yPJAi .A.K'tfXX 'MJSJJtif.jMi Wa savin tils matter of pqp i :.. . ' :- - ;;;.;..Editots-iifcd6piiotors.,V-'.- brv6hrei there are many in the State, who v . . . - .. :. v . - - . - - ! ....... . .. . ' w . .1 - . - . . ii i . i - r. i MfeffioMst : chuYch ifflfclbVediTemBmbet OFFICE III T&K SXO&OK TJUiLDICTQ I - . KA ciMi!itiVAtri& thft nrisons of manV of our, bes 1HE STANDXSjD wpuBEa rfnaaW8idlBtd)ta;4aitilbT to removed-) jV.thei; nation vibe, f!itinsonMfwlieaeptgQV ; ie5 te- 8ub8criptM :brqBlit1 ta.trntb. wd justjoe; or eiimea fttaittcendoa its ;le$U- Si morithsH i ...fOOl ib0.pmwe;irpmnejpi .nu , v. Nina mi ' TVS tli H v' .'.t-V. . . L.uJ imaic naat ATI 1Z n-3 "'I ' A ablMto, staJicris', like tblaatjiaV tbb -wftole aversion ' li&teil;-c$j mmGtOOQe aX-oifKuSr ta crying oat ainst.a great , i:red6tnmend 0hio haithainpa ! Slhleolltf :li Concord; NcFsep! Wonfltec Jtbable t6 dl' V' - ' iT Mtt iiSHiVixifee thlat Di'e'yfus VGnt Jj&fe uke1 by which Calico 3o up. . V , r f " f cii' '" THE WOULD IS INDIGNANT 7 with theriktion ia ' greater eviliftAfitAl, stiimtia - think : l :---. :WOSiery. 5o per box Aluiamaiir Koii b iiadaiif-10oft(?oat8 oictLiuiiciry. The spontaneity c ;with whicj the lovers of justice in all lands speak f orth their disapproval the vormcr aj itennes on .iasx Q tHitsencesdf this iffldJnbt'eii voice and it rings with "la- iorror and disgust. HONOR SAMPSON AND SCHLEY ALS0 Terry' InLonandigna XUUUllUg IS day. Chicago dignation Iioui&ville aignanon. At iuaa jres w, ":S"T1; .tam Chamnionshintnel world. .u;: T7I 1 X r T i I ' mobbed, ? In London the Queen's chap lain declared in his sermon "The whole at this great judges." wj oe uoiu uoiu ouu Tk. v ii i t - LiOiiflon.DftTore xne west vyiieswri1 tJ.H3csfc iiuu illvuo uoxu. j-t is to have an in-' fethlffgaaosol meriting noxtSaturdaj eritltled'to-s6me hon6te.- Do not .0 short . rotta ' .tHeby 4V oatoi . , has, expressed its m-Uet history get twistea m uio ox- . . ' ' hat is" ikd the TSani ! - 1 NOtlOnS. . : wan- on fiiTCF n km.hi tis this nuiii - v . .. 1 . 1 uruunai AJUbLuiit - rtu. uoi ouwi. someWwelliushea our huzzas uWuSw jnwure oc. xutk . --ri-f ;yiw,-j v'v,- the more rV pleasant Mo hoter A ChttnWp:dozen - almost. before:. the ectos of the Jg: Sth to'th olfooEmbroidery fllo,. : battle had died . over the briny Harrisbu P.rdisptOh.tQ. the nrnr Liitfj world stands aghast waves to quatorel over the matter Baltimore Sun, of the:10th;'inst, gkein; .with- cents.' Also crime of fine abject aS to whom' tUa credit' was due. savs: .V, " .5 A ?d ?P w "A teamsr''.;drivinff'--on'-:-the skein. Embroidery flbqps '5c. We could not conceive that one Embroidery floq$i A FT VI Till V 11 W MU . W B ' fe pneeir-ior ao. xrpewnte at;3;punWfbrf5oi pallet aper rfo lOc, j lo ud. Tan do. 5c. Black TK& p.to lPOi Yooa jLooin riwM 3 . Boston.Garters .,18c,; Draw gupporjter .Jo tper pair, Si Bosom Shirts 486. r:Giasy;Tae'5o;up. ; Chrockefy andTihware up staia The Daily Mail says: "Rennes loee aWir) M f flflOMi nnTT1 I Deleware pike reports witness- is France's moral Sedan." o 'iwOT1.;-oaertl, . .,f ing a fight between a, rattlesnake . , , . , mander. than, .Sampson might f - - i j'. 4. -tit is have failed to have such organ-lv oo Itennes verdict will live forever . ,A. . A Both were . large , -srecimens of h as the Bbstii supreme effort of human ized dispositipn of the fleet as to y&rff- the snake" being headedness." , - secure .victory even whilo ho was fully flvb feetlong. f ab'&ntW: impdrtaht tduty. '. We I' .ThA ftfano h'all ti&n' fkrfditi M - wrong The Daily Chronicle says that important duty. Mercier issues from the case one may even -forget that the best Cn .thecarcass of a: dead'ianlb, f of the blackest scoundrels in laid plahs may prove: abortive whei it disco vered the shake' i; history. with one i . lacking the? ; skill and basking on a rock iii1 the' siinV The Daily News remarks: ;lt courage of Schley in the execution iWtth wi Is no longer Dreyfus, but France 1'; teit)S6iicJ 'xifr proof to the the bird &dlf6rftU'j5nake . W herself that' is on trial." contrary, if we could ascribe due c S sei ari'l l-r '" " Germany snares tne maiffna- vao AVVf ,r eQ siroKe wiwi .wonaerzoi aexwr- ff