f 1 . , . . . -- , .... r- Price $4.00 Per Yean OONCORD.IN; 0., THUBSDAY; SEPTEMBEIt 21, 1899 Single Copy 5 Cents TOMORROW NIGHT. ANOTHER COTTON MILL KoreV Effectual and Good Way. The Place of Serring Refreshments for A HoTement on Foot for Another lanre! JfiP6? the Concord Band Changed to Caton's Cotton Fartnrr In th Wrhwt,r ? H9a4? WjTer SW?: HalilnsteidofOntheton. I, frf Ttwn All' Plans "Sit YetCo&i- I i-"9j.e f"?? .TF , It has been decided .by the VietedV" " " : " ' lady managers that- the refresh, ments will be served in Calorft hall tomorrow night instead of plans arebeiner perfected fotff S?6 ' . wS&f ; . fe i.i r. Jno; C Wads- other cotton mill for Cohcotd.' I Ji?JtL li? . : u i Mrs. Winalow'a" SootHxBil Brrop has liom of xnbtherj :'f 6 t tir ebildre OC. ,T Gil Ton Bssntse .no ruk vhan yoa iaml-Diarrhoed' Remedy.'' Mvlk your ftfdney; if-yott not Ratified lis every wnero most 8 access or! the lawn at Mr, t. , - -i ( ... rV!' - rM-ur ' f i . i2-2ju , t sajjesman. ,wno sQia mm ine sun worth's residence. .' . The movonienl has beext teod fey.Vo "of "bi4' follbw Pomomot.-fiiftCA .a-p.AckvV.4- but a snort while but, Rtoclr MRii v'..-1' vvxMPJ. vuWD -(-- 3?t j clerics : f ollowed, K the : gentleman ately. t BoldbyU-fiTw putt lutreinedy in nseior,,l)owel. com. Sl PWPJS ,apd the, only pneibat . It 18 DJ him ness men for a large cotton mdl Hi-L- - 4 - f .T" M MlVA JLA v - t v -ices, cakes, creams,. fruits, etc, Pbuuuea mn. ibninocateTliim fc Va strip of will ha erAA frf fVi a wvafi t DQTS of our most Prominent bhisivlv. i.t. -r...v "v -. ry - WiAU f ; , wpocis near.town, com slows Soothinffuflmo l. jmd rtak 1 bver iails. other kind t??: and, reliable. leas ant, safe the Concord band. On account of some; of the De omit on wat is knoWnas "vtH Tav 'Vho youngef people, the - doors wm be open at 6 o'clock. The band northwestern part , of , .towij not j Jor some. Uftle tfme':wtll lie could ! 1 will occupy the stage and will iar trom tne liultalo mill. , agpatcllome one to Kash,nouse furnish music for the audience Mr. Robt. E Gibson is one of for" more rags in" wnich to while they wait and eat. , i the principal : promoters of the onvelojHs is a. It is requested that the differ- new enterprise but" numbers' "are 1 w.way of collecting a debt but eiiu uuiuiutcca mwi in tiie assisLiug- nim. ine siock wm pe a very effective one. ' 't " Please remember the time and stalment plan, as was the stock the place tomorrow night at in the Cabarrus-mill: ' ' Caton's hall. : 'lHr"BOTION DjEEABTMENT is the most . complete to be found in our city. A visit to our Store PEBSONAL POINTERS. will demonstrate the fact. Every thing thats new and up-to-date in the most popular Novelties are ; Mr. Jno.: L Rendlemah, of t 1 ev: Jnow on display. We have received another shipment 01 Ijadies Belts. --f ' IT r'-i ft 'f - t ' Biff Work ofthfiTJttlft Polka. .. r ,Vi . ' . The children of the Presbv- ur. u m Arcney nas receive.! Sum3 s-ch-ols df.4his6rning W Salisbury. , . ' . ;eoutn nave suceeaea in supplying Mr a a n&hmnr, 'f r r-I ! wl, L"! :Z a sionary boat to ply.he rivj ;this morming Ohiha Grove. ,The UeW DOG COLLAR BeLt IS the to the ground. Only the Satur- contribution in pennies and other day before Dr. Archey was there ; small change amounts to $10,000 and viewed for1 the last time , lis J and for this sum, the Triggs ship old home place where he had ' yard, at Richmond, lias con- been raised. The cause of the tracted to build a river boat. It fire is unknown. Nothing was saved, not even his father's valu- if able papers. They only escaped withiheir lives. Mr. Archey, after livinJbo be 90 years of age, is thus so"unfortunate as to see his bid home place razed to the ground. Numbers of valuable deeds, mortgages, etc., were destroyed.1' f ; - To Take Charge sin the JBanfc. Mr. Jay- Harris, who for sev eral months has been in the "Ca barrus Savings bank learning bank work, -has gone 'to Albe marle where be will be the book keeper in the new savings bank there. Mr. Jno. C Leslie will bo the cashier, r "We regret to lose Mr. Harris from Concord as ho is a man of worth and character and will be a valuable citizen for Albemarle. Albemarle to Haye a Jdge. All arrangements have been completed for Albemarle to have will be a flat-bottomed stern wheeler, patterned after the crait that plies the Cape Fear between Pay etteville and Wilmington. After it is finished at the Rich mond yards, it will be taken to pieces, shipped to Antwerp land the Congo, fcen by rail to Stan ley Pool, where it will be.rebuilt. The )trip up :to Xiuebo, abouti vQQO. it 1 ' ''ii in i -t t n mixes wm require 10 aays. ADOve: Stanley Pool there' are 10,0(5 miles of waterway . pen ? fp f such: a boalt from Stanley Pool, up the; Congo, the Kassal, and Xiuiua' riyer; are -1, 600. miles of banksr: with numerous villages and a very large population A to be reached. An" object to vbe at tained in the transporation of mission supplies, witiputt costly dependence upon others! Then there will be free intercourse at will between the mission sta tions. The boat will bear the name of Samuel N. Lapsley, who .... . . i ' .S 4- gave his life for Africa. Dr. D W Synder,vho left Flordia sev- a Knights of Pythias lodge. It fen years ago ' as a missionary to will be instituted next month. J Africa under the auspices-; of the The work of instituting the lodge will be done by members from Concord, -Salisbury, Norwood, Presbyterian cHurch of the south, is in Richmond look after the building of the boat.--Char- Mr. usmonq Jiamnger, oi Ac4. r4- I j Charlotte; spent ast night here Miss Madge -Wadsworth re- jturned to Charlotte this morning. They are in . Calf, Brown and with heavy metal -5-' f -yr .( ! - . attachment. They can't be beat; : Mr. Alfrei Trov and wife. 9 Jof Liberty, are msiting their son, f. - -'ill iMr.gTroyv - i trinunings audtheregular padlock ivjnarioixe ims morning xo, .visit :' r r t ' lve ;,ifar superior to anything ever home" last night from Iredell onnty,' after attending ther meet ing of the Presbytery.; t 'i . ' . , I Miss Sallie SappenfieM went to High- Point -this morning to visit her relatives. She will also visit in Lexington. ::,rrMr. tK:id" Sloan and wife, of Charlotte,- ' 'were hore this moirnin'g on .their .way out to No; p wnsbipi to .yisit his ; relatives. --JlBupt. "A NJ James and wife. shown." " A few swell novelties in - f" . ' Elastic Belt s with cut j et trim mings at 50 and 75 c. The best line of Leather Purses at 25 and 50c. ever shown. Cyrano head Beauty Pins and CJSV pls11 Cyrano Chains are here as well as here ihife mornings on their way . Vr--.fr.-!-v.r--j ' a good assortment of Enamel Belt Buckles. Fine Silk Opera Bags at $1.85, S1.50 and 2.00, . L. to ChaTlottev-T"-"Mr: James has Jone to - Philadelphia to attend e meeting of the JSpmners As- iation;: ; Mrs. James will visit her. relatives in Charlotte. L;c, ;, - ' - j ,. FRIGHTFU L BLNDEUR I Will often ' cause " a horrible Barn, Scald, Cat or Brise. l Bucfclen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cares Old bores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Fel-onfl,-Uarns.'t all Skin i Eruptions. Best jfile bare on earty. Only 25 cts. a box. (pure guaranteed. Sold at Fetzer's Store Charlotte and Lexington. It will J lotte Observer. organize with twenty members. Mr. Herbert Cook to Wed. j If -the dress reformers succeed . lin ab61ishins, corsets, tfie dear Cards are out announcing the giris kave no staying quali ties left. i1 ROBBED THE GBAV, i A startlings incident, of which Mr. j marriage lot Mr. Herbert Cook, son of Mr. TH Cook, to Miss Daisy Moore, daughter of Mr. Jj Moore, deceased. Both par- Johu Oliver of Phliladelphia, was th ! ties live at Forest Hill. . The sabjecCis narrated by him as fallows: ceremony will take place at the I wa3 in a most dreadful condition. My bride's home at 8:30 o'clock on ekin was almost yeUow, eyes sunken, j W.j . 01 j. ofl.i, . tongue coated, pain continually in back r weanesdav evenmsr, Sept. 2oth. , j n 1 . ' F r v and sides, no . sppehte gradually jsrrow. j 4 Ta t . t v ' " " ; ' ing weaker day by "day. Three physi- ' lo Locate IneiTton. iCianshaa given me up.. Fortunately, a Mr. Press Freeze, who for a ! sriend advised trying Electric Bitters:' j month has been relieving a phar-1 and to 3r great joy and surprise the ; : minicf o ah i -u . -j first bottle made . a decided improve- macistat Albemarle, has returned i meQt Icontiiued their use for three : lP his home near here and will ' weejiSf and amnow a well man. I know next Monday morning take 1 thay saved my life, and robbed the grave charts 4. ; of another victim." No one should fail ' xnaige ot a drug store for a to try them. Only 50cts., guriateed, at gentleinan in Newton. I Fetzer's DruglStore. OF llfflGY I H Parks & Comp y Q0dd i Btisiness ! AT i J. Fii's, We have been strictly in it for the past threei weeks. We are'expecting'every day another. , - OarqfF Car of Stoves, Car of Spriugs, and last, but no least, Car of Chairs. It keeps W mbyinV bat we trt movers, you know, and if you will keep your eyes ou ine soutbf ast corner of the fiist page of The Standard we Wll keep you posted follow our instruction, e will d3 the reat. Come and see if we doa't. , BELL, HARRIS & CO. P. S. Like the miller of old v e serv in turns. Look th nice pictnres until we can serve yen. Eell, Harris & Xku V