BPJ STANDARD JOHN D. BARRIER and SON, Eaitors and Proprietors. : - OFFICE JZl TIIE MOftttlN BUILDING 1HE oTANDABD is published every iw (Sunday excepted) and delivered by ries. Bates of Subscription : Onw ye:'?. ..... . . ... . .$4.00 Six il.-vD8. . . ... . 2 00 Three months.... . . .. 1-00 . 'One month. ..... .. . . . . . 35 Single codv. .05 THE WEEKLY STANDARD is a our-page, eight-column paper. It has ft larger circulation in Cabarrus than any otherpaper. Price $1,00 per annum in advance. Advertising Rates : Terms for regular advertisements made known on application. , Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. O. The Twentieth Century, The Scientific ; American con considers it necessary to advise its readers that the twentieth century begins with January 1, 1901, and not with Janury 1, 1900, as some of them suppose. " The Scientific American is un doubtedly correct, a but it - is strange how many persons and intelligent persons, too, will stand .you down that the nineteenth century will end with the last day of December, of this year, and that the first moment of January, 1900, will be the be ginning of the twentieth century. The fact that the great Paris exposition is to be held next year has increased the errone ous belief that the twentieth cen tury begins with the year 1900, but the Paris ex-position will cel- It seems that a short interview rate the close of the nineteenth between President McKinley and century, rather than the opening Admiral Dewey caused an order of the twentieth, for five war vessels to proceed to The twentieth century will xi -ru.T u Linr, Pen 011 a Tuesday and close on tlwPluliromesca. a Sunday. It will have the They are the Brooklyn, Nash- greategt Qf leapyears ville, New Orleans, Bancroft and possible for a century twenty Badg-r. The reasons for these four The year 1904 will be tlie vessels of good size and power first one, then every fourth year are "that the smaller vessels are after that to and including the expod.to the fate of the Ur- year 2000. February will three daneia. They must do a good times have five Sundays; in 1920, amount of patroling alone and 1948 and 1976. the larger vessels only only are 1 he twentieth century will con safe. It seems Dewey's ideas and tain 36525 daY whi lacks one aay pi Demg exactly weens. The middle day of the century Concord, N.C., Oct, 6. The Atchison Globe tells of a wife who has bluffed her hus band into the belief that she has heart disease, and is liable to drop dead if crossed in her wishes, "arid adds that she is the envy of all the other wives in town. they count with every body now. are maugu- will be January 1, 1951. Several announcements made of changes to be rated with the opening of the new century. The first of im. portance is that Russia will adopt the Geogiari calendar. This will be done by omitting thirteen days, the amount of error that will have accumulated Ther - are some men who are after the cloSQ of Februar i900 Jfond of giving currency to ru- The "RuRsian will then Trrito. mors, and ' yet never drop a Januarv 1. 1901. instead of Tto- pcrny in the collection plate. cember 19, 1900, or rather, in- Selected. - stead of both, according to the dual system now . in vogue in It doesn't suit the Cabarrus people who want to. attend the State fair that court comes at the "very same time. More then one finest hog in the world, and the doo- nnd rVhinkan descend in a ,parachute. be tak ?n with a grain of salt. Philadelphia Times. Now it is said they are storing that country and in Greece. The electricity in a capsule. It should other important announcement is that it is not at all unlikely that the astronomical day, which now begins at noon of the civil day, will begin witli the civil day at midnight. The present method of having the astronom ical day to begin twelve hours after the beginning of the civil Prods. No man can count the cost of a use gss life. Happiness is not in doing what you like, but in liking day is a to be confusing. what you do. In many . countries festivities Crookftd conduct makes a cross and celebrations of various kinds .PhiHeHaTv are already being projected and . arranged m honor of the century Man is but a seed, and the which will dawn before most of grave his furrow. Man ; may hide from justice, but he cannot hide from himself. us are ready for it. Back From the Phillipine. The News says that Mr. Dixon A Everett has just returned to Oh arlottp. from trm PhilirmiTifiSy , x-x- - couia nave a He sunered trom two wounds one in the shoulder and one a compound fracture of the nip He is honorably discharged. Mr.. Everett was in the. thickest of the fighting and can therefore talk very interestingly of Phillip pine experiences. Smallpox in Halifax County. There are three cases of small pox in Halifax County, says the correspondent to the Char lotte Observer, with a good deal of danger of a spread of the dis ease unless vaccination becomes "general and many had such hitter experience with it last win der as to claim that it is as bad as the diseasev :, ' - , ...4 ....... .. The disposition to look on the worst instead of the best side of our f elloyrmen no doubt accounts in a great degree for the distrust we have of one another. What a good thing it would be if we correct balance struclevery now and then be tween the good and the bad in order to see just how our several accounts ought to stand, and then, perhaps, more correct esti mation might be placed on men's character. Durham Sun. GLORIOUS NEWS Cornea from Dr. D, B. Cargile, ol Washita, I T. He writes: "Four bot ties of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs, Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. 'Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could erive no help; but her cure is complete and her