m A MOTHER TELLS HOW SHE SAVED D AUG UTEKS LIFE. I am the mottinr of eight child ren and have had a preat deal of experience with medicines. Last summer my Httlo daughter had the dysentery in its worst form. "We thought s!j wonld die. I tried everything I could think of. I 'saw by an advertisement in our paper that Chamberlain's Colic, - Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy wg highly recommended and sent and got a bottle at once. Ii proved to be one of the very best medicines we ever had 1 the honse. It saved my little daught er's life. I am anxious for every mother to know what an excellent medicire it is. Had f known it at iirst it would have saved me a rWt dwal of anxietv and my -litltte daughter much guffBnngy yftirn truly, Mrs. Geo. F. Bur- v.infr, Liberty, K. L For Sale by f. L Marsh & Co., Druggist. ' Kasal GATAB In all its tt&gss tliere tiould be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm cIc8Eses,floctlie3aTidlie-! the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives &W2.J a cold la tie Lead quickly. Cream Balm Is placed Into ths nostrils, spreads over the nexabrase cxd la absorbed. Belief la fco fnedkte and a care follows. It Is not drying 3oe not produce sneezing. Large Size, 60 eenta at Drug gist or b7 mail , TruJ Size, 10 cents by T"?i. Ei-Y BE0TH2ES, 5S Warren Street, New York. Milk BICYCLES Repaired Promptly and Satisfac tion Guaranteed. "FRESH FRUITS QSoid Vegetables in stock at E. L. LI PES IN BRICK ROW. WANTED Te buy 100,000 p .nr.dfr of old cast-iron scrap, de rrd at te foundry at once, for n rt -svill pay a fur price. No b :r i' iron ranted. r1 f. r Concord Foundry Oo. PEKSONAL POINTERS. Andrew 'Grier spent last night here." Mr. Jno. McDowell went up to Marion yesterday. ' Miss Jessie Deaton and Miss Alice Sims went, to Mooresville today. Miss Sallie Sappenfield re turned home this morning after visiting at High Point ' Mr. Joseph Jackson returned home this morning after visiting his brother in Salisbury. Miss Addie .Patterson and Mr. Chas. Phillips went over to Mt. Pleasant this afternoon to spend the night. e OF g 1 B AT I J. lira's. I AM PREPARED TO DO ANY THING IN Plumbing S'team Fitting and Electric Wiring. I HAVE SOME NICE Bath Tubs ON HAND. "wT E. McNISH. 3JM2&1L, 60 YEARS' - V J, 5 "7i ?U IXa A r4 Tradk Marks Designs 4 i; Copyrights Ao. ftjiyone sending a sketch and description sjckjj ascertain our opinion rree wnetner an lyentlon is probably patentable Communiea. Csmctir confidential. Handbook on Patent ii. ireo. uiaesi patents taken agency ror securing "patent. tnronga Mann Co. rc recetro 5 traienu taken tnronjea Mann & Co C"iaJ nottc. without charco. in tho . scientific American. -' JL handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest ctr . eolation of. apy scientific Journal. . Terms, $3 . (tear; frtnr moaths, IL 8old by all r.ewdPlem. fclUHNgCo.3618. New York T6ICE Tilt Mil) : month -35 c. 3 ' : ' ft 1.00. 2.00; I vear 4.00. Winter is Coming. "- ' '-, I ALREADY HAVE ON HAND THREE CARS OF Jellico Coal And have ten more car loads on the ray. It ia time for you to lay in a fnpply for the winter, ian't;. it? I also hay 4 on hand the best of antracite coal. J. A. C Blackwelder, West Depot St. at Store. JDPhone 68. COAL K. L. Craven Has Bosilit 800 TONS JELICO COAL. 200 TONS HARD COAL. Alsa Yirgma Split ari Bird Eye Cancel CoaL Best steal coal at mine prices. Good Smith Coal; Call and get what you want. ,Phone 74. Notice to Tax Payers. The tax books for 1899 have been placed in my hands for collection and all tax-payers are requested to come forward and pay their taxes at once. S. J. Ervin, City Tax Collector. WASTED SEVERAIi BBIOHT AJTO HOJT- est persons to represent ns as Managers in this and close conntieH.; Salary $900 a year and expenses. Straight, bona fide.' no more, no lees salary, Position permanent. Onr references, any bank in any town. It itf mainly office- work conducted at Jiome, Reference. En close self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion CoMPAmr; Bept; 2, Chi cago. ' 1 -"-' h i r . .'-.Hi " l-1 iBeduced Eailroad EatesS i;6n"axK5punt of circus in Salis bury the Southern will sell round trip tickets on" the 27th. final ixjLLuiuuio otu. iur yu cents. Grip makes one slcfc - weary and restless, O. MiW Restorative ervue briogs rest. TanderbiUya Answer. Ever and anon we see in print that Biltmore is ,a disap-1 pointment to its .owner ana is or will be abandoned. Tattler in the Asheville citizen says: "George W - Vanderbilt's an swer to the people who periodic ailv insist that he is to abandon his creat possessions at Biltmore is most eloquent. wmie tne smart Alecks who know all about his business affairs publish to the world a statement that he is going to turn his back upon Bilt more for all - time, he quietly comes along and buys a 2,000 acre tract to add to his holdings here.' If he were anxious to be rid of the magnificent domain it is scarcely probable that he would make any more purchases;" Gaiel With Sacred Associotion. The Robert P Hoke Chapter U. D. C, in Salisbury, on Mon day afternoon, was made the recipient of a much prized souve nir. It is a gavel made from wood composing the funeral car on which the remains of Presi dent Davis rested in Raleigh while on the way to Richmond for interment. The formal presentation was made by Mrs. T B Beall and it was received by Mrs. Jno L Henderson. The Salisbury Sun contains a pleas ant account of the occasion. NO CURE. NO PAY. . That is the way all druggists sell Grove" Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children sore it. Adults refer it to bitter, nan Ieatin& Topics Price. 50c. Pastor's 80th Annirersary Celebrated. A most pleasant and appro priate celebration was held in the Presbyterian church at States ville last Friday night, commem orativejDf the Rev. Dr. Wood's 30th anniversary as pastor. Beautiful tributes were paid in songs and eulogies. The young men of the Doctor's flock gave him a watch and the ladies re furnished his study. It was an epoch in the interesting history of .that congregation. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR . CHILLS and fever is a bottle c Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. Never fails to cure; In en wny experiment with worthless imitation? iticq oo cents. ionr money back.if it failsr'tocnre. , Female Preacher. Rev. Ida M Johnson is a wo man preacher that seems to.be doing an immense work in the Methodist church about Buck- ner, N. C. Trustee's Sale. Ry virtue of authority vested in by a Deed in Tru it or Mortgage, exe cuted by J. A. Smith and wife, Marv T O. Zt. U ; it . rk.l j tv . J . rtmxiu., uix luv vi u. uay 01 iecemDer, 1887, which Mortgage or Deed in. Trust is duly recorded in Register's office for Cabarrus county. N. C, in Rook No. 3, pages 558 and 559, I will sell at public auction at the court house door in Con cord, JN. U on the 28th day of October, 1899, to the highest bidder, for cash: Said J . A. Smith's entire interest in his father's real estata InmtArl i township, being by "will one-ninth of jiiawnias Bmitn, deceased, entire real coiaicr, euppuseu w D aD6Ut OU6 nunarea acres. (Since the execution of ttiis mortgage the interest of John A, Smith has been set apart by metes and bounds and is known as lot No. 5) and is bOitnded 'as f ollowsr Beginning at a stone by a dogwood and corner of lot No. 4 and mnsS. 87 1-2, E. 41 po. to a stone and white rock,- Hearns corner, then with his line S. 20, W. 162 po. to a stone on the south edge of the great road, Hearns corner, then with the road as follows: 1st N. 53, W. 37 po. to a stone in the road, then 2nd N. 81. W. 53 po. to a stone on the south edge of the road by a P. O., Widenhonse's old corner, then 3rd line on road N. 30, W. 24 po. toa small white Oak on the north edge of the road, then a dividing line. N.52 1-2,E. 106 po. to the begmnln containing 56 acres, more or less. Title to said property