i i Antral of Trains, The following change of schedule took effect Junel2, 1899. NORTHBOUND. No. 8 arrives at 5.52 a m, 36 " " 10 UU am, 12 " " 7-09 pm, 38 44 44 8.51 p m, (flag) JU I 4 9.45 Dm, 62 f" "i 44 2 00 a m (ireiRLt) SOUTHBOUND No. 37 arrives at 8.49 a m, (flag) 11 f 11 23 a m, j 7 4 j" 8.51 p m, " 35 " y.aup'm, (,nag; 33 -" 1 JNO. OO WUCU XlXXJXlXlif u.xxv v is flagged if necessary for through travel soutCof Charlotte, and is stopped for passengers arriving from Lynchburg or hftrnnd. No. 36 stoDs regularly for inn I .XI 8-49 a m, (freight) ; The county commissioners are At the Baptist Church. . . in session today. j A large congregation was at Gibson & Morrison "hnira n. the Bantist churftriSiiTirlavTiiiTht, change in their ad. today. Read The baptismal ceremony was ad- SllltS. iu wiu imm go ouy. j ministered to three. There were j You are invited to "The Mil- seven professions of faith. linery Parlor" Wednesday Oct: t 4th, Pattern hats. " , . John Goodman, who is now employed in Charlotte," spent Sunday here with his parents. Miss Mabel 'Means has re turned to Converse college where she enters school for another session. Mr. George W Patterson Seriously 111. borne days ago it was noted j that Mr. George W Patterson! was very sick. " His condition is serious today. ' There is no change for the -better this afternoon. passengers for Salisbury, High Point, ivr. ana Mrs. ljUtner MoOse, Greensboro, lleidsville. Danville and of JNO. 7 townshiD. SDGnt Satnr principal stations between Danville and day night with Mrs. Roxie Bar Washington. iSo. 37 stops for pas- -A. . eengers coming from Lynchburg or SZS. Ii Btonoto "riS. Guy Barrier, who is putting in .wwmm n - - - i i i .in -..ii. ' xr n xr qq c,x,, ty-i lflf rnttnn mill ma.f run qt-it -a.t. K lnrro oiT passengers from regular stopping Mountain, . spent Saturday night places soum oi neweus uuu iu tao jgpg iassengers ior regular tuvyinu jjjuucb, "rTLDe&fttnon fnr Mr. Tom White has gone to joaflnrrara fr nr from thft Cj. Cj. & A. . . . -. I i . . 1 i n i. vision Charlotte to Augusta ana engaged m ine me insurance ot aer points in South Carolina, Georgia business. an tl Jb lorida, reacuea tnrougn uoiumoia orugusta . Edgar Hendrix left 'last Satur- ' x QiiDuw ;h fo f day night for jNewberry college rJ N. C. Division. wnere ne enters scnooi ior another session. TELEPHONE NO. 71. Mrs. Caleb Goodman Dead. On Sunday morning death robbed Mr. Caleb Goodman, of No. 4 townshiD. of his loved ' wife, leaving him with several motherless children. Consump tion was the cause of her death. The f uneraL was held at Olivet church by Rev. W T Nelson. A Changing Around. Karl Johnson, who for several weeks has been managing the Concord bakery, has taken a position with Mr. S J Ervin in the grocery business. Hinton One kun&ren Childrens' Vestee Stylish Patterns. Hand some trimmings. New and ele gant designts. Finely Tailored,. Altogether Swell. All sizes, 3 to 8. : They are $5.00 and $6,00 suits and strictly up to date. You can have choice at $3.00. One hundred "Vestee suits at $1.25 to $1.50. They are $2.00 and $250 suits. Two hundred Childrens' Reefer suits. Finest goods, splendidly tailored, at $2.00 to $3.00. There FOUNDED..;... .........1842. Mr (Thp.c Tioni,'?: n.nrl fiicfor Miss Ella Lentz. of Norwood. WlUeford who has been staying passed