li tt 3 m ' as. frv M M H IA' ?i lit 9 V Prico $4.00.Per Tsar. CONCORD, N. 0., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16,1899. Single Copy 5 Cents 1 1 5 . . - - - On Friday afternoon the town i For a Charitable Purpose. At Caton's hall tonight Horace M Hypsher, of, Tennessee, will (iod Blessing the Work of Rev. Hoge The Cause of the Trouble. and Mr. Wolfsohu. t Written for The Standard. - .-'..clock was giving US all kinds of yi i- j ;n a 4.-u time and one knew not tho homv w. , Mr Ja. ..wmeford ,:who. k introduce Ms new Idea Grapho- Marsh & Co: will refund yonr labors of the pastor of the Bap- up with the times in that capa- i phone productions for the bene- money if you are not satisfied ust church, with the assistance y,went to see about, the 0f the Edisto Industrial of such a man as Mr. Wolfsohu ,rMe- fdtbti school, ol Edistb Island. S. 0. pastor has been able to do ;1 had drormed from This entertainment is purely lings in the Master's the dome above and was moral, scientific and amusing. name. The preaching through-' wedged between the ' brick Celebrated bands and orchestras, ' and reliable wciii fcinu me neavv dox wmcn the great You assume no risk when you buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera jpnd Diarrhoea Remedy. M. L. after using it. It is everywhere admitted to be the most success fnl remedy in use for bowel com plaints and the only one that ntver fails. It is pleasant, safe . . T out the series of meetings has : v.wiuuu latest songs (in the actual voice . i wutuimo ddvckji UU11U1CU iUUUUi has been done by Rev. Hoge in of old iron which acts as the of the singer), quartettes,- mstru- such a powerful and" forcible weight. When Mr. Willeford mental solos and duetts are manner that many have been led reacd the clock th ere was a heard in this unique entertain- . on Tooilc Pll .cf Qi considerable amount of .slack on ment, also the plantation melo to .accept - Jesus Christ as a 1toror;n Savior. ous had the wedge came out, ;i : v L - xi Crowds have been attracted to which would no doubt have rlfK u T . . , . . , .. , i jerked the clock from its station hearcTm the black belt of Goor- servjees night after night and I and haye torn things to pieces gia andifSoiitli Carolina. The every one that has attended badly. The matter was adjusted Eev. J JJoihson, president of 1 A 1 1 1 I ' . t " 4-Tr Ml nT- r - 3 -rr. M . x... A ' . For iwf Pittv Tcnra Mrs. Winslow's Soothicpc Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for 5 their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will; relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by drusffists in every part ; of the world. Twenty. five cents a bot tle. Be sure and ask for Mr8. Win slows Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind speaks in the , highest praise of the success of the meeting. Be fore the meeting closes it is ex pected that a great many more people will be converted. Some that have professed faith in Christ will possibly join other churches. .- It is hoped that a revival spirit Trill be kindled all over Concord sck that many who are now un saved will be saved. . Special mention must be made of the music. A large choir has lead the singing and never in the history of the church has such congregational singing been heard. .. . : ' The organ has been presided over by Mr. Benson, organist of the Methodist church, in a way to suit all who have attended the services, especially Mr. Wolf sohn. Services tonight at 7.30 p. m. Sunday at 11 a. m: and 7.30 p. m. One hundred extra chairs have been put in the church so that' all who , come, might be seated. Sunday will be the last night Mr. Wolf sohn will sing. Who Will His Lawyer Be? ' In the term of - court next month here when the trial comes up for the killing of Pbliceman Kerns, it is very probable Judge Robinson will, for Edwards, pro tection, appoint : two- attorneys to defend him. It is the duty of the attorneys appointed to serve and to exert their best efforts for . , the defence of their client. .It is now probable that Tom Carr and Tom Richardson, the two ne groes here in our jail, will em ploy counsel for their defence. Several attorneys have been en gaged and it is a subject of won derment who will be appointed by the State. though and we now move om t the school, will give an interest- INTRODUCTION row morning: and tomorrow j it TiT' r night at St. James Lutheran T albo "y meau!" church. ' of this place. Rev. J, D. Arnold will hold!1 As at every place, special regular services at Forest Hill provicion will be made for the M. E. church tomorrow morning white people, and night. j - Admission 10 cents. The Rector, Rev. J C Davis, ! ' ; - - will conduct services at ' All Dies From Enjuries. Saints Episcopal church tomor-) Mr. Jefferson Bost, who lived row morning at ii o ciock ana :in Crab Orchard townshirj of tomorrow evening at 5 o'clock. Mecklenburg county, died Friday wv. vv uney wm noia morning. On the day before he services at .St. Andrews Luth-, , f, , , . , tt eran church tomorrow afternoon was badly gored by a bull. He w e Pen tne Fall