-J . VP' A LITTLE DOES MUeH ' v - Booiru, Iowa Dec. H. No tongue can tell what I hare endured In the past ten years with my monthly siek ness.-. While . suffering nntold agony, a irieqd called and recommended wine of Cardut. I sent for a bottle, and Oh I what relief. After the first dose I began to feel better and have had no pain since. UBS. GEACa LAMPHfiBEL mm Wtee of Cartful not onfy cures but It acts AT ONCE.- Here Is a case pi ten years standing, and yet one single dose made the sufferer feel better, and stopped the pain. The Win oes straight to:the seat of the trouble. It acts directly upon the menstrual and genital orglrij. i lis action is hot violent, and it does not force a result It simply gives Nature that little assistance that-the sufferer's system lacks. single disorder in the feminine organs spreads many disorders all over the body, and when the Wine cures the source, all the other ills vanish as a matter of course. A woman can be her own physician and cure herself at home. t -Local ex- IABIES ADYIS03Y DEPARTMENT. l 1 or a vice in cases requirttig jtp dal wurAuaa iu, i;oatta.nooga Tenn. Druggistssell Large DR. filOFFETT'S -ivy r,,rvrA TEETHIHS 4 ICYCLES paired Promptly and Satis: :ac s . tion Guaranteed. If RES H FRUITS And Vegetables in ; stock at E. L. LI PES IN BRICK ROW. W a N ED Tc bay 100,o6o . old cast-iron Forai, de fon b dry lit ftnee. frtf n will nay a fair pric. No Concord Foundrt 00 TEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Cqpvrirut A qmckly ascertain onr nnininn froa w tovention is probabJy patentable. Commnniei. thto BixictlTconfldentfeL Handbook on PateaS "i111,18611 through Mann & C cunrew. yjaeai agency lor Becurins? patents. Patents taken ?n mnnn & co. rex Scientific JSmcrlcati. ,lt?i0T5elT "lostrated weekly.' Largest diw culation of any scientific journal. Terms, 3 a r J2ths. Sold by all newsdealers. MM g Co."'-Hbw York Breech or - 25 IT SL. Wvhinjto" D. C. fc3l IF V if' (rJ I It i MM Till THE STill month 35c. 1.00. est in " in 2:00; ...... : , Iyear 4.00i a.v . . ... fmmm amujations are largely things of the past the obnoxious custom is no bneer necessary. Wine of Cardul Is the Only perfectly safe and sure vegetable wine made to-day for the eve c "female troubles. Bottles for $1.00. filfls DigestToiL . Regulates the Bowels, Makes Teething Easy. TEETHINA ReUeres flu Bowel Troubles of Children of POWDERS 'Afik Your Oosta Orv I AM PREPARED TO DO ANY THING IN Pliitiibiiipv Steam Fitting and ' Electric Wiring. i . I HAVE SOME NICE Bath Tubs ON HAND. PHONB 104. JCi. MOjNTXSH Winter is Cominp;. 1 - y HANDr JttlEECAR OF ICO And hVe.te in-or6i&rl6adaontheway. It b timi'ma W.i'mir for ws winter. iahf it? T l t - MAUV 1AU W O hind the best of antracite coal. J. A. C. Blackwelder, Wet Depot St. at Storp. J-'Phone 68. COAL! w w I IV. L. craven Hflnimht iiao uuuui bUU TONS JELICO nOAI. nnn AW TONS HARD'ICOAL. Alsn ViroiDfl Snlit anil KM rwi --..-sM.u.iiuira ian uju oauuDi UU01. Duo I SlCdm UUdiai liililtj DrlGBS. Good Smith Coal. Cn 11 o- what you want. 'Ptta . Notice to Tax- Payers. llie tax books for 1RQQ hrm een placed in mv h a-n a - frw fi - -T. T w I 1 1 jl K Jel Coal couection andall tax-rjavers? arA j 3 i . . . " m ;:h7 , v WA" . " pay their taxes at once. S. J. Ervin, City Tax Collector, i WANTED u . Dersons to r en Rant no oa ato this and close counties. ' Salary $900 Jtoi cpciiHeB. oiraignt, oona- uuo mure, no less.saiary, Josition permanent. Our references. any town. It is mainly office work cpnducted, at home,s Reference.