Wasa! f IZ I 3 S -f'k err x24 h n k pi e sZtEZGM iB'tli its etaces t'oere (fr jSW Crm Bain p "tta diseased oembraBe. T mil ! &nr -t WUH y f, V "Smtm-T quickly. Cream 1? ulm 13 jI&c&I Into the nostrils, spreads over the embrace and Is absorbed. Belief is im mediate &nd ft care f oflaws. It is not drying does xot produce sneezing. Lsrge Size, 60 eeats &t Drag gist cr by mail , Trial 53, 10 cents by mall. - ElY BE0TH22S, M Warren Street, New York. I AM PREPARED TO DO ANY THING IN Plumbing Steam Fitting and Electric Wiring. I HAVE SOME NICE Bath Tubs ON HAND. Tor - K McNISH B ! C YCLES Repaired Promptly and Satisfaction- Guaranteed. FRESH FRUIT S And Vegetables in Jstock at E. L. LI PES IN BRICK ROW. Has Bought 800 TONS JELICO COAL. .200 TONS HARD COAL. Also Yirpa Spit aM Bird Eye Camel ' CoaL Best steal coal at mine prices. Good Smith Coal., Call and get what you want. 'Phone 74. Winter is Coming. I ALREADY HAVE ON HAND THREE. CARS OF Jellico Coal And have ten mora car loads on the way. It la time for you to lay in a supply for the winter, isn't it? I Ylsohayeon hand the best of antracite coaL J. A. C Blackwelder, West Depot St. at Store. J&sT'Phone 68. Notice to Tax-Payerrs. y The tax books for 1899 have been placed in my hands for collection and all tax-payers are requested to come iorwara and pay their taxes at once. S. J. Ervin, City Tax Collector. LOST OR STOLEN. NOTICE is hereby given that on J W Cannon has been lost or stolen and parties are warned not to trade for same. T C Wilson. ' WASTED SEVERAL BBIGHT AND HOK- est persons to represent uh as Managers in this and close counties. Salary $900 a year and expenses Straight, bona fide, no more, no less salary, Position k permanent. Our references, any bank conducted at home. Reference. En close self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. 2, Chi cago. SO YEAR , - ' EXPERIENCS Trade Marks. Designs r AjJftme pending a sketch and description mey Cftlckly ascertain onr opinion free wfcether an Hrentlon Is probably patectabla Comnmnioa t, :3 strictly oonfldentlaL Handbook on Pateet jff ree. Oldest Beocy lor securlnffpatent. " ?asents taken through Mann A Co. reoetr r iai notion without oharire, In the Scientific MMmt, JtemdSOinely Klnrtrnted weer. Weet rtr- COAL ! A MOTHER TELLS HOW SHE ! SAVED DAUGHTERS LIFE. I am the mother of eight child ren and have had a great deal of experience with medicines. Last summer my little daughter had the dysentery in its worst form. We thought she would die. I tried everything I could think of. I saw by an advertisement iD our paper tljat Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was highly recommended and sent and got a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the very best medicines we ever had m the house. It saved my little daught er's life. KI am anxious for every mother to know what an excellent medicine it is. Had I known it at first it would have saved.rne a great deal of - anxietv and my little daughter much suffering. Years truly, Mrs. Geo. F. Bur dink, Liberty, K. L For Sala by M. L.-Harsh & Co., Druggist. Dux ins the civil war, as well in our late war with Spain, diar-j rhoea was one of the most troublesome diseases" the array had to contend with. In many instances it became chronic and the old soldiers still suffer from Mr. David Taylor, of Wind Kidge, Greene county, Pa., is one of these; He uses Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy and says he never found anything . that would give him such quick relief. It is lor sale by M. L. Marsh & Co.. Druggist 1( l&.tt'i IOJUOTAOCOOD rCRADULTO, WARRANTED. PRICE SOcts. ' 2 . OALATIA, IIX8., WOT. 15, 1533. PvU Hedlcfae Co., 8t. Lcrata, Mo. Gentlemen: Wfl sold laefc rew, 000 bottles of GBOVE'S TASTELS3S CUTLIj TONIC and hav bought three ctoss already this year. In all our ex perlence ol 11 years. In the drcf bclneefl. bavo never told an article that gare such cuiversaJ tatia CacUoa as your Toole Yours truly. t THE SlillDi month 35c. 1.00. 6 it 2.00. I year 4.00. llliS 1 4 vwM&mssms& 7 -X M -s n.Lnl U Ijzisliss f 1K1DE To Orgas'ze a Pemocratic Press Associ- alien. Mr. Robert Furman, the chair man of the committee, requests all editors and managers of Democratic newspapers in the State to meet on Tuesday, the 17, in Raleigh for the purpose of completing the organization of the Dem ocratic , press of th e State. This movement was started at the State Press As sociation meeting at Carolina Beach last June. It has for its purpose the more complete co operation of the Democratic newspapers in the State. It has no relation to the Press Associa tion though its meetings will most probably be -held during the periods of the press meetings. Otis Doe3 Xot Dictate Dispatches. Now it is announced in Manila dispatches thatnews reports from there have not been subject to any censorship for the last month. Nothing more is re quired from correspondents than to file a duplicate copy of their reports which are not even read unless some conflict arises. The abolition of the censorship was at' the request of Genv Otis. So how when news comes it can be depended upon that ibis not dictated by Otis, j r Ton aBsuiao no risk when you buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy. M. L. Jlarsh I & Co. will refund your money if you are not satisfied after using it. It is everywhere admitted to be the. most success ful remedy in use for bowel com plaints and the only one that never fails. It is pleasant, safe