. 1 WM M - - - - - . . ; ; 1 ; 1 1 j, 44 Arrival of Trains, The following change of schedule took effect Junel2, 1899. NORTHBOUND. -No. 8 'arrives at 5 52 a m, 36 " "10 00 am, V v 12 ' " 7-09 p m, 3S " " 8.51pm, (flag) 34 " " 9.45 pm. . m " 2.00 a m (lreigLt) SOUTHBOUND 37 arrives at 8.49 a m, (flag) 11 " 44 11 23 am, ' u 7 44 8.51 pra, " 35 " 9.20 pm, (flag) 33 " " 7.19 a m, " 61 44 849 a m, (freight) No. 35. when running: ahead of No. 7. is flagged if necessary for through travel south of Charlotte, and is stopped for passengers arriving from Lynchburg or beyond. No. 36 stops regularly for passengers for Salisbury. Hisrh Point. Greensboro, Reidsville, Danyille and No u rincipal stations between Danyille and Washington. No.. 37 stons for -nan. sengers coming from Lynchburg or points beyond, and to take on pas sengers for regular stopping places eoutn ol JNewells. JNo. 8 stops to let off passengers from regular stopping places Boum oi n eweiis ana to take .On passengers for regular stopping - places, Lynchburg or beyond. , ; v: : Nos. 33 and 84 stop at Concord for passengers to or from the G. C. & A. Division Charlotte "to" Anernsta and other points in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, reached through Columbia or Augusta. - . Nos. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trains and connect at Salisbury with trains of W. N. U. Division, i TELEPHONE NO. 71. - FOUNDED. ..1842. rri ! m 'I AMOS ses- ' . -'.' . ..' Suits. StjrlisH some trimmings desi ghts. Childrens, yestee Patterns. Hand- New and ele Finely Tailored. mi & n ine neir uanK upens Well. ? .The University Ocens Well. The bank here .opened Tries-! TWntr Al,, L "i. a ,UP811 oi ovor.$l2r.that.the opening of the 105th xu is a urancn oi tne Uabar- sinn of tho TTWciHr . rus Saving Bank at Concord, Member; the ISth is the most pros owned and controlled by Jthe perous one of iis entire history. samdTnen who.h.ave. placed;, that Tf,!,,,, ,, ;!;'' bank on siich a firm basis. Our denlSi exclusivo 0f the. Summer g-af pcoplehavo the utmost confidence 1 'V'j"V u b y :2 '2'! Altogether Swell. All sizes, 3 to 8. bre fth J:: TOeV;awte RnitR casmer, oi and . fourteen of these were new , .c.T T : "? 4 Concord, ,is.here this week look- auaG uia-, o , 4.: J.1 .. Xbl X TT r are full and the town is filling , - . - - rapidly. Numbers of these stu aY0 : cllOiCe Sit $3,00; dents are sustaining themselves : 7;-;-" r . ' - by airfprms of honorabie work. Oil (P Till 11 rfTPti JaS. C Gibson. tri" nnVno-r cf ' ' . ing after duties involved in the opening; Assets ;of the home bank, as per statement made- to the State Treasurer September 7, was $189,740.97; loans and dis- The standi of Emission 143,225.91. The. following are . koi or;cU;.; c;Sixg Their .Own Praise." The STIEFP is the PIANO to buy; it has no equal for the money as you save the middleman's profits and it will last a, lifetime; but Tfe hava several bargains in other makes. We have taken in exchange for STIEFPS two Iyers & Pond Pianos, one, tbe finest style that firm manu factures and it is' almost new. If vcu want this make here are bargains P1'." M StlPPf lftno Mnnufactarer, ill, k) 110 01) Baltimore Mi. lictcry Brandi Wareroom. ;,vs? , Vt 'ttrlotte, -Hf; C. C. H. Wilmoth, Mgr. Fixe Tuning. Palace Organs. the directors ancl ' 'managers: J. W Cannon, L J Foil, C Swink, J M Morrow, IP Efird, Dr. R S Young, Dr. D ; W Flpwe, J C. W adsworth, T G Ingram. Stanly TCli.' ;. ;. " Almost a Collapse, v - The new seed warehouse at the oil mill became so heavily loaded Thursday that the pillars began to crush, and at one