1 il M LU Vf I 1 ATI 1 V - ? A A A mm aV. J 7 L ft ' - ' -I L - j -effect JanelJ8994t: vmircn. '.'JLjrmT-12 kthijifanietinff; Pastor if V 4. V - w iiw. uau ueen sick was ?a - V' Cm ... TV A S 9 i-aV The folio dng,cbKnge of schedule took I . '7:' I ""r?&tS V to mptlst i C5L joined 11 !" n2SVm!' tU : m"f M passengers -Greensboro, principal sj Washingto fleneI?RlnEr, from lynchburg orj worth's. : i ' - . r in Drineinsr d -rn 'vVvtV--. ..:.r T.I s li i v -i r. are going - i 5 1 s . .. :. -k i v at i Ollt :- i -, . " - kaW w.twBr BkaT tK.K A Z Td r ? .I W Sal LJ . I 4 A ! V. C aT a T W WWt W 1 W Vaft ft. . V M. W a J .1". a W . HHBWaWBaBaaH and Fiid. rfihfwSl?S?I S.-' . last, Wednesday, ; and Jias deyel- r ; vu6u yyiMuu 4ui8. a n rropsi, wno ior - -S v -r ? W. Dmion. fiagg dgySbe fc. undergoing treat, 5?ortujiato, .youth fe.jin extreme teiXSZW'ZZZZgu ' 'PPrHnriiuiV; ment' Hf- ' i agonyfrom liiem'6stoftlagoW I :.:.,: - ' t BLBBtm h.Ir. and Jfa, A Shn8 jngj diseased of fikfeSi ,:.'v:.,. w r ii ..ill i : .it. i vvuuut au juuuuiiut:iiuj r.ii. 1 riHviu i uj u t i;tr! -. :..-'." i i hretum.trie last of next weeiWstir. 'Hi etOWlSlt llSSltQJMbtrisori L: Wonld anicklv leave von--il von.nsed after .SDGndiner a weeV with m&Wt.Kitik'&V Etie1 Olio'tiianda -SING TriElieeWN rilklfe' ! (EfiiSiaofiKSi iflitioneer MUls? Ml? ' ' "!frpi haps you can't aflord a new one.. JL J - Ervhem, .wUUombaOL ; l f , , HERE'S Y OU.B. QHANOE. : C nrtrA an1 3 Zofx&ieSi ai Fetr VPruef St5f e." ; '-V', -; v J- , - We bay Seven Nqnares and One lranil,A8eb a pnrcrnin. Tnese cfi4nos have been pat In Perfect Condition Vd e,very part tot Aeijon, Jtenewed jm nnd are now'JnVt asoott a lrhen I I :T tilpped from tne Factory, Krid'tarlll I VX ti;. i?;i-'.i5 aV! Vi.-.: eto,. Creams, Frmts and Candies alwaW1i POR DlJLAY)IS DANGEROUS ! ( i nin linu n 1111 uiiuiiin nun i zm ttt n v -w - rite quick, they won; last long. ,1 i-pv-n xr 109 - f ? FriM taf earn - Parlor. wniu uuicjs, iuhvwuu t umhuuk. jt-jt -kt ctn - if- . .- -. Raines Bxo.thers t. , , : . U0.0Qrtr:;a. i. jit v , . ?4 . t h Hentdach (pearl inlaid) 105.0$ AMIwiuil iJIj , ... , V tSiiilhV ant 1ST Boardaan'&'Gray Bacon! A liayen Heinekamp 1AA An I JUllUEvUltCU-iUUllB illvlE.).- a V 4 i I. r oloo Miss' Margaret Caldeil aii4 leaking oijt a Policy of Life Ijr- You have been thinking about 75.00 little Ellen Harris, daughter hfluRlNCE. : YeS, -and for tHel r?JSw v ' - ' mrSl Mr. Will Harris, of Kocky Riveri benefit Cof urself a and lovd C6Uard fcUollaiGrand : v - 60.00 A ii-ur:Tur4jj.rii-4 oneR .voull .take ant Accident X Terms: . WcAWand $5 per month. VA. s . , . 1TiU " t ' - " W '(ngainff Others beine repaired andwe'ean etui Caldwell's. Little Ellen, it will l?0?'- ; hn,. :ybn in price and terms;? hi v. - be remembered.-wag some time Mr.' m:JJ.-hUberv. machinist! ifme runmg anBepainng, an RO WnrtiVWntA Mtn awallriimt' CatoolirMaufaeturinffi Co.- IX- : : --j i '! n'L a ! KitmmL . ' ; " t j -TTn mJi w aIt vn rv. .. . . J , am - v m mm aaam CH AS'.' M ' STiEFF. a thimble and was compelled tj' aj?d B Jna- ;:,fcJ7'::Wlt':' ' t,: . : . . ? weddv IiidfemW. . go to see Vf dinDfv oia npor qoyeriTigs; ims- Tail- 3N8i:o. in regaUto her-narrow escape Sr'SiSSo & Invest in SObf . !UV : a H. WILMOTH, Manager. from dbath. z i . .mcptt mdii .myonic( . , . ; rr; -- MissEula; Bostf (ft1 riar'lJa- andMfefpIs Takr : : ' fm ABi- - V,V: vidsbni is visiiing ' aV lsq? C A leJSx!T;J ':-'J ':- 'r -X iVSS pitto . . : -;. Then why experiment with worthless bHi vfit ' - FlttS' -V,. ...v-.