NO OUKi:. NO VAY , That. j. .be way all lruggiytH sell Orove. laf tclese Chill Tonic for chiDV and M lur 1 a. It is si to i)y Iron an d Quiniv. ;i u wtetesv f(vuu. Uhildreii fcoveil, A'lulU refer it to bitter, nau Jeatiut Tf iiiH Pnc. Otic. ." v He In 'all its staffs should be cleanliness. Ely's Cvz&m Balrx cleanse?, sec Ties and hc:o the diseased mcmtrr.ue. It cures catiiTli and drives .away a cold in the head quickly. Cream Balm i9 placed Into the nostrils, spreads', over the membrane and Is absorbed, teller" ia im mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying does not produce ensezing. Larce Size. 63 cents at Draz or by mail Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. JLlY BROTHERS, 66 Warren Street, New York." I AM PE EPA BED TO DO A N Y THING IN Plumbing, Steam Fitting and - Electric Wiring : I HAVE SOME NICE Bath Tubs ON HAND. 'PHOHJE 1104. E. MoNIS BICYCLES Kqpaired Promptly and Satisfac tion Guaranteed. FRESH FRUITS And Vegetables in stock at E. L. LI PES IN BRICK ROW. Winter is Coming. I ALREADY HAVE ON HAND THREE CARS OF Jellico Coal And have ten more car loads on the way. It is time for you to lay in a Miply for the. "winter, isn't it? I also haye on hand the best of antracite coal. .. J. A. C. Blackwelder, West Depot St. at Store. J'PhoneGS, i' 1 1 . ' ; , Notice to TaxPayers. The tax books for 1899 have been placed in my. hands for coUectjon and all tax-payers are requested to come forward and pay' their taxes at once. S. J . ERVIN, v City Tax Collector. ' Towa Destroyed and 4,000 People Killed by an Earthquake, Amsterdam, Oct. 12. A dis patch to the Handelsblad, from Batavia,. capital of the Netherlands Indies, Java, says v that a violent earthquake has visited the south side of the island of Ceram, next to the largest of the islands, between Borneo and Papua, completely destroying the town of Amheiand killing, it is estimated, some 4,000 peop?e, as well as injuring some 500 others. . The dispatch says that details of the disaster have not yet been obtained. Change at Niagara Fails. By a fall - of rock - which oc curred recently, . just when no body seems to know, the Horse shoe Palls has been restored to a m6e symmetrical shape V and to the form from which it derived itsh-name. ' ,This condition was discovered by an old man by the - ,i ' ' name of Pitts, who called the at tention of others to it, and all agree that the change had oc curred .in the contour of the waterfall. ! Of late years the falls Has been quite "V" shaped, destroying much of the natural tieautj by forcing a large amount of the water to flow over the centre, instead of being evenly distributed, and .' thus contribut- ing to the symmetry of the falls. However, this latest fall of rock has had, the" effect of restoring the rhorse-shoe shape to the falls arid greatly increasing Ihe beau ty Jqf its lines. 22. .Theiif all of rock will interest scientific men and others who have made a study of the falls, fola paper-on the duration of the Jails, Frpf.. " Spericer 'has,s:aid that "frbii 182 'to 1890, 275,000 OOPi'QOO square feet fell away. In 1819 thVpf ; the crest Horseshoe Fallswas - vjery f acute. 4 " . - " Will Pay Interest in Advance. 1 As a means' of rel ibving the existing money stringency and to prevent the further accumula tion of a useless Treasury sur plus, 'Assistant , Secretary Van derlip is prepared to prepay all gdvef hment interest due within the current fiscal year, which does not end until July 1, 1900. The amount that will be thus ad van ced, including that , which is already due or will come within thirty days, is $30,000,000. The government will save something by discounting its in terest payments for three-fourths of a year, but the principal gain in th transaction will be to the puDiic. , ne,money, anu it is a large sum, will be in :circulati6h instead of being uselessly tied up) in wtha,TreasuTy "vaults where it can do nobody any good, v, With a iurplusii nearly 300, 000; 000 already in the Treasury, Secrpt'ary Vanderjip is ; fully jus tified in paying the government interest in advance, and to this extent relieving the present stringency in the money market. Philadelphia Times. Chronic; Nasal Catarrh pois ons every breath that is drawn into the lungs. - There