A . . ""i ii - . - . , - ...... . . i , -. ... ... - . V Nasal & ATA ETC . In all ita stages .should be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, s oothes and i icaU the diseased xnembr.me. It cures catarrh and C: ;.ve3 away a cold in the iad quickly. Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils, spreads oyer the membrane and is absorbed.,- Belief Is im . mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying does not produce "sneezlngr Large Size, 60 eenU at Drag; jjlsf,s,or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail - . IU.Y BROTHERS, 50 Warren Street, tfew York; v ' . ' v Wiriteris I ALREADY HAVE ON , HAND THREE CARS OF, - Jellico Coal And have ten more car loads on tne "way. It is time for you to lay in a supply for the winter, isn't it? I also haye oh hand the best of antracite coal. J. A. C Blackwelder, -West Popot St. at Store. Br'Phone68. ? e K. L. Craven Has Bought 800 TONS JELICO COM. , 200 TONS HARD COAL. Also Virgina Split and M Eye Cannel Coal Best steal coalat line prices; " Good umith Coal. Call and "get 'what you want. 'Phone 74, , I AM PREPARED TO DO ANY THING .IN ' K Plumbing, Steam Fitting . and Electric Wiring. I HLAVE SOME toCE Bath Tubs ON HAND; e. Monish; I04. BICYCLES Kfcpaired Promptly an Satisf ac ; tion Guaranteed. 1 FRESH 'FRUITS' Aiid Vegetables 'in stock at-i E. L. LI PES ; IN BRICK ROW. Notice to Tax-Payers. The tax books for 1899 have been placed, in my; hands for collection and. all tax-payers are requested to come forward and pay their 4axes at once. ;' S. J. Ervin, City Tax Collector. LOST OR STOLEN. NOTICE is hereby given that a note for 100 dated May 1895 on J W Cannon has been lost or stolen and parties 1 are warned not to trade for same. . TC Wilson. Notice of Dissolution The firm of Mabrey and Delyanx is this day dissolved by mutual consent: The niter est . in all stock of goods, ac counts and other evidences of debt are ; transferred to J M Mabrey, who as sumes the, payment of all debts due by the firm. . : IS This 3id day Oct. 1899. ' -r J. M. MABREY, Oonpord, N.- C. - J. B. DELYAUX. 3r,EXPBRIENCE Trade Marks . rirvH Copyrights Act. Anyone sending a sketch And description may - qtilckly ascertain our opinion free wnether an " Intention is probably patentable. Commnnlca A tiefcj strictly oonfldentiaL Handbook on Patents -ent-free. Oldest agency for securing patent. " "JPatents taken throueh Munn & Co. recetM " Ipvtial notice without charge, in the - cieniific Jlmerican., jL'nandflomely illustrated weekly. Irrest tr- eolation of acy scientific journal. . Terns.. $3 Coming COAL 1 . - M m R.Pn set Mouf Vm 1.u n. w t;u - " isac? i i v .Branch OxT Jo V GL. WS-gton, D. U Dm tog tne civil war, as well as in our late war with Spain, diar rhoea ' was one of the most troublesome "diseases "the ' ainy bad to contend with. In' many instances it became chronic : and li,' IT ' 1 -tl Ml the old soiaiers stui suner irom .it., Mr. David Taylor, of Wind Kidge tf reene county, ra., is one of these. He uses Chamberlain's Colic,, Oholera and I Diarrhoea Remedy and says he never found anything that wqu W 5ftfve him such quick relief.' It is lor sale by M. L. Marsh k Co.. Druggist Reduced Bates to the State Fair. On account of the State Fair the Southern will sell round trip tickets to Raleigh, including one admission' into the fair "grounds," $3:80. Tickets on sale Oct. 14, 16, i6, 17, and 20, with final limit to Oct. 33rd. . WANTED SEVEBAIi BRIGHT AND HON- est persons to represent us as Managers in this and close counties. 