mmm JOHN D. BARRIER and SON, Editors arid Proprietors. OFFICE IK THE MORRIS BUILDING 1HE STANDARD is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by ries. Rates of Subscription : Oiie year .$4.00 Bix mouths... ...... ....200 Three months.. ........ . 1.00 One month . ............ .35 Single copy. . . . . . . .05 THE WEEKLY STANDARD is a our-page, eight-column paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any otner.paper. Witty Contempt of Court Detroit used lay have a lawyer who -was' shxe wd enough, to show contempt of court without incur ring danger of the- penalty . that would have been visited upon' an offender less diplomatic. He was at one time being heard In an important matter before the Su preme Court, and made an asser tion which elicited from one of judges: "That is not the law, sir." "Pardon me, your Honor," with a deferential, bow "it was Price SI, 00 per annum in O ft X7Q T"l fCk A "I TmTi ei n nm Terms for regular advertisements tne law unxu a minute ago. inow, made known on application. we accept a new principle estab Address all communications to , r THE STANDARD, lished by a supreme - authority." CJoneord ' N. O. ' reading from an imposing look ing book in support of - a posi- tion that he had - taken upon a Concord, N. C, Oct. 3. The School Census Taken. Mr. Christenbury;.Holshouser has completed his work: of "fingl ing out the number of school children in the different wards, Following is his report: White. Ward 1 Male 433, iemiale 502. Ward 2 Male 385, female 363. Ward 3 Male 58 female 63. Ward 4 Male 143, female 133. Total 2,080. Colored. Ward 1 Male 43, female 47. Ward 2 Male 26, female 29. Ward 3 Male 36, female 29. Ward 4 Male 213, female 230. Total 653. Total number of white and col ored 2,733. 3 Wi PROF MASSEY ON WHEAT AND CORN legai question: Homicide in Wilkes. Louis Wyatt stabbed and killed "Mat" Hamby last Satur day evening in Wilkes ' county cents per pound. Dry Goods Depart ment. - . - Linen, colored Crash, for 5c. a yard, worth 10c. , Printed Marsailles at 12c. Duck, Plain White, solid col ored and 'Printed. Calico 3c tip.- Yard wide Percale at 20 and 25 "Just a moment," 1 interrupted Hamby had a warrant for the ar- In . the September Bulletin the Supreme Justice himself; "do rest of Wyatt. He tried to es- Prof. Massey has an article on you mean to say that you are capo and when he could not he the preparation of land for wheat wading good law?" stabbed the officer,- who died anu corn uiai we nope our iap j ii on Supreme Court decisions;" xiixo iu iguu. J puwuiu uu - T ACT "FV CTAT CM have the Bulletin and can get . ine most cutting thing he ever , w-oi it for the asking. In the' article said to this same court was dur- N0TICE is hereby given that Light colored Outing 5 J & 7c. Bargains in Towels. Hosiery. Two job lots of Samples ofGent's fine sox, lot No.l, plain and fancy colors, at loc worth 20 to 25c. Fancy colored and black Lisle at 18c -worth 25 to 50c. The best line of Men's and La- Prof . Massey takes the position, ing the consideration of a des- a note for $100 dated May 1895 dies' Hosiery on the market for new to us that land ploughed up Peia,LW uaso m which no nau. iiou vcmu.u.u uaa ucou iubu ui .v vouis, in the fall' and let lie bare oyer a leg to stand upon: He made a and Pare warned ; . Notions. I 1L ' T j .1 Ll I winter is graetly injured thereby; Pom contention wmcn was iai It is leached of chemi- l.acious but - plausible from be cal plant food that a green crop glng. to end. would absorb and hold ' to-be saldthb Court, se- turned under later tcproduce a verely; 71 ould'hbt try to con crop vert the average . Jnstice of the Land for a corn crop tot- eae'witli'stich an argument as lowed with wheat he