through here Saturday at Ervin's, is now buying cotton on their way to Lmcolnton. seed for Mr. B E Harris. Will Dr. J W Moose, who was J ohnston, the former owner, has called home by the serious ill- Karl . Johnson's place at the ness of his father, left here last bakery. Saturday night for his home m Texas. I Mr. Luther Bost Purchases. )Ing Their Own Praise. " The Womans' Home and For- x " Lia uao uwu Thfe STIEFF is the PIANO to buy: Uncm Missionarv snniotv of Rt on between Mr. Luther Bost and Llfli for the latter's last al lifetinie; but hav- several tae lecture room Tuesday at 4 property on South g Mam street barsraUns mother makes. p. m. Kr iu-. iro-'o Wei, have taken in exchange for uOUWxx . -, xx 8TIETFS two Iyers & Pond Pianos, Dr. H C Daniels, of Davidson and Mr. A J Blackwela'er's, The one, he finest style that , firm manu- c.ountv. sriftnt Sundavnio-ht horp.. frn nWrl TVio ncioT-n.. O i S. o " - i viuiuo ia vxvJwvAf j. u.v Dr. Daniels will very probably tion wa,s ifor over .$900. Mr. locate m Albemarle about the . . i:::.n'!- first of the year. mosv conDempiaies omiamg a Inouse mere nexD spring ior nim- a position with Mr. S Goodman ' in the store in the Eitakef build-1 Ynn 'ftaauev Bo Aic wTuen vdii' factures and it is almost new. If you want tins make here are bargains nnn 11T Cfinnf Piano Mnnnfrtcturer, Uliao, .JM ,JLlUUlr Baltimore 91 i. P.ir.nnir BYJrtVj ; Wrmnnnn-m o. .213 If. raitui j mcMii waiDiuuiu, Tryon st., t nUrloitv, IV. C. U. SWIlmoth, Mgr. are plenty of $5 suits among" theii. noy s neavy, all-wool kersey . suits at $2 You won' t find aer for less than $2.50 anywhere else. Splendid line of Men' s suits just; in. JWe save you 25 cents on every dollar you spend. Cannbp& JgetzerCo. Fine -tuning. Palace Organs, ing, has already severed his con- buy Ghatriberlain'8 Colic, Cholera s noction with the riosition. n; Mr T.nt.hor WrlintytnT. snn t Marfih & Co. will refund yOUr Nanni Alexander's Wednesday, of Mr. W M Weddington, and money ii you are not satisnea October 4th. who for vears has been clerking auer U8mK 11 18 everywuere at Davidson, has sararfid a noRi-1 admitted to be the most saccess- HYAGINTH glass flower pots tion on the frroeerv side of Dav-If ul remedy in use for bowel com and j ardiniers at Petzer's Drug yault's. I plaints and the only one that! btore. Inbverfaila. It is nleasant. safe MrChas. Phillms R-nent Sun- j "M"-. Will TrtT,nP ; . , tV r I uu roiiuuio. xxx. ii ux .wvuuauu, uu uao QaV in HOCK mil wim nis been sick for several weeks, has brother. From there he, ac- iaKen ms oeai as policeman. companied by Messrs. Ed Fulen- TiwVo fr.ncT, vr-v j?;,r wider and Jacob Morgan, go to ters, just received, go to. Bo-T . a"L' y- wni : ger's Kestaurant. ; J3y the quart wiUbix xxj . do Cents. I Miss TVTnrv (T-r ati q of "R.np.lr I "Matt The council of St. James Hi"' ,whi J? b?en attending Jan. . . inr,.). i o.foi tnmoof mom, amiiJiia omi- ougar the pastor's itudv at 7.30 ;to. nary,;nas retmrnea nome on ao- Tobacco..,- 11 iuuxiu ui cu ju.ciaji xai cuuuautx.. xxci i Vt lltJoi Ij . . . . 8 mother arrived last Saturday Ribs ..... : . 505 w and accompanied her back home. 30C NEW YORK MARKETS. COTTON OPENED. 6.94 . . 7.05 142f nighty Mr. Jno. Williams, who lives at the Buflalo mill, has troubles. Some' thief has stolen his crop of bees. Mariage license has been issued to Mr. Henry Johnson and Miss Emlin Fink, both of No. 2 township. CLOSED. 