ArrlTal of Trains, The following change of schedule took effect Jnnel2, 1S99. . NORTHBOUND. No. 8 arrives at 5 52 a m, 86 " " 10 00 a m, "12 " " 7-09 p m, 3S " 8.51 p m, (flag) 34 " " 9.45 p m. 62 " " 2 00am (irem; t) SOUTHBOUND No. 87 arrives at 8 49 a ai, (flag) 11 " " 11 23 am, M - 7 . " " 8.51 p m, 85 u 9.20 p'm, (flag) 33 7.19 a m, 61 " 8 49 a m,'(freiL"ht) No, 35. when miming ahead of No. 7, is flagged if necessary for through travel south of charlotte, and is stopped for passengers arriving from Lynchburg or beyond. No. 3G stops regularly for passensrers for Salisbury, High Point, Greensboro, lleidtviile, Danyille and principal stations between Danyille and Washington. No. 37 stops for pas sengers coming from Lynchburg or points beyond, and to take on pas sengers for regular stopping places south of Newells. No. 38 stops to let off passengers from regular stopping places south of Newells and to take on passengers for regular stopping places, Lynchburg or beyond. Nos. 33 and 34 stop at Concord for nesiroyca oy .rooi mends. , r -Sunday Selections. In the midst of the rejoicing Doubt is bom of mind; faith over v Admiral Dewey's home is the daughter of the soul, coming, and the celebration of God estimates us not by the his splendid victories' in the position we are in, but by the Philippines, there is the daily way which we fill it. Edwards, disgusting spectacle of the wordy. There is inspiration for prayer newspaper fights over the merits in the thought that' God's good and demerits of Admirals Samp-. ness is greater than our expec tations. son and Schley. If there were ever two unfor tunate men, who had fallen com pletely into the hands of fool ir lends, these - American Ad mirals are the two. .The result of th asp. rfip.rimiTia. , " . , - I above all earthly things. Tho great victory at Santiago, and instead of " celebrating that victory, as was Manila, the tire some and senseless trash of fake interviews, false dbinsrs and iin possible sayings of these two That God loves, and therefore weJove, is the essence both of theology and morality. Ram's Horn. Simplicity and purity are the two wings by which man is lifted A Kempls. A patriot uses his private in fluence for the public good; a politician uses the public influ ence for his private good. Ram's Horn. nunaren Umldrens Vestee Suits, istylisn Patterns. Hand some trimmings. New and ele gant designts. Finely Tailored . Altogether Swell. Allsizes, 3 to 8. They are $5.00 and $6.09 suits and strictly up to date. -5lTou c n have choice at $3.00. Vestee suits at ul.ou. They are $2.00 Kos. 7, ana conne W. INT. 0. Division. They who disbelieve in virtue because man has never been found perfect, might as reason ably deny the sun, because it is not always noon. Augusta I Hare. . TELEPHONE NO. 71 FOUNDED-....:-. .. . .: ....1842 ?ivision Charlotte to Augusta-and " f.f oFcFv o other points iu South Carolina, Georgia which know their falsity. , find Florida, reached through Columbia -t , , or Augusta. - These fool friends have not lttlSu merely kept Schley and Samp- son trom receiving due and fair recognition for -their services, but they have by their efforts of If you wish success in life, trying to down each other, kept make perservance your bosom both their own favorite back, friend, experience your wise and prevented anv iust reward counsellor, caution you r elder or recognition being paid the brother, andhopeyour guardian ,, , , . l.- genius. auuisuu. who assisted in defeated Cevera The Laws of Health. fleet. . - J mi - . --i ..iii' j ,,1 I J-ne true secrex oi neann ana Sampson, Schley, Clarke, , ,., vorv le The STIEFF is the PIANO to buy; Philip, Evans, Wainwright and Le1hrmfdTemVpreorau together with, the men Court the xrosh air . day and m. last a lifetime; but e havo several behind the guns who sank er-lo. -"'.'Ohif you knew what bargains in other makes. , . . - i.Vx.ji l . . We have taken in exchange for Vera 8 neeTi or sassiswu iii tuw was m tne air." STIEFF twa Iyers & Pond Pianos, fight, all deserved and would Sleep and rest abundantly. one. the finest style that firm manu- v 1 , . I - - lactnres and it is almost new. If you have been ffiven an ovation by bleep is -nature s benediction. 4.1U ,mor i 5ST Uti Ui. .5 Sing Their Own Praise." One hundred 1 ok a ; &i and $250 suits. Two hundred Childr ens' Beefer Bxms. Finest goods, sp T.S5.1 nvftn six mz i n i r.n is i 1 nia are plenty of $5suits them. Boys heavy, all-wool suits at $2. You won't find them for less than $2.50 anywhere t . v else. ....... - . , . - . Splendid line of Men's suits just We save you 25 ceirts on every dollar you spend.1 Cannon & Fetzer Co. sey ant this make here are bargains. Phnn Iff OHnnf PIno Mnnnfacturer, Uiiaa. ill. kJLlUUl, - Baltimore Md.j Pnntn-iiTT "Dtinnnh WnTinnnnTn So, 213 IT. labiuij Diauuu naiDiuuiu, Tryon st Ch'arloUe, N. C , ' C. H. WilmotH; Mgr. Fine Tuning. Palace Organs. the American people, except for "Work like a man; but don't be the fool friends of the two a'dmi- worked to death.' raig Avoid passion