' M - jJ -, , - - 1 . 1 ii - - .4 EX Am W - :-- i w , 1 'l: vv. Prioo $400 For Tear. OONCOHD, N. 0., MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1899. Single Cfopy 5 Cpots v. .-s . . - ...... t m f ft Ml , -SM -!. -HiS sJ TO CONCORD'S PRAISE. 9 . Another Rotes tne vomme .n .i,. and Rapid Progress Made by Our , Town. A correspondent to the Ral- h News and Observer from this place had the following m the Sunday's edition: Concord needs two thousand order to fur- LLXVJJ- iTl ixi iiv- nish sufficient help-to run the wricoc whirh have al- rfladv been built, and those which now are in course of con- j - struction. 1 j. " . xv. , r-uiov, wi r T.rTcm in i,r s nam iiL& iiiciu Concord has made in the last year, two very new mills have been erected, and are now about ready for labor, while hundreds of dwellings have been built, There is not a vacant house m the place, while the carpenters , are all employed building new ! houses. Town lots ana rem es- Town lots and real es- late are still very low, although , nrirvrcVQ vnl otntfi has chan-ed hands recently, while i eral lame transactions are be-! to negotiated. Mil. Lions of-brick "have' been mado andplaced in walls, and to-1 day -tife three brick yards are 1 miming their machines to full j i pan nnlv furnish - sufficient brick for the work that is being carried on, while, there is enough building in sight for next year to consume as many brick as were made this year Hundreds of other Rouses will bo built next year, every one of which will find a tenant waiting on its completion. The cotton mills in the town under the management of J M Odell and J "W Cannon have never known anything about de pressions, but during all the time since their building have never ceased running, while during the greater part, of the time they have had, and now have, both a night and day force of hands. The Cabarrus Savings Bank has opened its branch at Albo-f marie. - The Tuscarora Cotton i Mill, which will be located at Mount -Pleasant, has completed its organization. The plans have been perfected and lands pur chased for the Gibson Mills to be located here. This will be one of the largest and most com plete mills in the State, and as Concord already has more looms and spindles than any other place in the State, this last ad dition will place us far ahead of any other, place. A;;-'Cincinnati drummer hap p med to putUp at a table at Co lt mbus with a number of legisla tors, and the courtl v wav in which thoy addressed each other greatly bored the commercial traveler. It was, "Will the gen- cleman from Hardin do this," and . "tne gentleman irom Franklin do that." They invariably spoke to each other as the gentleman from what pvfir conntv fhr lo nmi fnn fVm "P. i f: r-- Ti7 , U1 and Malaria. It is simply Iron and lit teen nmutes the drummer bore ! Quinine in a tasteless form. Children it in si .ence. Then he suddenly Isove it. Adults refer it to bitter, nau sudderly crushed the statesmen j leat?D Todum Price. 50c. out in stentorian .tone, to the waiter, "Will the a fTT hlT Plef? ;pasthe butter That ended jtne. gentleman from" business. 1 change. j 1 r5 A Snnday School Rally. J Sunday was -the day set aside ' by - the Presbyterian church for the day of holding a 'Sunday School rally. ' The day was ob- served here in the First Presby-. tenan cnurcn, ine session oemg neja m me arternoon. .interest- . ing talks were made by Dr. N D Fetzer and Mr. C C Orr. The service was interesting and was ; a source of reviving interest in the Sunday School work. The ' RohnCi, n tW p.hnrp.h " - as greatly increased lately. irii ins minims. t : - - - cuwDir v,a fscf time getting his experience in collecting taxes. He is on hls ; rounds through the county , this week. He skips net week on j account of court here. He visits six of the townsnips tins weeK. Earthquake Kinks the Land. Two earthquakes during Sep o r I tember on our Northwestern . coasts alon? the Southern ex- tremity of Alaska )Wl the effect . sink the land as much as An Indian grave- k. 5 'yard at x aku tat disappears leav- ing only the cross erected in it reaching above the water. The Indians became greatly alarmed at what they .believe to be a manifestation of anger asrainst themselves and the white settlers. Broken Neck Mended. Medical science . has made an other upward bound. This time it comes to the relief of Walter A Duryea in a New York Hospi tal. He got his neck broken to the extent that he did not die of it but become paralysed from there down. The doctors cut in to the vertbrae and relieved the pressure on the spinal cord. The man is expected to regain ac tivity. They TTill See Three Centuries. The Chicago Record estimates that there are, or will be, 700 I,eoPie m ine united states tnat W1U have spanned three cen- turiesatthe beginning of 1901. All who will then be a little more than 100 years old will have seen the 18th the 19th and 20 th centuries. . Miss Andrews Christens the Augusta. The Augusta, a new and ele gant steamer for the York River Line was launched at Philadel phia Saturday and christened by one of North Carolina's fair daughters, Miss Junie Andrews, daughter of Col. A B Andrews. Dewey will Present the Brumby Sword. Admiral Dewey has signified his willingness to go to Atlanta jand Present the sword to his t Flag Lieutenant Brumbv. The time is not yet fixed and will be announcod Intor NO CURE. NO PA'' That is: the way all druggists sell Orove TastelesB Chill Touio for chills p?unds of old cast-iron , crap de- hveredattte toundrt- at o oca, for whch we will nay a fair price. No burnt iron wanted. altf. Concord Foundry Co. X - t A New Firm Begins Business. Tne closing down of the brok erage business here last Friday of R BWilson & Co., proved to be a case of assignment. Mr. Boshamer received notice that Wauy uaw