BfiLY JOHN D. BARRIER, and SON, Editors and Proprietors.;: Ufl'It E IM 1U MOUICIS BUILDINQ HIE STANDARD is published every day (bunday excepted) and delivered by rieb. "Bates of Subscription: Gilt? year. . . .$1.00 Sis uiombs ........... . 2 00 Three mouths . ..... . . . . 1.00 One mon th 7r . .......... -35 5ink?l' ennv. ........... .05 THE VVEEICLY STANDARD is a our-page, eight-column paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any otherjpuper. Price $1,00 per annum in advance. Advertising Rates : Terms for regular advertisements made known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord. N. C. Concord, N. C, Sept. 26. THE TRANSVAAL. That point of the globe that Is attracting more interest' in the news circlos just now than any other is the' Transvaal. Trans, signifying a cross, makes the name mean across the Vaal river from the South African colonies of Cape Coloney and Natal. The country lies between the Vaal and the Limpopo rivers and ombraces an area of 114,360 square miles. It is a fertile region but its mineral wealth is most conspicious. Gold, silver platinum, iron, coal lead, and other minerals abound. The white' population in 1890 was 110,128 of whom 45,000 were Dutch. But there ' are besides C49, 560 natives. The Dutch are the ruling element and do not take well to the English rule in Africa. In fact they have laimoa inac tney witnarew irom the southern colonies in 1845 and crossed the Vaal to enjoy freedom from the English. Their independence was recog nized in 1852. Tt. true n nnnvn1 4-r CLn4- T,i tian, however, in 1877. In 1880 the Boers (Dutch settlers) took up arms against Great Britain and were successful in a battle at Majuba Hill. A treaty of peace followed in which the Boors regained their indepen dence save an indifinite kind .of relation, called suzerainty, by the Brlttish crown. A suzerain is a superior lord or sovereign. This suzerainty is a question of right claimed by the English and denied by the Boers. The natives are largely in the majority as a whole and the Boers are very decidedly in the minority. The law-making pow er is called the Valksraad and the chief executive is the presi dent. Pretoria is the capitol. The claim of the English seems to rest largely on her construct ion of the suzerainty and equit ably on KeTC demanbT thaT' the English .inhalrtants.;,who are more than- the ' Dutch and pay nearly all the taxes shall have equal rights ini the government. The Boers dispute the Eng lish claims under' the suzerainty and are unwilling that the rEng-, lish subjects shall exercise the privilege of citizens of the Re public. How much interest the na tives would take in the contest is a problem yet to be solved but most probably they would not bo unfavorable to seeing both tho parties, on whom they look as intruders, engage m an oxhaust ing contest, though there is little doubt that they wrould bo worsted if the war, if it conio, should result in their , getting rid of both. In this as in many instancos! it is not so easy for the world to fix its sympathies. ; At a glance and on tho principlo that itTio5 Boers should b& let alone' in tiho Exercises of -iboirown affairs in t lieir own -way 1 would seem that England should keep hands off and English subjects who do not like the situation should withdraw. But. some how the English have always seen; justi fication in prossing. thoir way to the front in a rrioneering policy and; seem to have bettered tho conditions always. The situation is watched with interest, mingled with the hope that there wilL ? yet bo a way found without going further to ward war. OH THOSE CIGARETTES. Nothing in this world of diver sified minds seems absolutely settled and there are those who claim, by word, and many more by practical example, that cig arettes do not hurt one. Some young men .who bear the very marks 61 injury are unapproach able! with .better .