I." I! A MOTHER TELLS HOW SHE SAVED DAUGHTERS LIFE. I a the mother of eight child- ren anJ have had a great deal of experience with medicines. Last summer my little daughter had the dysentery m its worst form. "We tbocujht she would die., I tried evVry.bintf I ebuld think of. I saw b v "a'a advertisement in bur paper that , Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ad Diarrhoea Remedy was highly recom mended . and ijent and got a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the very ;best medicines we ever had in the house. It saved my little d'aught er's life. I am HDXious for every mother to know- what an excellent medicine it is. Had known it at first 4t : would have saved me. a great dal of anxietv and my little dn lighter thneh iroffering. Ycurs truy,i BJra. -Geo. F. -Bur-. - dink, Li bertjrK.- L For Sale by 21. L. Marsh & Co., Druggist. I 11 1 . .' : r - - I . THE, IS' Jy's Cream - Balm Eaiy and Pleasant to use. Contains no in jurious Drug. Is quick ly absorved. Gives ,re ief at once. . It opens nd cleans the Nasal Passages. Allays , In COLD'nHEA namauon. Heals and protects the membrane, restores the senses of taste and smell. Large size 50c at Drug jdst or by mail; Trial size 10c by mail. ,ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warin Street. New York Winter is Comingo I ALREADY HAVE ; ON HAND THREE CARS OF JeHlico Coal v And bare ten m ore car loads on the way. It is time for you to lay in a nupply for the winter, isn't it? I also haye on hand the best of antracite coal. M A. C. Black welder, West Depot St. at Store SThone 68. ? K. L. Craven Has BoiM 800 TONS JEUCO COAL. 200 TONS HARD ; COALr , Also Virgina Splitand Bird Bib Camiel CoaL Best steal .coal at line mices. Good Smith Coal. Call and get what you want. 'Phone 74. BICYCLES Repaired Promptlyand Satisfac tion' Guaranteed- r i ( BR E S H F R U j T S And Vegetables, in ftock atU- E. L. LIPES IN BRICK ROWr I AM JRREPAREI) TO DO AN Y : ; r THING -IN 4 ' Plumbinov; ; Steam Fitting ' ' and ' - ElectricWiring. ' ;! I HAVE SOME NICE ; ON HAND. raoiirc 104. ElMNISH. Notice to Tax-Payers. ; The tax" books for 1899 have been placed in- my hands for collection and all tax-payers are requested .to come forward and pay their taxes at once. S. J. Ervin, i City .Tax Collector. LOST OR STOLEN. - j NOTICE is hereby given that n. otA for 100 dated : May 1895 t w P,nnnon has been lost or stolen and parties are warned not to trade for same. .. - t C Wilson. un i irt mill CTRAR H i MIS tr5w V. y wt 1 GOAL A NIGHT OF TERRO R. I iCAwf nl anxiety was felt for the widow of tne braye General Burnha'ra, of Machis, Me., when tbe doctors said she could not liye till morning," writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. "All ' thought she must soon die "from pneu 'inonia, but . she begged for Dr. King's New Di8Covry, saying it had more than onoe ; saved her lif e ; in;d - had . eu ted her 'of con suinptionl .After th ree small doses &fie slept easily all night,- and its further use coinpletelyoured her" ;Tbiavi marvelous ;ravdicihe; - is Kuaned:tOi:Cnre t' alithrqat, chest an d , long' diseases Only ,50c; and'$i;00. Triabotjilea frat -Fetzer's Drug Stored : : 1? iTHAT THROBBING yHEAJE ACHE - . Would quickly leave vou if ,vou tisedrPr. King's New Life Pill .Thousands of. suffers have Droved their matcnjee8w merit for sick and nfjrvons f neaaaonQS. . -lney nxaKQ phre: blood jm&strong1 nerves and build up your, health; Easy to, fake. Try them. Only :25c; Honey back if not cured. Sold at Fetzer s irng "tore, : , By.Tirtiie.of authority rested -in me DjrB'Dfeefli'in-Triist or Mortgage, exe cated bv Ji'it' Bmith and wife. Marv Jnmitbi on the 9th day of December, ioo Tyuicntju.origage or jjoea -m ;itusi is jfolyrpGCxrded in Register's oflSce for Cabarrtis county, N. C, in Book No. 3. and 5-59, I will sell at public auction at the court house door in Con cord, N. C.,:on the 28th day of Octoher, 1899, to the 'highest bidder, for cash: Said J. A. Smith's "entire interest m his father 's : real . estate located in No. 9 township, being by: will one-ninth of Matthias Smith, deceased, entire real estate, supposed to be a bent one hundred acres. (Since tbe execution of this mortgage the interest of John A, Smith has been set apart by metes and bounds and is known as lot No. 5) and is bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone by a dogwood and corner of lot No. 4 and runsS. 