.jryival of Train. The following change of schedule took led Jcael!?, 1S99. SOUTHBOUND. .No. 8 arriyea at 5.52 a m, . it 36 44 44 10.00 am, 12 44 44 7-09 pm, - 33 44 44 8.51 p m, (flag) : 34 u 44 9.45 p m. -62 " " 2 00am (lreis t) SOUTHBOUND No. 87 arrives at 8.49 a m, (flag) " 11 ... " 44 23 a in, u 7 . 44 " 8.5t pm, 4 . ; 35 " 9.20 p'm,-(flag;) " 4 33 44 7.19 am, '; -X .-X '. 44 61 44 41 849 a m, (freight) is flagged if necessary for through travel f south of Charlotte, and is stopped for passengers arriving from Lynchburg or beyond. No. 38 etops regularly - for . t CI . 1 1 II- 1 r- . rsh.aiiKrs iur oaixsuury riign romt, principal stations between Danyille and 4 w asnmgton. in o. . 6 f stops for from i Sh lP Z sengers coming oints beyond, and to take on pas- NewlNo SS1' stops to let uii puoociifcx s xiwxu .regular stopping j places south of Jewells and to.. take on passengers for regular stopping places. Lvnenourg or oeyona. , Nos. 33 and 34 stop at Concord for VroS Tc.Z passengers to or Division Charlotte to Augusta-rana points in South Carolina, Georgia v.Yi.i vof,i f!,rnnr,i, ni; or Augusta. - - - . ' ; ; . Nos. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trains and connect at Salisbury with trains of TIT r TV ... t . . v. division. TELEPHONE NO. 71. Kead Craven Brothers ad. on Buck Stoves. J v - - Mrs. J Xi Peck , is visiting in No.. 7 township,; , . ; , ) Mr. and Mrs. P B Fetzer re turned home Monday night from ,a trip to New York; . Mr v Jno. Sloan returned home -viViAvAtJf iXix-'W, ailCi JJCllVllllg .several days at his home at Chester. Mr. W A Day vault and wife have gone to Elmwood where they will ' reside for . several months at least. Mr. T.J.Brown, who has been sick f or ;some4ime, has returned here from Salisbury.; He is somewhat improved. . ; ; : . FOR SALE. A mule Sh years old,; weighs 1100 pounds, gentle and works well. ; , , . Jno . ; K. .Patterson. . ; Mr. H McNamara spent Sun- day at home and ; has gone to Kowan and Union counties for a business trip of a week or two. .K. .i wk, j gooa piat pi land 41 miles from Concord; Would exchange for town prop- Was lined fifty cents and the costs Monday night for using loud and boisterous language while using ome plain language to his wife. 1 Miss Margaret Cannon gave a tea to six of her invited friends iocaav evemnsr. eomminienicirv Miss Madge Wadsworth, of hr.rlotte. J . Miss Clara Gillon left Monday htfor China Grove to visit her brother. From there she re- .,i.o vkj ouwi-w;. wvrT' boro State Normal college. The Ladies' Aid society of Forest Hill M E church' intends having a lawn party tomorrow night. If the weather, interferes , - Mr. M LBlackwelder hasgone ta Salisbury, where he will now take up his work in the sewing machine business. Oh account of sickness in his family he has boen detained here. -.V" ' : : dod o at'p ' a Wilson sewing machine with live drawers, just from the fac- tory. Call at this office" and get a ivst class machine , on easy terms. tf: Mr. Jerome Bolick and son, James Bolick, of Conover, ar- buirirv. -x. -xiiii vjciiLivveii. ui ruuiuii. Dawaiilt's- fhrnncrh i tlio -orinr uiou'hc. -He will be the cotton t w m. J. L A -WW Jt A. I lyor. He will not mov his fnn. , , . i r -.iuuy nere. . nved here Monday to' visit Mr. fall was greatest' Phillip Correll and family. Mr. inchbs in 48 hours. ooi.cir is sellmErthe steel-sdo Red. Race Trouble in the North. A dispatch, of the 18 th from Carterville, 111. gives an account f that shades the Soutfcufor hatred and domineering over the nero J It says:- . :j 'Carterville was the scene of a1 bloody riot about noon Sunday, t stautly 'kiiied' and one xf atally wounded, while two vothersvre ceived ,sllght WOUnds.' ' r Trouble has' been brewing - i1:.,; ? ? , - . & since the millta was recalled jby ' " ' ' - - ' - - Uovernor Tanner last Monday. ne White i miners of this piace have refused to aUow;the negro miners to come into town, al- meeting U.em and prdorinR ,",JUJ-i. ttxv. ....... j.tottJx.u.t , .