time a great collapse was imminent; Secretary Buchanan did not propose to stop the race for cotton seed that is now so lively, however," ' but will have the foundation further J strengthened and . pile in more seecu ; Yestee suits at I They are $.00 are doing. Have you put up your stove yet. . . Mr. Geo. W Patterson is quite sick. " ,- , - Gibson & Morrison the mve origin of dog collar belts today. See their ad. ; HYACINTH glass flower pots and jardiniers at Fetzer's Drug Store. For nice fresh York River oys ters, just received, go to Bo rer's Restaurant. By the quart oo cents. Mrs. Coler wishes to . meet all who are interested in taking our lessons tomorrow at 10 o'clock at me Institute building. Herbert Cartland, formerly of wis place, will be married the 17th of October to Miss Bessie He Is Now a Lawyer. Miv Jake Newell arrived here Thursday night on his return home from Chapel Hill where he has been studying law. ; He passed his examination success fully. He is yet undecided as to whether he will locate or take a special course in law. . Hall M. Caldwell Dead, ' Mr. Hall M. Caldwell, of Nor wood, died Wednesday night. He was once a citizen of Cabarrus. His first marriage was to Miss Pharr, the sister of our towns man, Mr. F S Pharr, and Mrs. N F Yorke. He was 52 years Old. Pythians Take Notice! All members of Concord Lodge No. 51 Knights of Pythias are requested to meet in Castle Hall tonight at 8 o'clock promptly. C. L. White, C. C. Five ro6m cottage opposite . J L Crowell's for rent. Apply to J L HartseU. PUTNAM Fadeless Dyes color more goods and .color them faster and brighter colors than any other dye. Each package colors either silk, wool or cotton at one boilinsr. Price 10 cents at tO Sl:50r equal of an v., institution . in the :"s ' - rM . South.. Two new buildings are aXICL tJOl SUltSl! going up and growth is every- ; . -r-w.-.-: X . . : - , . v.- where apparent. Two hundred hildrens' Reefer The new students show evi- : ' " . . ! . - dence of good preparation, and SUitS. Finest gOOdS, Splendidly the preparatory schools of the . 1 . ' ' State-are to be congratulated for tailored at $2.00 to $3 00. There the high aualiiv of work they ;- --. : are plenty oi 05 suits among them. Boys heavy, all-wool Kersey suits at $2. , You won't find them for less than else. V Splendid line of Men's suits jug t in. We save you 25 cents on every dollar you spend. Cannon & Fetzer Co. Unable to Meet His Appointments. Bishop Cheshire will be unable to meet his appointments at this place and' also" High Point and Lexington on account of an attack of malaria at Winston. He was to have been here- next Tuesday and Wednesday. $2. 50 anywhere. Origin of the now famous" Dog Collar Belts. ' At the height of hostilities aronnd Santiago de Cuba, a celebrated beauty, Senora Hernandez, lost a beau tiful St. Bernard I dog one she prized highly. It was her daily companion in all her walks and attracted considerable attention, not so much for its personal beauty, as for the jewelled collar it wore. yrTrT lerifc"lfirlcfffilcrioflcricr her favorite ever before her by wearing lill)i!U9rillfJS its collar as a belt. ' The fashion spread from Cuba to the United States and now reigns as one of the fads of the season. For sale by ; j , : - " Gibson & Morrison. Delay Not For Delay Is Dangerous ! J!oe the You can't spoil the taste on a TT3(L 5toveor i'tle Hargrave, of Lexington J Fetzer's Drug Store. s L.LI i. A 1 L Li Goldston is now working ie Odell mills. He has charge oi tne work on the vard about C3: e leading and unloading of the them, they were insured by me. A STOCK of winter flowering j y0u can find me in my office bulbs Hyacinths, Tulips, Nar- every evening during the week cissus. Crocus, Chinese Lucred from 8 to 9 o clock. Range. You have been thinking about , , ,-.