DRY STANDARD JOHN D, BARRIER and SON, Editors and Proprietors. OFFICE IS Til 9IUKK1S BUILDING 1FE STANDARD is published every 5' jauday excepted) and delivered by ries." Kates of Subscription : One year'. . . . . ......... S 4 00 Sis ortrs. 200 7' ce ODths. . . .100 Ouv rb. . . ... .... 35 BiDgie coov. 05 THE WEEKLY STANDARD is a our-page, eight-column paper. It has & larger circulation in Cabarrus than any Cther,paper. Price $1,00 per annum in advance. Advertising Rats : Terms f or regular advertisements made kDown on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord. N. C Concord, N. C, Oct 13. WHERE THE WAR WILL BE The Spirit is For Expansion. Through all the magnificent re ception given Admiral Dewey and the men behind the guns of his warships, in all the speeches, addresses- and cheers of the IS HI WATER Our attention has been called to the fact that some of our readers, up-to-date in history and even ahead of date as pioneers of progress, have found their ideas covered about as thickly with the dust of oblivion as the lids Ox their geographical maps, and are trying to shake off the misty ha7? and locate the Beers. Well, most of these even remem- ber in studying the map ofj is the strongest Natural Lithia water on . the market and has the endorsement of the most American people, judging from jnoi(id physicians of the country the dispatches, the tenor and as to itg superiority over all spirit shown is that the Ameri- others." Read what the noted can people declare for holding Dr. John Hey Williams, of Ashe every possession which has Come ville, has to say for Harris under the American arms, -by Lithia, springs; force or treaty. Asheville, N. C. April 24, 1893; It is American and Anglo-Sax- An extended cunical use of Har on to expand, to broaden out, ris Lithia Water prompts me to to acquire, be it territory, edu- the statement that I regard it as cation, religion or commerce. one of the best if "not the best, TJ! ., , , . Lithia Water known to the pro- If it were not for this .spirit of fesgion In the conditio of expansion how slow the' world- Phosphatic ' Urine, f its actibn is would be today and how would marvellous. Its use in the Rheu the great reforms have b"6en ae- niatic and Cqunty Diseases afford coplished, civUition advanced SM?S and Christianity carried to the "VeryHruly yours, uttermost parts of the earth, if JOHN HEY WILLIAMS,' M. D. the spirit of Anglo -Saxonism We ;guarantee tntone,glass of had not been one crying out and Harris Lithia .carbonated water reaching out, for new peoples will relieve any 'case of indiges and new lands to subdue, phy- tion in one minute or our agent sicaUy, morally and commer- is authorized to refund you the cially? money, or if taken - after each . In the early days of this great meal will-cure, the most stubborn American Republic, this spirit of case of -indigestion. 4 Why suf- expansion was aroused, and the f er when you have the guarantee ? THE RACKET STORE! .Africa, great territory, within the home bounds was the result. that on the southern ex tremity they found Cape Colony; Griqualand, East and West; Na tal; . Sulu Land; Orange Free States and the South African! V ... . Republic. This latter is the land of the Bcjers, and can be very easily traced on any ordi nary map of Africa. The little divisions mentioned have been absorbed by the English nation except Orange Free States and the Transvaal. In prospective war these two wiU band together, most proba bly, ana if Great Britian be the the victor a good large, well shaped, part of Southern Africa will pass wholly under British dominion. British territory, or at least land under British sov ereignty and protection, now oc cupies three sides of these two republics. In all the quarrels which are likely to end in human misery and bloodshed every cne.. feels at liberty, if not by duty bound, to fix his sympathies. In this whole history it seems the Boers have left one territory after an-, other to avoid English rule, and yet, according to the English version, the republic has been practically -rescued from disin tegration by the British prbtec rate. Like all quarrels, there are two sides to the matter in dispute ' Since America "gained her in dependence all American hearts go out toward those demanding to be let alone. It must be admitted, however, that Great Britain's pioneering and her enterprise in apparently getting a claim on all the terri- 1 1 tory sne can, nas oeen a very great factor in the civilization of the world. - The wneeis 01 progress are rolling over the dark continent which is destined yet to be a eoodv land. Thed will of Him who created be done in the ultimate destiny of the world. It is somewhat surprising that rip.nt McKinley is being: beset by petitionors to meddle into the Transvaal affairs. It . is far less surprising how ever than it would-be if he manifested the least weakness toward doing so. The civil war caused a halt, but, when the declaration 01 war against Spain was heard, there M L Marsh, Agent for Concord. For Ovr Flltr Tears Mrs. Winslow's Soothics: 8vmp has Viaoti noArl frr vtror flftT'VA.TQ Viv mil, was one people m spirit, united liona of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It , . ., , ,. soothes the child, softens the gums, Oi tne arms Ol tne republic. allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is The successful conclusion of the best remedy far Dmrrhoea..: It will IrelievAthe tioor httln frafferer lmmedi- the war, the new duties involved ately. Sold by druggists in every part Vi of the world-. Twenty-five cents a bot- luuo D" "" tie. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Win : ! ;a. - e -.i-i 1 I ... : . ... ... expansion spirit 01 me naiion, slows sootnme ayrup, ana tale do r Arc?yr 4--r v.vw ff incci otner Kina U11C UtJOii O IU 1111 J A KJ Li. HO lOOOf tude, and to seek to broaden its Vermont Honors Her Son. trade and commerce, and if need The Dewey reception in his Via sViariA anv HAstinv for cnnfl .. j . j . .7" '; ' ' .. . d j 0 naxive -sxare was qnue eninusi The American Republic is in Montbelier he received" a eold , 1 1 . 1 1 -- ' tne woria s race lor progress and medal ffivenhim bv the state. At ne upmiing oi uumanny, ana n- ht ther . - IUUC-Ci tuou AU of fireworks including bonfire aj IUimouou vliaL1 AiirwhDse flames reached 100 feet reading tne story ol Dewey s J highp and cast its aight thirty iioiuo cumiiig. iew Dern jour- mUe Ground nal. , 1 A FKIGHTFUL - BLUNDEK War is Tractically a Reality. Will often cause a horrible The situation in South Afrip.a. burn, scald, cut or bruise. Buck- s that of war in all the essentials, leu,?rni?1? 7-bes in th j ''1 xrrr I n will Irill tho noin arH but those of actual carnage which nL ui :i itl win ionow quicKly unless studi- sorep, fever sores, ulcers, boils. - . - .. - v V . . . I . ously avoided for more time to felons, corns, all skin ,4 eruptions, get ready. The reply to the Boer -?8t pile cure on earth. Only uitunaium was to tne enect tnat? a WA' ui uaiamcou. ureat rjntian could not even discuss the terms. " The English diplomat has taken his passports and bidden adieu to the Trans vaal. That government has ad vanced' its troops into -Natalv The British also are moving to ' the front. Seizures of trains, etc., mark also the beginning of hostile acts. There will proba bly be efforts at up-rising in Na tal and Cape Colony according to indications now, and all the in dications point to a fierce contest. Sold at Fetzer's Drug Store. ' 1 m m nm After separating twenty times ra,married couple in a Ponnsyl vania town finished up by taking a final parting by way of a di vorce mill.' The man's principal objection to the woman was the custard pies, she made for him and the trousers she made for other men.Mdrning Star. .. A MOTHER TELLS HOW SHE SA,VED DAUGHTERS LIFE. I am the mother of eight child- SPAIN'S GREATEST NFRT) 1ren and have had a great deal of . ... experience wun medicines, ljast Mr. Ki XT, UilVia, Of Barcelona, fmmmP.r ,mv lifcti HanaltPr Spain, spends his. winters at the dysentery m its worst form. Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves had We . thouaht hI.a tennis T caused severe pains in the back tried fivrvt himy T nnnl tfcinV of his head. On using: Electric I saw by an advertisement in our xjiii ammnjab greaiesi diooq paper that Chamberlain s Colic, "7 j J 1 , " " D " o vnoiera ana iiarrcoea JKemedy mm. He says this grand medicine was hmhlv rnmmAnd is what his .country needs. All gent and gbt a' bottle at once. Ml a Knows mm u cures nver proved to be one of the very best ill j " ' meaicines we ever nad the blood, tones up the. stomach, house. It saved my little daught strengthens the nerves, puts vim, er's life. I am anxious for ever vigor and new . life into every mother to know what an excellent muscle nerve V and organ of the medicioe it is. Had known it at ,7;. ? ?rA.flin.g first 'it would have, saved me a you need it. iliVery bottle is areat daal nf Q nVl if XT nn. gnaranteed, only 50c- Sold .it lUtle daughter much' wfferine Fetzer's Drag Store. Ycur8 truly, Mrs. Geo F L rreaaachevtovvea In 20 minutes by D I "1"' L' rr &al by Snies-pai Pnxa. roDe cent a dose.- M. L. Marsh & Co., Druggist. ' ..... ' 'We have just received a lot of Stamped Linens which we are sellingsfar below their usual values. If you anticipate doing ' ' s . , " .!"' - , ' ...... any Embroidery for Christmas presents now is. a good time to start your work. "Small Doylies or squares for 1c, larger ones 2i to 10c. Table and Tray Cover, Center Pieces, Splashers and Scarfs, 15 to 25 cents. Wide hemmed with wide silk stitching as above at 5 to 50c. See Our Window Display. Embroidery Silks, wash colors, 3c-, ' " . . - . . . worth 5c. ' Embroidery Hoops 5 and 15c, Embroidery Scrim 15c yard Embroider ' Silk (not wash colors) l-2c perskein. ' , Crocket Cotton 4 and 5c. Silk 5c- Short length spools. Special in Stationery Department 200 New Novels at 10c. ' . Indelable Ink at 10c. "White Ink at 10 c . Game Boards, containing sixteen gams. $2.25 and twenty dito for S3.50. See cur 5 and 10c Departments up-stairs. Nice lot of Glass etc. in them. D: I. Bostian. 5 t l" 5 If you have anything to sell! X i i -it i X If yon are not a subscriber in 1 I The Standard 5 - f 4 you can make it known through i The Standard, i 4. u MlKlt. . ... A ... I A- ; livJ ij published every day (Sunday eso oepted) and delivered at your door for -only 10c . -per week or $5c, per month ' . .. ..,... . . . . . . . . . ..... ........ 4 X THE STAWRD prints hvrhe ja other Thews that is .- . . - . -v . . . t . -5,-J-- - 4 t t of inier'est idpur retiders and to make it grow better we must have the vai- ' ' "" l' i . L .- '" ' - ' ronage of " people. v ..... . A . . . ...... GJye us a jbrial when you make your next order for. ... Job Work! Work ready when prom iaed. 5- it j : a X I lyou wantjto buy any thine Xyou2 cancall for it through? I The Standard. I Thfe Standard made known, on applioatidn. j v. i .