and reliable. The smallest -baby on record passed away in New York a few days ago, a 5 inch one which weiged 17 ounces. It was- being kept in an incubator and al though it seemed to be doing well, fell into a sleep from which it could not be wakened. Morn ing Star. Tne soothing and nealing prop erties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures haTe made it a great favorite with the people everywhere. For sale by M. L. Marsh & Co., Druggists. An Editor Killed. Editor C M Gardner, publisher of Our Sunny Land, of Miami, Florida, was killed on Monday by a merchant, Marcus Frank. The quarrel grew out of a pub lication in his paper in which the name of Frank's mother was used. The slayer, is held for trial. THE BEST PEESOEIPTIOK HOB . CHILLS and fever is a bottle cf Grove's Taste less Ohill Tonic. .Never fails to cure; Then why experiment with worthless imitations? Price 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to enre. . Reduced Rates to the State Fair. On account of the State Fair the Southern will sell round trip tickets to Raleigh, including one admission into the fair grounds, $3.80. Tickets on sale Oct. 14 15, 16, 17, and 20, with final limit to Oct. 33rd. p -2? SALE--A new Wheeler & -Wilson sewing machine with five drawers, iust fmm ti. tory . Call at this office and. set u iiiau wass macnine on easv terms WANTED Tt buv 100,000 pen nds oi old cast-iron, eerap, de iiered atthefouudry at n?ice, for vbch we will pav a fair pu , Nq burnt iron wanted. 16tf. Concord Foundrt Co. . Lame J?cca can t nzrtvi tt - 7 tjl The Kind You H&vo Always la use for otcp SO years, and sonal Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health o? Infants and ChOdrea Esierieiice against Experiment What Is CASTORIA Castoria is a snbfitttate for Castor Oils Paregoric, Drop! and Soo thins: Syrnps. Itis Harmless and Pleasant. It contains; neither Opra2Iorphine ,n6r tl:.cr Karcotla substance. Its ae is to guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays FeTrishxrefis. It cures Diarrhos and Wind. Colic It rekeTes Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giring" healthy and natural sleep The (lU&xca'a Panacea The Mother's Friend. -C B N U i N B 7 CASTQR S A ALWAYS 9 Bears the The M Ton toe Always Bought !n Use Fcfr Over 30 Years. TMS SCMTAMSi COKMNV( TT MURRAY tTRICT, RIWYOM ITT. ODELL riiFHEiiiBii coon has ufa onmssa FTNB Ginghams, Plaids, Sheeting, Salt Bags AND Outing Cloths. - D8AI.ER IX Generpl Merchandise V buyers or COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kind.. ..o...... Fooi-oot Wood Jways Wftnfced.DBesi Price for same ..o .... - We inyite an inspection oi all the goods . . . welmannfactnre . . 13 i, Joncord N. c. Boaxht, and which has been ha borne the signature of has been made tinder his per supervision since its iirCaivcy. no one to deceive yon in this Signature jof outhern aitw&y SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JULY THE 16TH. l8Sa This condensed schedule is pub lished as information, and is subject to change without notice to the public: Trains leave uoncord N. C 5.52 A. M. No 8, daily, for Bicji mond; connects at Greensboro itr Raleigh and Goldsboro; at Goldsboro for Norfolk, at Danville for Washington and points North, at Salisbury for Asheville, Knoxrille and points West. 7. 19 A. M No. 33, ths New York and Florida Express, carries Pnll man Sleep ing Cars between New York and An sruita, New York and Tampa, Fla., and Norfolk to Charlotte. O.iO A XT "KT onr J -1 TTT -L ojto a. ax, iiu. oi, uauy, Yiasjp--ington and Southwestern limited ffcer Atlanta, Birmingham, 'Memphis, MobW gomery, MohHe and New Orleans, and all points South and SouthwesL Through Pullman sleeper New York 6 New Orleans and New Yortto Memphis Dining car, Yestibuled coach, betweA Washington and Atlanta. 10:00 A. M. No. 36, daily, for Wasl ington, Biehmond. Baleigh and al) points North Carries Pullman drawinsr room Iwifft sleeper, Now Orleans to New Yoik; Jacksonville to New York: Pullman tourist cars from San. Franeisoovi Now Orleans and South 4 racitle Sundays and Wednesdays. 11 A. M.No. 11, daily for Atlan all fcs Souti. Solid train, Biob- 1 M. No. 19, daily, for Bioh AhoTille Chattanooga, Baleigh. NoofM ml all points North. P.M. -No 7, daily, from BicV ouxikI Wahinston, Goldsboro, SelmA J&tailw Owenbcro Knoxyille aud AaitChwlottN. a & M1M 3ta SSdailT, Washington fvad suthfxtera limited, for Wash PulUaaa . Memphis to New Yorix irUn!i to New York. Also carrier Ttilmled eoaeh and dining car. Close eouueetion at Greensboro with sleeper for Norfolk. 9.20 P. M. No. 85, daily, for Atlanta and New Orleans, carries Pullmab sleeper New York to New Orleans. Nejr York to JacksonYille and Charlotte tp Atlanta; dinning car. Also Pullman tourist car Washington to San Francis co, via New Orleans Tuesday and Fri days. 9.45P.M.-Nb,34, daily, the New York and Florida Express, carries Pull man SleepiDfr Cars between Augusta and New York. Tampa, Fla, and New York and Charlotte to Richmond. Car ries sleepers Charlotte to Norfolk yia Greensboro." First sections of regular through or local freight v trains cariy passengers only to points where they stop according to schedule. , . FrankS. Gannon, , Third Yice-Pres. and Gen'l. Man. , Washington, D. C. John M. Culp, TralSc Manager, v Washington, D. (X W. A. Tork, Gfen'L Pass. Agent, ' v Washington, D. C. 'owan Dasenbery, Local Agents v Concord. N.O

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