7.06 7.18 iaet 117 74f 510 5 VI m SAVING - i Is the roy ai ; road to fortune. If you want to save come to our store, we can save you money on FURNITUR We are the whip to prices to double the speed of sales. E. Mr. Herbert Cook and wife returned home Sunday from Salisbury 'after spending a few days with his parents. A STOCK of winter flowering bulbs Hyacinths, Tulips, Nar cissus, Crocus, Chinese Lucred Lily or Joss Flowers just in at Fetzer 's Drug Store. ' The family of Mr. T C Wilson have left Cannonville to join him at Gastonia, where he has been the superintendent of a cot ton mill for several weeks. ' DON'T send your orders for flower -bulbs away from home and pay high prices for poor stocK out go to Fetzer's Drug- Store and buy all kinds of bulbs cheaper than you can order them irom abroad. PUTNAM Fadeless Dyes color more goods and color them faster and brighter colors than any other dye. Each nackaere colors either silk, wool or cotton at one boiling. Price 10 cents at Miss Goss, of Charlotte, arrived here last Saturday night and will be one of the teachers at Sunderland hall the coming session. Miss Goss will have the position tilled by Miss S toner lastvear. Attention Mothers. Emm FURNITURE AND UNDER l AKINC . We have 44 doz. 'Misses. Ribbed fleeced lined cot ton Vests with drawers to match; sizes from 13 to, 34, at 25 cents A Case of Vagrancy. Ed Wilson, a negro, was sent to the chaingang last Saturday for making his living here by each. Call and see them. They begging. He confessed to the . . , f waTlt for the oixv; juou tt-x-w J ". charge against him. He has been about here for some time. FRESH OYSTER little folks. Gibson & Morrison. SEE THE " Yankee Watch AT THE Concord Bakery. Bread, Buns, Cream Doughnuts, Cakes, Pies, Puffs, etc. Special attention given to lad patrons. Oysters 35 cents per quart. Fisher, Proprietor. PHONE 122. FOR AT- W.tsC. Correll's Offera the businee public reliable, peiw manent, coaaservative uxicl ?ooumu.afc- ing banking instation. We solicit your patronage witn tee assurance of honorable treatment and due appieciation of your patronage. If we can serve yoa any time we wJU be glad to have you come and see us. LIBERAL. ACOOMMODATIUiSb TO CUSTOMERS. - - - - - - Capital an! Surplus - m m. D. 15 Uoltbane, LJnasmer, J. M. Odejix. jresident. M. L. Brown & BRc, LIVERY; FEED AND SALE STABLES Just in rear of St. Cloud HotO. Om nibuses meet ail passenger trains. Outfits of all kinds farnishec promptly and at reasonable prices. Horses and mules always on band or sale. Breeders of 'noroughbre PolaDd China Hons. 1 QO To ea G W P ATTERSON FOR Rock fcalt , Fresb Butter on Ice, Qnaker Oats, Homing , Cbipped Bcjef, Canned Corn. To:uatu-s, and Peaches. Soda, Baki ng P( wders, S tn rch Br-k tf st Strips, Sugar, Si, Peas, Meal, Gcrii shipsniif. Oats, Oil, FSonr, Mulases, Salt, Vinegar, Snnff, Tobacco, Ricet Potash, Spited, bottled Pickh-s, Washing rowaeid and any thin in tne Urocery . Jine. We also carry , Rope, Crockery, Glass-ware, Wooden -ware, Dry Goods, Shoes Bats, Tinware Etc. Etc We close our store at 8.16 dur- 1-V.n enrnmav mnnflia. Wfl fin ing mQ cuiuuici iaavfww. . liver coods until 6 p. m. Jf'etzer's Drug Store.

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