Arriral of Trains, The following change of schedule took effect JunelS. 1899. NORTHBOUND. No. 8 arrives at 5 52 a m. 36 " "10 00 am, 12 4 " 7-09 p m, 33 " 14 8.51 pm, (flag) 34 ' " 9.45 pm, 62 " " 2 00 a m (lieiui t) SOUTHBOUND No. 37 arrives at 8 49 a m, (flag) 11 " "1123 am, 7 " " 8.51 p m, 35 " 9.20X11, (flag) '33 ' 7.19 am, fii - " " 849 a m. (freizhtV No. 35, when running ahead of No. 7 M C( it ." M c u The Transvaal Defense. Wherever the Transvaal fron tier, touches the British terri tory on the south' side, nature has raised a barrier difficult to cross. -The Boers thus have a signal advantage in position for the conduct of a defensive cam paign. The plateau on which ... -. ' ' -.' . - DeTfej-Brnmby Day. ' An ; Atlanta dispatch of the 19thg ives the following program for the Dewey-Brumby occasion in Georgia: "In recognition of Admiral Dewey's visit to. this city, Gov. Candler will tomorrow, at the request of the'. Atlanta Clearing I their big farms and gold mines lhouse association; issue a pro ne is 4, quo to .3,000 feet above clamation declaring October 26, tne sea and slopes quite abruptly known as the Derey-Brumby Qf of a 2X?tmrtmma Plain vb ;, .efQma;i0graa,of the rn.Rfifins'era arriving1 from Lvnchburer or given to a part of Natal and ad- 1 rpp.At,imv rif Admiral "Daw a v. beyond. No. 86 stops regularly for ioininff districts in ' Oatift Hnlnn v PI... Tfonf "Rrhv : n. passengers lor eKusDury, mgn roint, - . . . Greensboro, Eeidsvilie, Danyiiie and tne name of "tne Switzerland of Lieutenant Caldwelly has been nrincioal stations between DanvillA and S Wowt NTn a7 nn i fnt ma. I , , xxiiivid, iiiuugii tneir lops arranged, xuesday afternoon, sengers coming from Lynchburc or scarcely rise above the summit October 24th, a special train rr:" T " vV;," I Ui piaxeau. inrougn ae bearimr the Governor ot tne south of Ne we lis. No. 38 stops to let files among these mountains and State and the reception com- off nassenirers from resmlar stODuim? ' j. . I .. . "" , .i . -. places south of Ne wells and to take on e piateau ironi mittee Will meet tne special over passengers for regular stopping places, rise the two or three roads by j the Southern from Washington Nos Tif and sHtop at Concord for which the lofty plains are reach- at the State' - line, where the pasenirers to or ftom the C. G. &A.' ed. ' The historic defeats the p-overnor will welcome the ad- rr ZhSTZZ B have - inflicted upon the miral and - other distinguished und Florida, reached through Columbia British arms have occured in 1 guests to the State v,:r'iifln.iianM. i:Jevery- case, when the British "No functions have been ami connect at Salisbury with trains of W. N. O. Division. TELEPHONE NO. 71. FOUNDED .1842 'Sing Their Own Praise." were trying to pass these' gate- arranged for Tuesday evening ways and reach the top of the at the request of Admiral Transvaal plateau. Dewey, Wednesday morning We hear of thousands of thprp. will be a recerjtion at the Kruger's citizen soldiery now State capitol by the Governor srrouped around the narrow out- and members- of the Legislature, let from the plateau to the low immediatelv after which will be plain at Laing's Nek. This is the the public presentation of the . pass between tne Transvaal ana sword from tne people oi ueor- JNatal where on a memorable gia to Lieutenant 'Brumby, day, the Boers lay behind nearly Admiral Dewey making the every boulder along the narrow presentation speech. Inlthe even- road and poured a murderous ing there will be a reception at the into the loner, straggling Capital Oitv Club and a military The STIEFF is the PIANO to buy; firft i 1 1 XI I mo H uas uu equal lur iut3 mvuey as yuu it , I , i. -r-r - save the middleman's profits and it will lme of British soldiers who ball at the Kimball House. last a lifetime; but havu several vainiy tried to reach the summit. The next day will be" taken up baru'AiiiH m other makes. . . ,r T , , HTIEFfvs two Iyers & Pond Pianos, Reenen's Pass, where thousands Lf troops from all parts of the tactures and it is almost new. If you cf Orange Free State burglars State, which will be reviewd by u ..i t tliia TY-ialra Kioia a ifCk Vairoinci I i -r . . i 1 - -r- . i n, "1H W"lk3 v A-v 4w nrfl nnw massfiri. it is thft p-ate- Am ra. Howav lrnthA alter- w . w uam CJ 1 VW-k J-' .7 A . way between that republic and noon there will bej luncheon at i Natal, and before the railroad the Piedmont Driving Ulub." was built through it the slow ox- Piano Mnnnfnctnrer. Baltimore 31l. Jo. 213 N. rm a CMs. M, Stieef, Mr Brancl f areroom charlotte, N. C. C.