JOHN D. BARRIER and SON, Editors and Proprietors. - OFFICE IN THE SXOUBIM DUILOINuf THE STANDABD is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by lies. Bates of Subscription : . Oab yeAr..... ... ..$4.00 Six months...;... .200 Thren months . ......... 1.00 One month .35 Sinm C' dv. .05 ' THE WEEKLY STANDARD is a oar-page, eight-column paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other;paper. Price $1.00 per annum in advance. Advertising Rates : Terms for regular advertisements made known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord. N. C. Concord, N. C, Oct 20. CRITICISM WITHOUT INFORMATION It is pure, unadulterated igno rance with us, that we can not determine whether or not Gen. Otis should be . superseded. "We have too much of a sense of fairness o engage in popular censu tMill we think, at least, that weknow whereof we speak. "While not always agreeing with the Biblical Recorder, we think the following right well put: "If there were means of put-1 ting the authors of the out-cry " against General Otis in his place, "they would get the benefit of an experience inat woum teacn them to be silent when they are ignorant, and tnougn me cost would be great, one such ex- periment by any country would -vpr-rlr lacflnfr rollaf f r no nil Wq "uiu- ivxivx i t are sure we do not know any- thing about conducting a war, and we are willing that soldiers attend to that. Every man to his trade, and he that has none let him keep out of the way. i 1 I t 1 ... "j t I v, nen eaitors unaeriaite xo con- duct wars, soldiers may well give a little time to conducting news papers, especially if the editors are nan iaiiures at tneir own business. We have followed the course of events in the Phil-. inoines since Dewev dronned an- chor off. Manila, and we believe that General Otis has done as well as anv other of our soldiers could. To be sure, we may have some Alexanders in newspaper offices, even in Raleigh, but we cau aaruiy db expected to penevo 1 -J1 T j . -I j . l -! I it. xiio nabit ot criticising ,the (i uo vuiB. LU uu i not commendable. The Northern piBbb icurneu mat in me vjivu war.. 1 he habit of picking plans miitJS De- speaKs a mma xnai is aisposea to presume upon tne ordinary m- ence. JNo reasonable man . can expect peo ce to be estab- lished in the Philippines in a day it required several centuries to persuade the aborigines of this country that civilization must have s-, and by the way there is just much sound sense in nf Asia ririii.r, .c was m tak. jg the land we love from the Indians. General Otis has much to contend with. He has a tremendous task. He has the role of a friend who is fight- . , , uiufc wuum ne wouia neip; of a father who chastises a son. He must restore peace and do as little harm as nossihlp" TTn has ST " j&ghters, a strange country and liard climate to contend with. - - He has no doubt much to learn "feutnot from newspapers. Re- itll him and his sucnA55f?oV will ,- ' , , . . .vo w uogm au over again." RAILROADS FOR MT. PLEASANT. The Manufacturers' Record for October 20th, says that Messrs. A C Wilcox & Co., 332 Drexel Building, Philadelphia, are pre paring to float -bonds to extend the Moore County and Western Railroad from its present termi nus to Concord. The extension will be seventy miles in length and the bonds will represent $15,000 per mile. The same issue cjf the Record says, "The people in Cabarrus and Rowan counties have made a proposition to the' Southern Railway Co. to give the right of way and grade for a branch line between Gold Hill and Mount Pleasant if the railroad company will lay the track. The line will be about nine miles in length when built." It will be seen from this - that Mt. Pleasant has two roads in fair prospective grasp, for it has always been understood that the Moore County and Western will run a branch-track to Mt. Pleas ant. t The necessity for a railroad to Mt. Pleasant is growing more apparent since it is to be well in the line, of manufacturing towns. Let both roads come. Even as we write, we see teams loaded with cotton to supply the Kindley mill, and soon there will bean other mill there. MAKES A STAR IN TPEIR CROWN. Henry Smith, of Coffee county, Georgia, is in jail in Winston. He has a card in the Sentinel thanking Mrs. Cozart and Mrs. Fultz, and others for such mani- Nt : : : ltjcjioiiiuus ui vii-Lisiiiaii spirit 111 their ministrations to him that he is won to the cause and will, at the expiratian of his in carceration, go out -with a changed purpose and a living faith. It seems a star in the " crowns of these devoted women It is not very complimentary to the Old North State that at the Mormon assembly in Knox viUe Tenn" the State was reP resented, as a fertile field for Mormonism and eighty priests were assigned to it. Our peo Ple should surely close their I J X i-1 ; ' TTT- J j -l UUUJ b LO tIiem- vv e aon i neea Mormonism . mixed up with Admiral Dewev will most Drob - ably pass through Concord next Tuesday mornillg on his to Atlanta but we sunnose ho will be going almost at cannon ball rate and miehtas ,Tall et to At lanta by an underground route so far as our getting to see him gQes I TTT X 1 i vvmsion-oaiem is to nave a gala tim tne 24th to "28th. It is the occasion of the Horse Show, county Fair, and Carnival. Forsythe is up to date. Chronic Nasal Catarrh' pois- ons every breath that is drawn into the lungs. There is pro- hurab,le fFom an7 druggist the remedy for the cure of ; -this trouble. A- small quantity of Ely's Cream Balm placed jnto the nostrils spreads over an in- ?amed and angry surf ace, reliev-- SnS ' namation, cleanses, heals and cures. A cold in the head van ishes immediately. Sold : by druggists or will be mailed for C r J. 1 TUT . 