If ' b u n if 4. 'iil w; mm0? wt mlfc - i Prico $4.00 Per Yar. CON0OHDrN. 0., JBIRI DAY OCTOBER 6, 1899. Single Copy 5Cei?i:j I A BEAUTIFUL WEDDDfG. '4 The Baptist Church the Scene of the A nTOW?oiri paiitiful Decorations. Thursday night the Baptist church was beautif ully decorated , to await the fulfilment of love's . r vows made by Kev. J rj m i iauy vno uvea wiui ner auro, uen. juiian o- jarr nas Davenport of Coin jock, N. C, brother, Mr. Wm. .Goodman, on 'offorod a jirizo of 100 for the and Miss Jennie Sapp, of this .urch street was veryiU... On best compend or-epitome of .any rilace It was a beautiful church Thwray mght shef ell asleep to decad& of our State's history 1 : a , f. wake no more. within the period embraced bo- wedding and numbers of peO:.( ,Misg Goodmal Was 'a -good tween the year 1732 and 1882. pie attended. Christian ladv and leaves erood! rni,A ; Vrtrtrt f At the appointed hour, o'clock, the bride, leaning upon the arm of Mr. Jas. Sapp, and the groom; escorted by Rev. B Lacy Hoge, entered and ad- vanced to the altar where the marriage vows were taken, which vows were sealed with a beautiful ring. , The ushers were Messrs. : Wade Kimball and J H Jones, j of Salisbury; Mr. Wm. Muswick, of Baltimore, and Mr. Walter TT .Jr. ' i Hopkms, of this city. After the; - ceremony was ended tne invited ones repaired to the Kimball house where an excellent recep tion was tendered. by Mrs. Kim ball, a sister of the bride. May their life in the future'be strewn with the most beautiful roses as it was on this, occasion by little Misses Luia Craven and Annie Hoge. The newlv wedded couple will remain ihere a day or two before returning to the groom's field of work. While the invited ones were assembled ' in the J church the audience was treated to a beau tiful solo by Miss Adah Craven. Miss Mattie Lindsay, of Mat: . thews, presided at the organ and played the wedding march for the occasion. i. Sunday School Bally, , Sunday promises to be an in teresting day in Presbyterian churches, being the day set apart as Rally Day ,. by the Sunday schools of the Presbyterian church. An interesting pro gramme has been arranged, con sisting of responsive reading, fine music, recitations and ad dresses by Mr. N D Fetzer and Mr. Chas. C Orr, principal of our graded school. .A rally day is specially appropriate, as the roll in this Sunday school has been runup from about 90 on the summer basis to about 200. A Small Wreck at the Furniture Store. Thursday afternoon trouble came to the- firm of Bell, Harris & Co. The mould ing to which , numbers " of beautiful pictures were hanging, came loose and down came about six of the largest pictures, drop ping from the ceiling to the floor. Several were broken to pieces. Miss Daisy Sims Married, On Thursday night in Char lotte Miss Daisy Sims, of that place, was married to Mr. Claude Matthews, who is city editor of the Charlotte News. Miss Sims is a daughter of Mr. J M Sims and is related to the family of that name here. Mr. Dick Smith arrived here S?1S nrrtin to visit his sister,: Mrs. M L Brown. THE DEATH CALL. Maiden Lady Jails Asleep Typhoid . Ferer tin Cause of Her Death-The Ee mains Interred in No. 5 Township! . It was, noted in Thursday's edi tion tnat Miss Mary Locke Good- 1 1 ' 1 ; '"i l i't " '. i deeds and a good name tbehind : her Some time ago 'she liad an ! attack of typhoid fever which ' caused her death. She was a j lady of about 30 years. The funeral was . preached at ! the home today (Friday) at 1 o'clock by Rev. Nelson. Tne' remains were taken to the. bury - round of Mt- Carmel cnurch in No. 5' township. cm!dn,t gail without Wind. . v ml . . , . , The Columbia and the Sham- . A. . rock. the. former American the Matter Fnglish, attempted - Wednesday and Thursday to get off the speed contest, but it was no go. The Shamrock was boasted of as independent of the direction , of the wind, but no breeze took the wind out of the Mt, Vernn to Change Hands. The Mount. Vernon .hotel at ISalisrJury changes niahigement. The owner, i Mr. Frercks, who has heen Tunning it for 14 years retires, but will live hTthe hotel. Thehotel will be under the pro prietorship of J W Crowell after the 15th inst. Young Lady Bead at Mt. Pleasant. V On Thursday night Miss Ollje Honeycutt, daughter of Mr. Joe Honeycutt, died. Miss fton-' cutt "was a young lady and some ume ago nad a severe case, of typhoid fever from yyiict she never recovered. ; , Counterfeiters Run Down. ; A gang of counterfeiters have been run down and the princi pals have been arrested' and lodged in jail in the eastern part of the State. The moulds and metal have heen found and ceized. Publicity is' yet incom plete. His Stay Is Limited. Dr. Byers, the eye specialist, is at the StCloud hotel for a limited stay. ; . His services are in large demand" by the apprecia tive patieffts, and as. his stay, is of a short duration, we would suggest that those who antici pate a visit Dr. Byers' office with view of consulting him:, prof es-' sionally had better do so at once or be, disappointed. Office Room 15, St. Clond hotel. ... Color Line Tight. The color line is drawn more closely in the Transvall than any where we, know of. A negro is not allowed to walk on the side walks but must walk in the mid dle of the road or street. