Prico $4.00 Per Year. THANK OFFERING RECEPTION. ; j TUe work '.f the Forrtgn Uisston Society of the. First Presbyterian Years or wooa uorK. j r Written for The Standard.' m, , , r , The thank offering reception githeladies : . I eign Missionary society, rotate First Presbyterian church, on Friday evening was well attend- . f. -,v bvthesocioties oftthischuich. rpliQ Ipti members who fnrmpd , xxxw vv.. , W v. ;!muurjv t, lauoir rover ana Tjioia , the committee on reiresnments, rendered the evening a happy one by t he tempting menu served in a most charming way to each truest. The basket for the offer ii:g, placed prominently at the OH' ranee, was not overlooked; it i felt heavy about 6 o'clock. The following report was read by the secretary: "The Woman's Foreign Mis sionary society of the First Pres byterian church of Concord, N. C.y was organized Oct. 10th, 1887. A constitution was formulated by Rev. Dr. C M Payne, then pastor of the church, and accepted by the twenty, members who . con stituted the first enrollment. The official staff of, the society has been as follows: Presidents, Mrs. Joel Reed, Mrs. M . M Gil Ion, Mrs. R S' Harris, Mrs. Alida Burkhead, Mrs. D B Morrison; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. j J. Wm.. Montgomery. Mrsr Pi B " letzer, Mrs. M M - GUlon, Mrs. G W Brown, Mrs. T Chapman, Mrs. ND Fetzer, Mrs. J A Sims, Mrs. C J Goodson; Secretaries, Mrs. A I Woodhouse,. Mrs. Alida Burkhead, Mrs. N D Fetzer, Mrs. R S Harris ; Treasurers, Mrs1. H C Herring, Mrs. G M Lore, Mrs. D B Morrison, Miss Lelia King; CQrresponding Secre taries, Mrs. . Alida Burkhead, Mrs. H C Herring, Mrs. J 'P Allison; Executive Committees, First, Mrs. R ,W Allison, Miss Lou Stuart - Miss Lelia King; Second, Mrs. G M Lore, Miss Lou Stuartj Miss ' Lelia King; Third, Mrs. Ed Hall, Miss Lou Stuart, Miss Lelia King; Fourth Mrs. C M Payne, Miss Lou Stuart, Miss Lelia King; - Fifth, Mrs. D D Johnston, Mrs. C J Goodson, Ivlrs; N D ' Fetzer; Present Committee, Mrs. Alida Burkhead, Mrs. G M Lore, Mrs. H I Woodhouse. -The membership has alter nately waxed and waved; at one time there were '70 names' on the roll, now. only. 46. We have lost 10 members; by death, . some by removals to other tplacosv' The society has" had the smiles of a kind Providence-on the days' 'of meeting, for in the 12 years of its existence, bnly 4 sessions have been prevented by stormy weather. The meetings have been held regularly on the first Monday of every month, bring ing the m embers of the churcli together in. a common cause, cementing f rieridships" and " dis semenating much information as to the progress of ther Gospel' in z parts of the world. Our con tributions, like our membership iaye also waxed and r waned; m one year only, did we run over $129.00; the general aver age has -been between "$80" and $0. Therefore the amount for warded from this society to the CONCORD, N. Executive committee at'Nash, ffes not qmte reach: Tte j Dlsehlireed Friday rEvenin EiJfe1 Three More Dirges Granted That 0 ACU " ; worl? ;mth new. energy: and bear b i;our:pan m raising this sum. jV ;irjy . j - , A XACJX 3 Oil . ,100 stationVin ihfaAA . A, .- . 1 ZZ come ISS r1!3?. 00?116-1116 Pry the . nomel Wiir-oW v. j- vxxMxxi ucxp mui JXitJU ailiu more ioiiows:l; the ever-OTjenim? fiRifi hfnra fbM :-xrtAv. e,V.iA. self indnio-onoo w 7T 7 7 7,s6nj and W P Epps from Alice Bt?- -5X2 ' 1 -indulgence, but self-demaf)? V. , r . r . . ,,x UIf, r r I It is said that two cars of dyna- free-will off eriners until everv i ??. ' , r" ' ' mite that fitvwds" felt would be and free -Will nfffVPincrc nnil otraw member of this societvis knowr, I as a foreign missionary in the home fields. What of the night, O watchman ; ..Set '..'.'it: To mark the dawn of day? The wind, blows fair from the morning star And the shadows flee away Dark are the. vales, but the moun tain's glow -: ' ' , As the light its splendor flings, And the Sun of Righteousness comes U J 1 3 ...'