1 f n , -m u euws uy y joros., oo war 1 . CM. -XT Tr 1 BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS ana fever 1 s bottle e Grove's Taste less OniU Tonic. Never fails to care Tnen hy experiment' teith worthless imitaUons? Jmce. 50 cents. 'Ydrir ooxiaTxacxart laila to cure; is the strongest Natural Lithia water on the market and has the endorsement of the most noted physicians pi the country as to its superiority v oyer all others, - Read wha the noted Dr. John Hey Williams, of Ashe- ville, has to say. for Harris. Lithia, springs. - Asheville, N. C.? April 24, 1893. An extended clinical use of Har ris Lithia Water . prom pt .. me to the statement that I regard it as one of the best if not ' the best, Lithia Water known to the pro fession. In the : condition of Phosphatic Urine, its action is marvellous. Its use m the Kheu- matirtTndjCounty Diseases afford me more comfort than either the Buffalo or- Londonderry Waters. Very truly yours, JOHN HEY WILLIAMS, M. D. We guarantee that one glass of Harris Lithia carbonated water wiU relieve any case of indiges tion in one minute or our agent is authorized , to refund you the money, or if taken after each meal will cure the most stubborn case of indigestion Why suf fer when you have, the guarantee? M L Marsh, Agent for Concord. ? Put in a word for the Consti tutional amendment whenever opportunity presents. It is one of the most important questions ever brought before the people of North Carolina. Leit's give it the biggest majority ever rolled up in the State. Winston Sen tinel. CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. Tbegenuin nas L. B. Q n each tablet v Young Lady DrownetJ . : c A Wilmington dispatch of the 17th says Miss Katie Gause was stx'olling with a group of chil dren. At the bank of a mill pond some miles from the city, she dropped her jpurse and returning from a little way off was sepa rat 3d from the children. They heard a splash, and found the lady drowning in 15 feet of wa ter. It will never be known how the sad affair occurred. She was very much beloved. HOW'S THIS? W. offer oue hundred dollar's reward for anv cage of catarrh 0 (b t vftM.not by cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. ' v F. J. Obenev & .Co.,. Props., Toledo, Ohio. VVf thv undersigned, have known F J Cneney for the last 15 yeArtJ, ami believe him perfectly reliable in all business transact tions Knd financially able to carry bat any obligations made by their firm. t West & Truax, N Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. W aiding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesnttj Drugeists, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Care ip taken in ternally, acts directly upon the blood and 'unuonr surf ace of the system. Price 75o. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimo nials free. . - , .- V - You assume no risk when you buy Chamberlain Colic, Cholera nd Diarrhoea Remedy. M. L. Marsh; & Co. will refund your money ; it you are not satisfied after using it. It is everywhere admitted to be the most s access -ful remedy m use for bowel com plainta andv the only one that never fails. It is pleasant, safe and reliable. ; ' i 4 . - TH E RACKE We have just received a lot of Stamped Linens which are sellingjfar below their usual values. If you anticipate doing any Embroidery for Christmas presents now is a good time to start your work. ' Small Doylies or squares for lc, larger ones 2$ to 10c. Table and Tray Cover, Center Pieces, Splashers and Scarfs, 15 to 25 cents. Wide hemmed with wide silk stitching as above at 5 to 50c. See Our Window Display. Embroidery Silks, wash, colors, 3c, worth. 5c. Embroidery Hoops 5 and 15c, Embroidery Scrim 15c yard Embroider Silk (not wash colors) l-2c per skein. Crocket Cotton 4 length spools. Special in Stationery Department 200 New Novels at 10c. Indelable Ink at 10c. White Ink at 10c. f Game Boards, containing sixteen gams S2.25 and twenty dito See cur 5 and 10c Departments up-stairs. Nice lot of Glass etc. in them. J If you are not a subscriber tol t ThfvSt-nnfsiivl X . wvw.v. x A now Is the time to subscribe. X 1 f is published every day Sunday ex cepted) and delivered at your door for only 10c. per week or 35 c- per month.. ............ ....... lilt k;d.ANUA prints home and other news that is of interest to our readers and to make it grow better we must have the pat ronage of the people. ... . . ...... & Give us a trial when you make m your, next order for......... Job . If iyou wantto buy anything T yoo cancall for it Sihrough J iHcaianaara. r iTfa fti ifc Ik STORE and 5c. Silk 5c Short for $3.50. D. J. Bostian. If you have anything to sell j $ you can make it known through . X The Standard. 4 X t Work ready when promiaed. !AdyertisingSratea3 Jia The Standard J made kno wtt"on application. X Eft KU Work 5