Arrival of Tralno. The following change of schedule took effect. Junel2, 1899. NORTHBOUND. No. 8 arrives at 5 52 a m, " 36 " 10 00 am, 12 - 7-09 p m, 38 " u 8.51pm, (flag) 34 4 ' 9.4S p m, 6a -. 2 00 a m (lreitj t) SOUTHBOUND No. 37 arrives at 8 49 a m, (flag) M 11 " "1123 am, " 7 4 " 8.51 p m. "35 14 " 9.20 p'm, (flag) 33 4 " 7.19 h in u 61 " " " 8-49 a m,'(freight) No. 35. when running ahead of No. 7, is flagged if necessary for through travel south of I harlotte, and is stopped for passengers arriving from Lynchburg or beyond. No. 36 6tops regularly for passengers for Salisbury, High Point, Greensboro, Keidsville, Panyille and principal stations between Danyille and Washington. No: 37 stops for pas sengers coming from Lynchburg or points beyond, and to take on pas sengers for regular stopping places south of Newells. No. 38 stops to let off passengers from regular stopping places south of Newells and to take on passengers for regular stopping places, Lynchburg or beyond. Nos. 33 and 34 stop at Concord for passengers to or from the O. C. &A. DivisionCharlotte to Augusta and other points in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, reached through Columbia or Augusta. Nos. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trains and connect at Salisbury with trains of W. N. O. Division. TELEPHONE NO. 71. FOUNDED. ..1842 FOR SALE Dr. J P Gibson's residence on Main street. . every particular and would , worthily represent any State in Rev. Z Rush has returned here "the Union. As it is, their can- after spending several months didacy makes it certain that rv PnttaUghter in MontSm- North Carolina has thrown iaft erycounty. , . it.. -r;, tuw uigjiunare oi xuisseiiism, ana LOST Small- key. Finder Will hftnr.Afnrt'h Troon in tno mir) please return to Leonard Boyd. dle of the road and out of the Mr. Geo. L. Fisher is verv way of tricksters and Dolitical sick with fever. He was taken 1 charl suddenly worse .Thursday after- "uuu uut ouuu aiwrwara revived. WAKTED White boy 12 or NEW YORK MARKETS. 14 years old at Concord Bakery. It is amusing to see a wasron loaded with cotton seed strike town. The representatives of different firms are waiting and Nov. meet them before they get to a Jan. . . store. The price ranges from March. . iy to Z3 cents per bushel. bugar -r-v -rrr TO , , - W TObaCCO . jjt. w. n.waicenied, of Char lotte. N.C.. will h in Hnnporfl at St. Cloud on Friday, October n- 20th, for this one day only. His practice is limited to iiiye, , xLiar, JNose and Throat. Wheat., 7 COTTON OPENED. . . 6.86 . . 6.94 . . 7.01 142 121 ; DECEMBER. CLOSED. 6.84 6.95 4 7.01 141 119 4' . i 31i .72i......i..;72i. Reduced Bates to the State Fair. ; ' On account; of tha State Fair the Southern will sell round trif Pythians Take Notice! tip.W to Tlmo-VlTV. u 1R :1R All members of Concord Lodge 17 and 20 at rate of $5.50 and on No. 51 Knights of. Pythias are Oct. 18 and 19 at rate of $3.80 requested to meet in Castle Hall round trip. All tickets limited r "Sing Their Own Praise." The STIEFFis the PIANO to buy it has no equal for the money as you save the middleman's profits and it will last a lifetime; but we havo several bargains in other makes. We have taken in exchange for STIEFF'S two Ivers & Pond Pianos, one, tbe finest style that firm manu factures and if is almost new. If you want this make here are bargains. Pfcotf M Woof Piano-Manufacturer, bildb. M. ftUuui, Baltimore M4. Factory Branoli arerooi. ;rzt; cn'arlotte, N. C. C.H. WilmothV.Mgr. . Fine Tuning. Palace Organs. tonight at 8 o'clock promptly. WorK m nrst rank. ; C L. White, C. C. Fresh-Taffy, Fruits and Oysters AT THE Concord Bakery. Trytrar Ham Saniwiclics. Tliey are - Fine Joe. Fisher, Proprietor. ' 'PHONE 122. : returning Oct. 28rd. HOW'S THIS? One hundren Childrens' Vestee Suits. Stylish Patterns. Hand some trimmings. New and ele gant designts. Finely Tailored. Altogether Swell. Allzsizes, 3 to 8. - They are $5.00 and $6.00 suits and strictly up to date. EYou can have choice at $3.00. One hundred Vestee suits at $1,25 to $1.50. They are $2.00 and $250 suits. Two hundred Childrens' Reefer suits. Finest goods, splendidly tailored, at $2.00 to $3.00. There are plenty of $5suits them. Boys heavy, all-wool amorg reward for any caee of catarrh SUitS at $2. YOU WOn't find the that nan nrf nv nnrn hw" Hfllrfl for less than sey North Carolina's Yictory. The coming Senatorial contest in the State of North. Carolina gives some idea of the victory of which the people won in their election of one year ago. It was. a pitiable sight when that can ppjt by cured by . Hall's Catarrh Cure. . .-. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, Uhio. We; the undersigned, " have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years, ana oeiieve, mm periectly reliable in all business transac- JSwSJlSSS m. We save you 25 cents on every dollar you spend. Cannon & FetzerCo. $2.50 anywhere else. Splendid line of Men's suits jugt out any obligations made by their farm. ' West & Truax, . - ' Wholesale Druggists, ; Toledo, O. Waiding, Kinnati & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, f Toledo, O. Jl Hall's Catarrh Cure is (ken in- ti ternally, acts directly upon the If a Ivlr. Pink Misenheimer is again able to be out after his .spell of sickness. !.'