! t (4 ft He Passed the Examination Jno. Harris, a negro from this place, stood his examination be fore the State Board of Pharmacy i at their recent meeting at Ral eigh. His examination Was Jan. . ; ,.6.94 7 f7 - - r - i ' . -1 1. 1 1 .... . . ; mJt saLisiaciory ana license nas oeeu March 7 14 granted him. . John is a gradu- Sugar ! V . . i43 ate of Shaw' University at Ral- Tobacco..- 121f eigh, at which place he took a ; December. course in pharmacy. .He has Qorn - 3l4 aiu ueeu wurmg m a uxug Wheat " ' 72& Arriral of Trains., The following change of schedule took effect Junel2, 1899. NORTHBOUND. No. 8 arrives at 5 52 a m, " 36 " "10 00 am, 12 , " 7-09 pm, 39 " " 8.51 p m, (flag) 34 " " 9.45 p m. 62 " " 2 00am (lie.- t) SOUTHBOUND No. 37 arrives at 8 49 a m, (flag) M 11 " 44 11 23 am,' u 7 " u 8.51 p m, ' 85 u " 9.20pm, (flag;) 33 " ' 7 19 a ui, u 61 " " 8-49 a in, (freight) . No. 35. when running ahead of No. 7. g tore at Raleigh, isflacrsred if necessary for through travel south of Charlotte, and is stopped for nftssenfira arriving from Lvnchbursr or bevond. No. 36 stops reeularlv for FOR SALE Dr. J P Gibson's passengers for Salisbury, High Point, residence on Main street. . ' Greensboroy Keidsville, Panyille and . - v :-i y, principal stations between Danville and i .; . ;a, nrx . - 4. -.v Washington. No. 37 stops for pas- One 16x20 Crayon ?Potra;t grv Bengers coming: from Lynchburg or en free with each bne-half dozen points beyond, ad to take on pas- Cabinet Photographs at "Scott's senders for .regular stopping places -iip nrmntA YorTr & WnrU- eouthof Newclls. No. 38 stops to let gaueiy opposite lorK & waas- off passengers from regular stopping wprtn Hardware store. : daces south of Newells and to take on ' V ": v .V-;..- passenger for regular stopping places, Dr. W. H. "Wakefiled, of Char-. Lynchburg r oevona. lotte N a, will be in Concord Nos. 33 and 34 stop at Concord for . G m,J passengers to or from the 0. O. & A. at St.Cloud on Friday October Division Charlotte to Augusta and 20th, for this one day only.- JIis other points in South Carolina, Georgia practice i& liniited ? to , Eye, Ear, and Florida, reached through Columbia fJnco anrl Thrnnt' "V . .. or Augusta. . . , SJos. 7. 8. 11 and 12 are the local trains I And connect at Salisbury with trains of W. IS. C. Division. f NEW,.. YORK MARKETS. COTTON OPENED. Nov. One hundreh Childrens' Vestee Suits. Stylish Patterns. Hand some trimmings. New and ele gant designts. Finely Tailored. Altogether Swell. Allsizes, 3 to 8. They are $5.00 land $6.00 suits Spain's greatest need, and strictly up to date. Yu cnj . Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona. "U rti (tjo Spain, . spends his winters at J-LcL V C fct U pt. JJ. CLOSED. 6.87 6.94 7.00 142 34f4 72f . One hundred Vestee suits at They are $2.00 TELEPHONE NO. 71. FOUNDED. . . 1842. Mr. Williamson Morris,, our county superintendent, had a number of persons before Him in the court, room, today standing their examinations for teachers, this winter. One hundred and fifty bales of cotton were weighed yesterday. This afternoon at 3 o'clock 186 had been handled. The price is down again today. The aver age price was 7. 40. "Sing Their Own Praise." dt: Byers, who has been here The STIEFF is the PIANO to buy; for several days and who has . it has no equal for the money aa you naa quite an amount of practice save the middleman's profits and it will JV n .nn,0?Ti last a lifetime; but Ve have several du" stay, .will remam bargains in other makes. ; ,; . until Saturday. Dr. Byers IS We have taken in exohanee for well known in Concord, both 60 STIEFF'S two Iyers & Pond Pianos, ciaUy and prof essionally. After oue, the finest stvle that firm manu- j -r n -u , i . . lacture. and it is almost new. If von Saturday fie will be at his Office want this make here are bargains. Ciias. M. Stieef, Aiken, 8. p. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head. On iiainer Electric Bitters, America's greatest blood jjQ Si. 50. and nerve 'r.eme(3y, all soon left him. He says this grand medicine OKA is what his country needs. i;All 90U SUIC8. ! America knows that it cures liver m ' - i n and kidney troubles, purifies the two nuncirecL unuar ens xteeier - blbod, tones up the stomach, mf ' ' " ' . ' ,. n strengthens the neryespute. vim, SUltS. FllieSt gOOClSi Splendidly ZitSrtX amSg tailored, atS.OO.to $3.00. 1 you neea u. very poue.isU 14. 5fiKFeilU0 bOld at I Cl; J. v7 JfJiJ-LU UJL CTROULJIUO Q guaranteed, only 50o. Fetzer s Drug Store. in Charlotte. Piano Manufacturer. Baltimore, Ml. DnnnnTT Dnnnnii Wntinnnmn W. 213 N. Charlotte, H. C. C, M. Wiflmoth, Mgr. Fine Tuning. Palace Organs. FRESH OYSTERS A feast for your dietetic and social appetite tonight at Caton's Hall. AT THE Concord Bakery. Bread, Buns, Doughnuts, Cakes, Pies, Cream Puffs, etc. James, the little son of Mrs. Onopiai nttATitinn p-ivo.ti to lad Wm. Elliott, is very sick with ty- -natrons x phoid fever. The condition of Mrs. A H Propst is unchanged today. , She is very ill. Oysters 35 cents per quart. Joe.Fisher, Proprietor. 'PHONE 122. Eula, the youngest daughter CUBE A OOL1) JLH ONE DAY of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Black- Tflke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. weiaer, is very sick. Mr. D F Cannon has returned home from a week's trip to Phil adelphia and New York. . There among them. Boys heavy, jall-wool Kersey suits at $2. You won' tlfind them for- less than $3.50 anywhere else. Splendid line of Men' s suits just We save vbu 25 cents on All dmfforists refund money if it fails to nnre. 25c. The crenuin has Ii. J3. U T.. ,.:WHina SOW'S THIS? We offer one hundred dollars rewurd; for ' any case of catarrh that' can not by cured by Hall's Catarrh Core. E, J.,Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. We the undersigned, have 'known P J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly reliable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their iTV nrm. -i n ": .1 west & Tmax, every aoiiar you spena. wholesale t8 Cannon & PgUgt Co. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, . --pD- , I Toledo, O. U , Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in- Q ternally, acts directly upon the JJ blood and' mucous surface of the ft systemir Price 75o. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimo- H nials free. w If A LIFE AND DEATH FIGHT, ft . . - . . . - 1 Mr. W. A. Mines of Mancnester, la., Writing of nis almost-miraculous escape measles induced serious lung trouble, jj which endea m uonsumption. x naa mt frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and day. All my doctors said fj must soon die. Then I began to use 2 Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump- tion, -which completely cured me. I would not be without it even if it cost Vl $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it U on my recommendation and all say it H -a- 1 11 TELL W I li u I oure. on each tablet Slareoni is SuccessfoU sused'toMr. Jnoi W Linker and New York, with his wireless Miss Eula Blackwelder. ' telegraphy and is a success. He Rev Cochran Preston has sed! P69 omboat;to moved into the residence on Mill shore: and does it quickly and street recently built by Mr. F B well. ' f ' - Fetzer. ' v it is proposed to connect Hugh Propst has returned viftnar and Key est bythe 5Marf home from school at Trinity col- .nni WftrarihV which will 'make lege on account of the lllnes I of h. ,,v