-En- close self-addressed stamped envelope. The DdMiNioN OoiANT. Dent 2 fihi caffb ' ' I lieduced Railrnnd Rntia On account of . circus 'in Ril L5?!??itepa burythe Southern will llrT ttip-tickets On ' the 27th, final limit the 28th :f or 90 cents. ; Our Gccd Old State Forever A person has only to keep his ears and eyes open these days to be const antlyreminded of what a great State North Carolina is, how diversified her industries, how glorious her opportunities. All who "run" may read it is a wonderful section of country. But a few' years ago and nobody thought ; bf growing tobacco the east." ?Now the east is- efood a tobacco section as had been found Another venture of anew crop on strange soil is the growing of upland rice m Martm and surrounding counties. .Re ports come that this fall's crop i is excellent and pass the expec tations of the planters. So we are constantly . finding put new and valuable resources, giving rise ; to large industries and strengthening the foundation of the material prosperty of the old State that we love so well. Wil mington Dispatch. THE BEST PRESCEIPTION FOB . CHILLS and fever, is a bottle cf Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. Never fails to cure: Then why experiment with worthless imitation-? Price 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to enre. NO CURE. NO PAT . That is" the way all drucrsrists sell Grove a Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills I and Malaria; It is .simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children sove it. Adults refer it to bitter: nan- latino Tomes Price. 50c. An Office Without Honor. The ofiBce of vice-president should be second in honor and importance in the country, al- wiuuxi as a maner 01 iact, it is v. .1. . . j j m t ' t . not. It is not so important as the office of Speaker of the House or that of tbe niembers of the President's cabinet or even chair man of the imTJortant rnm m i tto on both houses of Congress. iS3S ySSS tii cseux ouiuiis wmcn aanere to the membrane and decompose, causiner a far.more serious trou ble v' than the ordinary form of catarrh. ; Avoid all drying .in halants and' ' use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Uream Balm is such a remedy 1 ii . . ' VI ana win cure catarrh or cold in il l . "eaa af pleasantly. AUggsell it at 50c. or itj will be mailed bv Elv Broth firs. 56 Warren St., N. Y. A MOTHER TELLS HOW SHE SAVED DAUGHTERS LIFE. I am the mother of eight chiid reu nd have had a great deal of 1 w i.vu iuouiJUPOi JJcll TmtT my Iut1 daughter bad the dvsenterv in its worsf. hVe.tbt sbo would die. i tried everything I conld think of. I t-v nn.adverHsempnt in onr ?,,pTr mat ,mberlaiu 8 colic. vnowra. na Uiarruoea Eemedv wa8 mgmy recommended and senc aud got a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the verv hAt medicine we ever had m the! " --- S house. It saved my little daueht- er s lifd. I am anxious for every min it 4a r W :i wnuuw wuaii au excellent " w AO. JULCbVA 1 AllUWli 1L At rat. it t,t u . j .. crrpat j ttutAiDiv aiJU 111 v nine aaugnter much suffering.- Yc urs trulv. Mrs." Geo. V "Rr- diok, Liberty, K I. For Sale by iw. ju. iuarsn & uo., Druggist. OATARfl eliould be cieflniinfls- tin all Us stages there WfBfEf Elv'a Creirn T?nlm f J J01 Balm San?Bi0?lw and heaI? vuaeasea memorane. ux co i,awiu 4Uu ufl yes auicklv. ' ' "-- Produce sneezlBg. Size,60cen?fa?w! y11 Tnal Size 10 centa b7 mail. The Kind You Have. Always Bought, and which ha in use for over SO roars., lias hmmAViA . De&i in as All Counterfeit Imitations and Substitutes are bnt periments that-.txfle rwith and endanger f hd healtiT" Infants : and ExperZen IS Castoria is a substitute for' Castor Oil, Paregoric and Soothingr Syrups