on Oil iiM- v.1.-: THE SEW MILL STARTS. Dedicated With Religious Services Important Transactions Tuesday Night--? Concord's Mill ' StatisticsKo Saloons The Mill Will Hum Thursday. Seeded for Prosperity, - I Very ; imporfent movement I By 'phone message from Capt. have been transpiring "with re J M Odell Tuesday, The Stands g ta t Lippards andSealy nrd representative was invited mill., , Mr. Shealey, has . sold his to see the steam " turned; on the stock to Messrs. P.Xi Saunders, No. 5 weave mill at Forest' Hill D I Ji & Sherrill and B A Miller. The scene was witnessed by a 'A meeting of thb' stockholders goodly number of invitedgues When all. things were, ready night. At this meeting Mr. J C Rev. J D Arnold complying with Lippard resigned ' We office' of at nniTs rpniifist stenned for- secretary and ; treasurer, fn This ward and standing on the base of oirtnl of the shaft - on which the gigantic drivtogW CBouston resigned hisnem wheel rests invoked Heaven's bership of this board to make blessing on the industry about to room for Mr. J B Sherrill to be be inaugurated. " The prayer, come secretary ; and treasurer, conceived of the immense bless- j which immediately followed. r L - - 4-' TVia nrcran W.ni.i nn tin w stands. mg oi muusLiiai uovwiupiiioiiu consecrated- to "the happiness aud well-being of man, and the glory of God and acknowledged ; the dependence of man on Divine care and furtherance of i prises. The oraver closed with the apostolic benediction when Capt. Odell stepped forward and turned the throttle wheel when without creak or jar the ponderous en gine moved with grace and ap: parent conciousness of its im mense power. The expression nf nlp.a.sn rp. and admiratirvn was on every face and a - iaudable pride was pa inly depicted on the machinists vhose mechanical culture enabled them to com mand the movements of this giant as their will-power gives dextrous movement to the hand. The driving wheel to this en gine is .unlike many in that it has eight grooves and carries as many two-inch ropes instead of a single belt. Upon our solicitation as to the cotton mills at Forest Hill and in the town the Captain handed us the following statistics: Odell Mfg. Co. started in 1878 with 1,000 spindles, no looms. It now has running 30,000 spindles and 1,330-looms.y The hew mill is now completed and will con tain 520 looms, making in all, 30,000 spindles and 1,850 looms. Cannon Mfg: Co. v has 17,000 spindles l and 540 looms. The new mill there will add 6, 000 spilt dies and 300 looms,making 23,000 spindles and 840 looms. ' Cabarrus - cotton onills have . 4,500 spindles and 320 looms. Lippard & Shealey -Mfg. Co. have 2,000 spihdles. ' r " Coleman Mfg.. Co. has 7.000 spmaies and 150 looms. f The Bala mills have 3,000, spin- dles,making inall 69,500 spindles f and 3,1601ooms. . ' . , -. .,. , For fifteen years we have had no liquor saloons and -our pros- oeen accelerating and our shools are buUding up all the while with not a penny from that , source. Who savs hnr ronmc ' are needed in a town? I)r. Flowe Loses a Horse. I S; Mr.-W DGillon wasbringnig a sick norse belongriner to "Hr Flowe to town today to be put under e treatment of Dr. Grif fin. When Mr. Gillon got on church street just back of Mr. W G Mean's the horse suddenly fell and died instantly. It was a aiuauie anal Of Six var nl and is a vo.nu..- . CONCORD, N; LIPPABDS &. SHE ALY MILL. officer is .necessarily member j of 'the loara 'of !rect6rsr. DrV d - - Dr. Burley son, Pres.' ; J B; Sher- riU,; Secretary; and Treasurer; who with the following form the airecxors, viz.: j v.iippciiu, xv, x Lippard and Geo. B Hiss. Mr. P L Saunders was em- ployed as superintendent, and it lis proposed to start the t mill Thursday. It is entirely probable that, the charter will be amended at an early day,- making the -name of this mill the "Lippard Yarn MilL,r' - - ' :':'J'-' Other Superior Court Proceedings. The following other cases have be.n disposed of: , jState vs. Foreman for shoot ing Black Defendant submitted. The court adjudged that Black pay all costs in this and the case of the State vs. Black and Fore man for affray in the latter case Black submitted and Foreman was accquitted. State vs. Bill Taylor (colored) for assault with deadly weapon. Judgement was. suspended on payment of costs. State vs. Jno A Gline4?of For: Hill on charge of selling; intox icating liquors (in the form of cider) . Verdict was, not guilty. State vs. Mac. Boger iot shoot ing Jesse Kobntz defendant submitted and was given six month on chain gang. 'State vs. 3" W Wagner, retail ing without license. He sub mitted and the judgement to be suspended on payment: of the costs. A ? , ' , , .- " State vs. "John Granger, as sault with deadly weapcra. : He plead guilty ;3 and the judgement was ordered suspended on ,pay: ment of the cbsts.uv 1 " State vs., Levi, Grady and Ella hite--AfPrav! ' Virdict: not Whiter-Affray.' ' Virdict, not guilty. . Lost Two Car Loads of Ho?s. VA man who was taking two car loads of hogs north from Sweetwater, Tenn., had bad ! luch Monday. ' The ' hogs were taken out of the cars at x Spencer a and alV nf t hprri that had not rliPri ! on the way-died during the day. It was quite a loss to the owner. -7-Salisbury Sun. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS and fever is a bottle cf Grove's rTaste less Ohill Tonic ' Never fails to cure : Then why experiment with worthless i imitations? Price v 50 cents.' Your money back if it fails to cure. , CURE A COLD , UN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to toure. 25o. . The genoin has L. B: Q 0. DAY, OCTOBER PERSONAL POINTERS, t Mr. Bernard Fetzer is taking in the State fair at" Raleigh to-. day. : ' : Miss Grace Fisher went - to Raleigh this, morning to "i attend thefauv'vv . V:. -i v; ' V- : ; A Mr; I Ej Bost returned) from Charlotte bh the evening "train Tuesday; V ' : fc r' m: -Mrs, JM 0(5 ell ' returned from Bessemer City Tuesday evening. : " - . Miss Pearl Brown went to fealeighjthis morning to -attend tie vFafavr i v l Mr. H P Deaton, of the Mboresville Recbrd-Times; spent Tuesday: night here J Oxc . v -i Mrs. J tW Cannon and Mi ss. Margaret Cannon went : over to Charlotte this morning. Guy Barrier returned' home today from Kings Mountain and will leave tonight for Griffin ,Ga. Hon. Theo. F - Sluttz and Hon. Lee SKj Overman returned to Salisbury last night. : -t ; , - Mrs. Dr. . L A Bikle, of Kings Mountain, arrived today - to yisit at tne nome oi ner daugnter, Mrsl G W Means. - . i .... . -'- ' ' - Dr. and Mrs., ; Lilly went .to Durham today where Mrs. Lilly will Visit her sister. Mrs. Ogles by while the doctor takes in the Raleigh fair 4 - A " Mr. J no.;P Allison,. went. to Raleigh today. .He had a special in yitationitQbe--atthe- cotton growers' meetihgtohight; He" will 'take in the fair, of course. I Mrs. M E Houston, of Mon roe, the mother of our towns man Dr. W , C Houston arrived today and will be with Dr. and Mrs., Houston for some time." ; Mrs. M X Corl, Mrs. Dr. Burleyson and Mr. Stuart Morrison went to Raleigh this morning to attend the State fair. They left on the 6 o'clock train. ' Admitted to the Concord Bar. I j Mr. J r F" , Kewellf took the prescribed oath and .was admit ted to the Concord Bar Tuesday. The recent license of Mr. Newv ell was noted, in The Standard. We wish him a successful and worthy career nnx this very hon orable profession. i 'i . - m. Cleanliness Next, to Godliness. I It pays to " keep -Vour clothes clean and pressed byHAlexahder ways guaranteed. - - r : , : 1; I ;;:-. For VvmrWltyr Tears i Mrs. ',Win8iow'a .Bootbin Syrnp has been used for oyer' fifty years' by" inii- lioni of c Smothers lot: their . children while teethinsr. witht nerf ect success. Ti soothes the child,, softens -the sums allays all parri, cures vind coljc. an is j he best remedy for Duirrhoeai It 511 relieye the ' poor little -sufferer imUielij- teli Ite ! itelyV " .Solcl bydraffists in evei v-:iar$ tie.- Be sure and ask for Mr. Win- slows Soothing , Syrup," and take iro other kind A -Fresh Line OF 0 L L MM AT I S. HflllSi 18, 1899. t ... HOWARD ALPINE This time it is u-'.v i V? V.: Vii ; Some days ago we Jiaa a big shoe sale whick was a grand success because ,eoDle found mst what they expected, wa advertised bargain shoes, had barsrain shoes, and sold bargain shoes: Commencing. next Fidav Uct. 20th, we will , put oampie 'idats at less than manutadturers cost. We bought them cheap and are going to sell chemthe same way. We sav.that wewilL seel you hats at Hal f -Price and we mea n it. The sizes are mostly 7 and 71. So it you have the big head iust,a little you can get favored. r&ey wm oe piacea on counters in the ir ont of the store same as1 bur shoe sale. Each lot will be carefully, marked as d yon can make your selection: $2.50 and $3.00 hats go at $1.48. $2.00 and $2.25 hats go on counter for the small price of $1.25. $2.00 hats and $1.50 go on the 98 cent counter. Other Men's hats as low as 25 cents, worth double the price. Just think 500 mens hats and no two alike. Oh, my, want we have a crowd. . . - You never saw such t Prices as we will have on fine hats.; You want to be here Friday or Saturday for Monday you might have to take iioosons cnoice. These cool mornings should push -your : thoughts Underwear and we are just the people to nil your wants. doubtedly have the most complete line to be found and the prices, to be sure, we make 'them O K. ' " Friday we, expect to throw out one case of 25 dozen Mens' Heavy Fleeced Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, sold everywhere at 50c. a garment, for a few days at the special price of 39c.,; orfiSc? a suit. Everything in Women's and Children's Underwear, wool or -cotton. . , Big values hitched onto small prices. , ; i 3 I DWC Mattresses;! Worlds of -Matresses in stock and a solid car of 100 on the - way. Like, Zeb ances whiskeys-all Matteresses are "' good but some are better v than, others. ' See our Royal Felt, Acma Spring, Perfection. ;Sea Moss, Pine Fiber, Curled Hair, Cotton, Cotton and Husk last but by no meansleast our Rice Straw with cotton top, the Mattress for the millions. We hav iMattresses ; to spare. ' Con: f erenceis coming.' Don't forget us. We 1 are unloading a solid car of Beds todaySolid car of " Springs last week. We are ' at your ; v service.- r - i Take a look at our line of Carpets. We are agents for J. &,J. Dobson, the largest Manufacture of the United States If you haven't time to come, 'Phone orders No. 12.x, i : '".'' BeMv:rarr Is & Co. Siiple Copy 5 Cento n . . : HOWARD STYLE a Big Hiai Sale. on our counters 500 towards We un- i ) - f; ir.fADflMV Mill H. V .of the Mattresses!

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