i '- 7. ) t . K v.-: HOWS THIS ? We offer one hundred dollars reward Jor any cai-n of otarrh that cau not by cured HallV Catarrh Cure. ', v E. J. Cheney & Co., Props., -,; Toledo, Ohio. Wfv thf uiid reigned, :: have kuown P J Chuiev i r the last 15 enrs, and bolitve him perfectly reliable in bnwiuess transac t'ouri and fina i y able to carry oat any obiigati io male by their firm. ; "West & r. unx, v Wholesaler Dmsreists, Toledo, O. Waldiug, Klri' i & Marvin, Who -Knte Drnfrifits, t JoIkIo, 0. Hall's Catarr- Cnreis taken in ternally,, acts du H-tlv upon the blood and duciwi- surface of the fVStem. Price 76;. per, bottle. Hold by all druists. Testimo nials free. WW Cleanliness In a Barber Shop is necessary and is ex- pected by our class : : of TRADE : : We satisfy our trade by giving to them clean and satis factory WORK : : : : T. J. BROWN, PROPRIETOR BICYCLES Repaired Promptly and Satisfac tion Guaranteed. FRESH FRUITS And Vegetables iir stock: at E. L. LI PES IN BRICK ROW. WANTED Tt buy 100,000 poondB of old cast-iron scrap, de livered at the foundry at once, for which we.'Wilhpay a fair price No burnt iron wanted. aietfi Concord Foundkt Oo. :JlSfyj'' BO YARS; " EXPERIENCE. Trade Marks - - ' Designs, Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents cent free. Oldest agency for securingjpatents. Patents taken through Mann & Co. recelv tpeciaX notice, without charge, in the ; r Scientific fluiertcanU A handsomely illustrated weekly.' culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a Lareest cir year ; iour montns, 51- bold by all newsdealers. filUIIfl & Cd;36,Broi(hB'- New York branch OfQce. e25 F St.. Wvhinirton. D. a . he Tar raw month 35cJ tt 1.00. It 2.00. H.oo. m m I m m A. A Hoggish Mistake The hogs up in Bill Smith's "Hog Elk" section of the uni verse are so fond of and used, to swallowing " snakes, ; that : the othe? day up there, one large hog attempted to swallow a lar6 log chain, believing it to be a snake. It was getting along well and had half the chain swallowed when it was discov ered, and by heroic efforts on fhe part of several citizens the chain was at last rescued. Wilkesboro Chronicles. Why wouldn't iron digest as well as a snake's skin. Some people don't know the qualities of a hog, anyhow. For over KMy leuw Mrs. Winslow's Soothii Byrup h&s been used for over fifty tars by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain,-cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot tle..' Be cure and ask for ''Mrs. "Win slows Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Too Much of a Double Cut Off. ' Jim Brown is a negro who came into Charlotte Wednesday on an excursion. He poked his head through a window with a broken glass; On taking it in he cut the temporal artery and bled profusely. His helpmete (they're always on hand amid . our woes) conceived the idea of stopping the flow of blood by tying a handkerchief very tight around Jim's neck hoping to cut off the flow of blood, not just thinking she would necessarilv cut off Jim's, wind at the same time. She soon had her man in bad shape. " ' : " 3vll ; ofterjr catifie k horrible Burn, ocajd, tCut ox Brriise.: Buckleh's Arnica SIvey ike rjestiriibeorldj will kill the pain and promptly Heal itU iCuTes Old itotBS..E6ver Sorest trioeffriBcils. Fel- Ws;0oTns,CaliiSkiri: Eruptions. Best xr ue cure on eariy. uniy iKxis. a dox. Cure guaranteed. Sold . , at Fetzer's Store.- - V;-", . i i Good Output of Gold. f The News says the Charlotte &ssay office '.mde its semi-month ly, shipment of gold on the 18th to the Philadelphia mint. The value of the gold was $20,766.38. One bar was worth $17, 000 and and was the! product1 of a single mine .' tor. one montrrs output; The News does not know what mine this was but understands it to be the Haile mine. .. V , Trie soothing and healing prop erties of " Cbaiiiberlain's Cough KemedyV it r pieasanti taste - and J .1 prompt rriipcrp permanent cures bave'made' itna great favorite-with the people everywhere. , For sale by M, lii Marshife CoVi, Druggists. THE CLEANSING. AM 11EAL1XG CATARRH CURE FOI6 CATRARH IS , ... 