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS and fever is a bottle ci Grove's Taste-, teas Chill Tonic. Never fails to' cure lnen why experiment with worthless xmiuiuons irice 50 cents. Yonr money back if it fails to cure. N - Offers $100 for the Best Sketch of a Decade of North Carolina History. To promote the study of North Carolina history and : to encour age our making a home litera- resident North Catoliniaii. No more than fifty wiil be allowed1 to enter, and these will be the first who apply. ' ' The sketches must not exceed twenty-five pages400 words to the page. They should be writ ten in a simple, direct, .and logr ical styles, for this contest the purpose being to cultivate both a literary, and. historical spirit. The prize sketch -and some of the best of the others may be published. In compliment to the efforts of the North Carolina Publishing Society of Raleigh, N. C, in be half of the history and literature of our State, Gen.? Carr has asked that the contest be con- ducted under their auspices, and that all communications on the subject be addressed' to them. The following shall be a suffi cient form of application toienter the contest: I, . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ;, of .. ... .... . . . . .ciounty of . i a ; 5 resident North Prolmaiipjil2t6 contest for the history prize offered by Gen. J S ICarr. The decade I have chosen is that be -t-vieen . . . . and . v . . ; and I agree to diligently study it and submit a typewritten compend thereof dqne to the best of my ability, and according to the rules and requirements of the contest. j. " ; The Whipping Post. Delaware has received much criticism on account of the whipr ping pof t law, which has been iri force some years in that State; On Saturday nine men were pub licly whipped at New -Castle for the crimes of burglarly and petit larenyP in the presence of 500 people.; There was no pretence aboutthe punishment.- The lash was laid on according to the man ner provided by the law. It is easy to say harsh things about punishment in this form, and the so-called humanitarians and the super-senitive have not been sparing in their condemnation. There is, however, another side of the case. The fact that Dela ware has tried this method t of punishment, and refuses to repeal the lw, is evidence that experi ence lias shown that it is not ad visable to abolish the whipping post. There is nothing more valuable in the study of crime than experience in finding .out what method;: of punishment is best adapted to certain cases. Delaware asconcluded that ap plying the cat-o'-nine-tail to thieves is better c than locking them in jail for six months asd feeding them at the State's ex pense. Baltimore Sun. - . XCURE A COLlT lN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it iails to - mi I. , T l -"k j cure. zoo. luogeuum uo xj. j on eachutablet. GEN. JULIAN S. CARR Pays to Keep Cotton , Clean. It is a mistaken idea that some farmers have that it does not pay to keen thmr rntlnn f, x- . Jere $rawn, one of our good far mers who has always been careful to. keep the cotton as free front dirt and trsh f as possible, had two bales sold in, Norfolk two or three days gb that sold above the market! price. .Messrs. W.; D. Rountree and Company, who sold it wrote that it brought the "highest price v. j . have heard of any cott on selling for up to the present ,his session. "Patron and Gleaner. Pytliians Take Notice! All members of Concord Lodge No. M Knights of Pythias" are requested to meet in Castle Hall tonight at 8 o'clock promptly. C. L. White, C. C. PERSON ALPOINT EES. Mr. M L Ritch, of Salisbury is here today. Mrs. M L Scott returned this morning from Salisbury. Miss , Midge McAden, of Charlotte, is expected tomorrow by Miss Nannie Cannon. -Mr. Harvey Day returned to ? Charlotte this morning after spending the week here. Rev. J.R Brooks and wife. of Salisbury,,, arrived here this morning. They are stopping at Mr. H M Barrow's. ; ;Mrs.. 'Marshall Crowell, of Albemarie, . arrived here this mrnmtcK spei her parents, Mi, and Mrs. Bax ter, Parks. ' , " liss Janie Richmond will return hometoriight from Lenoir, after- spending- f several weeks with heir, sister, Mrs, G L Barn hardt. Mrs." Bafnhardt will ac company her here spend a while; i : I .fi, and in the last 0 Is it any wonder we had to fisrnrelin A Frcsli lii OF m i nliUl m AT , V what we want. We need new streets and straighten old ,ones it takej money to get them and we are,, willing to contribute, just keep us bu3T and we won't kick as we haven't time. . We are expecting a Car of Furniture tod ay. ?'crsa iK?.fa BELL, P. S. Someihingr new intown. Spring Matti ess. The Best in town. ' , -i pit tvvV ears Mrs. Winslow's'Spoiliii Syrup, has been, used for oyer filty ytars by mil lions of . mothers for their children wbl.l teething,' irith perfect success. It soot nas tne cnni. soitt-ns tno rmm allays . all mjn. ehrew.wind dulic. and is tbe best yexnediyopjDiarrhoea. It "wiU relieye the poor little BtdTeret immedi ately. : Sold byydtQgpnstd in every part of tne woyld.. -iCwenr-S.ve ceits a bot tle. JBe sura and ask for Mrs. "Win slows Soothing Svr up," andtake no other kinjd t e r Calls for Rubber Mackintoshes. tc. , it n aiioi can . .. , - ; 9 found at this store, at ;.'.tlle most reasoiiabli price H. L. Parks Witb aear of TRUNKS. Car load of STOVES. x Car load of CHAIRS. theThii-1 Car of SPRINGS four months, ali in this week the "Mayors Corte" for blookadn JJ a HARRIS & CO. We w ax Whicn toe Ye weary: - : : ones . lie down an a Cjbination I bell, Harns & Co;