3 Salary $900 a year and expenses. Straight, bona4 fide, no more, no less salary, .Position permanent. Our -references, any bank in any town It is mainly office work conducted at home. Reference. En close self -addressed stamped envelope. The; Dominion Company, Dept, 2, Chi cago. JY ANTED Ta buy -100,000 pounds of old cast-iron scrap, de livered at the foundry "at 'once, for which we will pay a fair price- N burnt iron wanted. . , v , altf. Concord Foundry Co. ! FOR SALE A new Wheeler & "Wilson sewing -machine with five drawers, just from the fac tory. Call at this office and get at first class machine on easy terms. ti. WARRANTED. PRSCtlOOctG. , . GAl2lTil,lLLS.,NOT,16,15S3. Paris Medicine Co St. Louis, Mo. k Gentlemen We sold last ; year, $00 bottles 6 GROVE'S TASTi3X.BSS CHILL TONIC and ha v. h bought three gross already this year. In all or ex perience or 14 years, m tne drug business, ha-"-never sold an article that gare such universal na,lhr faction as your, Tonic . Tours truly, . TIKE THE STtliDIO month 35c; 1.00. it 2.00. I year 4.00. weaKness 11 s rpo ncn fin n .: .'- u 1 1 I l I I df 1 I ! I I 131 I vl K-- Return of a Confederate Battle Flag Dallas, Tex., Oct. r4. Gov. James Mount, of Indiana, and his entire staff, accompanied by many . prominent members of the G. A. R.f have arrived in Dallas. Acting in accordance with a res t oliitidn passed by , the Legisla ture of his State, the Chief Executive of Indiana will torn or t row return to Governor payers, of Texas, representing th sur vivors of Terry's Texas Rangers,; the battle flag which was cap tured from -the Rangers, by an Indiana regiment during the war between the States. The ceremony of returning the flag, which will be most elabo rate." will occur hi the - audito- rium, or on the State -Fair grounds; inv this city. Indications' are that it will be witnessed by it least 15,000 parsons. ' Within the last nine years 16,000 horses have been must ered out of service by the Metro-. politan Traction and Third Avenue companies, and in their places electricity has been sub stituted as a motive power. There remain today 5, 100 horses in Harness on the street car lines of the city, and that number will be diminished by several hun dred before the year is out. Five years hence, the officials of the Metropolitan road say the horse "vyill be a thing of the past as motive power on the streets of New York. New York Post Drying preparations simply develop dry catarrh; they dry up the secretions' which adhere to the membrane and . decompose, causing a far more . serious trou ble! than the ordinary form of catarrli. Avoid aU' drying in halants and use f that whicK cleanses, soothes an&heals. JSly's Cream Balm is such? a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold fri the ;head easily , and;pleasantlyi AU druggists sell it at 1 50c. or it will be mailed by JEly Brothers, 56 Warren St,, N.,Yi' - From Cairo news comes that the river Nile is at the' lowest point, of which there is any record, or since the drbuthsiri Joseph's time. This means a bevere injury uj( tne JDjgypxiai cotton crop, which should also have some effect upon the price of Americrn cotton. Morning Post. ' " NO CURE. KO PA1 . That isj the -way all druggists sell Grove Tasteless Chill Tonic . for chills and Malaria. It is, simply Iron and Qninine 'in - a tasteless form. Children fiove it. Adults refer it to bitter, f nan leatina Tonics Price. 50c. " A splendid bust of Edgar Allen Poe by Zolnay will be un veiled on Saturday, the 7th inst, the fifteenth anniversary of the poet's death, at Charlottesville, Ya. The unveiling will-take place with fitting ceremonies. Times-Visitor. THE BfiSt "PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS and fever is a bottle cf Grove's Taste- less umii xonic. jxever fails to cure; Then why experiment with, worthless imitations? Price 1 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to cure. Drink, ,and the world drinks with you; . ; Thirst, and you thirst alone; Fy the man who buys is indeed a prize ? : When. the price of a drink has flown. Times-Visitor. CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY TakQ Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The crennin has L. B. Q a each tablet. liee4 faAv T7miTn.Tf f1c. Tt- Milan lho Kind Tou iHayo AJKrays ' in. use . for over 30 yoars, and sonal Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are hut Ex - periments . that trifle with and endanger. 