fiiLY STANDAEl JOHN D. BARRIER and SON, .Editors and Proprietors. 7- tjrriCE IN THE 3XOURIS BUILDING 7LHE STANDARD is published every stay (bunday excepted; ana delivered by jries. Kates of- bubscription ; - One year . ...... . . . .$4.00 'Six months. . . . . ...... . . 2.00 ' Three months . . . ... ... . . 1.00 One month. . .... 35 yBinglft copy. . .V. . . . . . .05 THE WEEKLY STANDARD is a oar-page, eight-column paper. It has 4 larger circulation in Cabarrus than any c&herpaper. Price $1,00 per annum in ttivance. Advertising Rates : Terms for regular advertisements teade known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. O. Concord, N. C, Sept. 29. WILL BEAR PATIENT DELIBERATION. 'Wayne McVeagh, the attor ney for Capt. O M Carter, says with reference to the finding of the court martial against his 'Client-that, ' 'a record so saturated -with, errors of law is impossible in a country governed by law to -afiirm findings." But few of us liave , the data from which to form a conclusion save from the ihe general principle that the court martial heard the evidence and so found. We heard a dis criminating lawyer who read the vidnce closely say that not withstanding the finding of the court he always regarded Capt. Carter as innocent. With the Dreyfus case fresh ton our minds we think it well enr-:gh to suspend judgement and taot feel too much outraged that the findings are not out due care. y Will Buy American Stock. British agents at New Orleans are authorized to buy American mules.; The number could not be learned .. but the . St,:. Loiiis market anticipates a supply of from 3,000 to 5,000 i on , the first order. No explanation looks so plausible as that Great Britian expects war in the Transvaal." A Chicago r dispatch of the 27th says a rush order was re ceived by a firm of horse dealers there to purchase all th1 e horses they can get weighing 1,200 pounds. ...... ; i Dr. Grissom Insane. 1 The Raleigh correspondent to the Charlotte Observer says that Dr. Eugene Grissom is an in mate of a Cqlarado asylum. H is now recalled that when his troubles arose lii our State and he was ousted from the super -intendency of the insane asylum some claimed that he was not sane at the time. The Standard rarely in dulges in column lover stories. li letters, etc., but drops one in to day clipped from tM Monroe "Enquirer and is probably the effusion of Brother Ashcraft who doubtless speaks whereof lie knows. Our chief incentive, however, comes from a reply promised us next week by one of our wittiest correspondents. Dewey is a genius of war "but he is a genius of discern ment and discrimination who can seramlft thfi truft from thfi false interviews with him. Duiing the ciyil war, as well as in our late war with Spain, diar rhoea was one of the most troublesome diseases the army had to contend with. In many instances it became chronic and the old soldiers still suffer from it. Mr. Dayid Taylor, of Wind Ridge, Greene county, Pa., is one of these. He uses Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and says he never found anything that would give him such quick relief. It is for sale by M. Li. Marsh & Co., Druggist Child Dies of Hydrophobia. Dollie May Landreth, an 18- month's old child, died in Ashe- ville Thursday afternoon of what is believed to have been a genuine case of hydrophobia. About a month ago while play ing in the hall she fell down and screamed when a bull dog sprang on her and. bit her fearfully. Hydrophobia was not I suspected untii the child's symptons were far advanced. She died amid the most distressing convulsions. You assume no risk when you buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. M. L. Marsh & Co. , will refund your money if you" are not satisfied after using it. It is everywhere admitted to be the most success ful remedy in use for bowel com plaints and; the only one that never fails. It is pleasant, safe and reliable. , C Boi'lic Rates for Porto Rico. Ah order has been issued from the department at Washington placing all first-class mail mat ter within Porto Rico and pass ing to and from the United Sates and Porto Rico on equal rates with domestic mail matter. Heretofore Porto Rican mail was subject to foreign "rates. -The department has recently given notice too that with the close of this year all periodical postage stamps will be destroyed and no more will be issued. These stamps have been sold in sets of 1, 2, 5, 30 and 50 cents and $2, $5, $10, 50 and 100., They have been sold at $5 per set and were bought by individ uals largely for stamp collec tions. Those who ha ve them can command fancy prices for them in time. Tne soothing and nealing prop erties of Chamberlain's Cough Kennedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures liave made it a great favorite with the people everywhere. For sale hy M. L. Marsh & Co., Druggists. Invention For Dimming Flectric Lights. The Times-Visitor, says that William Bonner has invented a a means of dimming electric lights at will. A very costly way has been found before but this promises to be n, perfect success and quite profitable to ventor. Under the Apple Blossoms. . v"H6w sweet, how pure they are," she said, breathing the f ragrance of the : apple blossoms oh the branch he bent down to her. - - . ; - "Like your like a maiden's love, '' he added, with designed sentimentality. "And how quickly they wither and come to "naught another similarity, " she said, with malice aforethought, y . ' "Or turn hard and sour and fill us with pain and anguish, if, like silly little boys, we think we like them, " he amended, grimly, aware of hr object. - For half a second she looked into his scowling eyes with 're lenting twinkle growing in her own. : ' ' '7 . -. - . 