Arrival of Trains, The following change of schedule took elTect Junel2, 1H9. No. 8 arrives at 0.04 a m, u u a 36 12 33 62 " 10 00 a m, - " 7-09 p m, r " . " 8.51 p m, (flag) 9.45 p m, " 2 00 a m(lreuj t) SOUTHBOUND 37 arrives at 8 49 a a, (flagr) 1-1 " 11 23 a m, u 7 " 8.51 p m". 35 " 9.20 pm, (flag) o 7.19 a m, "No. u Paper Made from Peat, We've several times read arti cles fraught with the fear that at the present rate of consumption of as the -various uses, the time ' Y, might not be far off when paper March . would advance in price. From an Sugar . . artinlft hv Paul Hassack in the 1 Tobacco . Scientific American it seems that problem, too, is solved, for a NEW YORK MARKETS. COTTON OPENED. s - CLOSED. Corn; . Wheat 6.90 7.00 7.08 143f . 12H DECEMBER. ..30f...... r:72f . . . 6.93 7.05 7.12 142i 121f 30f 73 The Eternal Grumblers. few more centuries; No. 35. when running aheadof No. 7. An Austrian named Zschcerner, soat a 01 cxiaxin-c, tv. ' w tar x wnai; is success to urag ci uu u u : CSSST deposits, observed, Uie-,flbre;in r Some men make wealth, 'tis passengers for Salisbury, High Point, the peat and conceived the idea , trUe v ' v S'leSa otitilizing i'His;eeriments .andeW.tiodoubtJ 'TttBUlUtiW"' . w' " - I T-r.w. V V III Kll V V UUCOO IUCU WW. I irz -w $125 to $1.50. They are $2.00 xneir iaxe ana One hundren Childrens, "estee Suits. Stylish Patterns. Hand s ome trimmings . New and ele gant designts. Einely Tailored. Altogether Swell. All sizes, 3 to 8. They are $5.00 and ($6.00 suits and strictly up to date. ;You can have choice at $3.00. One hundred "Vestee suits at off passengers irom regiun biuhj"4 . . t ,vwuiiu. v-, places eonth of Newells and to take on to the, nature of the grasses andl we others curse ffiM " mosses that .have been t sud- and $250 suits. ntL : ' - I V. V I V W .. . r ... Nos. 33 and 34 stop at uonoora ior murgea m tne Dog tnat lormea i Because they're, blessed with oassengers to or lroin tne y. a a. , mivft Viv,! poqb. bivision-Charlotto to Augusta-ana . .w other points in South Carolina, Georgia yhich the dark mud IS separated. andFlorula, reaoneatnronga,uoiumuxa , fibie is not very U orAugusta. . . . 1 . . , . -v, . twjns. Two ; -Eick-Me-Up-' suits. l?L j Nos. 7. 8, li and 12 are the local trains elaborate and the pumis obtained and connect at Salisbury with trainB X . . -fha tlnft W. N.C. Division. HOW'S THIS? tail rivpld TELEPHONE NO. 71. FOUNDED . : M 9 M Mi Sing Their Own Praise." The STIEFFisthe PIANO to buy; Ggoods,2splendidly a t. &2 00 to $3.00. There much more cheaply .than the ; wi6fifer one nundred dollars ' ! ' . woodpulp. !,ThebleacHing, tob; rerd fo5any daire bi catarrh are TIeiltV 01 SuT SUltS aiHODg is not difficult. : that canjaotW cured by Hall's V.. Vjr.;.: v f, .-i!a ta - - The process is patented in the Catarrh Cur. - fhftTTl ; TTnti 'Ritesr. Canadi - British F. J. Cheney. &Jpo., Props,, blLVUL. ...M842. Columbia Japan and' aU Europe. ; We th undersigned' have BOyS heavy, all-W00l ILerSey over the -world will now become years, and believe him perfectly sQ"tS at $2. YOU WOU t IUlCl tJiem Mnf mat tirnflt. reliable in all business transao- $2.50 anywhere else. Rnlftndid lirifi of Men'sfsuitsiust . wholesale Druggy in --g save you 2510cents on Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in- irv jn A11 c,-k-rlq ternaiiy. aote direotiy upon the every aollar you spena. m. ' ':' . ' .1. ,...''' There are deposit mot suited aons anananoiaiiy aoie hi carry leSS tJiail ; out any obligations made by their ujj.xx to papermattiug, uuu tuojf i,ou . - Mil West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, U. niii7Arl as now for fuel, for IA J li,A(JV -Wfc www " " w 9 . which it is nressed into small X 11C UXXJ'i. o . w M it has no equal for the money as you cs and dried when it is a save the middleman's profits and it will . last a- lifetime; out we navw uevoii uuuipuuxbux ui,w. bargains in other makes. . - ' . feFiv fSdISJS. THAT THEOBBING HEAD- one, the finest style that firm manu- ACHE ' want this make here are bargains. nninVlv Yaava vnn if von I blood and UUCOUS surface 01 the Cto. E Stfcet "" "iSMrji. W Dr;itoRy New Life Pills 'tom. if Jalii WdTfirnnin V.-."- Thbusands of sufferk have proved Sold by .ats. , Testimo- muuuj "u ,,""uU,ott."M. C. their matchless merit lor sick ana niais iree, C. H. Wlltnoth, Mgr. nervous headaches. - lney mate Fine Tuning. Palace Organs. bund up your health. Easy to tate. iry mem. wuiy ziuu. Money back 51 not cured. Sold at Scotia seminary opens tomor- Fetzer s Drug btore. xow. Cannon & Fetzer Co. . -1 " ' 1 9 FOR SALE Dr. J P Gibson's residence on Main street. Resources 6ver $2,500,000 Excellent five 1 . n house for rfint. AtiDlv to J B Sherrill. xt m Dr- 3?