At riTwl or Iruius, The following change of schedule took effect Junel2, 1899. NORTHBOUND. No; 8 arrives at 5 52 a m, it 36 " " 10 CO a m, 12 u " 7 09 p m, " 8.51pm, (flag) 34 " " 9.45 p m, 4 6i4 " 2 00am (ireitu t) SOUTHBOUND 37 arrives at 8.49 a m, (flag) 11 " 44 11 23 am, 7 M " 8.51 p m, 35' tt " 9.20 p'm, (flag) 33 " " 7.19 am, CI " " 8-49 a m, (freight) No. 35. when running ahead of No. 7. a laarrrrcA if nfiflfiaSflTV for through travel ., eouth of Charlotte, and is stopped for it passengers arriving from L.ynehburg or Q passengers for Salisbury, High Point, 23 Washington. No. 37 stop3 for pas- eengers coming irom J.yncnourg or . 'U.nim-nA art A r ffjr rm riaa eengers for regular stopping places places south of Newells and to take on Nos. 33 and 34 stop at Concord. for Yon-Oharrotte to Wte-and other points ii; .South Carolina OeorKia iZS? JNos. 7, o, ii ana is are me local trains And connect at Salisbury with trains of W. N. C. Division. TELEPHONE NO. 71. POUNDED. .1842. 4Sing Their Own Praise." The STIEFF is the PIANO to buy; it has no equal for the money as you save the middleman's profits and it will last a lifetime; but we havo several bargains in other makes. We have taken in exchange for STIEFF'S two Ivers & Pond Pianos, one, the finest style that firm manu- taetures ana it is almost new. it you want this make here are bargains. f"nnt If Otiftftf Piano Manufacturer, UI1UA. 171. OUbDI. Baltimore Md Por.fnuTr DnnnnK VThinnnnnm Jo. 213 Jf. XQblUl! DIMM fffllOlUUlU, Tryon St., : ih'arlotte, N. C. C. H. Wilmoth, Mgr. Fine Tuning. Palace Organs. Only 63 bales were weighed at the platform Thursday. The price continued at 7.75. - lTlH T' TP ! TT V 1 I t -imsst-LiUa urovn, oi aiisDury, who has been visiting at Mr. D F Cannon's, has returned home. m, . ' . - j-iie roguiar services Demai sorest Mill Methodist church each night at 7:45. Prayer vice begins at 7:30. ser- Services preparatory to Com munion will be held this even insr at the First Presbvterian church at 7:30 o'clock. A gentleman from Charlotte was here today viewing the pos sibilities of opening a news stand and restaurant here. He is yet undecided. One 16x20 Crayon Potrait giv en free with each one-half dozen Cabinet Photographs at Scott's gallery opposite York & Wads worth Hardware store. Mr. Durant Parker, who quite a while ago clerked in the store of the Cannon & Fetzer Co. has secured a position in the com pany store at Albemarle. Mrs. F V Barrier and daugh ter, Mrs. Chas. Brown, returned to Salisbury Thursday night af ter attending the Davenport-Sapp wedding. Mr. T M Denning and family, who came here some time ago irom Durham, will soon move to -Nekton, where Mr. Denning has accepted a position in the New ton mill. Mrs. Malcolm Lentz, ofNo. 7 township, who for nearly two weeks has been here undergoing a physician's treatment, has re turned home. Her health is much better." , - Dr. W. H. Wakefiled, of Char lotte, N. C, will be in Concord at St. Cloud on Friday, October 20th, for this one day only. His practice is limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. STANLY NEWS Albemarle to" Hare Tito Iron Fronts- Mr. Stone to Probably Return Her A Methodist Church to Be Built. We take the following good news from Editor Bivins' Stanly j Enterprise: t lDr. O D King is having an iron front placed to his corner brick building, now going up. He has an eye to the demands of special Inflation .-and will mAfitt . . in an appropriate way. Mr. J Parker's building adjoining will also have an iron front. "Mr. W A Stone is closing out his stock of groceries this week, prepartory to leaving Albemarle, We regret to lose him and his excellent wife. Our best wishes attend them wherever they go. I his purpose to engage in farming near Con- COrtl - "A protracted , meeting has been conducted the Past two weeks in the srrove on fac- tory nm, closing ias r naay j i. Mr- -l i .' n i. I hardt and Gentrv worked faith- . , J fully, and their efforts were re- V , tJ1 , , waraea with about ntty con- versions. , some twenty or more names were enroneu as tiie iirsui in tne tormation 01 tne new church, for which a brick build ing is soon to be erected on the site of the temporary tent struc ture. The survey has been made and a deed given to a lot! 80x100 feet A Sunday , school! annex will be built for immediate use. The soothing and healing prop- erties of Chamberlain s Oough jAtsmeuy, ii jjietitut into uuu oromnt and permanent cures have made it a great favorite with the people everywhere. For sale by M.L. Marsh & Co., Druggists. See change in Patterson's ad vertisement in today's issue of luoowuuaiu. mnrh to the atinearance of 'his residence bv the improvements f X madft Fresh fish and oysters tomor- row m basement of Levy's uw TCarl TTartsftll. ' ai miss ivusa jreuiuK,. ui -tt.usuiu, Tex., arrived