omar U .i -v his mother. I V- n : : J.,.; never fails to cure Throat, Chest and Tjrmsr troubles." Keanilar size 50c and $1.00 Trial bottles free at Fetzers Drug fj . to get it feited. Its good qualities and perfection of workmanship baffl 3 imitation.; Artistic Furniture ' ' At low prices is our specialty. If you wani An honest dollar from a counter- f eit. So you can tell by its work y the thoroaghtly good btoye from the imitation. t Q a FOR WOOD . j It cannot be counter- H n 'I Eings.true. ' "Rnrrnlai. oiV.o RfV anrl I if Ia fnnninh V. An4-;.A liAneA rxv rtnlxr Vtni7 A .KlfrfthflTI fhair IhlS 19 tUe DlaCd It Jk-WSi. MAM maw WW I Ml 1U1.1110U UiiC ilUliuw VUIlI "mt w m J w Atteritiph Mothers. We have 44 doz. Misses.Ribbed; iieeced lined cot- j ton.YeatSc withjdrawers tq match; 4. f n er "aaaa pi 'a'ff rJ'-Titr 7i r r n i! t ALSO UNDKRTAKEB8. Miss Fairfax Loving, who has MOTHER TELL8 AOW SEES been spending sonie time here 4 ttVi TiT'T?TiQ' CtTTSpW rith Miss Emily. Gibson, has to- 'SAVED DAXJGHTERS turned to Charlottesyillei Va; I ii the mother of eight child The ladies of St. : James con- ren Vave had a great iea jof gregation; hope to see you ito- experience with medicines. Jjobi night at Caton's Fall on a , little summer my ; lM dauSb had matter of business and Tilksiir. the dventery in its worst lorm. , , , , We thought she would die. X borne sage has remarked that tried eTerything I could think of. a rolling stone gathers no moss t Baw bfan adveriisement in bur and he might have added that a paper -that Chamberlain s Colic, Jrollmg pm gathers no "dough.;' fthpleraJ ndv Diarrhoea Remedy Mrs. H M Barrow, who has was highly recommended" j and jrnno tr UA x j.a.j t- rtA rmt n. hnttla at once. It meeting of the Daughters of the proved to be one of the very Dest Confederacy will be gone a week medicines ' we ever had in the or two. . house. It saved my little daught- n w " er's life: Iain anxious for every Lrus . Wavra, a printer from mother to know what an excellent Charlotte, was arrestedv this ifiine it is Had I known it at morning for being intoxicated on wouH.ve saved me a the streets. In default of ; the Lt a of anxietv and my too and costs he. was taken to daughter much uffering. - , Years truly; Mrfl. Geo. R' Bur- Excellent five room house for diok, Liberty, R. I. or bale by 2-ent Apply to J B Sherrill. M. Hi. Marsh & Co., Druggist., sis.es from 18 fd 5 34, at 25 cents .--1. W itoiiiiia areju-t what - yew want for the .' - v- 1i , .' I to give the people his winter KftTi nnnal in all t Gibson Morrrspn, of They Ar0 Faaicy Beauties : ? ;v" Every one of therii I will nlease voov Come and see them. A fine lot of - v no A W. Opal Ring s. C. CORRELL, LTHBlJEWELEK. 'Groceries:, At wholesale ; and retaiU ; : .It will, pay" you toee our j-aruo ow-a gJWoodware, "Glassware, "! :" ; V Crockeiyf' : i Hats, -Etc, before buying. "For Clover Seed, Seed Rye, and Bock Salt Q. W. Patterson. My Offeru t-Lebufjinees public a reliable, pel--manent, conservative ana aooommoav' ing- baiiidnff iiistuUoii, ' Cj T 1 r We solicit . f bur patrbtuiwitli' t-2r assoranpe 6t- honorable treatment ; due appreciation of ypnr patronage. . ;) If we can serve? ya any time w rfU t be glad to haye yquwrne and see us. ilJBEBAIj AC3COIMOD-iTIONB TO 0UST0MEBt5. a- - - Capital and Snrjlns: $70 OWL :.;. -D. B Qaut&bxi Cfcashieiv : J. M. Odejii- evident. M, L; Brown & BRo. LIVERY; FE iD AND SALE. STABLES. Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotl. Om nibuaeS meet ail passenger traina Outfits of all kinds furnished promptly and at reasonable pricep. Horses and mules always on hauol or sale. Breeders of Mioroughbre Poland OKina Hrxrs. v v '

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