xion. 1: rted at its' antagohisti alid The Daily Telegram says -ThiR infarrinna inHtrmant. Als. graces France, dishonors jher, fchaaictpry ;to recf ' t&a armv. insult the Kaiser and Santiago;' Bay,- we could & anbtnei 'dMrtfiHiw'tb . fends the best principles of?hi r thatu grand, victory, attoc; 4 ; : ; ' ; - -manity. There seems nothing . wbUe. s hotuiring Dewey !' THe.battle wa tlis Wagdd left for France but a revolution none ' the- less, we would until the lacerated body of tHe and a war that'will reduce her to honor the heroes of the 3rd of snake was stretched out, lifeless. the level of Spain." July with suitable demonstra- Seizing its victiiri the crane, The Standard says: 4We are tions. : ' '. . ... . with a shreak of victory, flew -watching by the sick bed of a T, . T , away with its prey to enjoy the great nation, none knowing what ", fruits of the encounter." : new and deadly form the malady ,t . J ? r , . . . . . , own sense of justice they can now jj;, m. , ' . turn their attention to such dip- Cornelius Vanderbilt died very The Times observes: "We do , . . . , j , , o . - XT v i.- 4- , V lomacy as will appease a univer- suddenly at his home m New uaimw s uD ,al gt and f or York city Tuesday morning the ""'"6 them and the government that 12th of .cerebral hemorrhage, prosbtution of justice the world in position. (probably the same as apoplexy): Alltheoutrageoussca A MQTHER TELLS HOW SHE vS jl j. i i , DnnAYiAumo t t Vanderbilt and grandson of Cot- muiKea xne course . oi me iruu vxo x.. nelius or: ag he - was - usually pale into insignificance beside J am the mother of eight child- called. Commodore Vanderbilt the crowning scandal of the ver- ren and have had a ereat deal of m wc t.ho Ti" h0ftf :penenee with medicines. Lst th Vand6r.b)lt f ,niU v and was a summer my little aauginer naa .. . , . ' F Sc. lneDianaaru nW to tke' time' to subsiiB - J? C - . ' if ;ypul.haye t anything bti'csaii irfakeit known throi? Tlie4tandd, Cornelius Vaiiaerbilt Dead; ' t- is published everyrddy (Sunday e- i cepted) and delivered at your door $ Tor oniy jlvc per weefc or 3og- per month......... prints horne aMd other lniWs that is Til vdict." The president of the United States is appealed to to use his " influence for the delivery of Dreyfus. . ; - . It is probable that the great "Worlds Exposition in Paris in 1900 will be crippled on account of it.; Congressman Levi has announced that at the opening of Congress he will introduce a tbill to withdraw the support vof the government from the expo sition. The Governor of Cali fornia is being urged to re-as-'semble the legislature to rescind the act appropriating $130,000 jfor the exhibit. From various sources comes individual declara- of interest to,dur readers and to make J - ' -y.- ; -. . ....... " U 'jrouji, bettor: 'iqe 'vmst;itve the put- the dysentery in its worst form. man of jmmenso business. Not We thought she would die. 1 witu-smimmg wis ne was aciive tried everything I could think of. and devoted to church and Sun- I saw by an advertisement in bur day school work. He was a paper that Chamberlain s colic, member , of : St Barthoiomew's Cholera jind Biarrho ea Remedy Episcopal church. His grand proved to be one of the very best founded Vanderbilt University at . mfcQicines we ever had m the asilv;mti 1 enuessee, lvieinoaisii house. It saved my little d aught- Episcopal restitution on : which er's life. I am anxious for every he bestowed 1,000,000. This was moUier to know what an excellent supplemented by $310, 000 front medicine it is.M L known it at Wm. H the father of'.thV'-Jate first it woiild" have saved me a Cornelius. . , great deal of anxietv and my -'- little daughter much cuff Bring.- ; : CTJBE A OOlxl) iNV ONE DAY Yours truly, Mrs. Geo. F. Bur Tfe Laxative Bromp Qine Tai)le& dick Liberty, U. I. For Sale by fSSn r V T. Mo.oil n n J cure, . T&egeninna8 L. B, Q ronageofthe Giye us ar trial whenou make , your next order for............. Job Work, Work ready wlreii promised. . $ J It you want to uy anytbinff J you can call; for it through t Staridkrdii IB 4 ' Al f Advertising . f ;; The Standi .made known on ' J 5i

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