Season with terian church tomorrow morning Everybody is earnestly asked to j. p p ft efnplr nf Rrtirc' onrl bv Kev. J E Thompson, uastor come out and assist in the worthy vuxia aUlUebl btOCK OI. XS.QyS alia The pastor, Rev. C. B. Miller, CaTUs entertainment has been Childrehs' Clothing, FumishingS will hold regular services tomor- endorsed by numbers from otheritaT, nn A T, J uu ,ucau5cai ovci oiiuwli. UllU.tJi: thisroofl- A large line of Vestee Suits; very nobby, for boys 3 to 8 years old. All Suits from 8 to 16 years are made with double seats and double knees to the pants, wear ing almost twice as long. A great double seats and double knees at 50c, 75c. and 98c. Mothers, if you want your ooys uressea m neat, M JLmi Am m. 4m .Am JLm a. WW "Iw ; M m3m a. .Im a mmm a.tiiy any taste; wiuii piiuca tnttt agree witH youii iaeas of economy. at 3 o'clock. To the Members of All Saints Church. The Rector of this church most earnestly requests all the mem bers of the church to be present at tomorrow (Sunday) morning's service. He will have some thing of importance both to him self and the parish to communi cate. He thinks it well , f or.r all the ' members to know wliat is going on, and, how they t are go ing on, and what is cqntem-1 plated things which it were bet-; ter to sayr when all are together, rathe than' individually ; then all iwilLbar the. same thing , in the Same words;" arid 'we "may find it mutually encouraging and help ful. . Tlis, special request does not exclude anybody else. The Rector will bW pleased to ! isee any friends who may come. . ' ' 1 J- C. Davis. was born in Cabrarrus county. He was 37 years of age and leaves 1 only a wife. . p.uiiug the ciyil .war, as well as in our late war with Spain, diar rhoea. was one of the most troublesome diseases ' the army had' to contend-with. In many instances it became chronic and the - old soldiers istill suffer from it, ; fMr;;. Dayid1 Tayjor, of Wind Ridged Green e conn ty Pa. , isr on e oft these. He uses Chamberlain's Colic,; Cholera and ': Diarrhoea Remedy- and says he never found anything, that?, would give; him suph quick relief it is for sale by. . It. , Ii-Mars h , & Co.. D ru ggist ! PJISPN AL POINTERS, ' Robt. E Ridenhbu r spent this af terrioori in Salisbury. , ' I In Honor of Mother. jj Mr. Robt. Gray, of Char-1 1Y1K. iiJlTUJtCTr-rjriaayjLilBiaiU, lutiw, is visiuiai xvj.j.o. ui xuvai. was ; an enjoyable day at .'the : ! Miss Lizzie Young went up to home of , Mrs. M- G, Moore inJNo. 4 Salisbury yesterday evening to 2 township. It was her sixtieth i visit her relatives. ' birthday and all the children 1 Mrs. M L Stevens returned gathered in to celebrate it with this morning, from Mt. Pleasant a reunion of the f amilv. Dinner fatter visiting , her sister, Mrs. M NMUler. was spread with good things it fell to the lot of the oldest son R T Moore, to address the circle It was real happiness to us to see motner enoy xne occasion so Th e Summer is End ed, The Hemp Brought Into Use. There was something ' of a -hemp harvest -Friday. - At Pu- cxr n no- gro, was hanged for highway 1 much. We hope to repeat the robbery and attempt to murder, j happy occasion, many times. At Mobile, Ala., Henry Gardner, ! V mt SN' a negro 18 years old, was hanged ! ROBBED THE GRAVE- for assaulting a white girl. At A startling incident, of -which Mr. iV , , , i John Oliver Jot Philadelphia, as the tne first drop the rope snapped : subject, is narrated by him as follows: and he got a hard fall. Twenty T, Yas in a ost dreadful condition. My J ! skm was almost yellow, eyes sunken, minutes later the rope held its ' tongue coated, pain continually; in back hnror. a tt?h r ' and sides, no appetite gradually grow Durden. At Hamilton, Ga., in? weaker day by day. Three physi- Hillard Brooks, another negro, 5 cians had' givenme p;1.. 1 & ' RTipiid advisfid trvmff Electric Bitters:' was hanged for the murder of and to my great joy and surprise,, the k Will Ror1irni ' l first bottle mace a aeciaea improve- Will Bankston of his Own race a continued their use for three Vear a w tpppTcr. and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave j ; Mice TVTo-. t T 7 v ' of another Tictim." No one should fail l Miss Mary Lore -has returned to t tnem 0nly 50cts., guriateed, at i to school at Peace Institute. : Fetzer's Drugstore ; : ' j Mm OF VP , K5 - 1 jAVBlYI Si? M(W The Harvest is Past. THE . TIME TO ' BUY FURNITURE IS NOW AT HAND. Everybody and their kinsfolk know that BELL, HARRIS & CO. AT . -. S, J,' Iff ill is the place to buy it and don't you forget it.: j Car lots, spot cash and the best factories in the United States at our command- gives iis a long lead in LOW PRICES. We have bought to sell we sell, see if we don't. Have you seen our line of Pictures just in noth ing like it ever shown in Concord; Prices range from 25c to 2. 50. Don't miss the sight. Just the thing for Bridal, Birthday or any other kind of Presents. New line of moulding just in. Picture. Frames made on short notice. We Are Strictly in it for Business MM, HARRIS Of COMPAHTj

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