DAILY STANDARD JOHN D. BARRIER -and SONji Editors and Proprietors. OFFICT T5i T1IE MOBR'S BUILDIJIG IHE STANDARD is published every day (Sat ay excepted) and delivered by lie-' ll-ites of Subscription : Ozt ........... .:.f4.00 Six months. ...200 Three months. 1.00 Ona oimth. Binscla copy. , . , .05 TFTP. WPTTTT.V RTAXDATTD is a oar-page, eight-colunin paper. It .has ft Lirsex circulation in Cabarrus than "any ether. pster. Price $1,CK) per annum in ftdrance. Advertising Kates : . Terr for rejnlar advertisements made tnovsn on application. Adtiress all commuciatio ' " THE 6TANDAKD, Concord, N. C. Is 1) Strips sis Frosperitj. Among the many signs mgood times reported r lrom different pirts of -the-vCQunfryT an kich show that the people . of the United States re enjoying an al most unprecedented degree Of prosperity, is a most pronounced shortage of labor in the mills of South Carolina and at various points in North Garolina as well. According to report from Charleston, considerable diffi culty is experienced in securing a sufficient number of employes to keep the mill machinery run ning on full time. The number of persons now employed is larger than it has been at any previous time, no exodus having taken place. But nearly all: the 'mills have been compelled, by the heavy demand for their fabrics, to ex tend'oplefa&icisand enlarge their productive 'Capacity and it is this excess oyer former labor re quirements which cannot be ob tained. Many thousands of additional -looms and spindles have been installed during the past six months, and how to get the operatives- needed to i un them presents a problem that causes employers much anxiety. This question may be expected to assume a more acute form with each succeeding month, for the enormous profits, amounting iu some instances almost to 100 per cent., in a single year, earned bv the Carolina cotton mills are attracting capital. New plants are in course of erection every where, and Uie industry promises to undrego enormous expansion during the next few yor-rs. A more signal proof of pros perity in the South vould be difficult to adduce. The problem presented by the, scarcity of la bor will soon solve itself under 10 sr.y he's as-cross as a bear the inevitable operations ot the Concord,' N. C, Oct. 7. DOES AST OXE CARE FOR FATHER! Does any one care aught for father? Does any one think of the one Upon whose, tired, bent shoul ders, The cares of the family come? The father who strives for your comfort. And toiis on from day unto dav, iiitnoun ms steps ever srrow slower, .And his dark locks are turning losrrav. of the due Does an v one think bills He's called upon daily to pay, MillLier y bills, "college bills, book There are some kinds of bills Mi. W Like a patient horse iir a tread " mill. . He works, on from morn till night; Dee-' r.u one think he is tired. Dees sav one make his home bright? m, jus. Ot" oubled, rause he looks r little acjions kind his burden of banish care.. T:s for yJh he is ever so anxious, He rill toil for you while he Liay lire; In return he only asks kindness, And such pay is easy to give. Southern Cultivator. law to supply and demand. There is no section of the coun try in which the signs of ''good tkr.esv.are not palpable, more Herald. -Balti- Til- pArr.ox cud Gleaner has been ehr.uged in name to the Ro-anoIre-Chowan Times. The jour nal undergoes no other change however. There is not much in the name and way but the in disputable privilege of adopting what one pleases. The esteemed Patron and Gleaner will hence forth be the esteemed Roanoke- Cho wdn Times. - . right we suppose that the nation should make much of Mr. Dewey but when it is Hashed over the wires that he got up a little early and took a stroll be fore breakfast it provokes a smile. Drying preparations simply develop dry catarrh; they dry up the secretions which adhere to the membrane and decompose, causing a far more serious trou ble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all drvinsr in halants and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a roinedv and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. All druggists sell it at 50c. or it will be mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St.. N. Y. The Citizen is boasting that the Missippi ValTey Medical Associa tion will meet in Asheville next year. TTell these are the pillers of vital existence. Yon as&am do rait when you bay Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera , and Diarrhoea Remedy tiL: Ji Marsh & Co. will refund your money . it yon ax not satisfied aUr using it. It -is eTeryyhere admitted to be the most access fal retudy in rise for bowel com ticts aacL ihe Jonly one. thai iibver tails, li is pleassnt, sate reliable. - . To Inspect the Rice FieMs. Hon. Jas. T LeGrand, of Rich mond county, and A B Young, Esq., of Concord, members of the board of - directors- of the State penitentiary, ;vvere '.here yesterday and made a tour of inspection to the rice farms across the river, it is presumed, with a view of purchasing. They were accom panied by Mr. G H Cannon, sup erintendent of the farms. Morn ing Star of 5th. Golden Rules of Health. The following are the "Golden Rules of Health," established by Frances E Willard's father, which Miss Willard followed in her girlhood: ' Simple food, mostly of vege tables, fish and fowls. Plenty of sleep, with very early hours for retiring. Flannel clothing ' next to the skin all -the y"ear round; feet kept warm, head cool, and noth ing worn tight. ' . Just as much exercise as possi ble, only let fresh air and sun shine go together. No tea or coHee for the chil dren; no alcoholic drink for any bodv. ; Tell the truth and mind your parents in all things. Aiderson Intelligencer. HOW'S THIS ? We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case ' of ctiirrh that can not by cured by HalPe Catarrh .Gurer- . ,ii F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. f We the undersigned, have known E J, Cneney for the last 15 years, and believe i him perfectly reliable in all business transac tions and fiuancially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West vfe Truax, . Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. HalFs Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acts directly upon the blood and aiucous surface of the system. Price 75c. per bottled Sold by all druggists. Testimo nials free. La the Fashion. The State Normal at Greenboro has kept pace with the fashion and oxened Thursday with the greatest number m the history of the institution, 425 students. A MOTHER TELiLS HOW SHE SAVED DAUGHTERS LIFE. I am the mother of eight child ren and have had a great deal of experience with medicines. East summer my little daughter had the dysentery m its worst form. We thought sho would "die. I iried everything I could think of. I saw by an advertisement in our paper that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was highly recommended and sent and got a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the very best medicines we ever had in the house. It saved my little daught- ers lite, l am anxious tor every mother to know what an excellent raedieire it is. Had C known it at first it would have saved me a great deal of anxietv and my little daughter much eiifferirig. Ycurs truly, Mrs. Geo.' F. Bur- dick, Liberty, K. L For Sale by 31. j. Alarsh tfc Co., Druggist. NO CURE. PAT . That is th8 way all drujists seU GroT Tasteless Chill JTonio for chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Qninina in a t&stplpre form. Chil3xen ore it. Adalta refer it to bitter, nau le&rin& Tomes Price. 50c. Redoeed Rates to the State Fair. Oii account of the State Fair the Southern will sell round trip tickets to Raleigh, including one admission into the fair grounds, 3.S0. Tickets on sale" Oct. 14, 15, 6, 17, and 20, with tinal limit to Oct. 33rd. TIsa IZoeit c&x -ureif wiia Farm For Sale. In pursuance of a jn&Fiaeni and de cree of sale duly rendered in the Supe rior Court of Cabarzus county, in the case of J C Qnery et aJ. : ex parte, the un-ler signed will expose to pahho tale Bt the court house door in the toirn of Concord. N. C-, on iTonday No- venioer tin, ijv. at 13 o'clock M., the following tnct of land in X 1 townsnip. funded as -follows: Be ginning ai a B. O. in the lane, Andre w corner and runs rith Andxeir line S,(J. E S5 poles to white ost in the line then 55 11, . 24 pole ta & blaclrjickinthdlane, then S, 4$, E. 50 poles to stake in lane. Phillips corner, then with Phillips land N. 11, E. S5 poles to- hickory, Phillips corner, then with Phillips and King line E. 1) poles ioj iKtnjak, King's cor ner, then 2 . 2 poles to hickory on Alor gns line, then with it X. SI. W. 59 polc to a stake by an old road, Mor gan corner, then X. 20, W. 175, pasyng AIorsins4with Harxii line toaB. re5-3 -Snifr t111 wlth Andrew's W. 7b poles to a B. JVby the side of a glade, then S. S.L 50 poles to a B J. saplinjr, then S. 23, W. 23 poles to tae beginning, cntaTnri"' 10$ -teres. lor,Iess- Terms of sale; Ode-haS T Hfe PajabU 12 months after dAe. iiile reserved - tni pnrchasd cioney is psid in fnlL - T . Jas. P. IToksisox, Coai'r. Concord, N. C. Oct. 5, 1SS9. Ciiawell i Stickley, Attys. THE RACKET STORE We have just received a lot of Stamped Linens which we are selling far below their uSual values. If you anticipate doin - . . .... . . . -. any Embroidery for Christmas presents now is a good time to stari your ,;work. Small Doylies or squares for lc, larger ones 2 to 10c. Table and Tray "Cover, Center Pieces, Splashers and Scarfs, 15 to 25 cents. t "Wide hemmed with wide silk stitching as above at 5- to 50c. See Our Window Display. "" Silks wash colors, 3c, worth 5c, ' 'Embroidery Hoop Embroidery Scrim 15c yard Embroider Silk (not wash colors) l-2o perskein Crocket Cotton 4 and 5c. Silk 5c Short length spools. Special in Stationery Department 200 New Novels at 10c. Indelable Ink atlOo. White Ink at 10c - ' - X - ' -J" m. , I . Game Boards, containing sisteen gams, S2.25 and twenty dito for S3.50. See cur 5 and 10c Departments up-stairs. Nice lot of Glass etc. in them. D. J. Bostfan. 3 J If you are not a subscriber to J ' The Standard t 4 noWla the time to subscribe. 2 V 4. If you have aaythir:rr to sell J you can make it knovii tkrongh 5 s - The Standard THE J published every day Sunday ec oepted) and delivered at your door for' only 10c m per week or Soc per month- . . : THE STANDARD prints home and other news that is of interest to our readers a?td to ?naka it grow better we must hesve thx jmb- 4 "8" . V V ronage of ths people Tir next order for ... Job Work. Wetk r4ix tbaa pcoctisi. -4- 4 4 4 4 t 4- 4 4- 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 j-4H-4 ; li5T!'ri W-5 H h H H 1 i tjMj tniyoa TCitlto buy auylhii yoal cau; call for tbiougii j 1 ne standard. V 7 - .. .. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 The Standard ''44