.. . . With healing in his wings. m w mi A Catechism Rally Tomorrow Aftcr- noon. ; Tomorrow afternoon at 3.30 o'clock there will be a catechism rally at' -Canhohyille Presby terian church conducted by the pastor, Rev. Cochran Preston. During these exercises fifteen Bibles and Testaments will be presented for memorizing the catechism. Tlie Sunday school at that church will be held at 9.30 to morrow morning. Tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock Rev. Preston will-preach at Forest Hill Presbyterian church.' At 8:80 o'clock 1 he' ill 1 also fill his pulpit -there wKich will be the beginning of a series of meetings which will last ten dayisV i; 1 He : will have -regulaT services each morning at 8.30 o'clock and in the erenings at 8 O'clock. ' y They Need Two Things. : In conversation' 4 with one of China Grove's enterprising men Friday evening, tne gentleman stated that China Grove, while making its rapid progress, is badly in need of two things a lawyer and; a newspaper, vlt is impOSSlOlQ LO. giVW puuiix iu numerous .things which stiould , . s ... , , . 4. be circulated for the best mter- , lrt , : v , ests of - the town4 and people f r Ym Pf ten t00 the - magistrates and the mayor of the town-; find iae'Dt)Bu urwjuuMji uurmg iudu trials. ' ...v,... .' . To See the Football Game. v:. Quite a ' large crowd was in CharlotteHodaJrn-o loubt ttf wit- o. ti. th Whall eame-be- iivuw uv " c j - ' TTmVarcitv ' and tween . the - University ,. and Davidson boys. Concord, was represented there today by Mrs Robt. Younsr, Misses ieari and Kate Means, , . and Messrs. R' L" KeesTer, R F Coble, , Mry Penick, will arrive .: C T Troy,, W ,:S.H Wilson, RalphijtJro Cline and Will Johnson. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR , i , i.i CHlIiliS ' v J jSj'-m- ? : ie UQiii xodic. JNever iaua 10 cure; Then why experiment with worthless imitation? Price 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to cure. 0., SATURDAY OCTOBER 21, ,: COURT ADJOURNED. i; ' ,i , . a ne. worK:OQ ' xPe C1VU aociceii I inrv wh riihpW .to - or,. I & i w w I enaea jmaay airernoon ana ' the W?.Pi 'ommg on.account of -unfinished work, ? iThree divorce, were' granted fto be IW-TtoM ais . . Mloss is said to, he 25.0 andJthe 1 men- during the afternoon as ri QMciviAi - .; ( ;. -. , . , , , -y, . " " Vircu uu llw iavH J HDobsbn frohi-Teinpie Dob The case 'of DL Bradford vs: ' uecmeu m . favor of the defendant. ; - ' !The case of Sol Levy vs. P r - . 1 . ' Motley was decided m favor of the defendant. With the CliurWes Tomorrow. .The past6r,';ey. C." B. Miller, will hold regular services tomor row morning and t omorr o w night at St. c James Lutheran church. . " , . - ORegular,rrices both tomor- row, morning ana nigni at , kjgtl al'H- W ty th0 Pastor' XVVV. '. XLI. X llUlXip&Uili Thefre will be regular services at! thftf First Presbvterian church tomorrow morning and tomorrow night.oy the pastor,. Rev. W C iuexanaer, i: . :. , . r iKey. ,vy . ti. uney , win , noia.home this morning, from Albe setcesat; St'. Andrews; Luth-? marie after spending, , several . Jn the " absence of the pastor the u services i tomorrow morning and tomorrow night will be con dujeted in the Baptist church by Rev. McCaughn, of Albemarle. The : rRector, t Rev. J C Davis, will conduct services at All Saints Episcopal church tomor row morning at 11 o'clock and tomorrow evening at 5 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 o'clock in morning. : , , ... Hfi:Carriker Dead; .vRev.' Cochran Preston preached $ie funeral Friday of Mrs. Car riker, an aged lady who lived in Nd. 1 township. She was over 70 years of age. The funeral was conducted at the home after which!the remains were interred at Rocky Ridge. , Mrs. Era Cline Dead. . MrsVEva Cline, a .widow lady ! of 60 years; dieol in NoV 4 ward ; at eariy hoiin -Friday night, j TH3 remains were taKen to nDen- for today..