-counsels that would fain save them front "their folly. The'hurJ'you off by telling v you that they have smoked the cigarette for years without injury. They are bound as securely as the habitual liquor drinker and 1 loving ones stand as .powerless to rescue them.' Many of the "physicians sound the" note of -warning and the news of the day hold up in stances before I their eyes. The following from the Salisbury Sun of the 25 th is one moio from near home and should have its weight : "Ernest ; Jenkins, a 16-year- old boy, of Gold Hill, died this mbrnihg at 4 o'clock' -.after a brief illness... He was taken with a chill Friday. He was like a rav ing maniac yesterday and it re quired several men to hold him in bed. His physician said death was caused by excessive cigar ette smoking'" Hi A few days ago- it was an nounced tha the1-Gr. A. R's would not march in the Dewey recep tion' procession11 because their place wrf assigned near; the rear. It is now announced that they have come to their senses enougn o understand that this is pri marily a demonstration in honor of the heroes of the war with Spain and the G. A. R's as well as the Confederates will fall in aMniarchvc The equinoctial season h&s been quite lenient to us if Mon day ' evening's wind and the mgnts iignmm r uiusstwxixig clouSs arid .iahes of rain, isthe amount of tKe looked-f or autumnal gale.- A clear sky and a' tracing atmosphere has fol lowed and the ennui induced by a long hot period will readily yiold and the stamina of endur ance for the heavy fall labor will soon porvade a fellow's corporal Ity if there is no ague in his bones. You alanine tuo .rialc wheu von buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. M. L. Marsh & Co will; refund your money it you are not sat it-tied niter using it. It is overy where admitted to be the most success ful remedy in use for bowel com plaints and the only one that nover fails. It is pleasant, safe and reliable. Cotton Spinners Got Together. A Philadelphia dispatch of the 25th says: : - -, : The Cotton Spinners' Asso ciation, which has been' holding ing daily meetings since last Fri day, today adopted a new scale of prices, as follows : Two-ply warps: 8-3, 12 coins; 8-2; 12 conts ; 10-2, 12i cents; 12-2," 15 conts; 14-2, 13i cents: 16-2 14 conts; 20-2, 15 cents; 22-2 15f cents ;V24-'2 16 cents; 26-216 cents' p 30-2, 18J- cents ; single warps from 1 cent to 1 cents less than this scale ; two-ply; skem, ? $ loss than this scale ; single skein, 1 cent less than this scale. . The association also'adopted a resolution that ' fas manufactur ers of cotton yarns, we profess to be in a position to advise our" members to decline' all orders which do not conform 'to the scale of prices set forth herein.'? This' T was signed by sixteen firms from- North Carolina. It was stated that New England manufacturers would also adopt the new. scale, and that unless tho prices could be obtained all the mills, would close down. 1351) mm feu THAT THKOBBXNG HEADACHE., Wonld quickly leave yon, it yon need Dr. King's New Lite Pills. Thousands' of sufferers have proyed their matchless merit for bickand Nervous Headaches. They made pure blood strong : nerves and build up your health, i Easy to take. Try them.'. Only 26, oents Money back i; not enred, at Fetter's Btuist Store'. 0 -'i-- "i .n ! ' .;. Out of the Months of Babes. Said lictle Bess to little Grace, "Why don't you wash your dol ly's face?" ' , V ; Said JittleGraeVtaliUle Bess, I'll mr oTwh if you cant guess; , Her face is horrid, 'tis quite true, . ' c. . But I'll fix it up like ladies do By putting- on ,some paint and powder 4- Then my dolly will feel much prouder," News and Obser ver. .