Arrival ol The following change of schedule took effect Junel2, 1899. NORTHBOUND. No. 8 arrivefa at 5.52 am, 36 " " 10 00 am, a 12 u " 7-C9 p m, "33 " " 8.51 p m, (flag) . 34 " 41 9.45 p m, . 62 " " 2 00 a m (irenu t) SOUTHBOUND No. 37 arrives at 8 49 a m, (flag) : 11 " - 44 11.23 am, 7 44 44 8.51 p m, &5 rt " 9.20 p'm, (flag) 33 7!19 a ui 61 " " 8-49 a m, (freight) No. 3o. when running: ahead of No. 7, is flagged if necessary for through travel south of Charlotte, and is stopped; for passengers arriving from Lynchburg or beyond. No. 36 etops regularly for passengers for Salisbury, High Point, Greensboro, Keidsville, Danville and principal stations between Danville and Washington, c No 37 stops for pas- Bengers coming from xyncnDurg: or points beyond, and to take on - pas sengers .for regular stopping places south of -'Newells, No.(38 stops to let off passengers from regular stopping places south) of Newells and to take on passengera for regular stopping places, Lvnchbure or beyond. Nos. 33 and 34 stop at Gonoord.f or Dassensrewr to. or from the C. C: & A. bivision Charlotte to Augnsta-4thd other points in South Carolina', Georgia and Florida, reached through Columbia or Auerusta. ,;'- ' Nos 7, F, 11 and 1'2 are the local trains and connect at Salisbury with - trains of W. N. C. Division. TELEPHONE NO. 71 FOUNDED.. fYCtfl . fa:: ll? NEW YORK MARKETS. COTTON OPENED. CLOSED. Nov. Jan. March . : Sugar . Tobacco Corn. . . .6.95 .7.13 . 7.21 . 141 121 j DECEMBER. ...30.; ..72...... 6.97 7.04 7.13 143f 122 .30? .72i HOW'S THIS? : , ; Freak on Lake Chelon. There have, been, seismic dis turbances along part of our northwestern coasts, but Lake Chelon in the state of Washing-! ton had a most . wonderful expe rience recently unattended with tangible evidence of earthquake. While all was calm on the lake, which is several miles wide, at 2 o'clock ' in the afternoon the waiter was seen to heave up to a Wheat height of fifteen feet or more. This produced enormous rolling waves that ; rumbled to and . - " burst on the shores. The first was-.the . most severe but heavy . rolling billows con tinued for about , two hours Fortunately-there were no sail ors on the lake, . for no small craf b 1 could' hare survived v it. No lives: wera lost. - One steamer at anchor was?? hoisted hp, her cables. snapped and1 she tyas OV UlgU VM OU VX J UXJ.CVU she . .capsizedi and . sank as- the water, rebededV --j Another-, moat remarkable phe nomenon was tliat Twenty-five Mile HHiver, Cheldnfs principal Hall's Catarrh Cure w taken! I tributary want drv for about ternaUy. acts directly upon theJ 4hree Honrs atfe I flVRfAm Viir "tin rAr a. on as usual. This disturbance Sold,bv .11 drt.Bi8tK ? TeBtimo- 4 tooK piaeesoma 3 aiaianue Kom niu free; t . the.lake.: . . The Scientific American, tells ; tW story, therefore It is worthy One hundren Childrens' Vestee Suits. Stylish Patterns. Hand some trimmings. New and ele gant designts. finely Tailored. Altogether Swell. All sizes, 3 to 8. They are $5:00 and l$6.00 suits and atrintlv un tn datft. ' ITmi nan We offer one hundred dollars - . ' 2 11 nrh7 ccrd b!ycuS have choice at $3.00. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., One hundred": Vestee suits at - Toledo, Ohio. v- .'