says, should naT,i f ' be ploughed in cheiall, deep ana -i 4 Nor,I, was vttief quick re- , I am'the mdtLer of eit ciM subsoiled. then sowed: in cxihl-. ren and have had a great "deal W'ol son cloveif not too late,i otKet- ete reliable infombn that Werience witr medcine ;Last Rbnnid w : 5a6ttethe same; - m j-H TTT - . T U WILSON. .i. w i:- - - , . Crochet Cotton, 4o per spool, The latest lynching in Georgia Silk short measure) at 5c. Tdrk- took place- at Ty-Ty.f There is ey Red Cotton , 20o per dozen an eternal fitness of thines oven spools,- Embtoidery Silks tilo, amhTimv v: : outlining, rppe and. twisted at 3o - perCskeinj "worth 5 cents. Also A MOTHERTELLS HOW SHE Ifdery thread at 3c per nnnmr: oKeiu, jmoroiaery noops oc. . OA V XLiU XilU VJXll JlrrVO JJJJDXi. Bone Drss Stays 3c, Safety Hooks atid Ts 10c box. Machine Thread 3e per HpooJ, Safety Pins 2c per dozen , Brass Piu 4c per papr and 25c pr pouud, Irou Pins Ic, Rub er lined Dress Shields 10c, Monraing Pids 1 nd per box, Alummuin ' Hair Pins 5(3 dozen, Ssde Conibn 5 and 10c, Pompadour 10c, coarao and tine tooth Dressing Combs 4 to 25c. Stationary. r . : . . , v. Jobs in Box Paper at less than co:t to produce. 25c boxes for 15c and 10c ones for 5c.- Jice Paper at 10c per pound.; Pencil Erasers lc, Type writer "do 5c. Car bon Paper; foe typewriter use 3 sheets lor 5c, Typewriter paper at 3 ounces for 5c. Fancy r Crepe Paper for Lamp Shades 6c up, Toilet Paper 2 rolls for IQc. Ink and Mucilage 3c, Shoe Blacking lc up j Tan do. 5e, Black Dressing 5 to 15c, Wood Tooth Picks 4c per 1.000. Genfs Furnishings. Boston Garters 18c," - Drawers Supporters 3c per pair, Silk Bosom Shirts 48ol Glass Ware 5c f up; Crockery andTin Ware up stairs. D.J. Bostiart wise rye snouia Disown.; n-tT . dysentery; m"its: worst form. teif home-made manuVevon -dur- tnisnonoraoie courx naa ever e- thoaght r shi4w6tild"die; I iTicr ifhk'Tfrin'tA-r t,nrr' tWlft nVidArNrVed InHhat' cat)aciwV" tried everythinc I could' tliinU of. near the; Bvtfiace in 'the .stJrinct. "W" pracrticM boiore r '"..""'r. vuuioia auu aiaiiuuca xveuouj ior a corn crop: whifch he r safys cultivate shallow and level so as c.jrctfit judged one. time, .'and, was" highly iiim'ffiha aida ; not to break thelomxoots. tais is'the first "timev ybu-have sent and goi botrltf tiV 'bticeV' It". proved to be one 'of 'the verV betl- use. It saved inv. little dausht- self- -.'A jjrjU T;invmn -tJj . - . i cai'A(.ii-JJ .w-wv- I Tn nT nflr 1 Trl ITHlnf 'TIT 11 o DTf aTAallonf I i r t t j E. It is a well known fact that ' clay, shown contenrpt:,, land ploughed deep in the fall "Yes, your Honor," answered needs little cultivation in the -tsianlr, Have wonderful Massey says, a blanket of loose : '. . . Iknow? If ybitt nft Aart:nr..ih t'tmnrAVAnt th uwmg to tnecaiicity.;of -gmaU nrsv;in wouiac nave saTea-me-a r.. n dhz' . r y - coitjg vthe SAVrAMgat deal of anxietv andmtrX . mc oianaara escape of moisture bv cap liar v curren?y anQ coins, ne &ecre- & , . MS - . attraction. Treasury is colder: r mg the propriety .ol baying and .jioic Littertv-K:4!:1 For Stf hv .........s. ..: ; . . the cold, weatner, oesiae oe- uvex, mo uemanu xor m. ju. Marsn fc uo., JJruggist. ing bracing to all, is a panacea halves, quarters and dimes hav- fnr vellow fever as far South as inff. exhausted the supplv of both GLORIOUS NEWS the frost went. - Tennessee has coin and bullion. In the absence I Washita8 IT? He wntes:' "our dS- raised the quarantine against of paper dollars, which were tiesf Mectric Bitters has-ciired-' Mt& New Orleans. Key West, how- preferred, the Secretary has been her great sufferinffoTyLrs:a Terrible ever, will hardly be benefited by enabled to get a larger number of 5ores ould break out on her head and -. i ... , j. xv m j. jii,.2Av!v- i face, and the best doctors could give rio it, as it is loo lar suulu. x wenty- &uvur uunars iulo circulation help; but her cure is complete and her fwn now rasAs arid t,wA irlAntlia than AVAr hAfnrA --T?.lftiyK "Prcf. health is excelleht." This shows that , j . , . . thousands have proved, that Electric were reported Saturday. 