is pro curable from any druggist the remedy for the cure of this trouble. A small quantity of Ely's Cream Balm placed into the nostrils spreads over an in flamed and angry surface; reliev ing immediately the painful in flamation, cleanses, heals and cures. A cold in the head van ishes immediately. Sold by druggists or will be mailed for 50 cents by Ely Bros., 56 War ren St.. New York. LOST OR STOLEN. NOTICE is hereby given that a note for 100 dated May 1895 onJ W: Cannon has:been lost or stolen and parties are warned not to trade for same. . TC Wilson. TcoalT- 54'. r ... A NIGHT sOF TERROR. Awlnl anxiety ,was"felUfor the widow of to ; ;ire 0eherlai Bnfnliam, 'oi:3tacbis.: 'Me., wnen tJttQ r4pct6f s said be. could not UYjJl;jprning:write fi; Lincoln; " who attended ' fier that fearful night. "All thought she must soon die from '.pneu monia, but: she , .beggecMor .Dr. King's New Discoyery, saying it had more than once saved her life and hud cured her bfcon sumption. 'Atter three small doses she slept easily iill night, and its further use cpmpletc-ly cured her." rot ' . xnis T marvelous mi aiciue is fuaranteed to cure all throat, .chest, and luntr diseases. Oolv50c. ' 1 i rr m i . . i a a;ju $i.uu. J-Tini Dottles ireti at Fetzer's Drug Store. HasBmuu .200 .TONS HARD. COAL, . Also Tirgma Split and : Bird ;ETB ttlJamel Good Smith sCoah Oall andget -what you-want.ia, j IPhone 74? v ITASTEDseveral bbiqb iifp low est perrons to epire6ent ns airf Managers in thiand olose6ouhtie3.'- Salary900 a year-and expenses. -Straight; b6Ha fidfi. 110 more, no less salary, r Position perrnaneiitJ Onr referencsV iny'btialu in anjt4wnv. Ai'4rnumiyjQmoe vroric conducted at home, . Eeferenoe.'i n close 8elf-addressedl stamped enveloped Thb -Dominion Company, Dept.--3.-Ohi casro. " V; ' .- , , FOR SALEA new : Wheeler fc Wilson sewmg machine with five drawers just ,from the fac tory. Call at ths, office and get at first class' machine on easy 4l Five Efforts and no Race. . : The fifth effort to pull off the race between the Columbia and the Shamrock went up in fog on Thursday.- , rx - THAT THROBBING HEAD- lrV:;:- ;7 ACHE . ' . :f iWonld dnictlv leave von' if win uqvu it. uiuk o now Ajiie Arms. Thousands-Qf suffers have proved nervousfJachSv . Xbey Jnake jure DioQc.Raatrpng nerves and ouua up. your neaitn. niasy to tffiem: Only .W Mpiiey Back if not curtd. Sold 'it : jtr f .nirt . casx-iron. scraD. oe- o a cub. w - .-t . . fiver?a'attte;.fou.ndiyt opce, fat hioh We will i)y faience. K. . Vinmt iron wanted. , - v. n ,..; ' - alttf. Concobd Fophpbt Co. Get Dr. - nea JiQnooefSl THE AND UEAL.1NG i cttoe run CIATRARH ElfSe Gream .Balm Easy and. Pleasant -to tXQBX CATARRH lief at once. It opens s-np cleans the Nasal jrSMSCOLD i4 HEAD Heals and protects the" membrane, restores the senses of taste and smeU. LbKtSX Dttk pist or hv mail- Tri-1 0 ELY BROTHERS WaVrn KwYork Where Carter Will Serre Sentence. , Leavenworth prison, where Captahr Carter will be confined, is just feeing finished.' In a steel cell in' the big gray pile of gran ife and brick the convicted man will spend'the 1 five -years bf his sentence. Among -ms prison cbmipiniohs will ' be desperad6es from the border, moonshiners from the mountains, thieves who prey upon the cattle ranges, - Im dians and vagabond whites of the the" type who carry liquor to the reservations in their boot . legs r . . ' . , x . . - . ...... .. ' as oddly assorted a lot as ever a prison housed. New York Her ald. During tne ciyil war, as well as m our late war with Spain, diar rhoea was one of the most troublesome diseases the army had to. contend with.. In many instances it became chrome and the , old soldiers still suffer from it. Mr. David Taylor, of Wind Ridge, Greene. county, Pa., is one Tf these. He uses Chamberlain's Colic 8lerawaaf arrhoe Rwsjedy and ayseetyfcr-. found anything tbatrrworrid mve him Wetfcfc-m- WmioT sale v : Unlierslty Railroad to pay .r; The jury in the Durham court . ' ' rv j to L J Andrews who, as - admin istrator of his son C M Andrews. sued the University iilailrbad for tne kUlmg of the deceased. Though the suit was entered for a .very much larger amount both parties to the : suitm5diposd to abide by the decision of the jury ..withoutfurtheriti The