-; imitations? Price 50 cents. Yonf Vs; 861189 r 7 .;..;-i ;1 fi T Und Tapetii : ; 7"' Mrs: DlPembn, of Mpn- money back if it fails to enre, " - ' ; : A 1 yff'Mw"Bi ap r- r: . r i' in. -- ; - . .. . SEE THE I-PPPV.AVM' I l.vSn - wnm 9 r wv aaaar-iaaBK: .aaac ammmcaammmv . AammmmmmmmBmmmmmmmmmtuaaBamBmBiBmmmammmmmmmmmwaBMPvBBiii Factory Brancirercfom; ' a a a a VAaF roe, ls visiting ner sister, Mrs. . iteTolutioa ixVfentaia. w k Harris. ; Notwithstanding it was deniedf Satisfactory work is always a few days ago that there is-a-jt given you at 5rown's oar oer revolution m , veuwziueia uia shon. natches say there is. and has eiat o:at";' -a 1 oi been itrj several weeKs. , u nere FOR SALE.-A mule 3iyears 'is 'salot'to be two partW df rex- ii old weighs 1100 pounds, gentle lutionists and the government is and works; well. unpopular. A fierce battld is 1 Jno. K. Patterson. sai t have been f0Ught on the- Miss Constance Clind returned 23rd of "August, the government t to Elizabteh colle'ge Tuesday forces losing 2,000 men as prison night where-, site - will teach the ers andrmuchmmuitipu,, coming session. ; . : , ' NOTICE. A new grocery store, has re- All persohsare hereby notified V cenuy Deen: ' punt on ; tiie w eat not tu uatuauM-.jn. ujj.o xaixu.p ux side of the Odell switch in rear R. W. Allison; dee'd. Those Hav- of the Cannon mills: ;; - . ing. hauled heretofore without T . . TT.rV "i tt! s - ermis"si,on will! .be proseput6iiJ , Lieut. Edward Hill left Tues- f ooec if fiiQvnnnf yWv i day for Fort McPhers'on; Ga. , and setUe , for what they have I where he returnp his conlpany taken; This notice covers loldP ' diter a tew days' luriougn. MiU street, now Cedar street, -as Mrs. Manie . Davis; of; Meek- that is private property. . , lenburg, passed through - here -" " JNQ. 'T. Alliron. Tuesday night on her way to TTfiOUSAMD TCW.ttUES ; Norfolk to :spend a few day . IRSA,w-er ?orS Wilson . Wgachine,With 0ampletelx cured her hacking nve drawers, jut from the fac- oOUgh that for made years had made tnvTr nn x v?rtA and o-nit, KnwiAn. A11 other remedies ; and a first class machino on easy s! terms. , , r.' - n WrtTB. sieen eonndly, something I can ,EMr. Frank Pharr has moved n5ScJemmn8V doing before; J mto the house' on Depot street sounding its, praises through formerlv becumed' " oy IVIf . Will' out the. XJniverse .So witt everyone, rim v.r ATr-c TrimVinll. IOl4 any WPo i ZTTa ei'n TWtV f Salisbury, comes to take JSttteB free at Fetzer's Drug Store; Yatikee WatcM S HRITURiS AND: UNDERIAKING. FOR PA'l-i'MiKUlN v cQn AT G W Kock- bait : Pwsh- BdtWi on Ice,-, Hominy, ; ChrpbW Beef , i Canned Corn; L : . , Tomatoes, ad Peaches. ; Soda, iBaking Powders, Starch Cracfcew Lurd, Hame, Prunes, .BreakfastrSmps, , 1 Green aid Parched Coif ? ea, Stigar, ;ap?eadi ea V - Corn ahipstnff , Cats, , un, Quaker Oats --Vv;::v Winter is Coming : viniyar. Snuff. Tobacco. Bice, I ALREADY HAVE. C VlnS'8fe3, bottled HAND THREE' CARS OP Pickles, W ashing - P.owdera . JelllCO COal Une. We, also carry . nrnckfirv.f. brlaSSWaie, Ajid&ve,feri 5more'cai 'loads on t&ejway. oodenware, jDf ylSrOO'ds, 'Ik" iajefpy you fojf 'gjjiiiiware EfccJEtc ne winier, , isn; u r x aiso naye on , . , , .- w-c--s hand the best of antracite coal. .u'.r.-- at. fi.lS dnr- ! mAifa Wa dA- J. A. C. Blackwelder, fng the summer months. We de West;Depot St: aV Store. 0Thone 68. liyer goo'ds unUl 6 p. in. MM Qffera the business public a reliable, po - manent, conservative1 and' accommod&t mg banking instution. We solicit your patronage with tho assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. If we can serve you any time we will be glad to have you come and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS. TO CUSTOMERS. - - - - - - Cajital ana snrprns - uunu. U. X VUlilJtAJ6, vunouici , J. M. Odem. President. V M, L. BROWN & BRo. LIVER F3SED AND SALE STABLES, Just in rearot bt. uioua noiei. um nibusea meet all passenger train j Outats of all kinds furnished promptly and at reasonable pricey Horaea and ran lea always on han or sale. xsrewierB oi uuruuguun Poland OMna How UeaHacne una KeuraZqta :cjrtrT-. narge of it - every do we Kui.

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