(Saturday). ' Tteht- Norman ever calls' twilight the j. . ; , f ... . 'gloaming" except when he ism , v r. love... - T ' ! Gll:a , woman saves street caf are cne'day she rides twice the next dayr : I TYith our " eyes fiiod' on future 1 pleasure we trample on small ; joyscloje at. haud. ; , j As soon asa man has a.tamed ,. knowledge; he finds his toe 1S i . ' 54- . ' ,, snort lor rusmg itv a man sowswiMoatshe doesnthave to worry lest the crQp be short. Chicago Record. ' fiBobthing and healing prop- ertits' of .uoamuBuaiuD "H" -oi' avi TUo rvlfiasant taste and XitJlliou xi f r,i nBrmanent cures u ft eat favorite' with uu-vo tw - - u i the people every wliere. rorsa-ia . jjm jtfarsh & Co., Druggists, 1899. A SHARP FIGHT. - - - i Majuba Hill 'Reyersed Boer- Attack - Repulsed Losses? HeaVy.5 r , A sharp' fight is -reported iri' uvyuuu xxii JLVidi uuc; Jv tu. - x 110 Boers attacked the.'English i near t 1 i v ' VHenco-a.aay ,iignt wita lish Geri. Symons: waJF6VBrely jwoimded. - ..The -. casualties-are iJJumo AvBO ovw.r xx fxiio. amou. ,Taima was iaKen Dy me jtsntisn making a . counterpart ! of the Majuba HUL affair, with -the f re. suits reversed. rx uisafe in Maf eking were run out tuwctiu. was uncoupled; and .had . barely i i j e i i i.u o.oul ox uaugyr wiiexx tue alP exploded destroying probably 100 Boers. PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. J H Mason, of Raleigh, spent 1 ast night here.v; -rr-Miss Ivv Strieker went to Charlotte this morning. r-Mr ; Jno Fulenwider passed , through here today, on his ynj to Mt Pleasant. Mrs. Jno. B Sherrill returned home this . morning after spend several days in Charlotte. . j,, rMrs. B Lacy Hoge returned Mrs. Martin- Boger and Mr. W A Foil returned from' Lexington where they went on a business trip. - " - - Messrs. Will , Gibson and Gaston Means, who afe attend ing school at Chapel Hill; arrived here . . t night. . They came with i .-j football team. They will return from Charlotte this evening to spend" Sunday. 1 6SSvSy I 0: t . Worlds bl MatreSsea- in stock and a solid car of 100 on the i ;way. Like Zeb ;4 iVance's , whiskey all Matteresses are good but some are jietter than f others. ; 3 See our ? Royal Felt, Acma Spring J , Perfection i S6a Moss, Pine: Fiber Curled- Hair, Cottbh, Cotton and ;Hus)lastVbuiVbyno' . meansleastmr-Rice Straw with cotton .top, the Mattress,. for the" millions. We have Mattresses' to spare. Con-' ferenceis coming.- Don't forget us. . We are unloading a solid car of Beds today Solid car of ; Springs last week. We " are at'-' your service. Take a look at our line of Carpets. ' We-are agents for J. & J. Dobson, the largest Manufacture of the United States- If you haven't time to come, 'Phone orders No. 12. Bell, Harris ' Sirgle' Cop Cmm3 V For - lrittv Tear Mrs. ' WinsloV's Soothi r fi yrnp hai been used: for over fifty years by mil-. Jious' of mothers for ?, their obi)T i -whil teething, with perfect sncces ft BOQkheanhet child,! soften s the frs, allay 3 aU,f)am. enredrdnd colic, and ia the best remedy foriDiarrhoea. It will relieve the poor- little' ( snffc tct - imrnodi atoly. 8old by dragrffiata dn every part of the virld.- Twenty rfive cents a bot. tlb. ,BiVpute-and ask for "Vra Win slows Sooth'Dg 8yrup,'and take. no . other kind TBI Just thmk 500 Sam pie Hats and no two alike. -.The -sizes are . .. - . mostly 7 and 71. Tne Price, to be sure, is corf eot- - Tiiey - are genuine hat bargains: Price is not the only thing. It's, not always the price that makes the bargains. It'-i what you can get for the Price. Here you can get $2.50 and $3 hats at $1.47. You get r $2.25 hats at S1.25. A r7 ! r.i assortment at 99c, worth almost iJ I ...... ....... - : - ' 'double. Drop in and see if it's, not an ecdnomical halt sale. H. L. Parks & Co. Styll'se Co

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