ft Arrival ot lriu, . ' . . " . -" .' The following change of schedule took effect Junel2, 1899. NORTHBOUND. . No. 8 arrives at 5.52 am, ; 36 " 14 10 00 am, 44 12 u " 7-09 p mt . 39 " 8.51 p m, (flag) 63 '' : " 2 OOa'm(lieuijt)--SOUTHBOUND 37 arrives at 8.49 a m, (flag) 11 " "1123 a m, 7 ' " 8.51 p m, - 35 14 " 9.20 p'm, (flag) - . 33 " 719 a m, fii " 8.49 a m, (freight) 3KS"ffi1S& Phia, which was Dewey's flagship and : the words, "Rear Admiral south of Charlotte, and is f topped for at Manila, and the zodiacal sign rTWrioi fort-December, in which lucky passengers for Salisbury, High Point, month; Dewey was born. CilF No. u description of Dewey's Sword, vx r ters "G. D., and iinm3diately un it will' be remembered that der them are the letters "U. S. Congress appropriated as 'much N.," surrounded by sprays of the as $10,000 for the Dewev sword. rjlant. ' - - - f s- x - . The following description V may The ferrule, , or lower end of appease the curiosity of; some as the scabbard; terminates in en tb how such sword is made. twined gold dolphins. "The sword, except its steel The sword box is of white oak! blade and the body mental of its ; inlaid with black, velvet, and at1 scabbard, is entirely 22-karat the center of the cover a gold gold. On the pommel is carved . shield surmounted by an eagle the name of the battleship Olym-! and inscribed with a single star Dewey, U. S,' N." H?SaDSi?l5e JS Cling these is a closely wpvc n. Washington, no. 6t stops ior wreaui pi oaK leaves, -long em- i irTinlihtiTflr nr I , . - . StTbevond? an I to ' ffe on p. ployed Ho indicate and adorn eengers for regular stopping places ran 11a NTr 38 stuns to let off oasseni?ers from regular stopping JtSelOW these the pommel IS em places south of Ne wells and to, take on braced- by a gold collar, on the passengers for regular stopping places, . v . n -' . - T.vnnhhnrrr or bevond. ironi; oi wmcn are me arms oi Nos. 33 and 34 stop at Concord for caonrrnru t.n fir from the C. C. & A. ljivision Charlotte to Augusta and field of shield in enamal. Below other points in South Carolina, Georgia ty,PTM nrp tp rm5 nf Vprmnnt anA rnhpdthrnnjTii noi-nmbift inemare arms or Vermont, or Augusta ' Dewey's native state, with the XnneVaS "Freedom and Unity," and W. N. C. Division. TELEPHONE NO. 71. FOUNDED. .1842 and the colors of the shield in enamel. .The plain part of the gold collar is decorated with stars and a graceful finish is giv en to it by a narrow bank of oak leaves. The sword blade is Da mascened, with the inscription: A Very Bold, Bad Robbery. The Troutinan correspondent. of the Statesville Landmark says, Eli Hartsell, a young man 21 ydars old, was robbed of $25 and way home Monday evening. ' He aild tpSOU "SUluS. found himself, suddenly seized! and thrown "down in his wagon by one man, while another robbed him. Then a pistol was placed at his head and fired. The ball passed through his hat without touching, his head. He temprarily lost consciousness! i i- t . . i f ana wnen ne came to ne was alone in the wagon and the horse' was running. , One hundreii CMldrens "yestee Suits. StyHsh Paerris! Hand some trimmings. NEew and ele gant designts. Finely Tailored. Altogether Swell. All sizes, 3 to 8. They are $5.00 and !$6. 00 suits and strictly up to date. You can have choice at $300. One hundred Vestee suits' at to $1.50. yThey are $2.00 N - I "Sing Their Own Praise." TheSTIEFFisthe PIANO to buy: it Las no equal for the monev as you save the middleman's profits and it will last a lifetime; but re have several bargains in other makes. We have taken in exchange- for STIEFF'8 two Ivers & Pond Pianos, oue, the finest style that firm manu f ictnres and it is almost new. If you want this make here are bargains Piano Hftnnfactarer, Baltimore 31 1. PontmiTT Dnnnnh Wnnonnmn 213 ! IV. IQ01U1J JJiaUUll naiOlUUlU. Tryon St., Co H. WSEmotlhi, Mgr. Fine Tuning. Palace Organs. Ciias. M, Stieei; A white man was sent to the chaingang Wednesday for train beating. Pearl Schubert, who has been sick for some time, is gradually recovering. r Remember the meeting of the U. D.-CPs Friday at 4:30 o'clock at Mrs. Wadsworth's. Miss Lizzie Kinciad has re turned here, after spending some time at her home in Lenoir. Mrs. M L Scott went up to Salisbury this morning to spend a few days with her friends. Several persons at this place have received invitations to act as marshals at the Winston Fair. The wholesale and retail busi ness of the late Geo. W Patterson will continue the same as heretofore. bherm Peck has moved into his residence on East Corbin street purchased from Mr. W UCorrell. Miss Emma and Ella Erwin left Wednesday morning to enter Sunderland Hall School at Con cord. Salisbury Sun. - Mrs. Preston, of southwest Virginia, has arrived here to spend a week or more ' with her son, Rev. Cochran Preston. Miss Mary Goodman is quite sick with fever at the home of Mr. Will Goodman on the corner of Church and East Depot street. Will Harris, a negro, was sent to the chain gang for violating one of the town ordinances, in re gard to driving on the sidewalk with a wagon. Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Char lotte, N. C, will be in Concord at St. Cloud on Fridav.- October 20th, for this one day only. His Nose' and Tb rnnt Vvv. JStV- : "the gift of the na- : tion to rear admiral. i george dewey, u. s.'n"., . i in memory of the vic- tory at manila bay, : : may l, 1898." : The sword grip is covered with fine shark skin bound with gold wire and inlaid pith gold stars. The guard is an eagle termina ting in a claw which grasps the top in which the blade is set; the eagle's outstretchecUwins form the guard proper. The scabbard is of this steel, Damascened in gold, with sprays of a delicate sea plant, the Ross Marinus, typical of fidelity, con stancy and-remembrance. These sprays are interlaced, stars fil the d inner spaces, - dolphins the outer spaces. . Sprays of oak leaves and acorns secure the rin and trappings of the scabbard; above these on the front of the ! scabbard is a raised monogram in diamonds, entwining the let- among Now it is said they are storing electricity in a capsule. It should betaken with a grain of salt. ! Philadelphia Times. Lersey HOW THIS ? We offer one hundred dollars reward for any caee of catarrh that can not by cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. We the"" undersigned, "have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years, and. believe him perfectly reliable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. . . - West & Truax, . Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. W aiding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in- W lernany, acis uireouy upon me blood and mucous surface of the system. Price 75o. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. - Testimo nials free. ; Two hundred Childrens' Reefer suits. Finest goods, splendidly tailored, at $2.00. to $3.00. There are plenty of $5 suits them. -Boys heavy, all-wool suits at $S. You won't find them for less than $2.50 anywhere else. Splendid line of Men's suits just in. We save you 25 cents on every dollar you spend. ? Cannon & Fetzer Co. Mr. Daniel Harwood, who quite a while ago had the misfortune to get a thumb torn off, has re sumed work at the lumber yard of the Yorke & Wadsworth Co. NEW YORK MARKETS. SAVING Is the royal road to fortune. If you want to save come to our store, we can save Nov.-. Jan. Sugar COTTON OPENED. CLOSED. . . 7.00 r 7.06 ..7.18 7.20 . 141 141i .119 121 J .. 73 7S$ . . 512J 510 you money on FURN1TUR E. We are the whip to prices to double the speed of sales. burg, has arrived here to take , Ribs . . a position x in the store of the) Cannon & Fetzer Co. She is AHoninn staying with Mrs. Jno. Wads-. MUtJI 1 UUI 1 worth. ' . 7, Tuti.T r n V : A Mothers. Little Julia Gray's many friends will be glad to learn that her ; ' ' condition is not so serious as two days ago. She has typhoid fever, j Misses.Ribbed fleeced lined cot Mrs. Boshamer will leave Satur- L vrt,4o wHnTnre fn mafn!. J IUU V goto W xujjl cu vv vjju u vs muitvu) FURNITURE AND UNDER 1AKING i We have 44 doz. day to attend her bedside. A negro man dropped into our office Wednesday evening and asked that we be sure and save him a nickel's worth of papers until Saturday evening. We feel sure tnat he can be accom modated. ! I (jiirahl Miial Bank Offero the business publie a reliable, per manent, conservative and acoommod&k sizes from 13 to 34, at 25 cents mg banking instution. , , m,A f We solicit your patronage with the each. Call and see them. They asslirance of honorable treatment and are just what you want for the due appreciation of your patronage. XI we can serve you auy nmo wo FRESfi OYSTERS little folks. Gibson & Morrison. They Are be glad to have you come and see us. UBERAIi ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS. ------ namtal ana Sumlus - $10050. D. B CoiiTBanb, Chashier, J. M. OdkIi, President, AT THE Concord Bakery. I Beauties Bread, Doughnuts, Buns, Cakes, Pies, Cream Puffs, etc. . Special attention given to lady patrons. ' ; Oysters 35 cents per quart, . Joe Fisher, Proprietor. ' 'PHONE 122. k- Every one of them will please you. Come . and see them. A fine lot of - Opal Rings. W. C. CORRELL, THE JEWELEK. M, L. Brown Sl BRo, LIVERY, FEED LSD- SALE STABLES. Just in rear of St. Cloud HotL Om nibuses meet all passenger trains Outfits of all kinds farnished promptly and at reasonable prices. Horses and mules always on nana or sale. Breeders of j.noroughbreu Poland China Hog. Qo To tai G W PATTERSON FOR Kock bait Fresh Butter on Ioe, Quaker Oats, Hominy, Chipped Beef, Canned Corn, Tomatoes, and Peaches. Soda, Baking Powders, Starch Oracser, Larl, Hams, Prunes, Breakfast Strips, Green aud Parched Coffee, Tea, Sugar, soap, reas, meai, Corn, Shipstuff, Oats, Oil, Fiour, Molasses, oait, Vinegar, onuu, iuua-uu, xvio, Potash, Spices, boctled v'- Pickles, Washing Powders n-nA onrtliinof in ihft .flrnfiflTV jUU li J w , iZn IVn n Ion AQI1(T 1XUC. i q aiov voiij, Bope, Crockery, Glass-ware, Woodenware, DryGoods, Shoes Hats, Tinware Etc. Etc We close our store at 8.15 dur- in or t, mr TTiiri ht uiuiilud. it o liyer goods until 6 p.m.