0y 0 UlUQlllUillill Easy ana Pleasant to use. Contains no in jurious Drug. Is quick ly absorved. Gives re lef at once- It opens nd . cleans the Nasal Passages." , "Allays " In' COLD 'n HEAD namationj Heals and protects the membrane, restores the senses of taste and smell. Large size . 50c at Drug- st or by man; 1 nai size 10c by mail. LY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street.. New York. I AM PREPARED TO DO ANY ; . THING IN Plumbing: ; Steam Fitting and Electric Wiring. I HAVE SOME NICE Bath Tubs . ON HAND. 104. jffi.--moiiiis -r- jrfe a.- ? --T.r .. . - i -- - - - - M . r-gJ-m. 1 ,. , . What the Quarrel! Is Afcout ; . . " From the Baltimore Sunlight comes streaming down on that formerly mysterious quarrel be tween the Brittish and the Boers or the nation of Great Britain arid the Dutch .African republic of Transvaal. J The . territories join and many of the English have long been settled' citizens of the republic and are said to out number the Boers and pay tnree fourths of the taxes. Yet they have no voice in the government and suffer for lack of it. The contention ' then "is that they should be allowed a voice in the government - which . seems con sistent with a republican form of government. The contention has gone about to its limit and each 'side is pre paring for war as a last arbitri ment. The Boers - as worriers are equal to the English but there seems to be but one ulti mate result if war to the utmost is to come. The resources are quite unequal as well as the num ber of soldiers on whom to draw. i In this, too, the reading pub lic is looking with solicitude and hope that a way of settlement may yet be found through peace; ful channels. Dewey's Chinamen Not In It. Under existing laws it is found impractical to concede to Ad- miral Dewey's request to make his Chinamen, that acted so gal lantly in the Manila fight, citir zens of the United States so that they could he enlisted in the - - . . army. They can Jt even come ashore and participate in the Dewey celebration. t NO OURE; NO PAT i Thftt is" the way all drucrgistsrsell Grove Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills and Malaria.. ;( It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form Children eove it. Adults refer it to 'bitter.'nau leatina Tomca Price". 50c. , - 1 - . Farquar Succeeds Sampson. ( ': Rear Admiral Norman H Far- quar has been - assigned- to' take Command of the North Atlantic squadron , in ; place of Admiral Sampson who ; has been . retired from sea service. Admiral Samp son will 1 have - shore duties in command Of the 'Boston - -Navy .You assume no ri. when you b'u V Cbambe'rlain's; Colife, ' Chblera h nd Diarrhoea Remedy. M. Tt. Mar6h";'fG6:'UtTfund your money it ! yon are-not satisfied after using it.' If is everywhere admitted to be the . most success ful remedy m use for; bowel com plaints and the; only one that never fails. It is pleasant, safe and reliable. . Bids Wanted For Lumber. Cabarrus wants about 11,000 feet of dak and pine lumber for bridge over Rocky Riuer. ; s J 'P Allison, chairman of Coun ty Comini ssioners,- will receive bids for it., - The Belmont Student Dead. Martin O Conner died at Bel mont, college - Wednesday morn wg of lockjaw.;" :He wasfrom 4 Portsmouth, Va. , and was 16 years old. His body, was taken home . . " AnnonncemeDt. t ' .., . . - - - ; To accommodate" those who are partial to the; use of atom zers in applying liquids into ,ihe ' naeal passages for, catafrhal . troubles, the proprietors prepare' Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known as Ely's liquid Cream Balm. Price including the tepraying ' tube is- 75 cents. Druggists br by mail. The liquid form embodies the medicinal properties of the 6olid preparation. Cream TBalm is quickly absorbed by the membrane and does not dry up the secretionp, but changes them to a natural and healthy chsracter Ely Brother?, 56 Warren Sf, N, Y. " ii'J -jv' .lift - The Kind You Have Always in use