, a elad to hear from anv of his old ; UJr , J2iUJaiA numurooKs, 01 , aay or two. : ri- ..mi . - t . " . 1 . -Mr. McCree Anderson re- :. 5ii" s n - a friends in Cabarrus, v i yuie, : ana , marriea JXLr. S W Winecoff has received a Gimand few years o. She j turned home this morning from letter from Thomas Poteat. due -leaves a "e? busband, Statesville after spending sev- but no children. Tbb remains eral days with his parents. were interred today (Wednesday) of our boys who is now in Cuba. He is-havincr fine healths Mr. Wm. H Hammon, of New after the preachjng .of the fu- York, the famous dog trainerj is stopping at W D Gillon's, Returns to Washington to School Mr. Will H Chambers, the deaf mute, whose home is here at Cannonville with his grand- neral at PoplarTenjb church. The funeral was preached by Rev. W C Alexander. t " "A Fresh line i Mr. Wagoner Brought Back to Jail. Some of our readers will re member that severaLmonths ago father, Mr. P W Furr, has gone j before the July term; of court a to Morganton, to which place he J white man was arrested for sell escorted a number of pupils to ing whiskey one night- up at . the the asylum. From there he re turns to Washington to school where he is studying for a teach er of the deaf and dumb. For the last two months, during his vacation from his school work in Washington, he has been stay ing at Morganton. Mr. Cham bers is a bright young man. He is a great baseball player and belongs to the deaf and dumb baseball and football teams at the college in Washington. I He has been on the diamond with Lattimer, Kenna and other erood rlavers. Their teams are Buffalo mills. He-obtained a bondsman until the term of court but the man, whose name is J W Wagoner, failed to answer at court. He claims that he was sick at the time in South Caro lina. By request of his bonds man he was arrested and Sheriff Wallace of Charlotte 'brought him here Tuesday night. He is now in jail awaiting court. He is in bad health and has a certifi cate testifying as to his disease. town OF I CAKES I ' AT 0. J. millliJi Dming the ciyil war, as well as in, our late war with Spain, diar rhoea : was .one :" of the most ironblesome - diseases the army haa to contend with.- In many instances it became chronic and the old soldiers still suffer from it. Mr. Dayid Taylor, of Wind Ridge, Greene county, Pa., is one of these. He uses Chamberlain's1 Colic, . Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and says he never found anything that would give him such quick relief. It is for sale' by M. lu Marsh& Co., Druggist --NEW LINE OF- w 1 N T E R P E R C A L S WANTED SEVERAL BRIGHT JLND HON- est persons to represent us as Managers in this and close counties. .Salary $900 a year and expenses. Straight, bona fide, no more, no less salary, Position permanent. Onr references, any bank in 'any. town." It is mainly office work conducted at home, lieference. ILn Mr. Johnson Elected Policeman. At the meeting of the commissioners Tuesday night the . ciose self-addressed stamped envelope fine and every member of it is a vacancy on the police force was The Dominion Company, Dept. 2, Chi skillful player. . J hUed, which vacancy was causecij oy Lilt? , rtjsigiiaitiuii; ui xvxi. auxl Goldston. Mr. R Will Johnson, j who for quite a long while has our mjiii;waiw;LiLLiciu, was Mr. Riley Walter Sells Out. ao e Alter the drawing was ... . . c01lductw a I elected as a regular, policeman. nmshed, each couple repaired to j ... , ,n n.io!Mr. Mabery is yet serving until gxu : . . Mr. Johnson takes charge. ? cago. AT II 'weaRness easily cnrea - Dr TilXlfx' NevaPlaateW 1 H. L Parhs L (& the Philalsethian halL where re freshmentswere served. J As one young man was heard to remark, they were then told to 'do as they pleased" for the rest of. the evening. ; School opened at Mont Atnoona Seminary Tuesday at 2 o'clock, witha large enrollrnht, Dr. Miller IhJorms us thapplica tions from boarding pupils h?vVe been made sufficient to Ml the leminary. Rev. Bobt. L Patterson and wife arrived her today from Union Bridge, Md. Miss Venora Blackwelder has returned home after visiting her sister, Mrs. R L Patterson, in Maryland. xne .soothing and healing prop er ties of Chamberlain s Uough Mr, J A C Blackwelder'a gtO .Mrsi Isaac JonBi)ii Dead. , " - building, has sold his entire j 'Sunday the wife of Mr. business to Mr. Horace Black"- , Is Johnson, of No. 3 town welder, son of Mr. J A C Black--1 stop, died. She was about 55 Welder," (years of age and leaves a, hus- ' ' . - bn-nrl The.remainS were interred monaay aiLer; tuu rAJuu.u.uv;tiij.s ui the funeral at Shiloh church. i The Summer is End ed , The Haryest is Past. Their Little Child Dead. On Tuesday the : 18-mbhs old child of Mr. and Mi's. WSI Sher rill, who live on Fetfce avenue, died. The remains ere taken to Mill Bridge for !hual. THE TIME TO BUY FURNITURE IS NOW AT HANIL Everybody and their kinsfolk know that BELL, HARRIS & CO. ROBBED THE GRAVE. A startling indident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Miladelphia, waa the cnVkiAt innarrflftftd hv him as follows: UU&'JVVin f , . Valmnt vaIIow. eves snnken J tie.- Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Win " r:rv " ? " Klowa Soothing Svrnp.V and take mo lOIlUO VUoliOU. pain uvuviuuouj m& . - - " --'For.v"r'nriiiT?yer'' Mrs. WinslowVSoothir Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their enildren while teethine. with perfect success. ; It he tha nlftcA in hntf It and don't XGW f oreet it. Uar lOIS, spoi soothes the child, softens the gums, an(j the best factories in the United States at our command gi allays all jain. cures wind colic the best remeay lor juiarrnoea AW Ves relieve the Door little sufferer atelv. Sold by druggists in everypart the world. : TwentVrfive centff a bot- , and is us a lonff iead in LOW PRICES. We have bought to seiiwe sen, . a win, a Hnri'r. JTavA voh seen onr line of Pictures lust in nowi- immeai- " "r " , ' i t;,. fr-n. tnZVm. Mnor I t iro -it. ovw Know n in viuucum. aouo v 1 other kind. A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald. Cut or Bruise. Bucklen s Arnica and sides, no sppetite gradually ffTQw- ing weaker day by day.: -Three .physi cians had given me up Fortunately, a advised trving Electric Bitters: 7 ! Salve, the best in the world, will kill the T . ! II roll UUUIO lUltUO t uowviuw " I . . . , - -via Remedy, its pleasant taste and ment. I continued their use for three ! pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old waaTts and am now a well man. kiiow uuiw, a otc , they saved my life, and robbed the grave , ons, Uorns, al Skin ifiruptions. jest . of another victim." No one should fail Pile cure on earty. Only 25 cts. a box. j x aTZ. XL RAfa o-nrjafAAd. at Cure guaranteed. . Sold at Fetzer s i.f 1 w.rv 1, 1 i r-r 1 1 1 . m i.a 1 v uuijiu - prompt and permanent cures have made it a great favorite with the people everywhere. For sale by M. L, Marsh & Co., Druggists. ' Fetzer's Drugstore. tw, mice ivrVit. Jnst tho'thins for BridaL 'Birthday or any other kind of Presents. New line of moulding just in. Picture, Iames made on short notice. We Are Strictly in it for Business Store BELL.. HARRIS COMPAtt

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