-H. Wijmoth, Mgr. wagons carried about 60,000 tons Fixe Tuning. Palace Organs, of freight a year up and down the pass. It is reported that, in event of Superintendent! Benfield in: j creased his force nine by the con- vening of this term of court. Mr. Sam Ervin is sick today. Mrs. Pressly, mother of Mr. B W Pressly, of Coddle, has re turned home from Philadelphia. Eighty bales were at the plat form Thursday. The price ranges at about 7.30. "Col. Paul B Means went to Raleigh Thursday night to attsnd the btate fair. FRESH fish and oysters tomor row. 'Phone 41. Earl Hartsell. war, the British hope, through Portugal's friendliness, to ad vance also from the east along ThvW. H. Wakefiled, of Char- ilntte. N. C. will be in Concord at St. Cloud on jFriday, October 20th, for this one day only, ms the line of the Delagoa Bay rail-Ipractice is limited to Eye, Ear, iNOSe anu luruau. road; but here again the Trans vaal frontier is a natural fortifi cation. The plateau summit is reached only after a toilsome as cent of the narrow defile of Komati Port, and it would be no .easy matter to reach the top in the face of sturdy opposition For Sale 5 dozen Ladies Linen Hand kerchiefs at 60c. doz. insrlii. He went to take in the State fair. Raleisrh lit 1 A ' 1 Strongly marked topographic! 12Q . pairs Misses Ribbed Hose, Solicitor Rush left Thursday features ' will thus direct the two tnread, 2x2 rib bed, sizes o xo lu opening moves in this game ot : war if it is to be played. The; Ladies Black Hose with white 11 plan of both the Boer republics feeu ior -'ae. r - . 1 to command the passes m tne ,7 E SmoGt and children ,;r,ri!pfi frnm Salisburv .1 . ICl ! southeast that give access to : l,irli nlains n,nd to destroy Mrs. Marshell Crowell, of;tllo raiiroads in the southwest ' 1 LOT OF CO LADIES ' AND MISSES, Uptodate. CASTORS-B ROW N BLUE AND BLACK- Cannon & Fetzer Co. The White Woman's Burden Will be heavier than the white man's if you ask her to cook 3 meals a day on an old worn out cook stove. COOK STOVES Are clean, convenient, durable, economical and hand some. They have large square ovens with white enameled oven doors and racks. They bake better than any stove made and cost no more than other stoves. wtiere weelr. hey spent more Albemarle, who has been visit ing at Mr. Baxter Parks', -has returned home. Ladies Black Hose with split feet for 25c. . Shoes! Shoes!! Don't forget us; on Shoes. We have the best m o- Also Undertakers.- and wost that would facilitate town for the money." the arrival of troops from the south or volunteers from Messrs Jno. U VYaas wor.n ana .r the north. This is the Thursday night from Raleigh reason why Boer forces are also n the : ' h- Gibson Zk Morrison. j$3QC 9 after attending the Fair. Misses Pearl Brown and Grace Fisher returned home Thursday night from Raleigh where they attended the State fair. The carpenters are completing a large new light in my Gallery when finished I will be prepared to do some fine Photographic work. Z E Scott. Several persons from this place will go to Charlotte tomor row to witness the football erame between Davidson College and -4-T TT A J tue university reams. -Mr. J W Brown, representing Griffith & Griffith, of Philadel phia, will be Dleased to call at your home and show you the finest stereopticoh views, and stereoscopes ever seen" in Con cord. Please admit him when he calls. - ... 4t. concentrated at Boshof , near Kimberly, and within a short dis tance of Maf eking, where Jame son's raiders crossed the border ; their futile raid into the THey We are prepared the neoDle this winter better bargains than usual in an of. on Transvaal. N. Y. Sun. Beauties Heavy and At wholesale and retail. It will pay you to, see our Large Stock of Offero the business publio a reliable, per manent, conservative and accommodate ' ing banking in'stution. We8olicit vour patronage .with the assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. If we can serve you any time we will be glad to b aye you come and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS. - . . - - - Capital ana Snmlns - - $?Q0(HL 1 D. B Coltbakk, Chasnier, 3J VL Odem. jfresident. LINE OF Caedy9 Fraits9 etc. AT THE f ' Concord Bakery. tickled ' Pigs Feet and Loose Pickles, Joe Fisher, Proprietor, 'PHONE 122. Rv a r v one of them will please you. v Oopae ;': and see them . A nne . 101 uj. Tinware, Woodware, Glassware, Opal 'Rings. Crockery, Shoes, Hats, Etc, M. L. Brown & BRo. J LIVERY, FEED AND 8 ALE STABLKS. GORR ELL, THE JEWELEK. Just in rear of St. Cloud HoW. Oo nihncM mflfit nil Dasseccrer trainf. before btiyinff. For Cloyer botfits ol aU kinds famished Seed, beed liye, ana xwch. dw j if-j -r ''"hA g t0 ImIa. Breeders of lnaxoafthbrQ Q. W. Patterson, Poland China Htwts. :