and excitement. Aiti a hardfihit) has 'been - Associate with healthy people. done all the men, officers and health is contagious aSjweU as a y Jno. "L Miller -spent morning in Salisbury. crews, for not being given due credit for their magnificent be havior at Santiago, all on ac this count of mischievous bickerings f ana attempts to noist ocniey I - Mrs. J D Arnold has gone to over sampson, or Sampson over MCal Times. Kaleigh to visit her relatives. Schley. : - ' ' " disease. Don't carry the whole world on your shoulders, far less the universe. Trust the Eternal. Never despair. '. "Lost hope is a fatal disease." Chicago Med- J! y w 0 Q Q q 1G1IB!I An honest dollar from a counter- 8 f eit. So you can tell by its work jj the thoronghtly good stove from the imitation. I '8 m Reduced Rates to the State Pair. v One hundred and eleven It is a splendid illustration of anr mint nf th a State Pair bales at the platform yesterday, being in the hands of fool the Southern will sell round trip FOR SALE House onSpring friends, and the bad results of tickets to Raleigh Oct. 14, 15, 16, y feited. Its gVod qualities and perfekoii of reet. Apply to Mrs. M G such a position --New Bern 17and 20 atrate of $550 and on B' V .31. c,;; : UCt. 10 anu v au raio ui vO'Ouiu fcunv -i win imitwiw i'i n'i'.i..i. ir i j -3 1 1? ' ' . i - - ...... rouna trip, aii ticKess iimiLu returning Oct. 23rd. FOR WOOD Bings true. It cannot be counter- WOrtt.manau.ip UttUlO XLUXbaiauu. street Deaton. Journal. srone Miss Ola Hamilton has to Matthews where she will teach a class in music. . . 1 ' x nl i- T$ won rn M 1. fk.. ' At lOW Prices IS OUr Hpeuittifcjf. Jfwu wuS B - to furnish the entire house or only buy a kitchen chair this is the place NO CURE. NO PAX to get it. 0 ?! Tht ia the way all drueffista sell TmIasa Hhill Tonic for chills Rev. Cordell. of Mt. Pleasant. Un r! MfcUriA- It ia simolv Iron and will mpRp.h at. TT!r-mT-Hi ViivVi Qnimna in a tasteless form. f Children r i -J r v vu vixjlux I "V . . . . . nau- Mrs. D J Bostain has gone to ' Durham to visit her brother, Mr. RB Boone. Superintendent Morris had ten colored persons standing exam ination today. Miss Mary Query, of Harris burg, arrived here Friday night to visit at Mr. E C Earnhardt's. Attention . Mothers. . - . We have 44 doz. Misses.Ribbed 'fleeced lined cot- FOR SALE -Dr. J P Gibson's residence on Main street Who can beat Mr. J M Moore IsjoyMnowAertliefactthathis ton Vests with drawers to mateh; JJJlg eighteenmonths old nog tippea ; sizes f rom 13 to 3 at 25 cents the scales at 290 pounds. . . ' leach. Call and see them. They All Innris nf music for sale at ALSO UNDERTAKERS. Ro. w w m,xt0 .n ., special mscount oy miss, v.-, r - - . Lower Ston Ufnv ohwoh . V, ! v- kittle folks. tiriii n0rtv, r' Aiso nearly- new xaaies viea 1 H I o will preach tomorrow morning 1 n tne JKeiormea church here. Rev. Jas. H Lippard will fill the pulpit at the First Presby terian church tomorrow in the absence of the pastor, Rev. W C Alexander. Dr. W. H. Wakefiled, of Char lotte, N. C, will be in Concord oa ?1, Cloudoii Friday, October Oth, for this one day only. His practice is limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. . The Cabarrus and Mecklen burg Baptist Association, which has adjourned its meeting in Mecklenburg county, will meet m Charlotte next year on the tirst Wednesday after the fifth Sunday in August. LOST Small key. Finder yi&u return to Leonard Boyd. cent wheel, cheiap. Miss Elsie Morrison,, of Pio neer Mills, and. Misses Kate Mor rison and Alice Sims have gone to Raleigh to attend the State Fair. They stopped in Durham a few days to visit at Mr. Tom Fetzer's. .,:'J Fresh Taffy, Fruits and Oysters AT THE Try our Ham Saniwiches. They are Fine Joe Fisher, Proprietor. - 'PHONE 122. i We are prepared to give the people this - winter better bargains than usual in all Gibson & Morrison, of , r lnleavy aoa Fancy j! At wholesale and retail. It will pay you to see our Large Stock of t Tinware, They Are iiAcl LJCCIU LlyO Every one of them will please you. Come and see them. A fine lot of Opal Rings. W. C. CORRELL, THE JEWELEK. "Glassware, Crockery, Shoes, -. ' ' ; '- .Hats, Etc., before buying. For Cloy er Seed, Seed Rye, and Rock Salt go to G. W. Patterson's. a 1 Offero the business publio a reliable, per manent, conseryative and accommodai- . . . . . ' We solicit your patrcnago with the assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. If we can serve you any time we witt be glad to haye you come and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS . TO CUSTOMERS. - - - - - - Capital aad Surplus - - $70 OBD. D. B CoLTRAine, Uhashier, . . J. M. OdetIi. Wesident. M. L. Brown & BRo. ; LIVERY. FEED AND SALE STABLES, Jnst in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Om nibuses meet all "passenger trains. Outfits of all inds furnished promptly and at reasonable prices. Horses and mules always on hand or sale. Breeder of i-norougabro Poland China Ansa.

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