87 1-2, E. 41 po. to a stone and white rock, Hearns corner, then with his line S. 20, W. 162 po. to a stone on the south edge of the great road, Hearns corner, then with the road 8 follows: 1st N. 53, W. 27 po. to a Btonein the road, then 2nd N. 31. W. 53 po. to a stone on the south edge of the road by a P. O., Widenhouse's old corner, then 3rd line on road N. 30. W. 1 24 po. to a small white oak on the north edge of the road, then a dividing line, N. 52 1-2, E. 106 po. to the beginning, containing 56 acres, more or less. Title to said property is supposed to be good, but the purchaser takes such title as I am authorized to convey nn- oer aia m ongage. tTOithdayfseptia: E. Bost, Trustee. Prevention ' ; better than cure. Tutt's Liver pflla tsrflliibt only ur llDut if caken iini v time Trill prevent 4 j2psia, biliousness, malaria, constipation, jaundice; torpid liver an4 kindred diseases; TUTTO Liver PILLS - ACCOLUTELY CURE.- ' 10 JUOTAO GOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRCCE 50cts Paris Medicine Co.. 8t. Loula. - Gentlemen: We sold last Tear. m QKOVK'8 TASTELESS CIIItL TONIC and hare bought three ktoss already this year. In all or ex DOrience of 14 years. In tha rtnm hndn... aeTor sold an article that gave such universal s&ila I facUua ua your TouJc yours truly, ! ABSB.CAaa &O0i A Splendid Tragedy. A Knoxville dispatch of the 1 Hth PivfiS' an account Oi a tragedy that is a genuine, , pleas ure to. read on view of its sequel. It reads as follows: . , . Masked robbers entered the bank at Sevierville this mornm and attempted to rob ' the - vault; trKei:er were three men n the gang, ail.oi y thenr haying ,, gone from this cHy during the nigh t. The president, WiniamjJcMahon, threw his loose' money'iritqrthe. fe and seized at gun. v His first sliqijriifed- rob bers, 'Ge6f Thurman ' 6itizeiis hearing tK BtiooUng' arrived at xrxe panK, X ne assistam; casnier, tfbW:Marshaii, rushefl out at a side jiqpr and shot two of the btife bfTierobbers, yi&s aarrestel ja?f ter bem:w6undei: , Wiir D&a milfi. -hursued bvfc a rjeset On . 4 t r'4 : t),emgsurrounaeo. oy jne nieiJU ij nea inro a Darn, . wnere. ; ne, gobj mitted suicide by. shootinhnnci self in' the head; v . The 'affair iia caused reat excitement. rSeieF-'i vilie is" about 40 miles froin this 'city,: , ": Chronic Nasal Catarrh :'. pois ons every breath that is drawn -a , 1 1 t mi' into ine lungs. nere is pro curable from any -druggist tte remedy : .for tha cure-.i-pf this trouble; . A small ; quantity Apf Ely's Cream Balm placed into the nostrils spreads over an in flamed and angry surf ace, reliev ing immediately the painful in flamation, cleanses! . heals and cures. . A cold in.the headvan ishes immediately. Sq1(T by druggists or' will be mailed ' f or 50 cents by Ely Bros:, 56 WarV ren St.. New York. , O'J v Some Fighting in the Philippines. A Manila dispatch of the 14th says sharp fighting occurred Friday. Schan operating About Imus lost three men billed and two wounded. The enemy loss is estimated at 200 killed and double that number wbuiided, beside the loss of stores. The transport Tacoma arrived with 191 horses in good con dition. Nine of 'the 200 were lost. -During tne ciyil war, as well as in onr late war with Spain, diar rhoea ., was . one of .the most troublesome diseases the army had to contend with, in many iDBtanceB it became chronic and tbe old soldiers still suffer, from it Mr. rXaTid aylpr, qt Wind Ridge Greene connty, Pa.; is qne of these.- He nsea Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ' and Biarrhoea Kemedy ahd Bays'h iic'imd anything that -would giy'biiQ suoh quick reliefs It isfoxsale by M.X. Marsh k Cq.. Druggist The; crooks are- invRa ahead of me. , Two bold fbb- wnws wjia doow won.n:aDom l(XX) ,ws a, fc6tarter las;t t Friday nightTliese etchesOwrill lrq duce no little discomf or f till tho f 2iir Is" jbvero TMifai Vshould replenish our penitentiary force. . FORSALE ,A -new Wheeler &. Wilson f sewing machine with five drawers. iust from Ithe 'fac tor ) Callat.tliis.omc-atiCget at; first .class 5 machine n easy terms.-:.tv,-i ;v tc';Ki f tt. WANTED buy -100,000 ponnas 01 01a cast-iron 'scrap, de livered at the foundry ' at once, for which; we will pay a fair prices', burn t iron wanted. ' u.i-tJ? k i al6tf, Concord Foundry Co. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 1 Having been duly qualified as admin istrator of the estate of John Martin Dry,deceased, I hereby give notice that all persons indebted to said estate must present the same for payment on or be fore Oct. 16, 1900 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. wit. a. ury, Administrator. Oct. 16, 1899. The Kind You HoTOAlways in use tot ov&r 00 years, and I flonal : m"r, r wtiiOTT All Cunterfeitsl Tnillatio periments ithat Jgcifle rtth and endanger f he health of Infants and Children---arperienee against )Bxperimen i Castoria is a sxibstlttitefbr Castor Oi!,. Paregoric, Drops and Soothing 6jxp It is Harmless and peasant- It contains neither Opinxn, Mohine vnoT' otlver Narcotic ; substanoo, Ite Gjro is its guarantee "tt detaro Wbrms and allays Fercrishiress It cns Diarrhos and Wind l policy 1 reheres Tocthlng' bnbleSy Cwes Constipations 1 and , natulency similaes tho Food, regulates tbe Stomaeh and Borrels; giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's PaLaoeaTbO Mother'af JMend v : - 3 ccnuiwQ The Kid You HaYe Always Bought In Use Ftfr Oyer SO YeafsJ THI OCftTAUIt OOHHHV, TT MURIUV TfCT. MKW VORK CITV. ' ODELL .m iiFicTOuiub n -M-fMAM UFA CTUUEIW OF FINE . . - ' ams, t3 4 i-4 alt Bags ' V..-V 4 r -. ; ' ' I ,j -f. ' --DlSALEa d- i General ise .!. ? i . . BXJt'EKiO PRODUCE of all kind. 4-. V -f our-f pot Wood aiays Wanted,OBes t , o We inyite anjinspection of all the'gooda f . weamanufacture . . , . 11 MaaBfetea Gingli Plaids Outing Merchaiid 1 ":; 7Trrr.T: COUNTRY ioncord N. c. 3oua:lit, and which has been haf borne the. signature of has - been made under his per- supervision since its infancy,. no one, w receive you jjx lixus and Substitutes are but Ex AI.VAYS 3 outhern ailway SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT JUL Y THE 16TH. 1899. This condensea schedule is pub lished as information, and is subject to change without notice to the public: Trains leave concord N. C 5.52 A. M. No 8, daily, for-Eich-mond; connects at Greensboro for Baleih and Goldsboro; at Qoldsboro and points North, at Salisbury for Aaheville, Knoxyille and points West. ; 7. 19 A. M No. 83, ths Newjoirk and Jf londa jsxpress, carries ruiiman bleep ing Gars between New York and A a gusta, New York and Tampa. Fla.. and Norfolk to Charlotte. : 8,49 A. M. . V No. 37, daily, Waaji ington and , Southwestern limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Mod V gomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all i points . South and Southwest. xurougu r unman aieeper jNew lorx to New Orleans and New York to Memphis Dinini: car, vestibuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta. 10:00 ArM.Nb. 86, daily, for Wash ington, f Richmond, Raleigh and ' all points North Carries Pullman drawing room buffet aieeper,'; New Orleans to ion: ' jruuman tourist cars from ban Francisco via New Orleans and South ern Pacific Sundays and Wednesdays ' ' -lii23 A. M.No. 11. daily, for Atlanta and all points Sontu . Solid train, Bicn caond to Atlanta. ; , ., , ? 7K MNo. 12, daily -for Bicb mond. Asheville, Chattanooga, Baleigh, Norfolk, and all points North. 8;51 P. M. -No 7.- daHr. 1 from ' aiond, Washington, Goldsboro, S xuueign, ureenaDcro Jinoxviile Aaheville to Charlotte, N; 0. a 8: 51 P. M. No 38. dailv. Waal and Southwestern limited, for - Wa ingtonahd all bomtsNbrth' - Thmn Pullman car, Memphis 1 to New Yorfcf jew vrieans 10 ew xort. Also carries vestibuled coach and dining car. Cloea connection at Greensboro with ' ' sleerw for Norfolk. , . r ; J . 9.20 P. M. No. 85. daily, foi Atlanta and ' New 'Orleans, carries Pullman geeper New York to New Orleans. New Atlanta; drnmng car. Also Pulbnan tourist ?car iWashingfbn to San Francis co, via New, prleans Tuesday, and Frtr days.'; v' f ' v8 r- '-' York and Florida Express, carries Pull man Sleeping Carsf between Augusta R sh3 and York and Charlotte to Richmond. Ca:7 nes sleeperaGharlotte- to Norfolk via jGreensboro, t sfectiouffof regular 'through or local freight' trains . cany 'passengers only to points where they stop according to schedule. . ; y. & . ' Frank.SrGannon, ' ' : V Third Vice-Pres. and Gen'l. Man. "Washington, D. C. J ohn M. Culp, Traffic Manager, Washington, Dt .Ci --W. A. Turk, Gen'l. Pass. Agent, Washington D. O. Gowan Daseubery, Local Agent, Concord. N.Q;