is supposed to be good, but the purchaser takes such title as I am authorized to convey nn der said mortgage. v rU.. , - - E. Bost, Trustee. This 27th day of Sect , 1899. wmm The Kind ydtt Hiavo'ArTO has be in use iot over ov yeara, ,xw uoxrie me signature of and has been made under his tt sonal srrpcrrision since itsinfap ADovr no one to deceive yon in thi" AH Counterfeits,, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex. peTimentS that tijffle the health of 'jnfsurAA- andrClxnarcaibrie against Experiment, What is ASTORIA Castoria is a substitute fbri Castor Oil,- Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups It Is Harmless and feasant, it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor tKer Narcotic substance Its age is its 'guarantee. It deszroy3 Worms and aHays FeTerishiress. It cures Diarrhce i and "Wind Colic, It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. CCMTAV jrr. tt Humur rmcrr, mcw tork errr. ODELI immw coup'! Ginghams, Plaids heetin Salt g, ags A2H- Outing Cloths. DEALER IS otithern IV ailwav SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT JULY THE 16TH, 1SS9. This condensea schedule is Pub lished as information, and is subject to change without notice to tne public: Trains leave Concord N. C 5.52 A.M. No 8, daily, for Eici- mond; connects at Greensboro lei Baleih and Goldsboro; at GoLdabcro for Norfolk, at Danville for Washington i and points North, at Salisbury fcr ' A&heYille, Kjioxyille and points West. 7. 19 A. M No. 33. tha New York and Florida Express, carries Pullman Sleep ins: Cars between New York and Au- gttta, New York and Tampa, Fte., aid Norfolk to Charlotte. 8:49 A.M. No. 37. dailv. Wask- inrton and Southwestern limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, MoLt- gomery. Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest." Through Pullman sleeper New York to new uneans and JNew Xork to ALecipnis, Dining car, vestibufed coach, beteea vvasQington and Atlanta. 10:00 A. M. No. 36. daily, for Wash- tnsrton ' Richmond. Ralpicrh and all points "North. Carries Pullman drawicg room bnnet sleeper. New UrieaD3 to New Yoik; Jacksonville to New York? Tnllman tnnnat jr fnm SS Francisco via New Orleans and South- era Facific Sundays and Wednesdays. 11:23 A. M. No. 11. dailv for Atlanta and all points Soutii. Solid xrain. Kich- mond to Atlanta. P M -"NTrt 1 oilir fnr Tilth. mond. Asheville. Chattanoos. EaleigK Norfolk, and all points North. 8:51 P. M. -No 7. dailv. from Bicb- -aond, Washington, Goldsboro, Selmaj Ealeisrh. Greensbcro TvnoTTille ana Asheville to Charlotte, N. C. 8: 51 P. M. No 2S dailv. Washington and Southwestern limited, for Wash. inffton and all nointR North. Thronsh Pullman car. Memnhis tn New York; . r ixrnnman car. Memnhis trt I PTOT'Q I III annkAvtWinM I Naw Orlmtna n Wow V.V Alar, rnTTieS connection at Greensboro with sleeper for Norfolk. 9.20 P. M. No. as. dailv. foi Allania at A. : Haw Y iai. "PnllmaA sleeper New York to Naw Orleans. Ney York to Jacksonville and Charlotte to Atlanta; dinning, car. Also Polto" fTFIflcrf nntm TI7 r,V.-r-. I. X VrT1fl3 CO. via New Orlpann Tnpsdftv and I" aays. 9.45 PM Vrt 31 Acnlv the Y m - . - . w - . - XI V. Mill T , . - - I win.-. C31 2 l AnrrnnB kJiccpiiif vara Dei ween j-un , i and New Yorlr. Tamm. Fla. andet York and Charlotte to Richmond. Ca ries sleepers Charlotte to Norfolk T Greensboro. First lttnTis nf Wnkr through Of local "frAiit 4iTia nn.,ir nfts.sen2erl -BUYERS OP COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kind. ... ..o.... .... Price for same." . . O . . .. We inyite annspection of aD the goods . weSmanufacture . " iell OoncordiN. c. only to points where thev stob accorau to schedule., . v ' Frank S. Gannon, Third Vice-Pres. and Gen'l. Man. . Washington, D- a John M. Gulp, Traffic Manager, W. A. Turk, Gen'l. Pass. Agent, , - Washington, ! u ,ocal Agent, Concord, Gowan Dageabery ILocal Agent,

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