-. ,niu w - Ar 'thiVtAan nOo4o0 in o . J ..... .w. iV x VVUj Ulli, Ui UiCU) marched into town, going "to the niinoK Central , depot,' where tuy iv;iiangeu a lew. woras with the white miners "tW w i tii Liiw wiiiio iiiiiierb mere. Then the negroes pulled : their pistols and opened fire on the whites, who at once returned the fire. A running fight was kept " V : ' mi '. - " v . . - up. v xne negroes , scattered, some being closely followed; by the whites up the main street, while the remainder lied down the" railroad tracks. : Here the execution was done, all who went through : itojvnf escaping. After the .fight ,was over four dead "bodies were "picked up, and another mortally wounded. They were tairen - to the c.tv nail. where the wounded man was at tended to,' and an inquest held over the dead ones. Trouble has existed here off and on for over a year, but no y when a passenger tram on the Illinois Central Railroad was fired into, and one negro woman was killed- These negroes were on their way to the' mines, hay- iner come from Pana. A short t jme afterwards a pitched battle ensued between the union and non-union forces, " during which Uu. the .dwellinsrs occupied bv hi, rt " the non-union negroes were burnea. several arrests were Marion awaiting trial on the cnarge oi muraer. " , l mufl TTirtb crath or ad f nr v as it , , . "u.r":V?' f "6 the negro settlement to continue thejjbloody work and? probably annihilate the negroes, ; Governor Tanner was greatly . 1 a military iorce to restore oraer. TTa oT-noalar? fr al 1 o"nnrl ri ti 7. A"n r " w " of the town ana community to aid in ridding it of the stain of muraer oy neipmg to onng me . . .. ; " ' The Losses of the Eastern Storm. , The horrors of . our recent eastern storm grew in magnitude yitn tneir repiiiuon aiiu uuuui- less tlie reports went ueyoiiu reality. The following seems a summing up since : facts have been gathered : Twenty -five lives were lost. The greater part of these were fishermen drowned at Swan Island. The wind blew at the rate of 140 miles an hour, but.oidy mspurts. Me xnny "1. tuo, r drowned a 8 "W and the wase.case as to was to the crorjs on the mam- hnnr! It is said this amounted to half a million dollors. The rain- at Hateras, 8 tttat tttrh k r TNG HEADACHE. Would auickly leaye you, if you used .- -t " t -i x.n man't fnr Kink and Nervous Headaches. llirixll A. A A w - They made pure blood strong nerves 5? ?Kf 5S.'.f Try tnem. umy oui. "-w- ix ot cured, at Fetzer's lrug store. togo of Horses Thrown Overboard.!, -The following distressing story or.: those, fond of the : equine family -is told by the Philadel- pnia: Record : . - : "Notion? -affo a larffeshiD- ment'of -hor'sos left -New York for ' EuroPe on a large ship, sP's r company , ,f earing Euro- 1 poau ltjgisitttiuii tiu verse w tne importation : of American l' live ! stock;" were not disposed to incur much expense' l in the business, and the stalls to accommodate he horses were . put in of extem porized sort: About : mid-ocean the steering gear broke and the ship fell off in the : trough of the sea. Being light she tossed about very violently, and the horses, bemgr thrown asramst their poorly; constructed stalls, broke them down faster than they could be repaired. In a few days all the stalls, were demol ished, , ; and their " splintered stanchions and sideboards, with projecting' spikes, were mixed up into a moving' mass of half dead, killed and; mutilated bodies of the horses, all ' shifting with every toss of the ship, "f Finally the whole quivering and - putre fying mass settled on one side and would have caused the ship to founder had not the crew by herculean efforts , managed to throw -the horses overboard, killing a few that gave trouble. All were lost. ; CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Biromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 2oe. The genuin has It. B. Q on eacli tablet. ? 