Price $4.00 Per Yoar. MR. GEO: TV. PATTERSON DEAD. V .. . , I Passes Away With the Strokes of Nine Was 63 Years Old Leaves a Second Wife and Two Children. As the town clock numbered the hour of nine on Monday night, the 2nd, the reaper death numbered the days of Mr. Geo: W Patterson. He had suffered acculetly for some days with m- llamation of the bowels but the approach of the end came with startling rapidily to the public, Mr. Patterson was born March 12, 1836 in Alamance couni Ltv and was therefore past i . . . , . -,doo. tvT. ' He was married m 1836 to Miss Lizzie Foust who bore to him two children, Mr. Geo. L Pat- terson and Mrs. C F Ritchie. Dvine in 1866 she left the daughter an infant. - ! In 1868 he was wedded to Mrs. Capt. Albert Area, of Concord, whom he now leaves bereft of a good kind husband as she readilv testifies. 4 Mr. Patterson has always been ; a man of business enterprise. After marriage the second time he made his home in Concord ana nas tnereiore oeen laenunea with the city for 31 years. For the past ten years he has done a wholesale as well as a retail grocery business. His manner of life has . been that -of quiet peacableness, free from all turmoils and strifes. The sympathy ' and condo lence of the community go out to the estimable wife and the son and daughter in this, day of bereavement. , The funeral rites 4 were con ducted today at the First Pres byterian church at 4 o'clock by the pastor, Rev. W C Alexander. The interment was made in the city cemetery. The pall bearers were Messrs. P B Fetzer, R E Gibson, W R Harris, W R Kindley, G W Brown, G M Lore. The Work of the Commissioners. Besides the paying of the pau pers and the current expenses of the county for the month, only a few other things came before the commissioners for their atten tion. Sheriff Peck was paid several bills incurred by the killing of Policeman Kerns such as guards about the house of Hill Lucky that night, and for other guaras at aiflerent places, and'rhoea was one of the most the expense of going to Char- lotte to identify Will Edwards, j The question of repairing sev- ' l -I ii . . ral bridges of the county came up ana wm oe attended to tins Ridge, Greene county, Pa., is one month. of these. He uses Chamberlain's Chairman Allison was given Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea authority to advertise and sell Keraedy and says he never found the real estate belonging to the anytbm that would give him countv. which iS RH11fl. t :!?ucKqBickrelief-. ' :lfc for 7 v WVU VA1 XJiV tie Cold Water: Mrs.'Wm. McDaniels was or dered to be admitted to the county home. . f Shooting in StatesTille. Statesville had a, shooting af fair Saturday. Claude Tomlin shot James Kerr. The baU struck a rib and fortunately did not" do much harm. MARTAIN DRY DEAD. He Received a Fall More Than a Week Ago and Remained Unconscious Ever ' Since That Time. - . More than a week ago Mr. Martin Dry. who lives below town, received a fall. On the following day he became un- conscious ana gradually sanK . 11 f until Monday night after mid- mght he died. 1 Mr. Dry had reached the ripe old age of nearly 79 years. He leaves two son, Levi . Dry and Will Dry, and two daughters, Mrs. W F Hess and Mrs. Bettie mi The funeral will be conducted Wednesday morning at the home , . , . . r by Rev. Chas. B Miller. The, ram ains -will be interred in the oM Lutheran cemetery. - Land Deals Being Made. Since the step was taken for a new cotton mill in the north western part of Concord to the right of the Buffalo mills, sev- eral land deals have taken place, some of large amounts and some Qf much smaller amounts. Over 3,500 has been paid the Misen heimer heirs by parties for their land . that t of town A new enterprise brings new ness. busi- Afternoon Services This Week. ' Rev. T V; Smith, pastor, cf Epworth Methodfst church, will begin his protracted meeting at that church tomorrow afternoon. Each afternoon at 4 o'clock ser vices will be held. Next week services will be held twice each day. Regular prayer meeting services will be held tomorrow night. A House Burned. This afternoon, just before go ing to press, the hews comes of a fire beyond Pine Land in the di rection of the Coleman mill. The house belonged to Mr. Joel Reed, of this place, and was oc cupied by colored people. It was burned completely. Will Move Here Soon. Mr- Monroe Gillon, who lives in the country beyond the depot, has rented from Mr. J L Hartsell the residence on Mill on Mm street iormeriy occupiea Dy mr. jno. M Younsr. He will "probablv move here the last of this week. Duiing the ciyil war, as well as in our late war with Spain,, diar- troublesome diseases the army had to contend with. In many instances it became chronic and the old Boldiers still suffer from 1 viu nuiu 1C1 o nUJJ.CX i.XVLU U Mr DaTld Taylor, of Wlnd by M. L. Marsh & Co.. Druggist For Ow FiJtv Tears Mrs. Winslow's Soothiffff Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot tle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Win slows Soothing Syrup," andtake no otner Kina. .