ehould Ely' cleanse the diseased ineir.bruuo. It cures catarrh iind drives Away a cold in the head quickly. Cream Balm is placed icto tty nostrils, spread cvr the jastabrane and la absorbed. Belief Ulm- J mediate and a care follows. It Is not drying doei not produce aieeziirg. Large Size, 50 eenti at Drug-'" gist or by mail i Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. Ex.Y BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street, New York. Winter is Coming. I ALREADY HAVE' Oft HAND THREE CARS OP Jellico Coal And have ten in or car loads on the way, II is time for you to lay in a rapply for the winter, inn't it? I also have on hand the 1 9 t of antracite coal. J. A. C Blackwelder, West Depot St. at Store. t3'Phone68. I AM PREPARED TO DO ANY THING IN Plumbing, Steam Fitting and . ,x Electric Wiring. I HAVE SOME NICE Bath Tubs ON HAND. E. MoNISH. 104. BICYCLES Repaired Promptly and Satisfac- .. . - tion Guaranteed. FRESH FRUITS And Vegetables in stock at E. L. LI PES IN BRICK ROW. WANTED Td buy 100,000 pjunde of old cast-iron scrap, de livered at tii foundry at once, for wn.cb vre will pay a fair pric.. No burnt iron wanted. 16tf. CCNCOBD FOUNDBT Co. ' BO YEARS" 4 EXPERIENCE 1 -A Try n MsBWtt "v . DESIGNS'' I Jyv.fn , -Copyrights Ac; Anyone sending a sketch and description max ulcUy ascertain our opinion free whether aq InTention is probably patentable. Communion as strictly connaentiai. iianaDoot on ratenta A free. Oldest agency foraecurinpatents.r;f atents taken throuarh Unnn A Co. recetoa' gpeciol notice, without charge, in the Scientific Hietl A handsomely illustrated weekly. Iarsrest'h culation of any scientific louro&L Terms, $3 a year ; four months, $L Bold by all newsdealers. fnyfIN Co.3siBr,T, flew York Branch Of 25 V Wsfttfwjton; V. C ' Mi M m I month 35c. 1.00. it 2.00. 1 year 4.00. 3 D Conditions Not So Good in Porto Rico. The condition of the Porto Ricans seems deplorable truly according to late dispatches. One of the 20 says: The board of charity's tabu lated satistics show that out of a population of 916,894 theie are ?9i;689 indigent and 11,858 sick. The number of deaths' , as a re sult of the recent hurricane was 2,619. One week's rations were issued to 293,147 persons, and the number of those working for rations vas 11,713. i The island is taking on Ameri can ways and will doubtless em erge from her trouble the more quickly thereby. The first jury trial for crime was given a na tive and he was convicted of lar ency on the . 20th. . The verdict was imprisonment at hard labor for six month and a fine of $500 and costs, a beginning quite dis couraging to that class of criminals. Drying preparations simply develop dry catarrh; they dry up the secretions which adhere to the membrane and decompose, causing a far more serious trou ble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all drying in halants and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Palm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. All druggists sell it at 50c. or it will be mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., N. Y. Worth of a Paper to a Commnnity. Senator Davis, of Illinois, is reported as saying : ' 'Each year every local newspaper gives from $500 to $5000 in free lines for the community in which it is printed, No other. agency can nor will do this. The editor in proportion to his t means does more for his town than any other j man, and in all fairness he ought to be supported, not because you like or admire his writtings, but because a local newspaper is the best advertisement a -community can have. It may not be crowded with great thoughts, but finan cially it is more of a benefit than a teacher; or a preacher: THAT THROBBING HEADACHE. -Jould quickly leave yon, if you used Dr. King's NewTiiie Pills. . Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. Theyrniadd pufc e f blood 8tr ong nerves and-DaiJd up your health. Easy to take. Try them; Only 25 cents, Money back inotcnred; at Fetzer's Drug Store. They Must Die. It is said that President Mc- Kinley will not save those sold iers that assaulted Filipino wo men f Qm execution according to ihe decree of the court-materiai. HOW'S.THIS? We offer one hundred dollars reward fpr any case 'of catarrh that. can not by cured by Hall's Gatarrh Cure. . ; .f,J. Che.ney & Co., Props., . 'J Toledo, Ohio. 5 the,.''..un3erfflgnSi;',have known F JCheney for tHe last 15 jers, and believe him perfectly reliable in all ' fensinesia transac ti on a "and ' fin ahcially able, to . carry out any obligations made by their firm;1 1 r ' . WestTruax, . Wholesale Druggists, . , , -Toledo, O, Waldirjg, Kinnan & Marvin, - Wholesale Druggists, v. r c Toledo, O. pall's Catarrh Cure is taken in tern aljy f acts directly upon the blood and; mucous surface of the system. Price -75c. -per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimo nials free.'' snles Pain Pxxjjs. Oixe cent a dose." To Dewey. Say, George, We won't do A thing to you When you get home once more From fighting on a foreign shore The big frontdoor Is wide open, and more, Talet r You in out of the wet, Where you've been with your boat ' ' r ''' i Walloping everything afloat, That you taclded. Ana ; ready, ; by gum, --v To tackle some That you didn't. Ge whiz, What a winner the Yankee is ! Do tell, -He woulden't be afraid of hell If there was water there to float Hisboat . In, would he? And he Is the same on the land as on the sea. But war Isn't what we are here for. We're waiting to meet you And greet you With shouts and yells, And booms and bells, And boats and floats, And toots and shoots, And whoops and troops, And songs and throngs, And eats and, treats, And and and Any old thing in this broad land Of freedom. Whoop! hoora! All you've got to do is to say What you want, and you Shall have it p. d. q. It's a pity If the greatest city. In America can Not give to the greatest man, The greatest greeting; and . She can, as you. will understand When we're through With you. r Why, George, If our other George .came back, we Couldn't do more for him Than we'll do for you: i See? And G. W. was no slouch in his ' day, Though he never shot up Ma nila Bay. Whoop! hooray ! ! W. J. Lampton in Leslie's Weekly. NO CUBE. NO PAX. That is the way all druggists sell uroye" . wasteless unuiX'onic lor chills and,. Malaria. ; it is r simply Iron and uvc At. muis,: jrjriujr iu'w: unwr, ixluU leatina ToDioa. Price.. 50c. ......... r 1) .. Reduced Railroad Rates. On account of the Dewev cele 2. A- 'i.- x U.'li bration round trip tickets will be sold on the z5th and 27th, mst. to New York for one and one third fare, with limit to Oct. 5th , On account of .the meeting of the General: Association of the Congregational church of North Carolina tickets will be sold to Charlotte and return for SI . 05 Tickets on Sale Sept. 19, 20 and 21 with limit, to 27th. JJids Wanted For Lumber. Cabarrus wants about 11,000 feet of oak and pine lumber for bridgeover Kocky Kiuer. , c -' -t J P Allison, chairman of Coun ty : Commj ssioners, . will receive bids for it. . r . '':: ' ' : hfii TTANTEDSEVEIui BRIGHT AKT TTnv est Der sons to rebresnt ns as Mftnnorfvra in this and close cbuntie. Salary $900 a year jana lexpenses; i atraighv boha fide,.no more, no less salary, Position permanent Our references, anv hanV in any town." It is mainly oflSce work conauctea at nome. .Kererence. iHn close self-addressed ' stamned envAlnnA The Dominion- Compant, Dept, 2, Chi cago.-' ;.. . ..... , ; . . - Notice to TaxPayers. : The tax books for 1899 have been placed ; ih my hands for collection and all tax-payers are requested to come3 forward and pay their taxes at once. ' ' V S. J. Ervin, City Tax Collector. V .4 .i.ta.imij!