-. ,.. .. : Drying preparations- simply develop dry catarrh they , dry, up the secretions ,which adhere to the membrane and -deconipose. causing a far more serious ;trbu ble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid aU drying in halants - and use that ;i which cleanses, soothes and hes Ely's Cream Balra is . a; remedy and will cure, catarrn- or cold in the heaoLeasily and pleasantly. All druggists seU it at 50c, or it will be mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., N. Y. The South to Make Automobiles. The city of Richmond isi to add an automobile" factory to! her en-j terpriseyery sobn1. Th is on 'machlmQ b wiirber the; rfirst bnebtiilt ih the South' ; and v! this will. ! oe the first Autombbile factory in thb. South. f l : Tne soothing and healing prop erties of. Chamberlain's Cough iiemea us pleasant taste and prompt and frmnnent cures have made jt a. itL4avrite with the people everywhere. For sale by M. L, Marsh & Co., Druggists Dry Goods Depart- ment. r. Linen, colored Crash, for 5c. a yard, wortn'10o. V- -';V".' , Printed lilafsaiiles' at 12c. Daclr; lPlain White, solid col- ored an'tf Printed, - -' CaliooSc.2p. ? ? . YawirJe Percale at 20 and 25 cents.-per, pound. . r--- ... ... Ligh( 6blored Outing 5J Sr Tc, PfkrjinB ih Towelsr r ! 4 4 e Hosiery. Two joKlotsof Samples bfGent's1 fine1 sdtiot No;lplainanJ tT&6f colors at 15p4- worth 20 to,25c: 5 i, -Eapqyjpolpred nd.lack1 Lisle at lbc worth Vaxq vfjri ,rr :h The best line "of Men's on La dies&daiery -on th market - for r dNotiorts. S r I : Crochet , Cotton, 4o per spool, 8Ufc (8hqrtmea.nre)1at 5c. v Torkr ey Bed Cotton, 20b' per dozen spools. . Embroidery Sils, iUo ber skeins worth 5 cents 'J Also old embroidery thread at; So iper skein, Embroidery Hodps 5c o v Bbue Dr 88 Stays 3. 0. Hooks and P 10c box "r T nreaa tfc per npom, Safety p e 2c. per dozen. Brass Pin, paper wd 25c per Piria Ic. Kabhr Per iron 4c Poand. I, Shfelds-lOc. Monmir t;;. 56 pr box, Alumiiium Hair V 5o dozeo, Side Corabs 5 and 10? Pom padour-rlOo. tooth Dressing Combs 4 to 25? ; Stationary. I l M?;ffi? PDer at less ih iooio j. Jin: writer dOJ. Oav uuutxaper ior -typewriter nge 5 sheets ior 56, Typewriter at a ounces-for 5c. Fancv fJr, Paperior Lamp, Shades 6c tn toilet Paper;2 rolls for 10c! !jS ana iuuciiage oc, Shoe Blacks k ukj, uv, uiazK JUre88i3j 5tC6 15o, s-'Wood Tooth Picks 4 per 1.000. tit's Furnishings, .Boston Garters 18c, Drawera oupporxers oc per pair, Bosom Shirts 485i " Glass Ware 5or up. Crockery andTinware np stairs. i t , -. :-. ..... .., . tf you aro not a subscriber to$i TheStandard ;'f "fur' la the time to subscribe. THE t fx J Jf you have anything to sell J yoil can make it known tkrongh I The Standard. A I 0 A is published every day Sunday ex cepted and delivered at your door ior only 10 o per week or 85c- per monilv. w . ..... , . . . . . . . : . . ... . . TH ' ; ... - : . E STAND prints home and "other news that is of interest to our readers arid to make lt w better ev:77u-Zz;0 :;?aJ- Duiiuc the ciyiwar, as well as in our vr&f wit ti; Spain pdiar- rhoea was ' one of the most f troublesome diseases the army had to contend with. In many iTtrtneoft it beMme-, chronic and the old soldiers still suffer from it. Mr. David Taylor, of Wind Ridge, Greene county, Pa. is one of these. He uses Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kennedy and sayiv he never found anything thak would ive him such quick elief. t T it is tor sale by M. Marsh & Co.. Druggist Grip makes one sick, weary and restless, Dr. Mile' Restorative bkrvira brinrs rst. t ronage of the peoples . . . . Pfve us a trial when you make your next order for..;.;;. f. Work Work ready when promised 1 it If 4- you want to buy anything you can: call forjit through , I The Standard. l dTertising'rrates; J j the: Standard j t made known on? applied 4 4

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