. It Arrival of Trains. The following change of schedule took ! affect Jnnel2, 1899. ! NORTHBOUND. IJo. 8 arrives at 5 52 a m, 36 " "10 00 a m, 12 u " 7-09 p m, 33 " 8.51 p m, (flag) 31 A " 9.45 pro, a 62 " 2 OOam(ireigi t) SOUTHBOUND V 11 " 11 23 am, 7 :-- " 6.51 p m, " 35 M " 9.20 p'm, (flag) . . .. ' 33 " 7.19 a m, - 01 " " 849 a m, (freight) : No. 35. when running ahead of No. 7, south of Charlotte, and is stopped, for passengers arriving from Lynchburg or "beyond. No. 36 stops regularly for passengers for Salisbury, High Point; Greensboro, Reidsville, Danyille and principal stations between Danyille and Washington. No. 37 stops for ' pas sengers coming from J.ynchburg or points beyond, and to take " on pas sengers for regular stopping places south of Ne wells." No. 38 stops" to let off passengers from regular - stopping places souin oi newens ana to take on passengers for regular stopping places, Lynchburg or beyond. . . v Nos. 33 and 34 stop at Concord for passengers to or -from the C. O. & A: division Charlotte -to Augusta and mother points in South Carolina. Georgia and Florida, reached through Columbia or Augusta. Nos. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trains and connect at Salisbury with trains of W. N. C. Division.' " . .. He Was Taken to the Chaingang. j A Meeting Called. The young man, Luther Wil- In view of the expressed wishes liams, who was arrested Monday of a number of persons inter- afternoon for, being drunk and 111 maxion oi amusic- disordorW fnii a al organisation, we have disorderly failed to find any one arranged a cmeeting for to wno would pay his three dollars, morrow night at the Institute at and hence he . was taken toV the 7. 30 o'clock, to which all who chainganer Tuesdav Avp-mrTo' T. ! are interested, are invited for will be remembered that the Al bemarle correspondent to the Charlotte Observer noted a case where some persons .deliberately took a suit ofxlothes from a-man n the woods lea ving him clothes- less. The vounsr man linrl nh. ained - the clothes dishonestly. This man Williams is the person who . had this experience in the woods. v- j ti Li Ci jr ti j n x j y 1 . See change in Craven Bros, ad in today's issue. N . ; Cotton is bringing 7.25. On Tuesday it was 7 cents. - ' Miss Nannie-Cannon has gone over to Charlotte to spend a few days. . " ' Thirty-nine , bales of-cotton-at the platform Tuesday. The bes rade brought 7 cents. consideration of plans, etc. J. H. LrlPPARD. Sunday School Closings ; ' Mr. W Lf'Holla'na ; reports the close of the . Sunday :school for the season at the Walker - school' house in Mecklenburg "county on iasu ounciay . vrnree, prices were bestowed for Bible verses com mitted. .' Each was a copy of - a book ' entitled v Charlie Coulson and werebestowedi as fallows : Engle Crenshaw f or 557 verses; Hattie' McCoy -.for 328; verses; Banks Garrison fair 133 verses. - - '--t: r Kow Comes Minstrels. The Barlow Minstrels, better and larger than ever, will be here to morrow-night. The musical features "of the performance are 'said to be ex- fcellenr,--while-'iiiror"the BOW'S THIS ? We offer one huudred dollars reward for auy oaee of catarrh that can uot by cured- by Hall's CMtniTh Cnre. . . - . F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., ' Toledo, Ohio. We the undriffued, ? have known E J Cli;ney for the last 15 years, aim believe him perfectly reiiabte iu All buHiueWs trausac tionB and financially 4tble-to-carry out any oblifeation8 made