MM STANDARD JOHN D. BARRIER and SON, Editors and Proprietors. OFFScE IK TKE SXOilKlM BUILDING im; STANDARD is published every day ( Sunday excepted) and delivered by n ,' .. Uates of Subscription : . One year. . ...... ...... .$4.00 ix months. . ?. V; . ... . 2 00 r; Throe months. . . . .... . . . 1.00 One month. . .... v. . . . , . .35 Sing! coy. ..... i ..... .05 THE WEEKLY STANDARD is a ur-page, eight-column paper. It Jias a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any otiierpaper. Price $1.00 per annum in advance. Advertising Rates : - Terci3 for regular advertisements made known on application. Address all communications to ' THE STANDARD, . Concord. N. C. - Concord, N. C, Sept. 19. HIS DAILY MAIL. BY. "FRANCIS AYMAR MATHEWS. i. . Mail's the usual thing sir; I've looked it nearly through; There's thirteen hundred letters, And'a thousand papers, too. fcnall 1 reaa tne list aioua, sir r Tve condensed the usual way ; Ten towns in Oregon, sir, Nine hundred little boys: Five yachts, a kite, a sauce, sir, ; A cocktail and three toys; . A tonic and a rose; A plow and a potato, . A pumpkin and a hoe; Six hundred Maltese kittens; An oil stove and a hat, The newest curling iron, A dairy, and a bat. . A towel rack and scarf, sir, A baby elephant: Ninety-nine canaries, sir, And one electric plant. Three machines far mowing, sir, A sieve, hotel and mine; A patent pump and mousetrap, A brand of claret wine; The newest baking powder, 'A theatre and a gun; Ten racers and one mobile. A perfume and a bun; A saltworks and a collar, sir, A boy's suit and a song;- Ten score of dogs and ponies, A monthly and a gong. These are the latest things, sir, That have been named for yxu ; Besides four seats of learning, And, sir, a swivel screw. "Then there are invitations For dinners by the score, And f unc lions by the dozens, The grand parade's whole pro- cry n m In fact, each hour and day, For .c 'full twelvemonth hence, Is planned to make you gay!" Oreat Dewey rose, then wavered, His lips were turning blup ; Ke staggered to his cabin, Mid t.iio cil on nn rf V. viV uucuvc in ilia OltJYV. - On board U, S. F.S. Olympia; Eay of Naples: Lieut. Brumb, -Aoq. OJiEAT WEALTH AND THE FUTURE. It is hut natural and not alto gether unprofitable that a good degree of notice is given to the life and character of the late Cornelius Vanderbilt with a thought of his future. It seems he was a member of the church, in good standing and manifested a living faith by many .good works.. The getting of immense wealth is chiefly against him in the . eyes of the world. "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kins: dom of heaven" was clearly in tended to apply to those who trusted in riches, those not in- Poor in Spirit." There was nothing in . the man's 'great wealth to close the doors of para dise against him but doubtless he would have walked the road leading thereto with' a quicker and more sprightly step with a less burden of wealth and wealth getting weighing him down. t His father, we believe; advised that his children disperse more of their wealth than he had done and avoid 'immense accumula tions. It leads us to fresh ad miration of our own Vanderbilt, who, instead of constant hoard- mg ana gatnermg more, is spreading much on the face of the earth, making beauty and productiveness where formerly there was little to give joy or comfort to man. It is a great problem to solve to get wealth; it is little less a problem to learn how to use it when gotten. t FRANCE DEALING GENTLY. DEMOCRATS GETTING READY. A meeting of the national Democratic executive committee was held in Chicago, 111., on last Monday, the 18th. - Prelimi nary work was begun by making Mr. G M Johnson, of Kansas, the executive head and fixing upon Chicago as the headquar ters. The following address was sent out: ' 'The national committee of the Democratic party, in session at Chicago, to consider the work of party organization prepara tory to the campaign of- 1900, sends greeting to the Democracy of the nation with the assurance that the prospect of Democratic success next year grows brighter everyday, and we have every reason for confidence as to the outcomei The great need now is party unity and thorough organ ization. The committee appeals, therefore, to our party friends in all the States, and especially States where elections are to be held this year, to ! put aside all local differences wherever they exist, and support! the regular party tickets . earnestly and en thusiastically keeping, always in view the great struggle of next year, and remembering that in unity there is strength and in division weakness. Especially do we appeal to the Kentucky Democracy to give loyal support ,fco the regular ticket in that State, headed5 : by Mr. Goebal, ; and thereby makesure of a Demo cratic victory in -the State and the return of Senator Blackburn to the Senate of the United State's." : . v.;v : The committee . resolved, meet once every 60 days. Court has opened in the French Capitol for the trial of twenty two citizens on the charge of conspiracy 'against the" 'present form of government. The utmost gentleness and suavity is Ex tended the accused. - Ever since August 12 th.. M Guerin has refused-to be arrested and is shut up and barricaded in the headquarters- of the Anti-Semite League. ' The government has not forced an entrance and arrest evidently to soothe and heal the distracted condition of the nation. This seems very much in con trast with the court-martial pro ceedings arid indicaC 33 either that that nation means reform or that it realizes the danger of further straining the national compact. : The Postoffice department at Washington nas ruled that the writer has a right to regain the possession a letter providing he can prove to the satisfaction of the postmaster and the , officer from which the letter was sent that he was the writer of it. Even if the letter has arrived at its destination and before it has been delivered to the person to whom it was addressed, it maybe recalled by telegram through the mailing office. The reason as signed is that the United'States is is only the agent of the writer while the letter is in transit. The decision is important to business men and to private individuals. Durham Sun. t 0 D ry Goods Depart ment. . , . Linen, colored Crash, for 5c. a yard, worth 10c. - Printed Marsailles at 12c. - Ducki Plain White, solid col ored and Printed. Calico 3c up. : Yard wide Percale at 20 and 25 cents per pound. 