7 v r ; : A THOUSAND TONGUES ! Could not . express : the rapture of 1 Annie E. bpxinger, of 1125 Howard st.. Philadelphia; :Par,hen: the found that Dr. King s New Jjiscqvery f or Consum- ption had completely cured her hacking . : It- xt l e J - .1 a- J cyuuiuai iur uiaue .years xiau luaue 1 life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could giye her no help, but she says of this Royal Cure "it soon re moved the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I .can scarcely remember doing before. I reel like sounding its praises through out the Universe.' So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or Lungs, Price 50o. and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Fetzer's -Drug Store; eyery bottle guaranteed. SEE THE Yankee FOR ' AT MjiC. Correll's ELAY For Delay Is Dangerous ! , You have ,be6n, thinking, about taking out a Policy of Life In surance. Yes, and for the benefit of yourself and loved ones you will take an Accident Policy. Mr. W. D. Shubert, :machinist at Cannon Manufacturihg Co. and Mr. F. B. -Haydock, " ma chinist at the Bleachefy, have both been injured recently, and both -promptly -received : their weekly indemnity. Go to see them, they were insured by me. ; i You can find me in .my office every evening during the week from 8 to 9 o clock. . , r , ; Office in Postoffice Building. Jno. A. Sims, Insurance Agent. ' Sept: 1, 1899. v ' Watch Mot ismmer . Underwear. We invested heavily gained a - . '. : . point for you by tity is a factor ih bringing d wn prices. We are going to close out a lot of -SET COJBI 3"C5 DON'T YOU (IMISSIBIT. fern J. w - sfl WJ?-JKJFKJ-. K-JZ-fiJK. day on You would save wood and V ' ECONOMICAL. : 1 k ' .- ' - ' " " . ; FURNITURE -AND Go To a G W PATTERSON " , " , FOR - . .. . Roei cialt Fresh rButter on Ice, Quaker Oats, . Hominy, Chipped Beef,. Canned Corn , Tomatoes, " I ! and Peaches. ( Soda, Baking Powders, Starch ; OracKera, Lard, Hums, Prnnea, r Breakfast Strips, Green aDd Parched Coif ee, Tea, Sugar, Soap, Peas, Meal, Corn,' Shipstuff; Oats, Oil, I Flo ar. Molasses, Salt, v Yinegar; Snnift Tobartco; Bibe, r PotaBhV1 Spices "bottled V Pickles; Washing Powders and anything in the Grocery line. We also carry , Rope, Crockery, Glass-ware, Wooden-ware,' Dry Goods, Shoes Hats, Tin-ware Etc; Etc - .... '-; . f- .- We close our store at 8.15 ' dur ing the summer months. We de liver goods until 6 p.. : !---"".." " " ; . s'o doing. Gtua- COn ... T .... - NAr - A-w--w--sv-w-v w w v-rl!. jjsjv,... if You see a person losing- money you would ' ; tell them even if you had never met . them; we see ft you losing money, every wood bills. If you had a 5 STOVE OR RANGE get more heat. The most . UNDERTAKING. I fail fialiuil ki Offern the business public a reliable, per manent, conservative and accommodat ing banking instutlon. : We solicit your patronage with' the assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. - If we can serve you any time we will be glad to have yon come and see, us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS '' TO CUSTOMERS. - - - - - Capital ana Surplus - - $10000. f D. B Coltbane Chaahier, J M. OdeJ'I. President, i; L. Brown & BRo. LI V ERY. FEED AND SALE STABLES, T mm r x rfk V 4 nibu-d mtvit Ii passenger trainr. Outnto of all kinds farnisheo" promptly ard at reasonable pricep. Horses and mul's always on band, or 'alK 3i Aeder of -haroughbred. Poland CMufi Hr?a it