gouomtu uu.uk- xujjtuy. auo ioss uore io uur ,people proves to be less than was stated Saturday, But a new company has at once startGd in business here at the same place and Mr. Boshamer has charge of the business. - It is the fi of Murphy & Co of j e w i orn:f -i nis is tne company which does business in Char- r- , . . I lotte, and- whiclj company has , ... been m business for many years. v The Prospects Exceptionally Good. . MrV P 0 Enmsr of Raleigh, is an ex-newspaper man, ile on his visit to this place, j - . ter this year for the State Fain than at any time heretofore. . i The exhibits promise to be bet- ter and there will be more m every way to please the visitor in his trip tp the capital The 'rauroaa raxes are aiso cneaper this vear than heretofore. A t-lls year "U"A"CJ- to take m tiieFair. Purchases Some More Property. Mr. W A "Wilkinson, who is somewhat of a real estate dealer when hes sees a good Opening, informs us that he has purchased a tract of land f roni Capt. Chas. i McDonald, in which tract herhas ! eight building lots. The prop erty is on the street leading to the ball ground from fchurch street where Capt. McDonald has been raising cotton; Bingham Was Defeated. ' Guilford college and the Bing ham school boys had a . game of football last Saturday on the former's grounds. The Bingham boys were defeated in a score of 6 to 5. Among the Mebane players we notice the names of Dolph Mangum, Billy LeGrande and Gordon Johnson. In a Business of Their Own. Messrs. Jno. Alexander , and Harry Hendrix, who for some time have been working at the steam laundry, , have severed their connection with that place : and will conduct a dyeing- and j cleaning establishment. A young Man Dead. Rev. B Lacy Hoge xeached the funeral of Capy Helms, a young man cf only nine nineteen years, last Sunday afternoon at White Hall. The young man had typhoid fever. He lived only a few miles west of this place. Yon assume no n-k when yon buy OhamberlainV Colic. Cholera n(1 Diarrhoea Bmd j. M. L. j Marh & Co. will returid your mQUey li you :tro doi uauMjf u after nsina it. It is everywhere urlmittari to he the most succees- 1 ui reraedy m use for bowel com plaints and the only one that never fails. . It is pleasant, afe and rsliable- ; N . mam ' FOR SALE A new Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine with five drawers, just from the fac tory. Call at this office and get at first class machine .on Caiy I terms tf 1 - - . The Craig Law Sustained The Craig law has won a, vic tory, in the first contest- before the courts. Judge Brown in the case of Debnam vs. the Southern Bell Telephone Co. has sustained the law. The case will be further contested til it reaches the United States Supreme Court, it is said. . . Tne soothing and Healing prop erties, of Chamberlairi's Cough Remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and nermanent cures hare made it a great favorite with the people everywhere. For sale by M. L. Marsh & Co.; Druggists. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOB OHILLS and. f oyer is a bottle cf Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. Never fails to euro; Then why experiment with worthless imitations? Price 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to cure. PERSONAL POINTERS. -Mayor Means went up to Greensboro this morning. Mr. N F Yorke is spending today in Salisbury. Mr. Osmond Barringer spent last Saturday night here. Mr. P C Ennis, who for merly worked for 'the Raleigh . jfosi-, is nere. j Mrs. E C Cannon, of Char j lotte, arrived here this morning 1 to visit her relatives. Mrs. Jas. C Gibson returned home this morning after spend ing Sunday in Salisbury. ' Prof! H T J Ludwig, of Mt. Pleasant, was here today. He came to attend the meeting of of the County Board of Educa tion, f CURE A OOIjU III ONE DAY Take Laxative Brozno Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to oure. 25c. The genuin has L. B. Q n each. tablet ' OF AT l IfamyI fi Ji 17 Tin $ uiiliDiJ f M ttfesses Worlds of Matresses in stock and a solid car of 100 on the way. Like'' Zeb Vance's whiskey all Matteresses are good but some are better than others. See our Royal Felt, Acma Spring, Perfection, Sea Moss, i: Ine !?Azr, Curled Hair, Cotton, Cotton and Husk last but by no meansjleast our Rice Straw with cotton top, the Mattress for the millions. We have "Mattresses to "spare. Con ferenceis coming. Don't forget us. We are unloading a solid car of Beds today Solid car of Springs last week. We are4 at your service. Take a look at our line of Carpets. We are agents for J. & J. Dobson, the largest Manufacture of the United States- Ifyou haven'Vtimo to come, 'Phone orders No. 12. H e , . Fr Ovr riitv Trs Mrs. Winsh-w's So4hntT Fyinp has been used for over tLttj ytars bv. rnil liona of . mothers for their . eh'jidren while teething, with perfect sndcess. It soothes the child, soften the Rums, allays all pain, enrei wind colic, and i the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little rafferer Immedi ately. Sold by dragjriBU ia ev i y part of the world. Twenty-five centra bot tle. Be sure and ask for Mr; Win slows BcrothiiiK Syrup," and :take no other kind. In light colors for g o w n s, d r e s sing sacues, etc. These outings extra wide while the pa tents are of sm8-ll stiipes and Plaid effect. They nre just what von have been looking lor and very m od e r a t ely fPriced, only 7 l2c d. We are also shovwing a large assortment of fleeoe-lined goods, suitinp's, etc. in the st vksh plaic' s at 7 I-fJc IOc uP to 25e. yd. Just received an ex Press Package of nev Taffetas in black and colors. They may be jnst, what you want Our dress goods and notion departments are replete -with the newest noit:es- Al ways elad to show new goods. " H.L. Parks Mktt r esses f 0 arris Outi V' 1 i :