-W.n r116. ? A nar; Accepted as sole security by the Mr. Gus Hartsell left Tues- iotte. N. C will be in Ctoncord - ofl(i u day night after spending several at st. Cloud on Friday, October umiea oiuuv.u lr TTic iRtatA and Counties 01 iNortn Mrs. W J practice is limited to Eye, Ear, Carolina and all persons in posi Swink and little rc0 Tir1 Thrnat, ; L: idcon T.oonrnKihilit.v tions of trusts and responsibility. Don t:iinvolve your friends. We will bond you at a reasonable rate. J. F. HURLEY, Agt. SAVIN G Is the royal road to fortune. If you want to save come to L our store, we? can save you money on Vhilrt of China Grove are visitinsr Miss JNan Arcnioaia, tne i-wrriTn fAt.t-ncr- n.Antral telenhone to Coddle after attending the ex- vacation of several weeks. She position at Philadelphia. has gone to Dunn to visit her , " , m A sister, Mrs. Hooks. Mrs. Jno. Craven left Tuesday . , night for Union Springs, Ala., to RevB Lacy Hoge has gone to spend some time with her attend the meeting of the Meck-Xnrents- . lenburg and Baptist Association at Friendship church near Char- ivir. iua. ian returned nome iotte. He will be bacK batur Tuesday night from Syracuse,N. Y. where he has been stationed ., ... s for some time for the McCor- Mrs. W. A. . Day vault, ol TTllrnwnnd. r.amft Uri Saturday nUli and to oi-kyi A in r o. -f VW H fl.VS r i . "D i UWnd fl ro.rf 1 ITICxn PXit- Miss Kate Archibald is operat- at her old home. Everybody 1 - , V , . msr tne central teleuhone m the 4--u n-nnkr tnn Veats witn arawers w iuttv,u, , . . r,, woiuuiuea tuo ooi puu .. - . ... .. . . 'F U R0N ITU R E. We are the whip to prices to double the speed of sales. 1. Attention; Mothers. FRNITURE AND, UNDER 1AKING- We have 44 dost. T H juhuuo ui 1101 ubwi. r reu.mcr.i iMiss. Bettie,"-r-Troutman cor-1 yrom 18 to 3 hours each day. mark. at- 25 cents! 1 M t Q-JT each1.' Call and see them. They One 16x20 Crayon Potrait giv- Mr. J T Harris, of the Harris are just what -you want for the i ruu itl I I 1 1 u vi. n iin uj 1 I i i i i iv.h ! I .it rn i . Tr"wi n "l w T ri . A w l Kim vyuiii WJ-ivj imii. uwuwu juiUUia OpilUgB 111 UUUIU WM v r -f 11 hi "not Tlirtr Cabin fit. Phntnoranbs at,'ft li the gallery opposite York & Wads- interest of his business. Read worth Hardware store. in his six inch ad. at the top erf the editorial page the guarantee Last Saturday night' three he makes to cure the most stub negroes, while loaded internally born case of indigestion, with whiskev. were verv rowdv over m tne coiorea portion ot tne j town. Mayor Means found it out and the town's treasury has been replenished by $24. The amounts tneywere made to pay ?j, ana $iv. FRESH OYSTERS Gibson & Morrison. They Are Beauties AT THE Concord Bakery. Bread, .Buns, Doughnuts, Cakes, Pies, Cream Puffs, etc. lady CRAYON PORTAIT-I4xl7 will be civen with everv thrift cabinet photos or one 16x20 wijh (iVPVV VkCllf fl of Mir . TO 1 1 AT-TT opposite the court house. We Special attention given to Will not bp nntHnnft in trnoH patrons. bargain-in our business bv anv Oysters. 35 cents per quart. one in our town. Come and see sJoeFisher, Proprietor 'a 1 f Every one of them will please you. Come and see them. A fine lot of Opal Rings. W. C- CORRELL, THEJJEWELEK. We are prepared to give the people this winter better bargains than usual m aU of ' ' lieav ana At wholesale and retail. It will pay you to see our Large Stock of . . Tinware, Woodware, Glassware, Crockery, Shoes, , Hats, Etc., KAfnro hflvfnor. For Cloyer Seed, Seed Bye, and Rock Salt go to QtiW; Patterson's. Offers the business public a reliable, per manent, conservative and accommodate nig banking instution. , We solicit your patronage with tha assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. If we can servd you any time we will be glad to haye you come and see as. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS. - - - - - - Capital and Sumlns - - $700DO. D. B CoLTBAKB, Chashier JT. M. Odem President. - lYLV . DKUW IN CL DIVU. STABLES, Just in rear cl St. Cioud Hotel. Om nibuses meet all passenger trains. Outfits of all kinds furniBhed promptly and at reasonable price?. Horses and muies always on nauu or sale. Breeders or -uorougn d re Poland China Hs&a, us. s vuuii qo oiiivGi i 'PHONE'122.

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