4 'For if we have a ' little pa tience they grow sweet and wholesome again; and and de licious for domestic uses pies, for instance," she whispered, be tween a laugh and a sigh. , X The scowl turned into a be wildered l stare. ."Then heaven sent him a spark of intelligence. , '.'Mabel 7 he cried, eagerly seizing her hands, "Mabel, I adore apple jpies." 'And and, Jack, I make very good ones," she murmered, de murely. And then all the apple bios-' soms flushed a delicate pink. m m New York Is Painted Red. New York had the grandest naval parade today according to program 'that America ever saw. The procession was esti mated to be ; nine miles long, though Hhe most important vessels were flanked by lighter craft. Tlio naval pageant pro ceeded with the piympia in the lead up1 the North River and turned around a steak boat, then took position fronting the mosoleum of Gen. Grant where a salute was fired. It is esti mated that a half million spec tators witnessed the imposing scene. Rear Admiral Sampson on the New York took second place by the courtesy of Rear Admiral Howison. The bunting u sed for d ecor ation in the great city might be counted in miles rather than yards and it is esti mated that New York has a mil lion visitors to participate in the ceremonies of reception. Earthquake Was Terrible. L&te advices 1 say that in the recent earthquake in Smyrna one thousand people were killed. the in- i and eight thousand injured. Two villages and two thousand HOW'S THIS? We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of entarrh that cau not by cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. We the undersigned, have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly reliable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, " Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggi6ts, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acts directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the system. Price 76c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists.1 Testimo nials free. ITeadachG stopped In 20 minutes by Dr. Uilos VAraPru6 -One cent a doae." houses were destroyed. Mrs. Window's Soothir: Syrup .has been Ubed i r over lifty years by mil lions of mothers for their cuildren while teething,' With perfect success. It soothes the : child; I softens the gnms, allays all pain, cures wind oolic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by drntrErita in every part of the world. TACuiy-live cents a bot tle. Be sure and ask fox 4 'Mrs. Win slows Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind ; Reduced Rates to the State Fair. On account of the State Fair the Southern will sell rqund trip tickets to Raleigh, including! one admission into the fair grounds, $3.80. Tickets on sale Oct. 14, 15, 16, 17, and 20, with final limit to Oct. 33rd. he onLr J: a prominently- in it iooa and :!.;d Fanner j u..' lie eye tc ?:"! ri In.'-. Ti"refor Dry Goods Depart m Linen, colored Crash, for 5c. ( a yard, worth 10c. . J Printed Marsaiiles at 12c. Duck, Plain White, solid col ored and Printed. Calico 3c up. Yard wide Percale at 20 and 25 cents per pound. Light colored Outing 5J & 7c. Bargains in Towels. Bone Dr Stavs 0 Hooks andTs 10c box Thread 3c per noo! r..AUcH 2c per dozen, Brass Pb Hosiery. Two job lots of Samples of Gent's fine box, lot No.l, plain and fancy colors, at 15c -worth 20 to 25c. Fancy colored and black Lisle at 18c worth 25 to 50c. ... ' The best; line of .Men's and La dies' Hosiery on the market for 10 cents. Notions. v , Crochet Cotton, 4o per spool, Silk (short measure) at 5c. Turk ey Becl Cotton, 20c per dozen spools. Embroidery Silks, filo, outlining, rope and twisted at 3o per skein, worth 5 cents. Also gold embroidery thread at 3c per skein. Embroidery Hoops 5c. paper and 25o nr n,w:Tfo j-u, iuooer lined n 8 Shields 10c, Mourning PiDs 5o dozen. Side flnmU k . Pompadour 10c, coarse Ja ? tooth Dressins: Combs 4 to 25 Stationary. 77 " Ltttr at less tha. i t-Jv dotpo I 15c and 10c ones for 5C v' Paper at 10c per pound. 'pJ5 Erasers lc, Typewriter do 5e. S bon Paper for typewriter use 3 sheets tor 5c, Typewriter pap at 3 ounces lor 5e. Fancy Cre! Paper for Lamp Shades 6c iT Toilet Paper 2 rolls for 10c Ji uu juueuago oc, otioe Blackin? lc up, Tan do. 5c, Black Dressfi 5 to 15c, Wood Tooth Picks 2 per 1.000.' 45 Genfs Furnishings, Supporters 3c per pair, Silk j3oso ui onirts 4oo. Glass Ware 5c up. Crockery andTinware up stairs. D. J. Bostian, If yon are not a subscriber to 1 The Standard I now Is the time to subscribe. r a. 4- Jti . ii l. ..iii xi you nave anyimng iy you can make it known through ... - i U Tl CA 1 A Tun L " . f- 717.h7.7.Qhf7 mn-w-M. f CI 7. ex I .ceptd) and delivered at your door ipr only 10c per week or 35 c- par month.. ......... . . Points home and other news that is of interest to our readers and to make it grow better we must (have the pat-' rohage of the people. . - 'Mrrrry -f 4. v Give us a trial when you make your next order for............ Job Work. Work xeadywhen promised. - .If Jyou want to buy anvthinc ? : - you2 can; caU foriit through 4 TU pi. J otanaard. ; OfOQ -HM Advertising frte' k The Standard made known on? PP T