." Mrs. Eugene Sloan, who has been, visiting her sister in Char J I otte, has returned home.. Dr. JW Byers, of Charlotte, spent Thursday here with his brother, Dr. Wm. Byers. Mrs. Barney Douglas, of Win ston, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W Cannon. Mr. and Mrs." Ed. Castor, who have been spending- several months here, have returned to High Point. Ninety-nine bales were at the platform today. The market is down today again. It ranges trom 7.30 to 7.40. lviayor means' street torce is greatly improving the road from the railroad to the bridge beyond the depot. Mr. Julian Smith, who has been spending;more than a week at his home in Charleston,' has returned to school at North Carolina college. " " " A negro whe beat his way from Concord on No. 36 this morning was given a chase at the , depot but he escaped. The railroad people got his hat. Salisbury . bun. n The Christian Reid 7 Book Olub will meet tomorrow after noon at 3 o'clock with Mrs. J M Odell. The Battle of the Strong and its author (Gilbert Parker) will be discussed. - Miss Lillie Ury, who for a week has been here undergoing treatment here for her eyes, re turned to Hickory Thursday mght. She will be compelled to give up her studies in school there this session. FOR S ALE House on Spring street. Apply to Mrs. M G Deaton. Trial bottles free at Fetzers Drag Attention Mothers. t - n We Have 44 doz MissesRibbed fleeced lined cot- ton Vests ;with drawers to match; sizesLfrom 13 to 34, " at 25 cents I-1 rrA on1 mnnnno onrona'nf t Vi o one of the original States of the Sold by all druggists.: Testimo- 0 Union fell a victim to a political free - ' JJ conspiracy, only equaled by the f.f fl cirpet-bag governments of 1868. A LIFE AND DEATH PfGHT T . . A Mr. W. A. Hines f Manchester, la., If In this conspiracy ignorance and writ of b-mlmo8t miraculoil8 esoape J vice pushed aside th'e virtue and fro death, says: : ."Exposura after Q mtellifirence 01 me oLate, anu weaBicn oc"ud O ' ' . I nna.l in f InTianmntinTl T hart I II Irom ine governorsnip almost xo frequent hemorrhages and coughed ft : fVJ 1 I nirrhf QTirl fiaxr All TTIV flOftrtrS Raid I I every omco liio mtjju wnu weiu "7- : c J , Imnet soon die. Then I began to use the backbone of every commu- t, Kmz'a New Discovery for Consump- -r :i 4- -mA n-nA nionn I t.ioTi. which comDleteiv curea me. x mty wuio biu-tiau nnd not be without it eren if it cost hunters took their seats. The 35.00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it unholy alliance by which a Pop- oSre Ttottf OhesM ulist and a Republican, so diver- Lunsr troubles.1' Regular size 50c and gent in views, could have beea gjjW eiecxeu to vnw umtu oiaico kjcu ate, proved that spoils was the motive power and that principle had nothing to whatever to do in the general carving of offices. It was no wonder then, that when North Carolinians, men of sub stance and intelligence and prop ertyi found how ' they had Jbeen hanch-capped and be littled in the eyes of the world, they banded them selves together to restore the North State to the proud posi tion it engaged when represented by such men as Zeb Vance and Mat Ransom " 7 ' 4 There is nqw a contest going on for the United States Senator sbip to succeed Marion Butier. In this contest are pitted such men as Hon. Julian, S Carr, Chairman F M Simmons, of the State Democratic - Committee; former Gevernor Jarvis andj former Congressman Waddell. In reading over - such a list of names as this, representing the best colonial blood of North Car olina, as well as the best man hood of the present day, one can form some idea of the great rev olution which is being made from the era of Butler and Pritchard. mi 11 bi 1 Q n Ah honeet dollar from a counter feit. So you can tell by its work the thoroughly good stoye from the imitation. 1 STOVE FOR WOOD Rings true. It cannot be counter feited. Its good qualities and perfection Vt workmanship baffle imitation n 0 ! 1 l a 0 Artistic Furniture , AT. irtW TlrltiHH 1H I J 111 BUOUUtJIV. JL1 YUU VttUk ml.m to" furnish the entire house or only buy a kitchen chair this is the place II to get it. . ALSO UNDERTAKERS. 1. t t JLa each. Call and see them. are just what; yon5 -want for the little folks- ,h Gibso n & M orrison. They Are Beauties m I Every one of them will please you. Come and see them. Affine lot of Opal Rings, w. C. CORRELL, THE JEWELEK. : ' -. - .'...."- . '" v " . . : : We are prepared to give the" people, this, winter better bargains than usual in all 4 fleavy and ' t Groceries. , ; At wholesale and retail, tt will pay you to see our Large Stock of ; V - ' Tinware, ; . rQIassware, Crockery; Shoes, ; Hats, Etc;,! before buying. For Clover. Seed, Seed Eye, and Eock Salt go to M ; G. W. Patterson's. 11 III Offers the business public a reliable, per manent. conservative and accommodaW ing banking instution. ; WesoUcit your patronage- Trith the assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage.; : If we can serve you any time we wiU ' be glad to have you come and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMKES. - - - - Capital an4 Snrplns - - $70000- ' D. B CotTBAsrB, Chashiei, J.M. Odeil. President. Mi L. Brown & BRo. ; LI VERY, FEED AND SALE; : STABLES. Just in rear of St Cloud Howl. Om nibuses meet ali passecger trains. Outfits of all idnda furnished promptly and at reasonable prices. Horses and mules always on hand or sale. Breeders of J.noroug ib re Poland Caiaa f All these men are first-class r