7 Light colored Outing 5J & 7Jc. Bargains in Towels. 3-. Sifeb Hosiery. His Estimate of the Local Paper. Senator Davis, ' of Illinois, is reported as sa'ying: 4 'Each year every W locals 'jhespaer I: gives from $500 to $a, 000 in free lines for the benefit. of the community in which it is printed. No other agency can nor will do this. The editor in proportion to his means does more for his town than any other man, and in all fairness he ought to-be supported) . .not; bo cause you like or" admire his writings, but because a local newspaper is the best advertise ment a community can have, tit may, not be crowded with great thoughts, : but financially ?it is more of a benefit than a . teacher or a preacher." - " : to Now Charlotte is fixing to bury us. She is figuring ... on a coffin factory. But we advocate home patronage and domestic con sumption. , 1 v BOBBED THE GRAVE. ' A startling incidentof which Mr. John Oliver of Phliladelphia, was tlie subject, is narrated by him as follows: I was in a most dread.'ul condition. My 8 kin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no eppetiteerradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physi cians had given me up. Fortunately, a sriend advised trying Electric Bitters:' and to my great -joy and surprise, the first bottle "made a decided improve ment. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know tuej sayeamyiue, anaroooea tne frrave Mill stront. nnw no oi anotner victim." No one should fail fr; 7 . .r UMA : c? A MOTHER TELLS HOW SHE SAVED DAUGHTERS LIFE) I am the mother of eight child ren and have had a great deal of experience with medicines. List sumxaer my 1 i ttie d a ugh t er had the dysentery in its worst form. We thought she would, die. I tried everything X could think oil I saw bv an advertisement in oar paper that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera bud Diarrhoea Remedy was highly recommended and sent and got v bottle at once. It p rov td to be oue of tbe very best mrdicmH we ever had in the house. It saved my little daught er's life. I am aoxi.ust for every mother to knji' v;ja.i an excellent medicioe it U. Had L known it at first it would have saved me a great deal, of anxiety aud my little dan izhti-r much suffering. Yours truly, Mra Geo. F. Bur dick, Liberty, U. I. For Sale by M. L. Marsh & Co., Druggist. NOTICE. All persons are hereby notified not to haul sand off the lands of R. W. Allison, dee'd. Those hav ing hauled heretofore, without permission, will be prosecuted for trespass, if they do not report and settle' for ' what they have taken. This notice covers nlH Two job lots of Samples of Gent's fine sox, lot No.l, plain and fancy colors, at 15c worth 20 to 25c. Fancy colored and black Lisle at 18c worth 25 to 50c. The best line of Men's and La dies' Hosiery on the market for 10 cents. Notions. . Crochet Cotton, 4o per spool, Silk (short measure) at 5c Turk ey Red Cotton, 20c .per dozen spools. Embroidery Silks, filo, butlining, rope and twisted at 3c per skein, worth 5 cents. Also gold embroidery thread at 3c per skein. Embroidery Hoops 5c. Bone Dr.'fes , Stavs XJLOOKH ailQ IS IUC hovr ...i. - w ill Mfihiw Thread 3c per spool, Satety p8 2c per dozen, Brass Pin 4C 8 paper and 25c per pound, l Pins Ic, Rubber li.d Shields I0c, Mourning Pins J 5c per box, Alumniuui Hair Pi i;u uuzicu, wiuo vUfUUM o and 10c tooth Dressing Combs 4 to 25 Stationary. Jobs in Box Paper at less thaa cost to produce. 25c boxes for 15c and 10c ones for 5c. iC8 Paper at 10c per pound. Pencu Erasers lc, Typewriter do 5c. Car. bon Paper for typewriter use 3 sheets tor r 5c, Typewriter paper at 3 ounces for 5c. Fancy Crepe Paper for Lamp Shades 6c up, Toilet Paper 2 rolls for 10c. ink and Mucilage 3c, Shoe Blacking lc up, Tan do. 5c, Black Dressing 5 to 15c, Wood Tooth Picks k per 1.000. Genfs Furnishings, Boston Garters 18c, Drawers Supporters 3o per pair, Silk Bosom Shirts 48c. Glass Ware 5c up. Crockery an dTin ware up stairs, TkM Bostian, is published every day (Sunday ex cepted) and delivered at your door for onlj)0c per iveeh or 35c per month. . .'. . . If you are i not a subscriber, to J t The Standard t ' :. .... - ' 4 now la the time to subscribe. $ X 5 ' ti prints home and other news that is of interest to our readers and to riiake it grow better we; must ImveVie ' pat- ronage of the people. tJiye us a trial when you make your next order for.. Job Work. ' i If you have anything to sell ,5, 5 , , t 4. you can make it known tnrougu $ The Standard, t t v A Work ready when promised. hi 4.444.- H"8-H4.' : . ' t jlf you want , to buy anythins I you can call for1 it through $ I The Standard. J 44.4.4 4. 4..4. 4. 4.4.4. 4$ 4" 4. 4. .... . :Advertisingates: in J The Standard Z made known on application to try them. Only 50cts., gunateed, at that is private property? Jno. P. Allison. 4 w:HWwt4 0jg h.