1 he health of Infants and ChUaTOn-EbcrieAce against Experiment, Castoria is .a substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Qyrups . It is Haisnless and ; Pleasant. It . contains t. neither, .'Opium. Morphine nor .ot!er Karcoiio substance. vIts 'ages is its guarantee. ". It ;des sroys Worms and allays Feverishiress. It cures Iiarrlidbv and Wind Colic. It :reheves Teethingr Troubles, cures Constipation and Jtulenoy. It assimilates' the Food, "regulates the Stoinach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep Tne Children's Panaeea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR i A ALWAYS Bears the The M You m Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ' THC OKNTAOR OOWMNV TT MURIAV TRECT. N W YORK CITY. ' I ' - ' ODELL iiiufiETUiiii g coon x. -M-f MAM rFACTUnERS OF ams, Salt Bags AND- Cloths. DEALBB IN General Merehar dise ; BUYERS OF ' COUNTRMODUCE of all kind. 6 . Four-foot Wood always Wanted. r-Beet Price for same. We inyite an inspection of all the goods . . . weTmannfacture . . . G-mgli Sheeting, Outing Bought, and which has been has borne the 'signature of has been made under, his per supervision since its infancy no one to deceh e you in this. Signature of outhern rr ailway, SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT JULY THE. 16TH. 1899. - This condensed schedule Is pub lish edas is subject f 6. change without notice Uo the public: L ; Trains ieaye Concord C - f5A;H.No;85daily, for Rick mond; 'connects at Greensboro for Raleigh anoV Goldsboro; it At v G oldsboro for, Norfolk, at Danville for Washington and ' points North, -fit ' SaTisbutv lor Aaheville, Knoiville and points West. 7; 19 A. M-No. 83, the New York and FlbridVExpresVcarTifea PnUman Sleep inr Car s between JNew . Yorjc- and An-ffUfitaNew-Yorraftd Tampa, Fla.,and Norfolk toCharlotte.; : - -v ' 1 - 8:49 A. M. No. 37. daily. Wasb- inton and Southwestern limited sto Atlanta,Birniingham Memphis, Mon gdmery,' Hobile jmd New Orleansr i and all - points South and SouthwesU Through Pullman sleeper New York tb New Orleans and New.York to Metnpli. Dining car, vestibuled coach, 'between Washington and Atlanta. - , i0:00 A. M. No. 36, daily, for "Wash ington, 1 Richmond, Raleigh . and all points"Nortb. Carries Pullman drawing room buffet sleeper, New Orleans to New Yoi k; Jacksonville . to New Yorki Pullman tourist cars from San Francisco via New Orleans and South ern Pacific Sundays and. Wednesdays. 1123 A. M. No. II,' daily for Atlanta and all points Soutn. Solid train, Rich mond to Atlanta. 7:09 k Hi No. 12. daily, for Rich-' mond, Aaheville, Chattanooga, Raleigh, Norfolk, and all points North. 8:51 P.M. -No 7, daily, from Richr uiond, Washington, Goldsboro, Selrn Raleigh, Ureensbcro Knoxviile ana Asheville ta Charlotte. N. C ; . . ,o 8: 51 P. M.No 38, dailv. Washinsrtbn and Southwestern limited, for Wash ington and all points North. ThrougE Pullman car, Memphis to New York New Orleans to New York. Also carries yestibuled coach and dining car. -Close connection at Greensboro with sleeper for Norfolk. 9.20 P.'M. No. 35, dailv. for Atlanta and. New : Orleans, carries' PolTmah sleener New. York to New OrlfiaTiR -NAnr York to Jacksonville, and Charlotte Atlanta; dinning car." - Also Pullman tourist car Washington to San .ifranous- co, 'yia New Orleans Tuesday and Frf days; . . ij-'jxr'. .... f -9.45 P. M. No. 34, . daily, . the Nw uuu x iuriu juxpress, carries riii nian Sleeping' Cars between Augusta ana new lorfc. Tampa, If la, andNei York and Charlotte to Richmond. Cal nes sleepers Charlotte to Norfolk Greensboro, : v. "First sections of regular,, through qr Ideal freight trains carry passengeS only to points where they stop according to schedule. ' : ; ; 1 "Frank S. Gannon; Third Vice-Pres; and Gen'l.-Man. 7 : ..- Waahington, D. O. John M.' Culp, Traffic Manager, i ' Washington, D, C, W." A. Turk, Gen'l. Passi Agent, ;;; ; : ... .. Washington D. C. Gowan DpsenberylLocal Agent, Concord, N.O t t t! K i, loncord N. c. t: