'V v ' -... v. - ,,. ' DAILY STANDARD JOHN D. BARRIER and SON; jailors anu jrroprieiors. v -m t-A . . . " . .t tpi i : ij ' Jt". m, 1HE STANDARD is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by ries. Hates of Subscription : Qu? year ....... .'. . . .$4.00 ais mojjthB. .. 2 00 Tfan months'. ..... . . . . 1.00 One month. ... . . , . .35 SingU copy. ........... .05 THE WEEKLY ST AND ABD is a our-page, eight-column paper.'- It has 1Q larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other;paper. Price $1.00 per annum in advance. Advertising Rates : Terms for regular, advertisements nade kuosn on" application. .;? ' Address all communications' to THE STANDARD, . Concord. N. C. .... . ' . - - h '. t Concord, N. C; Oct. 17. Thi: Standard eztends most grateful acowled to Miss I SifJoer for :a pcimen of Alleghany1 County apples. This otiO weights one pound and one ounce and measured around luc -ds. we are uroua. ox lxio gift and'.bu2i:6dfr'a: culture in the uidNfgtate. , Jhr. A. P. Page Dead. Raleigh dispatch of the 16th says: "Mr. Allison Francis Page', "the Moore county , lumber king," die today, after being unconscious, for ' about two weeks,- Mr. Page was born'.' in Wake county,' N. C. , in August 1824,' and was therefore in his 76th year. He was first engaged in rthe lumber business Con ;a large scale in the early1 70's, and in ici87 projected the 'Aberdeen & West End Railroad, now-the Aberdeen & Asheboro Railroad. "For a long time it was the best paying piece of railroad property in the United States. Soiiie years ago he withdrew from it, and it has since been i .3 3 1 J3 3 v his sons. He was one of the - r . , . . .. founders of the Commerciar and . Farmers' Bank of Raleigh, and built the Academy of Music and the Park Hotel, two of the larg est and most costly structures m this fcity.- - He had many friends and no enemies, and his death will be widely deplored.. One.. of - his last acts was to giveS5l000 to the Methodist Orphanage, which is Deici erectea m JKaieien. lvir. : Page leaves eight children. . mi - Worthy Snccessi ; - A fevT years ; ago; when our neighbor townt nston was so stricken by. fire, tfie. office of . the Free Press., was destroyed. In order to start his paper on a : good footing again Editor W S -ner oerL naa 10 nave some assis tance, and to secure this a stock rag-taken by 'business men' of " tbo town, xie weni earnesuy to that the . xck company was no longer in existence, he having control and ownership of the pa per The Reflector rejoices irith the Free.. Prjelss: in,its '; feuc cess. Editor HerberVrfcHl-de Ber ves all the prosperity wltft" which he lias; met: -Greenville Reflector. . .;t - : erties "Remc nrompt ana permanent f?rireff the neor1 everywhere'. For satb taken Up - all of the outstanding stock' and 'being ..again " in , entire Tno BOothiDcanCtMalui jir U1 - ytA.H-vP9Kft a v. its : , p'easant tasto and by M. Mareh & Co., Druggists Forest Hill Personals. Written for The Standard. Miss Kitty Jenkins, of Greens boro, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E J Bangle, on North . Main street. Mf: Cornelius Howard, of u Montgomery county, came up yesterday 'evening to spend a days with his brother, J W. Hbwf ard. Mr. Geo. Fisher, who has been right sick with fever we are glad to know is improving. Patrick H OCbhner,;,; an Irish man, is splicing the , large rope that is to.run the large new mill. He tiek a Dewey knof 'which " he learnea 'Wnue. a saiior. jcie wiu make this his home'.;, ': ' Miss Lee Troy, of "Durham,, is visiting her brother, Mr. C T mm m mm - . Didn't Hit the Locust. Some of the boys at the graded school f were, having ' their, fun monaay KnocKing locusis irom a tree, but some boy missed his ark with a good-sized; stone fjyd he hit something larger and parder than a locust. The stone came in contact with ; Willie Pitts' headleavihg a lible in the scalp, but d&n't hurt him badly To Institute ft K. of P. Lodge. ; r.Tge'; yih&ns of dharldtte, Concord, " Salisbury Lexington Troy59.nd Norwood have 'repre'; fedieTsrio te instituted tfrer'to- "niH ofVover wentJy 'memoerk. place f 1 Robt. Benson, Jnor ppr- fen7Chal;f White; B E Harris, and- Wade Barrier. ; ": Fortj:SeTen Bales Here at Daylight. ; Mr. JOe Barrett, of Matthews, spent Monday ; night -.here.: f ife came to sell forty-seven : bales of cotton.. The wagons . spent .the night about four miles below here but about daylight . tha "roar.pj eleven wagons was heard. Mr. Barrett almost, always "sells his cotton at . Charlotte but found that; our '.market was; better, and this trip will ' very probably be me minaiory one xo nis coming here. . ,-rr : '; Ah Afternoon Marriage. at Mrs. Holdenjs.on . East Depot streeii miss j? lora teenier, oi bina Gfpye,vand:MrvA ;G Mel chor, of Mooresville, were mar- China Grove, and Rev. Paul Bar ringer, of - Mt; . Pleasant, ;per- forme the -marriage rites, Af JerH;the j ceremony - the ; newly wedded- : couple . left .... for the groom's;,, honie at- Mooresvu Miss ,Sechler v has occasional visiiea mrs, noiaen nere ana is kilSwii -by niimlof 'ourpecv In Superior Court. . . : j-Te tollowing peases; were dis posed pf in themornirig session lofxourti State vs. Neal Cowen affrav. Plea. n8t guilty; rVertguil J udgement suspended on pay ment of cost. State vs. Geo. Furr assault With deadly weapon. Verdict guilty. Judgement suspended on payment of cost ; v! ij. Statftoaviillaokwelderl tWe(Mfbyrmilln mntbst ji'iiA4..'T! ii8i simpiyr iron 'iaiid vtuninoin a-tastfilflRa fnrw ..nktu ' jot. lUTAdalti relff iFto bltteW ins Liu n ; . is the4 strongest Natural Lithia water on. the market and has the endorsement of the most noted physicians of the country as to its - superiority over all others. Read what ? the noted Dr. John Hey Williams, of Ashe- ville, has to say ' for Harris Lithia, springs. " Asbeville, '$t?&2 April 24, 1893. An extended cl inical use' of Har ris Eithia Water prompts-' me to the; statemertt that I regard it as one of the best if not thexbestj Lithia Water known, to : th 1 pro-f f essibn. 4 r In 4 the! 'p&iditipnj J.of Phosphatic 1 Ur irieitsrcrtion11! marvellous. Itsuseinf theRheu matic and County Diseases afford me more comfort than either the junaio or jonaonaerry ivyjitexsi i Very' trulv": vbUrsV: JOHN HEY WILIIAM& W D. ; We gu arantee, that one glass of Harris" Lithi rbonal8dt water will 'relieve' any cse of 4indiges tion In one mnlute or our agent is; authorized' to, refund .yone money;' or if ttakeri': ,areacli meat wiu cure tnp, moss sxuooorn case of indigestion ,Why snip Br wnen you nave wieguaraoieer xuu ubbuuio uu riBf wueu tub buy Chamberlain Marshy Co. wjU; ref und'rfour I tit tftf Wfiln cr Tf . a ovawnrkorA plaibts, tland-th- only ' one "mi anq reliable, -v Reduced Rates to the State Fair; -;.. . On accountTof ' the StaW Fair the Southern will sell round trip tickets to Raleigh, 0Gtv14i 15, 16, 17;and .20 at rate of $5; 50. and on Oct, 18 anil .19- at rate of $3.80 round trip." - All tickets limited Reduced Rates. , On account Foot-Ball Game University NXC. vs. Davidson College, Charlotte, N. C. Tick ets on sale Qct. 21st; limited OcC 23rd at rate, 0 85 rr.cents rround - On account Laying Corner Stone Ebenezer Baptist. .Chiirchj Sings Mountain,. N. C. Tickets Qii' sale Oct. 27 , and 28; limited Pcfc Oth-at: Ta$2.75 roiiiid thOm account Educational r and MissioinaryCoent Befne, N. C. Tickets on"'feaiy Oct. 14, 15 and16; . limited - Oct. 24th at;ratetl?d0un i THE APPETIISF A5 GOA$it; ' V Is envied-bjarh-ody6e Ktfdse Stomaob'andtliiVBrxiare nut of $r4r. All such should knoV tat Dr. tptqaob aUdrJEiirer i Sem'i gii-tesr lealtli and' eat JencrRyi7 Only 2?-at vember 6th, . 1899, at 12 o'clocjc IX. to following . trt of.Iarirf in (No. J corner and runs wit hudrew lin8.6i E 35poles to white baVin the lane Ihen b ii, JS. 4 poie v alackjaejynhfti then S: 46. EO'pbJekifcHtaT Phillips corner, iheji wita'Philllba JN. 14, Jbi. 35 Doles JtO hifikflrYi ' PhflIK corner, therfth PMUpstjniKing iisV her then N,$ potofedlckor oil Ran's line, f gan with it N.. 1, 59 polea to a st&& by an old toad, &T6t gjn. nernK. f0, JF$ l?5rpatsiB Moran'i wil Harn lihe to SS Andrew's oorithea- wniAtxarew of a gladetb 3, E.'50 pofei tb&af : lit pursuaaoejpf ndMfe&i deif 5f: f iS i i4vJl l& Silil'W' caseof J O Qaerv et. ali-ex parted "tfie: ' -H'f: v n?leraiRnednU etpoBe-iitthtlla1 ?i 7 ' Taf:uiPu ZJ&SJt ?'- y at tbe conrt house door in the .town of r f . cash, hatocSLpiirableri3 tnatla afS date. .fmef eir4 ISS money lpmihiU,, THE RACKET STORE! We have just received a. lot of Stamped Linens which e are selling far below their usual values. If you anticipate doing any Embroidery for Christmas presents now is a good time to start your work. Small "Doylies or squares for . lc, larger ones 2 to 10c. Table and Tray Cover, Center Pieces, Splashers and Scarfs, ltaSSgeeitf;;: ;, 'J.;.;' : ' Wide hemmed 'With wide silk stitching as above at 5 to 50c. v Embroidery Silks, f ' wasli colors, 3c, r - ( lit Embroidery Soops5 addlSc, Embroider Silk? r a; TDe .t Groik0t Ootton 4 and '5c. Silk 5c- Short m '. i' r - 20(KeTTSvels Wite.Iiik at 10q; Juaaej r . . : - amrBpard.oontsLLning: sixteen-gams, $;owana x wenxy cuxo cur 5. and 10c Departments up-stairs. i - Nice lot of Glass etc. in them. 15 It - X Tf voti are hot a subsofibr to i ... . ... . r. : . . t The Standard 5 -VI Iff?,. irtff ' !??aryon 4 t Job - , . " ... : t , (not waslr coIots) 1-2c - at IQo. . . ior $3.ou. DS Bibstlan. 4 1 r 4 t -ju r- r - n;nift'n vij& 2 HI ate i f. 4 t 4wj. wiiou prosusea k , The.5tahdaS l wuwbu at ouo&iey, Atiys V

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