health is excellent." This shows that thousands have proved, that Electric .tuner 8 is tne best blood puriher known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, letter, salt rneum, ulcers, boils and run ning sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, help diges tion, builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. . Sold at Uetzer's Drug Store. - Tells it Softly. : TheFayetteville correspondent to the Charlotte Observer says : It is not " unusual to see in stores - the cold, crude printed announcement, without ' 'frills, " that you must "down with the dust" if you waat the goods; but it is. refreshing to the customer to nave this injunction softened by the liquid rhythm of poetry. In an upper Hay street store is this legend; 7 ... Since man to man is so un- just, I do not know what man to trust; I've trusted many to my sor row: . . So pay to-day I'll trust to morrow. A MOTHER TELLS HOW SHE SAYED DAUGHTERS LIFE. I am the mother of eight child ren and have had a great deal " of experience with medicines. LaBt summer my little daughter had the dysentery m its worst form. "We thought, she would die. I tried everything I could think of. I saw by an advertisement in our paper that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was hierhlv recommended and sent and gdt a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the very best medicines we . ever had m the house. It saved my little daught er's life. I am anxious for every mother to know what an excellent medicipe it is. Had known it at first it would have saved me a reat deal of anxietv and my little daughter much -: guff ering. Ycurs truly, Mrs. Geo. F. Bur dink, Liberty, R. I. For Sale by M. L. Marsh &, Co., Druggist. Trustee's Sale. Pursuant to the authority Tested in me as mortgrasree in a certain deed of trust executed to me by M. O. Boger and wife and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cabarrus county in book No. 11, page 356, I will sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash at front door of the court house of Cabarrus county between the hours of 12 and 1 o'clock on Tuesday, the 24th day of October, 1899, the fol lowing lot or parcel of land lying and being in the corporate limits of Con cord and bounded as follows: Beginning: at the southwest corner of Catherine Turner lot, running south sixty feet to a stake on .Love's avenue thence west one degree north one hundred feet to a stake on Coleman's et al line, thence north with said line sixty feet to southeast corner of said Turner's lot, thence west one hundred feet with said line to the beginning on Love's avenue. Thirty and one-naif feet are given in front for street. One part f said lot Jno. H. Love bought from G. M. Lore. . Given under my tend this 22nd day of September, 1899. W. C. CoiiEMAN, Trustee. THE RACKE STORE -We have just received a lot of Stamped Linens which we .'" are selling far below their usual values. If you anticipate doing any Embroidery for Christmas presents now is a good time to start your work. Small Doylies or squares for lc, larger ones 2 to 10c. Table and Tray Cover, Center Pieces, Splashers and Scarf s, 15 to 25 cents. Wide hemmed with wide silk stitching as above at 5 to 50c. See Our Window Display. Embroidery Silks, wash colors, 3c worth 5c. Embroidery Hoops 5 an 15c, Embroidery Scrim 15c yard Embroider Silk (not wash colors) l-2c per skein. Crocket Cotton 4 and 5c. Silk 5c Short length spools. K Special in Stationery Department. 200 New Noyels at 10c. Indelable Ink at lOc. White Ink at 10c Q-am Boards, containing sixteen gams $2.25 and twenty dito for $3.50. See cur 5 and 10c Departments up-stairs. Nice lot of Glass etc. in them. . JL Bostian. Farm For Sale. In pursuance of a judgment and de cree of sale duly rendered m the Bupe rior Court of Cabarrus oountT. in the case of J C Query et al, ex parte, the undersigned will expose to public gale at the court house door in the town of Concord. N. C, on Monday No vember 6th, 1899, at 12 o'clock M-, the following: tnu-t of land in No. 1 township, bounded as follows: Be ginning at a B. O. in the lane, Andrew corner and runs with Andrew line S. 6. E 35 poles to white oak in the lane then S 11, 1. 24 poles to a blackjack in the lane, then S. 46, E. 50 poles to btake in lane. Phillips corner, then with Phillins land N. 14, E. 35 poles to hickory, Phillips wiuoi, huqu wxui x iiuiipa auu tying line rj. poies to a post-oak, King's cor ner, then N. 26 poles to hickory on Mor gan s line, tnen with it N. 81; W, 59 poles to a stake by an old road. Mor gan corner, then N. 20, W. 175, passing Morgan with Harris' line toaB. J., Andrew's corner, then, with Andrew's S. 35, W. 76 poles to a B. J. by the side of a glade, then S.3. E. 50 poles to a B. J. sapling, then S. 23, W, 26 poies to the beginning, containing 106 acres, more or less. Terms of sale: One-half cash, balance payable 12 months after date. Title reserved till purchase money is paid in full. T . ; i Jas. P. Morbison. Com'r. Coucord, N. C. Oct. 5, 1899. , Caldwell & Stickley, Att'ys. If you are not a subscriber to The Standard X now Is the lime to subscribe. t 1 If you have anything to sell J . you can make it known through a The Standard. i i THE STANDARD - is published every day (Sunday ex cepted) and delivered at your door for only 10c - per week or 85c- per month.-- THE STANDARD prints home and other news that is of interest to our readers and to make it grow better we must have the pat- ronage of the people. .... . . . . ... OS ye us a trial when you make yoor next order for.. Job Work. Work ready when promised t 4 t t t t If you want'to buy anything J X t T .yon can call for it through The Standard. i- Advertisingjrates in J rne standard

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