for 'over SO years, Allow All Counted are but Ex periments, that trifle witli and endangcrv the health of Infants and Childrenfexperience agaiivst Experiment. w hat Ss CMST Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, V&r goric, Drop and Soothing: Syrups. It is Harmless and .Measant. It contains neither Opium, , Morphine nor i I . er Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It des roys Worms and allays IFeverishness. It cures Iiarrhuv i and Wind Colic. It reheves Teething Troubles, cure s Constipation and Flatulency. ; It assimilates the Food, 1 eguiates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. C E U U I WE; GSTT Bears the The Kind You HaYe Always B In Use For O ve r 3 6 Years. THC OtNTAUR OOMNNT, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. ODELL i-v i- J - i 4 j J -.i i I. IIG conn MANUFACTURERS OF M-f GmgtaittS, ft fV c-T i- s 8, r ft rtr v IA y Salt Bags AND- Outing Gloths. DEALER IN General Mercbar dise BtiYERa oy-r ;o j COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kindi- - o. ... . , . . r . s. ' ... Four-foot Wood always Wanted: Best , Price for same. ; o. .... . . . We inyite anlinspection of aU the goods . . welmanufacture . . V low Co. LinmciDiii Blaids heetin in Concord N. c. Tt.. - ! - ' Bought, and which has been ha? born the signature of and lias been made under nis per sonal supervision since its infancy. rib one to deceit e you in this. Signature of outhcrn aiiway I SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT JULY THE 16TH. im f This condensed schedule is pub lished as information, and is subject to change without notice to the public : t , - -Trains leave Concord C 5.52 A. M.No 8, daily, for Kicb morid;; bnnebts at .Greensboro for Raleifrh oaua Goldsboro; at GToldsbora for Norfolk, at Danville for Washington and points' - North, at Salisbury lor Asheville, Knoxyille and points West. v 7, 19 A. MNo. 33, the New York aid Florida Express, carries Pullman Sleep ing Cars between-New York and Au gnstaNew York and Tampa, Fla., a ad Norfolk to Charlotte ; S-49'A: M; 'No 37, daily, Wash ington, and Southwestern limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Mont gomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to. New Orleans and New York to Memphis, Dining jCar, yestibuled coach, between .Washington and Atlanta. , MqOA!. Nol 36, daily, for Wasb jngton. : JRichmond,. Raleigh and all points North; Carries Pullman drawics room" buiFet sleeper; New Orleans to New Yoi k; f Jacksonville to New York: Pullman tourist cars from Baa Francisco via New Orleans and South era Pacific Sundays and Wednesdays. ; 11:23 A. M, No. 11, daily for Atlanta iahd all points Sontiil Solid train, Bich mond to Atlanta. ";7:09 F; M. Ko. 12 daUy, for BicSr tnond,' Asheville, Chattanooga, Raleigfi. Norfolk, and all points North. 8;51P. M. -No 7, daily, from Bi jiond, Washington, Goldsboro, Seln Raleigh, Greensboro Knoxville and Asheville to Charlotte N. C. ' 8 51P.M--Nb SS; dailv, Washing and Southwestern limited, for Wash ington and all points . North. Throng Pullman car, Memphis to New iof ;New-Orleansio New York. Also carries vestibuled coach and dining car. Close connection at Greensboro with sleeper for Norfolk." ;l ; 6fe M. NoJ 35, daily, foi Atlft and New Orleans,-, carries PJ?? sleeper New York to Nsw Orleans. York toJacksonviUe and Charlotte Atlanta; dinning car. Also Pall tourist car Washington to San &8L Co, via New Orleans Tuesday and ' 9.45 V. M;No. 34, - daily, the York and Florida Express, carries and ,New York. Tampa, Fla, and lork and Charlotte to Kichmpnu. ries slee'per8 Charlotte to Norfoia j Greensboro, fj ; ; h 0t First RAntinTifl nf rAfrnlar throng"- local freight trains cany rasse?Lg only to points where they stop accord to schedule . . 1 FxankS. Gannon, mt n tt .t i 1 IAu. xmra vice-Tes. ana ueui. n ; - r rV Washington, u- John MrCulKTrafSc tt&n'a Washington,. u W. A. Turk, Gen'l. Pass. Agent, Washington, 5owan Dasenbery,,xlLocal A oup

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