.rli - ;;J:iw , We ha undersigned, have $1.25 tO $L50. They &XQ $2.00 knevrn F J Cheney for the last 15 ; j ; v. li-A. v - c S,"Sel and $250 suits. tionnd fipancially , able .to carry oat any. obligations made : by: their nrm. ;- Wst -&Truax, ! i v ? Wholesale DrugistB, .J-- . Toledo, p. Waldingj Kinnan &.MarTin J c ' ; " . Wholesale DruMBts, ; .To;hwdd.jQl.drena Reefer suits t 'ggopds-splendUy itailpredi:. at $2;00 to $3.00; There suits amoDgx are plenty $5 1.1 Boys heayy ; . ;all-wool Kersey suits at $2.: won' t find them frit Ioqq '-Ticiti! 0iO. Kfi QHTrnrKoT0 "StNG THEIR OWITPKAISE." geologists and scientists have as Concofd Biir held the 6th day of f0C eil a r TheSTIEFFisthe PIANO to buy: UrAt. nn thonrv hut that of vol- in the offioe- of the Olerk of the ClOU. u nas no equal lor ttie-money as you v . I onperior uouxi, n was- agreea au save the middleman's profits and it willf camu uisuuruaaice. . .i oases Deconunuea, except ine :iouqw- last a lifetime! bnt'xre hava fiAverftU m t Ti, unu;nn mff: . ?r We- have taken in exohanee for that there was once an active -fl T G T tt vJ i .T W'jU Splendid line df Men' sfsuits jus t Otf Thursday Oct. 19. 1899. 4 - nave taken in exchange ror- tuu tuoro was uuue an dunvc 10 to tt, v - Iivi V i T n il ' volcano m in region oi iruiui . -xecntor e ai - u. ii, -oraaiora.vs. J. xv. wai , lace. ' . ' ' ' ' '-. . : , . v FOR SAEE-Di J P Giyon's met Montgomery. : " No. 56 Nellie Kpbnce "ts" Edward v"Koonce. . . ... ' On Friday Oct. 20, 1899. No. 11 M. Qsrleshr va. W. Burley- Micaf RKolW ttaT-rifi .nrl MinR i son. Administrator. - . Kate Nicholson were both unable JtSo. to be at the Cannon (& Fetzer Co. oriesby vlrw. W. Burleyson will not Excellent five room house; for store this morning. Ibejcedibetoyexday. -i. rent. Aiplv to J B SherrilL - --t ,,a I t ' ':.: ;? :uiiiiv.U;wVT.f " I VVH i-li 1-1 111 I (111 I I II I II I II r-l I UlDlIk. uuuciiui VVUXW. one, tbe hne&t style that tirm' mann tactures and it is almost new. ' If you want this make here are bargains. ; . fThnti1 If ffinnf Piano Mannfactnrer, VilU. ill UUU&lt : Baltimore Sid. Factory Brancfi f areroom. CtfArlOtte, jr. C, I C. H. Wilmoth, Mr. ' Fine Tuning. Palace Organs lake. residence ic& Main street. LOST A gold buckle. Leave , at Gibson and Morrison's. save 'VOUk5&t dollar you sp6nd. cents on Cannon & Fetzer Co. We are requested to announce Miss Hattie Carroll is clerking that e "VVromaii,& Missionary at Mr. Jno. P Allison's. society :; ot : kernel iteiormea A THOUSANITONGUES rinnlrt nnt Tnress the rantiire - of church wiITgrve an entertainment Unni a e. burmer.-or 1125 Howard st.. Mrs. T H Barringer returned at that church on Saturdav nigrht, Philadelphia. Pa., when she found that iiuuio lviouaav niKnL irom oans- ()ct. zlst. mr. 0 iyCw xiovUDij bury. Dr. W. H. Wakefiled,! of Char Iption had completely cured her hacking w cough that for made years had made Q Court convenes here next Mon- lotte, N. C, will be ml Concord o;s Q day. Judge W SO'B Robinson at St. Cloud on Friday, October says of thi Boyal Cure 'it soon re- p will preside. 20th, for this one day only. His moved the pain in my chest arid I can - nu T? "P.o now sleep soundly something I can v V'. SAVIN G nly forty the platforir Monday. The market was 7.75. There will be preaching ai Nose and Throat. Miss Matgaret Allison bas re turned here after visiting her relatives at Lancaster and else- Grace Reform church on the 4th where. Miss Annie-Parks Hutch- Sunday in October at 2 p. m. ; ison, of Charlotte, returned Miss Ola Hamilton returned here with her; home Monday night from Mat-l ' The Ladies of St. James church ii -i -1 . . i.l ,511 x. t.i 1 J Luews. wnere sne spent several w-m uirtam geuwruu& auu uays. r patronizing puuiiowita ine uuuai , . ' Tetreshments tor. sucti occasion sj lur ana Mrs. Appleton Wil-" Caton'frHall on Thursday cii.