- -re taking out a Policy of Life In- W are even cooKers ana so easuy Kepu ciiu. v surance. - Yes and for the J should like to show you the new fall line. Our prices are ufif nvcoif nnri invori H lower than the lowest. atioo Trrn will ,n.lr nn A P.P.irlp.Tih I fi n rr a a ti n Th0 ee-.Our .fcieautiral--L(ine on k1"1'3' Mr. W. D. Shubert, machinist $ at Cannon Manufacturing Co. yx and Mr. F. B. Hay dock, ma chinist at . the Bleachery , have both been injured recently, and both promptly received their weekly indemnity. Go to see IrfSfe r . r-r- r FURNITURE AND UNDER 1 AKING , i Mr. Martin Shive, who is in tiiO TihotncrioYh hiiRinpss lio.rft jith Mr. Jno. J Cook, spent Thursday night at China Grove. He went to take his first degree ln the Knights of Pythias. He didn't take any snapshots of his views. ... ' , I i One day last week revenue of ers went to the molasses ,fac 'ory of Mr. S S Templeton, of union Grove township, and were ?oout to seize it in mistake for an utat ' 'sowpaw"f actory. States vUe Mascot. a DON'T send your orders for noer bulbs away from home ?tnd.Pay high prices for poor ock but go to Fetzer's Drug ore and buy all kinds of bulbs Reaper than you can order them uoi abroad. iss Mary Brachen's display of u and Winter pattern Hats, Jsaay and Wednesday, 3 and in.of October. Public-cordially Lily or Joss Flowers just m at . Fetzer's Drug Store. 1 ? . . ' - -.if ! LOST Small black cur dog. I answers io jium tj ui uwc. , Leave any information at tnis office. Fresh fish tomorrow in the b isement of Levy's market. Phone 41. Earl HartseU. riFOR TRADE -Two , frekh milch cows!' Will sell or; ex- change. Call at this omce. Solomon; Einstein. : Office in Postoffice Building. . , ' Jnp. A . Sims, , , - ' .Insurance Agent. Seot. 1, 1899.' - ' . OYSTERS AT THE ' Concord Bakery. Bread, Doughnuts, -Buns, Cakes, Pies, Cream Puffs, etc. Special attention given to lad patrons. -Oysters 35 cents per quart. , ' Joe Fisher, Proprietor. 'PHONE 122. SEE THE Yankee Watch FOR at: C5MS&- Qo To esssisa GW PATTERSON Fresh Butter on Ice, Quaker Oats, Hominy, Chippa Beef,. ' ; Canned Corn, Toiuatoes, and Peaches, .j Soda, Baking Powders, Starch Brnaktpst Strips, ; Green and Parched CoJfee, Tea, Sugar, Soap, Peas, Meal, : Oorn, Shipstuff, Oats, Oil; Flour, Molasses, Salt, J ( Vinegar, Snuff , Tobacco, Ric; Potash, Spices, bottled : Pickles, W ashing Powders and anything in the Grocery line. We also , carry Rope, Crockery, Glass-ware, Woodenware, Dry Goods, - Shoes Hats, Tinware Etc. Etc e (kiwi National Batik W.C; Correll's We close our store at 8.15 dur ing the Bummer months. , We de liver goods until 6 p. m. Offero the business pnblic a reliable, per- mauent, conservative aud accommodat ing banking instation. . We solicit your ptitrcnag with the assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. If we can serve yoa any time we will be glad to have yoa come and see ns. liberal accommodations;! -'to customers. - - - -. - - Capital anfl Snrulns - $70 000. 1). B Coltbanb, Chashiei, J. M. Odei l. President, Mv,L; Brow : & BRo... LIVERY, FEED ANJ0 2 A LB. - " STABLES. Just in rear ol St. Ciuud HoiL Om nibuses meet hU passenger train? Outtita oi all kinds famished promptly and at reasonable prices Horses and mules always on band or sals. Bn-drs of horoUihbred Polacd China HoflS. t

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