by their firm. . : :- .. Wist & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, - . ; Toledo, 0. W aiding, Kin nan & Marvin, Whciesale Druggists, come dians and the specialties are good. There -will -be -a -srrand rjarade L . una oDen-air , musicai-air music O W Kelly arrived here festival bv ihe jcombanv and uvuyr ij.xxxuj.i.lXLkO UJLlilil-LltJIUr ! UclUU lOUlOrrOW. U. on Jier way to Georgeville. Hail OatarrtrCure is taken in terually, Hots-iMreotly upon the blood and silicon." surface of the system. Price ! 75c. per bottle. Sold by all diuggists. Testiino- ; 'fcTn t OPERA HOUSE. i - - - . .'' Only One Night, One hundren Ghildrens, Vestee Suits. Stylish Patterns. Hand some trimmings. New and elc -gant designts. Fine) y Tailored. Altogether Swell All sizes, 3 to 8. They are 5.00 and $8.00 suits and strictly up to date; You can have choice at 00, One h $1.25 to $1,50. and S250 suits, Two; hundre d Ghildr ens' Be ef er suits. Finest ibds, splendidljr SOO. iThere stilts among: suits at are plenty of $5 Boys heavy all-wool suits at $ -You won' t find the: Thursday Sept 28. Mr. o. i Miss Vallie Brown has-gone to vv i :i ston to the bedside, of her sis-ier, Mrs. Reith who is sicker To Take hi the Circus. Of course the streets of Salis bury are crowded today on account Of IhfV .Tort n T?.nhincrm mwno HTVici MT- -7-71 -- 1 , ml : i . r--y ..vauu. j. home from New. Ydrk, where he tPUOT delegates attended ha been spending several weeks. Ym. ioncora xoaay: Messrs. at D n t) x. - A K60- L Patterson, .. Jno. -C home from Charlotte where she Wadsworth, Ed. Moss, Will visited her daughter, Mrs." Jno. FiPWO. Jno. Alexander, Billy Yorke. - - - ' - Croscji, and Jno. M Young. Marriage . license WES issued For tie! Examination of Teachers; Tuesday Mr. E T arnhardt, w w Morris,- county Colley, of this place. " supermtendentof public schools, - will , have his regular examma- tion davs for teachers on the turn fifl Tinmo frrrn nTTiri or whorft following da.VS: 'For whites he went to visit his mother. She Thursday, Oct 12th; for colored, is in very bad health. baturday, Oct.l4th - Mrs. W M Miller, of Jefferson, , FOR TRADE Two fresh o. U. arrived here Tuesday night milch cows. Will sell or ex 011 her way to Mt. Pleasant to change. Call at this office. visit ner relatives for a week. ool-omow hjijnstjuijn. BIO! MINSTRELS: Management. Harry Wari - - 35 White Artists.: ;:: Band and Orchestra. New First Part, Costumes, Songs . . . . .:. 1 . - . ' ' and Dances. Grand Street Parade at Noon. Dori' t Forget the. Date, Admission 50 and 75 cents; children . 25 cents. Reserved seats on sale" at .Gibson's V drug store, v ' l" . for less than $2, 50 :: anywhere else..;';.;;;.,;.; . - - , ,:. . Splendid line of Mean's suits in. "We save you? 25 cents on every dollar you spend: "t Cattition i!p Fetzer Co. losing HUT A V MOT For Delay Is , Dangerous ! You have been " thinking about 1 $ taking out a Policy of Life In surance. Yes, and for the benefit of yourself and loved ones you will take an Accident Policy. " Mr. W. D. Shiibert, machinist at Cannon' Manufacturing Co. and Mr. F. ; -B.Haydock, ma chinist at the Bleachery, have w both been injured recently, and Q both bromntlv received their n weekly indemnity. , Go to see them, they were insured by me. You can find me in my office everv evening during the week y ou vsee . a;. .. .person money you would "tell them even if -you- had never met them;k-we see 1 , J you losing money every day on wood bills . ' If you had a stove OR RANGE You would save wood and get more heat. The most ECONOMICAL. FRESH OYSTER Jno. A. Sims. Insurance Agent. Sept.' 1, 1899. Miss Mary Brachen's display of FOR SALEA new Wheeler Fall and Winter pattern Hats, & Wilson sewing machine with Tuesday and Wednesday, 3 and five drawers, just from the fac 4& of October. Public cordially tory. Call at this office and get invited. , a first class machine on easy A male teacher who is in the teirins ork for the love of it and likes ' LOST Small black cur dog. ir remuneration along with it Answers to name of "Joe." for about a seven month's school Leave any information at this ould do well to call at this of- office. .. . r - Mr. H M Weir has again taken ; from 8 to 9 o clock. : There will be praver meeting his place as salesman with H L Office in Postoffice Building r orest Hill M.. J. Unurcn at varies k uu. ... . tnSiiSiS Tlyti . MisS Preparatory to the meeting Vthat home after spending some time iU continue nightly during next Ohariotte. ; week- is T ' : - Forty tickets have.' 1 already a v, -i been sold for the Barlow min- i A number of persons, not u; T Awn ..ii Wing that Eev. Joe Munday strels tomorrow night. ad cancelled his engagement, presh fish tomorrow morning Jent to the Baptist church Tues- jn Dasement of Levy's market. night expecting to hear him. Earl Hartsell. fhosGDeonlft ono-ht to take their dx.ai 4r.1T, , xn .Y 0 1 xrxiUJ-it? rrx. LOinvo I -"ou.Oiiiy paper. Mr. Wm. Kime, of Liberty, spent Tuesday night "here with jus son-in-law, Mr. D B Castor. tte accompanied his daughter, ;,1ss Hama Kime, this far on her vVay to school, at Mont Ameona S(: 'iii nary. . SEE THE Yankee Watch 1 . FURNITURE AND - UND ER 1 AK IN G- QO TO AT THE - Concord Bakery. The ladies always turn out to the' Great Barlow Minstrels. f r.y Ward, the manager of the ;4f),npany promises the cleanest ct most refined minstrel ; per i'mance ever seen, and he al vVays keeps his word. Bread, Buns, Doughnuts, Cakes, Pies, ' Cream Puffs, etc. Special attention given to. lad patrons. ' Oysters 35 cents per quart. Joe' Fisher, Proprietor.; 'PHONE 122. FOR at; G W PATTERSON! . j-FOR J . : "1 Fresh Butter on Ice, Quaker Oats, ' Hominy, Chipped Beef, Canned Corn. Tomatoes, and Peaches. Soda, Baking Powder?,- Starch Breakfast Strips; Greon ftud Parched Coif Me,- Tea, Sugar, Soap, Peas, Meal; Corn, Shipstuff, Oats, "Oil; Flour, Molasses, Salt, Vinegar, Snuff, Touacco, Rice, Potash, Spices, bottled Pickles, WashingPowders and anything in the . Grocery line. We also carry Rope, Crockery, Glass-ware, Woodenware, Dry Goods, Shoes Hats, TinNware. Etc. Etc t P nl Miial h W.bC Correirs We close our store at 8.15 dur ing the summer months. We de liver goods until 6 p. m. Offero tbo business pnblic a reliable pei- manent, couseryatiTe and accommqd&t ingbankin instation. v We solicit your patronage with ths assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. . . ; If we can serve yoa any time we will be glad to have you come and see us. v I1EBEKAL1 ACCOMMODATIONSO TO CUSTOMERS. . - - - Capital and Surplus - - $70000. Jj.Ts Coltbank, Chashier J. M. Odej ii. President. M. L. Brown & BRo. LIVKK.Y, FSKU AND i STABLKF. LB Juat in rear cl St. Gioad Hotel. Gar nibaaes meet ail paaenger trainr. Outfits ot all kinds famished promptly aad at reaaooable urrfp. Horses and rau-.?B alwaya on'fr aod or sale. . Brwodars of .U jrougbbxed Polar d Ohina Hcv U

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