here Thursday night from Winston to visit for a week ortwo atDr. N D Petzer's. Mr. J H J Kluttz, the photo grapher, returned home Thurs day night from Randolph county where he has been staying for several weeks. Mrs. R L Duval has gone to Charlotte where she joins her husband who has a situation there. We regret to lose this family from our town. Mr. A A Springs, of Lexing ton, who is proprietor of the March house there, will go to Charlotte next month to take charge of . the Arlington hotel. Mr. V E Gardner is - in our town as the representive of the Mutual Mercantile Agency of Baltimore. He is of course 'siz ing up the busines men of the town in the interests of business men. FRESH OYSTERS AT THE ' Concord Bakery. Bread, Doughnuts, Buns, Cakes,' Pies, . Cream Puffs, etc. Special attention given to lad patrons. Oystersi35 cents per quart. Joe Fisher, Proprietor. 'PHONE 122; Pointed Paragraphs. " The stereopticon inan is al- ways changing his views, . The uncertainty of sure things causes a lot of worry. ' ; When a woman is in love she's a self -appointed detective. . Courage is the thin? that makes people forget thev are afraid. flrAiS Win flnwore w the verse makers fight shy of the . cnrysanmemum. Some men when they have anything to say, don't say it, while others say something else If there was a' tax on beauty it wouldn't require a board of re- view to collect it from the fair sex. Many a man who is unable to! drive -four-in-hand will waste three - quarters of an hour in try M tielqne. A truly great statesman is a pol tician who is able to persuade Ww - o wants is the thing the y want. A Kin5fnrA IS a -nnftitirm in i. T , which one man rjuts vou for the i, i " purpose of drawing the salary , work.chicago Daily News HOW'S THIS? We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of catarrh that can not by. cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. We the undersigned, have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly reliable in all business transac- Hftnfl ari1 finftnp,allv hU to arrv out any obligations made by their jirm West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, ' ; Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, acts direotly upon the i. i: i iu blood and mucous surf ace of the system. Price 75o. per bottle ooia oy au aruggisis. xesumo- l. 'l mais iree. The Books I Fourth Series of the Cabarrus , x : j uul -uuuxug, uu Savings Association. f. R. ODELL, President L. D. Coltrane, Sec and Treas. Attention Mothers. We have 44 doz. Misses. Ribbed fleeced lined cot ton Vests with drawers to match; i sizes from 13 to '34, at 2o cents each. Call arid see them. They are just what you little folks. , want for the Gibson & Morrison. Beauties ! i Every one of them will please yon. Come and see them; A fine lot of Opal Rings W. C. CORRELL, THE JEWELEK. They Are hundren CllildreIls, Vestee Suits. Stylish Patterns. ; Hand some trimmings. Hew and ele gant designts. Finely Tailored. Altogether Swell. All sizes, 3 to 8. They are $5.00 and l$6.00 suits and strictly up to date. You can have choice at $3.00. One hundred Vestee suits at $1.25 to $1.50, GTheygare $2.00 and $250 suits. ! Two hundred Childrens' Reefer suits. Finest goodssplendidly tailored, at $2.00 to $3.00. There are plenty of $5 suits " amorg them. Boys heavy, all-wool Kersey suits at $2. You won' tfind them foi lGSS tllRIl else. Splendid line of Men's suits just JJlt We save you o cents on every dollar you spend. Cannon & Fetzer Co. 0000CO:XXX23OC3OGCGO000aC w (J FURNl TUR W p r We are' the whip to prices 5 FURNITURE AND 9 We are prepared to give tne people ima wipw better barp;.ms than usual in an of . '. ' " . Heavy - and ' v At wholesale and retail. It will pay you to see our Large Stock of Tinware, Woodware, Glassware, Crockery, Shoes, Hats, Etc., warns & m y mim IHI -before buying. For Clover Seed, Seed : Rye, and Rock Salt go to -V'.; rTjjOi W Patterswis $2.50 anywhere SAVING- Is the royal road to fortune. If ycm want to save come to our store, we can' save you money on E. to double the speed of sales. UNDER 1AKING- Offera the business public a reliable, p- ii Concord Na a manent, conservative and accommodate ing banking instutlon. . We solicit your patronag with to assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. If we can serve you any time we will be glad to have you come and see us. tfiftUBERAIi ACCOMMODATIONS - TO.CUSTOMERS. ----- - Capital ani Snrplns - - $70000. D. B Coltranb, Uhashier, J- M. OdeiIi. President, M, L. buowN & BRo. I LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES, Just in rearoi St Cloud Hotel. Oa nibuses meet all passenger trains. Outfits of all kinds furnished promptly and at reasonable price-. Horses and mules always on baud or sale. Breeders of .noroogbbreo. Poland China Hpga,