-n s r- lfn I - , , -1 t 1 ... - ' " ouu, xjainLuure, arnvea nere Uivf nHKr Vi Monaay night to visit at Mr. tWo 1 vuui. you reel like soundinsr its praises through out the Universe." So will everyone, who tries Dr. King's New Discovery fnr nv trotibla of the Throat. Ghest or Lungs, Price' 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Fetzer's Drag Store; every bottle guarantee. - UR V is the royal road to fortune. If you want to save come to our store, we can save yon money on ITU R E. We are the whip to prices to double the speed of sales. Attention Mothers. FRNITURE AND UNDER! A KIN G- We have 44 doz. xvuut.x. uiuu. Miss Beth Van Wasnen, who Misses. Ribbed fleeced lined cot- Dr. N D Fetzer left Monday has been spending several days! ijrkTX vtwith drawers to rntct night to attend a called meeting with Miss MamieUry, returned ton Vests with drawers to match, 01 tne ioara 01 Pharmacy at to Hickorv Mondav nieht; where : rizpr from 18 to 34. at 25 cents she teaches id Claremont college. Wbile here she has been under going treatment for her eyes. Mr. W M Weddington" is one of the unfortunates these times. It will be TJBmembered that he was slightly paralyzed in the face some time , ago has been sick, and now has to limp on account of a carbuncle oh his knee.- Raleigh. Lewis Brown had intended to leave this morning for Trinity college to attend school, but is in bed sick. One 16x20 Crayon Potrait'giv on free with each one-half dozen Cabinet Photographs at Scott's ga nery opposite York & Wads- worth Hardware store. Foiicsman Cruse was off of his beat part of Monday. He was busy moving from on East Depot street to the house former ly occupied by Sheriff Peck near1 the 'jail. CRAYON PORT AIT 14x17 wii be given with everv three cabinet photos or one 16x20 with' n;,a11? Special attention given to lad ill w r A nVu.sev w? ' patrons. Will not hA nnfHnnft A 1 4 bargain in our-business iKJ Oysters.35 cents per quart. one in our town. Come and see J08Fishsr, Proprietor. 1 H C 3 IP3 9 FRESH OYSTERS each. Call and see-them.- They are just what you want for the littlo folks. "" Gibson & Morrison. They Are i Beauties AT THE . Concord Bakery. Breac-Buns, Doughnuts, Cakes, Pies, Cream Puffs, etc. Every one of them will please you. Come and see them. A, fine lot of Opal Rings. , W C CORRELL, THE JEWELEK. We are prepared to 'give the people this winter beiter bargains than usual in all of ' ;' : U Heavy and At wholesale and retail. It will pay you to see our Large Stock of Tinware, I tori la B ai Glassware, Crockery, Shoes, Hats, Etc., bflfore bnvinc. For Cloyer Seed, Seed Eye, and Rock Salt go to " Q.!Wi Patterson's, Offero the business public fl reliable, pcz manent, conservative and aooommodaV ing banking instation. 117 T " " i a. ' 1 1 I K vye solicit your patronage wiin iu assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. If we can serye you any time we will be glad to have you come and see u& ffSLIBEEAL ACCOMMODATIONS 'TO CUSTOM EB8. - - - . - Capital ana Snrplns - - $70000. D. B Coitkanb, Ch&shief, J M. Odetl, President. M, L. Brown -& BRo. ; EI VERY. FEED AND SALE i STABLES, Just in rear of Sti Cloud Hotfll. Om nibusea meat all pasjeager trains. Outfits of all lands furnished gomptly and at reasonable prices, orees and, mules always on band or sale. Breeders of (noroaghb re Poland China Hogs. 1B. Un- Cook&Shive. 'PHONE-122.

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