- M- K ...inikt"' - - -- In3 A The Kind yott ro Arrays V" ! tjt'JP- T WxiMuirislQa ince its infancy. f0-ljvo. tO'-eceiv$ Jyoii in this. Infants pm Oastoria is uferttft Pttsrrgoric, lrop9 and SrothjtoriiSyj! and peasant. It contains . eJhe9 :lJtDWn!0:,nor;jOt,ieJr Narcotic snbstance ,ls aero iits CTataniee It destroys Worms and allavs Fdverishrrcss. Jifc Colic. It' f enevc'tfeetfito and Flatulency. It 'nasdniS&ivi69 regulate? the Stomach and-owcUf, giving .healthy and natural sleep CEWUmEV;lg3n0RJ ALWAYS Si .Bears tne The M You Have Mays Bought In Use Ftfr Over 30 Years. TM 0TAM eOMWItT, TT MWHAV OTHKKT Httf VOKK CITY. i . :-t;- ODELL HFtCTDRIi EBLIR 'j:.i. MAsuFACTrniis or H4 riNE ams Plaids, " ,' nl ll; fill . ,.'X AND- TOO 3 05 DEALER IN "- . '" " j General Merchandise It rni n rr ?i rBTJYEBS OT COUNTRY PRODUCE , . of all kind: Four-foot Wood always Wanted. Beet ' 5 tf'. ' - , .. .. - Price for same. . O 4 . ' x We inyite anjinspection of all the goods weSmanufacture . Gingh Sheetine F7 Gutinir ill !oncordtN.O c. Botiff has been Vum tiMidA nnA hi. - limine Health of 9.106 Experiment enres 'Piarrnoe and Wind mgnaenre oz outhern ailway SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT JULY" THE 16TH, 1899. This condensea'schedule is pub lished as information, and is isubject to cbahge- without notice to thr public : ?, Trains leave Concord N. C ! 5l52 A M No 8, daily, -for Eici mond;' .connects at Greensboro for Raleigh and Goldsboroj ' at Goldsboro forNorfolk, at Danville for Washingtoa and points North, at Salisbury for Asherille, Knozyille and points "West. ; 7, 19 A. M No. 33,' the New York and Florida Express, carries Pullman Sleep ing Gars between New York and Au ffusta, New York and Tampa, Fla., and Nbrfo& to Charlotte. ' i; 8;49 X; M. No. 37, daily, Wash intohnand Southwestern limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Mont gomeiy, 3fobile.and New Orleans, and aUFpintd'Sonh and Southwest. Tlirbuffh: Pullniah sleeper New York to Kew Orleans andNew,York to Memphis, 4 Dining car, vestibuled coach, between w asnington ana . Atlanta. l(K6aAM6 daily, for Wash- f ingtotffv Kichmbnd, Balei?h and all riOinte' OrttJ. Carries Pullman drawing room buffet sleeper, New Orleans to New Yoik; Jacksonville to New Ot: -Pullman touristr cars from San Francisco via -New Orleans and South ern JPacific Sundays and Wednesdays. , li3 Al.No. 11, daily for Atlanta and all points Soutii. Solid train, Rich mond to Atlanta. : o7K)9 P. M. No. 12, daily, for Rich mond, Asheville,- Chattanooga, Raleigh, Norfolk aiid all points North. 8;'8i t.. '40aiiy " from Bicb aion'd, Washington," Odldsboro, Selma, Baleigh,?i Greensboro Knoxville and Asheville to Charlotte, N. C. 8: 51 P. MjNo 38, dailv, Washington and Southwestern limited, for Wash ington and all points' r North. Through Pullxnan car. Memphis to New York; New (Orleans to Newi York. Also carries vestibuled coach and dining car. Close connection at Greensboro with sleeper, for Noffolk:. f! Ai 9.20 P; M:No85, daily, for Atlanta and ewOrleans,- ? carries ; Pullman sleepexlSrewbrk;to N aw Orleans. New York toackriohville and Charlotte IP Atlanta? dinning -car. J -'lso PulLnan iouxist'vi;Waingt6nto San Francis; co, lyjL ew iOrleans Tuesday , and Frr 9.45 P. M. No. 34, . daily, the New York-and Florida Express carries Pnii' man Sleeping Cars between August and New York.-Tampa, Fla, and New York and Charlotte to Bichmond. Car ries sleepers Charlotte o Norfolk 'lfl Greensboro.; V I ' J First RfictihTiH nf ffifrhlar through or local 1 freight trains cany passengers only to points where they stop accord to schedule V t - .... . ' FrankS. Gannon, Third Vice-Presand Gen'l. Man. - r -Washington, D. u J ohn M. Culp, Traffio Manager, : ! ' : Gicm Washington, Pi W. A. Turk, Gen'l. Pass. Agent, , Washington, v. v. Oowan Dasenbery, JLocal Agent, Concord, u

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