Kind You Have Always Bought, aiid wliicli nas been in use for over SO years, ha$ borne tlie signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits,' Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that i trifle Htli and endanger the health of Infants and Chfldren--lisperien50 against lperinrent hit Js,,GSTORSA Castoria is a suDsiltut6 for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and" Soothing Syrupsw It is Hannless and i?leasant. It . - contains neither Opunif' Morphine nor th er Narcotic substance. - Its fiige 1 is; its jarantee. .. It destroys Worms ; and allays jFeverisniress. It cures Diarrhoo. and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency, ;v It : assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving' healthy and natural sleep. The Children's ) Panacea Tlie , Mothera Friend. ciNUIMfe CASTORIA ALWAYS Bearo the Signature of The Kind Yon Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TM CKHTAUH COMNNT, TT MUflRAV TUCCT. NEW YORK CITY. ODELL -Hi MASCFACTrRERS OFfff FINE if.- Gin hams Plaids Sheetmg, Salt Bags AND 4 Outing Cloths. DEALER IH General Merchandise country; of all lncL ! i on assniafii npj xjsi whn on buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. M T. Marsh :&,l1Sdyo money if you are not satisfied after ushig it,, It everywhere admitted to be the most success f ul remedy in nse for, tbowel com plaints and 4 the only1 one that never fails. It -ianWRimt a ' and rehable. or-fd6 Wood ah W&n.C3ell Price far csml. ' ' F We.lnyito anjinspection of all uU" goods Sill gi Ooncord N. c. oathern Vr ailway SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT JULY THE 16TH, 1899. This condensea schedule is pub fished es information, and is subject to change without notice tojthe public: x Trains leavelConcordW. C 5.52 A.. M. No 8, daily, for Eich- znona; sonnecxs, at urreensooro lor Raleigh and Goldsboro; at Goldshoro for Norfolk, at Danville for Washington and points North, at Salisbury for Afiheville, Knoiyille and points West. .719 AMNo33; th9 Ne: York and Florida Eipress, carries Pnllman Sleep ing Cars between New York and An fftuBta, New York and Tampa, Fla., and Norfolk to Charlotte. 8;i94ArM. .fe '37, daily, Wasji ington and Southwestern limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Mont gomery Mobile and New Orleans, and all -points " ' South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis Dining vcar,cvestibuled coach, between Washington and , Atlanta. v IpiOO A. HL-tNo. 36, daily, for .Wash ington, Richmond, Raleigh and all points North. Carries Pullman drawing room buffet sleeper, New Orleans to New York; Jacksonville to New YSrk: Pullman tourist cars from San Francisco via New Orleans and South ern Pacific Sundays and Wednesdays. 1 11:23 A. M.-No. 11,' daily for Atlanta and all points Soutu Solid train, Rich mond to Atlanta. 1M) r. M. No. 12, daily, for Rich mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, Raleigh, . Norfolk, and all points North. 8;51 P. M. -No 7, daily, from Rich- aiona, wanmgtoni tfoldsboro, Selma. Raleigh,. Greensboro Knoxville and Asheville to Charlotte. N. C. .J : 18: 51 pwM. No 38, dailv, Washingtrjoa and Southwestern limited, for ,Wasb ington and all points North." Thrdugn Pullman car. Memphis , to .rNew...Xoxi3; New5 Orleans ioTJew XorkrAlsb carries vestibuled obach td'dmifigcar : -A'Cldsb : connection atiChreensbororithir sleeper ; W$.9&&i (til I iAn-::A -rl-'-.r mkMAr 35.aaily( foi Atlanta and v New Orleans, carries Pullman r I now vrncaxiB, new . U - ' ft - r'rj I w ir.. 1 t f-w A3tintaiainningcar. "Afeb fc PtialaiB (UAlt4'U. TTTT.K-iji.3. ti.7?cv--'tj - iu,-vh f'ixmgwiia.oan- jcrAncr co; yia New, Prledns.n&sday .andi' Frt-; York find ibria'Spress,- carried nS man Sleeping Cars betwflflrf ; Ansrnsta ind New York. Tampa, Fla,, and New XOjrKUSd Charlotte t Richmond. Ca. Stvy wio viUWM W ' . Jh : tuifis of tiarohToj localfreigtit 'trains tsarry passenger uniy;xapoinis wneretney 6topacxMincs to Bcheuule. ' - -c ",-'-! - t - . r " Frankc S jjannoif, ' 1 Third Vice-Pres. and Oen'l. Man. " -o ,r ;.J;i..-,-.a mo ashmgtonpip. r i JohnM. Gulp, Tranio -.Manager, WashmartonI)- n. il A W A Tn-plr "Pnoa A , Washington, D. C. Gcwan Dasenbery, JLocal Agent, $ Concord. N.O i