It JSess and ,leaLt ?f contains neither Opium ( Mornhine nor oil er Xarcot! substance, , Its ag;o is its guarantee. It destroys Worrn! and allays everhross.; It Ws Biarrho3 and WiM Colic It relieves Teething: Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates4 the Pood, regulars th Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleen The Children's Panacea The Mother's Priend. GENUINE CTQR I A ALWAYS Beara the Kind You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CKWTAWW OOmPAHV. TT MUWHAV BTHKCT. HIW YOB it ei-rr. ODELL (.ISIIUFIICIURIIIG COClP'f MANUFACTURERS OF PINE ams, Plaids, Salt Bags AND Outing Cloths. "DEALER IN nA i iifi- u6neral MerChaPdiSe BUYERS OF COUNTRY JPRODqrCE of all kini . O. . . Four-foot Wood always Wanted. Best . - . . Price for game. o..v. .... We invite anlinspectioh of all the goods 4 . . wemanufacture . Gingh heeting ill v - . - ' vJonoord jN". c. y ,y . I i 1 oecn maao undep.hls 1 'wu4 uve s infant RIA Signature of outhern 1Y aiMa SCHEDULE. - r 11 EFFECT JULY THE 16TH. 1399. This condensea schedule is pub. . . . tt-. . Wl iitiui iiiauuii, anu n subject to change without notice Trains leave Concord N. C- 5.52 A. M.No R mond; connects at Greensboro 1 Raleigh and Goldsboro; at Goldsboro for Norfolk- at nanvfllp fnr VJaBh and' Domta North at KaHoVm f Asnevule, Enoxyille and points Wiest 1 7. 19 A. M No. 83, the New York ani Florida EXDreSS. ftflrrifiS PnllmnTiSloon. gusta, jvfew York and Tampa, Fla., and Norfolk to CharlmtA i 8:49 A. M. Nni 87 WacL ington and Southwestern limited for Atlanta, Birminsrham. Memnhis Mnni gomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South and Southwell ThrOUSrh Pullman filpprr TVa-m YnrV ft New Orleans and New York to Memphis, fining car, ve9tibuled coach, betweea asmugion ana Atlanta. 10:00 A. M. No. Sfi. rlAilv fnr WftfiK ngton, Eicbmond. Ral all points North, riariipa Pnllmon I room buffft KlAPrip-r Vonr OrlooTia in J New Y01 k; Jacksonville to New piork: Pullman tourist cars fr Din Sail ucihco via ss ew Urleana and fcjontn tru Pacific Sundays and Wednesdays. 11 :23 A. M. No. 11, daily for Atlanta and all point3 Sonti.. Solid train, Rich mond to Atlanta. 7K)9 P. M. No. 12, daily, for Eicb mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, Raleigh. Norfolk, and all points North. 8;51 P. M. -No 7, daily, from Bicb- aiond, Washington, Goldsboro, Selma, Raleisrh. rfiflTHirw TZ-n, villa and Asheville to Charlotte, N. C. 8: 51 P. M. NY oq a0;i WaRTiinffton and Southwestern limited fnr Wash- mgton and all points North. Through Pullman ftTAMoTyi;c. n ATow York New Orleans to Iaw VtV Alsn carries i vestibuled coach and dinin g car. Close connection at GrAPnBVrT-r with sleenei - ' VMM V - for Norfolk. 9.20 P. M. Nn y aiiv. for Atlanta and New OrlPAn Pnllmaa sleeper New York to New Orleans. Nef York to JulrcnWiiA rTior1ntta a 1UO ouu A J VOif xiov - tourist ; car Washington to San FngJ co, via New Orleans Tuesday and days. ;:v .;-,.('.; a 1 i im r 1 1 1 11 11 1 IMF . na - a i a v i i i i m -9.45 P. MNo. 34, daily, the Ml York and Florida Express, carries Pw man Sleeping Cars between Anp: and -New York. Tampa, Fla, and New York and Charlotte to Bichmond. Ca ries sleepers Charlotte to Norfolk y Greensboro.- " First sections of regular through local freight trains cany passen only to points where they stop according to schedule. ; - . Franks. Gannon, Third ViceJPres, and Gen'l. Man. ; - ' ; . -Washington, V wuuu ill. uuip, xraino juai" i- Washington, P. u W. A. Turk, Gen'l. Pass. Agent. j owan Dasenbery,.lLocal AfeSVi . . Concord, iu c TO

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