7 Bitters is the best blood purifier known. 1 n0 - j It would seem that- broom f -" :teItow?a:d an tetter, salt rtienm, nleerB; boils and ran IT would seem that broom impr0ved husbandry are: To ning sores. It stimulates liver, kidnejs corn ought to bd looked after by ,,in,rato lose lnn t ,. and bowels, expels poisons, help digea- -.BAK..BA..JL CulUvatc :1-0SS land. To make tion, builds nP the strength. Only 50 1U . that' which is cultivated in cents. Bold at Fetzer's Drug Store. advanced irom u to , per lant u ma trm. The soil and climate, , . . V x..,.- Trustee's Sale. The soil and climate, Htal' ii. belive,.are well, enough suited . rfid -tem tir crops and mixed farming. The me as mortgagee in a certain deed of Some scientist have observed cultivation of the grasses and ""1, J? fnnt a7 is thA most fatal riArind less of the cereals, and feeding the Register of Deeds of Cabarrus of life but when : a fellow has the farm the most of its XbuSfUSriSaiiSl nasAd that "noint he's far.Ad products. Raising clover and der for cash at front door of the court with the inevitable closing in on enriching , the land-by turning SS s of iTandT o-e?o on Say him from a smaller circle than under green crops. State Agri- the 24th day of October, 1899, the fol- cultural RullAtiTi. lowing lot or parcel ol land lying and " i nni nr-n a a-mvv. a . x I uoiuft xxi. iojo , uui i'UXlt3 HUll IO OA OOIl- cord and bounded as follows: Mr. Dorman Thompson has "K21?11111 at the southwest corner ';6t You assume no risk when you been electedditorof thA Tar le 1 ?!B? buy Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera Heel, the weekly publication of thence west one degree north one rl ninrrhnfta ' Kfimflnv. - M . T " nundred ffiet tn a. f.lrA Marsh &' Col will refund vourl tne University.--Daily Reporter, etal line, thence north with said line - - mm ever. r r- - Tl STAMAPJ Job X 2 Zf have .-anything t sell i you can znaireii Known inrougn s The Standard. 5 is published every day Sunday ex cepted) and delivered at your door for only 10c per week or 8 5 6- pkr month.. . . ...... : . . 1 ........ . . . ,v.r.v THE STAMDM prints home and other news that is of interest to our readers and to make it grow better we must have the pat ronage of the people. . . . " 1 ' ' ' " - 11. K Giye us a trial when you make your next order for.... Work Wort ready when promised; money if you are not satisfied after using it. It is everywhere CUBE A GOLD IN ONE DAY sixty feet to southeast' corner of said 4"HM544fr4M " vuguvo neat uuo UUllurCU I nnu istuu hub uj iue oeginning on i v tning : i rn i t i-k . ... i 1 1 -i i l i. u -w. i. i iukh liHiAuva nmmn i-imnino 'i'aMo-o i ndmittea to uu tuo must suuucbs- n i;: V : t 5 . Wl,a' , ; aiuhjt auu one-nail w uujr auy use -for bowei nhm ne7. -u il Ieei. are. v.eB?a front for street. One t,' ,:v.: , .2 A"4 ; - 7T j " v, -pu w.r iuo gcxiuia nas ju. ij. y part oi said lot Jno. H. Love bought t ,UU sux- " " 1 inrougn1 - onn imh mil v fin h Tnur i in hiwii mnini i fi - t i ..' i i . . . , UlUrlUlD - ww wuuw I " UU1U VI. liX. XjVTt. nbver fails, . It is pleasant, sate Given under mv hand this 22n Axr X lilc otandard. t - of September. 1899. f ' : ' X Adve'rtisinratesi in " 4 $ made known on application X andYeliable. ' 'ISSIffii!&KSr' W. O. Ooleman, Trustee. J ?4hhK ! I..4h !

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