-, w DEWEY IN WASHINGTON. Meets the President and Cabinet Also and Mrs. McKinley Reviews the Pro cessionRetires at 0:30 O'clock. Washington has had her round at honoring Admiral Dewey on Monday. A special train left- Jersey r city at 1 :50 o'clock and with only necessary stops it rolled into the cipatal. The reception was, of course, magnificent. The hero was driven to the White House amid roaring applause and was ushered nto the presence of the President, Mrs. McKinley, the cabinet officers, and others, especially officers of the navy. The admiral mounted the re- view stand, leaning on the arm of President McKinley. In the parade was a detachment of International Machinists tre- I 1 . n i ' which were inscribed. "We Made the Guns for Pewey." The public tell m, after the procession but broke the line of j review by crowding around the ; ' stand till the admiral seeing that it could no longer be resrarded as a review quitted the stand. . U mi J j i: I x no vuy was iuaue uazznng with variegated electric lights of , pleasing designs: It was 9.10 when the tired fighter got repose in the home of Mrs, McLean whose guest he is while in the city. He retired at 9.30 o'clock, w , - : . PEES0NAL POINTERS. -Mr. Jno. R Morris, of Balti more, is here today. 4-Mr. C C Hook, of Charlotte, arrived here this morning. Mr. Tom Barringer, of Char lotte, spent last night here. -f-Mr. Harvey M Day, of Char lotte, returned here last night. Rev. W P McGhee, of Pine- ville, arrived here this morning. ' - - ' Mrs. Jas. P Cook returned home yesterday evening from Charlotte. Mr. D Cannon will leave tonight for Philadelphia to at tend the exposition. -Mr. Lawrence Moore, for - merly of South Carolina, is visit ing at Mr. C R White's. Dr. Will Pharr, of Ne wells, ?ud Mr. Jno. Pharr, of Char lotte, arfl hp.rp. tnriav. Thev are here on accoilI1t Qf the death of Mr. ueo, vv Jf atterson. r THE BEST PRESCKIPTION FOR CHILLS and fever is a bottle c. Grove's Taste less Ohill Tonic. . Never fails to cure; Then why experiment with worthless imitation-? Price 60 cents. Your m one v back if it fails to cure. OF w w w w (SSI a a a CAKES m a em AT FflDS, GRAND Matchi;PiSS Never in the country have such prices been put on fine shoes. Each lot will be carefully ticketed and marked as to price and size. The sizes do not run regular but almost any one can get fitted in some of thorn. On lot Of 324 pairS WOman' S fine n -i - - . . , - dongolas,lace anabutton regularly TiTnT.Tv Si1 KH on1 1 lo OUe COUnXer at gome are a little v price manes up anv of them ! cw-iv Vicau ao IX t.U"FG Now the ostly auuvc are some larger number. Its the finest genuine shoe bargain we ever saw. One lot contains "woman's button pateDt go at l&c pair. Another lot of 106 pairs wasi i tme Frencn kid shoes. worth irom $2 to $2.50 ! sizes niostlv 2 1-2, 3 and 4 to go lor $1 .48 c ' pair, some lace ana some bdtton, cloth top. etc., among them many of the celebrated Ziegler shoes all go. on the $1.48 c table. Just 34 bottles of Q-ild Edge shoe dressing sold the world over for 25 c to go m the sale tomorrow at 16 c bottle. One lot of boys shoes eery pair worth 1.50 all number 13's to go at 79 o per pair. DRY GOODS. We will v offer some special inducements : in this side for Wednesday only. , L000 yards good calico worth 5 c a jard to go at 2. 1-2 c yard only 10 yardsto a customer. Goodyard wid e sheetins: 4c. Red wool fianne' this dav (only 10 c yard. Your goous ill our iiuusw tins u.tty umy jlv u yaiu, 72 Pairs Foster hook kid gloves black and brown colors, gussets in the fingers for mm rf -m r a w m k m w I w w a r - m rA -mm T.?rcrA linft nf la.difiR and childred's underwear 'f.n fit P.Vftrvhodv. help to wait on the hitched to small Prices. H. L. Parks & Company. itig ? ,and in the last fl Ts it anv wonder we had to figure in Homp he town. Our trade makes it necessary. Give u your trade; that's O what we want. We need new streets and straighten old ones it takes money to get them and we are willing to contribute just keep us buy S and we won't kick as we haven't time. Q We are axpecting a BELL, P. S. Something new in town. Ye Spring Mattress, The Bes"; in town. SALE history of this b CeUtS DGr RaiT. damaged but the & i -i i -. lor all tnat and isst. s frrrsh rtw A U1U 1U.C JLI.CL.LiL 111 cXU" sizes in the 3's, 4's and 5's choice of any25c dress - - - - mm - - mm vva We will have extra crowds. Big values, With a car of TRUNKS. , Car load of STOVES. Car load of CHAIRS. the ThhJ Car of SPRINGS four months, all in this week the 'Mayor's Corte" for blockading Q Q Car of Furniture today. HARRIS 8c CO. weary ones lie down cn a Cob natio Bill, Barris & Co,

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