Pi STANDARD TT7 T T" A T-T"TT7T" . - it JJ3l J.-. JDjJTL-LVXIliXV AINU OUIN, Editors and Prjdprietors. wsr: a toe noums buildino 1 HE A.N D ARD is published every day 8uoi. y excepted) and delivered by ;ies "Rates of ' Subscription : On yc'J. . . ..$4.00 iacmthB 2.00 Three moDtha. 1.00 One month. ...V.. . .. . . . .35 'Birgte cooy. . . - - .05 ' THE WEEKLY STANDARD is a oar-page, eight-column paper. It has larger circulation in Cabarrus than any theripaper. Price $1.00 per annum in advance. Advertising: Rates i Terms for regular advertisements, smAe l:-so.wn on application. .Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. 0. Concord, N. C, Oct. 21. HARD TO GET TIIE NEWS. "We realize that it is going to be difficult to get reliable news from the South African war. Kumors are caught, up and sent on in place of authentic news. Tne wires are being cut and communications interf erred with. There is a rumor that 15,000 JSopts were blown up by the English mines near Maf eking lout thr 3 is such an air of un certainty that it is hardly worth repeating. As the Raleigh Post says no great amount of fighting need be looked for until Gen . Buller arrives. It has been announced too that he will cut the wires behind him so as to be iree from order and left to his own will and wfy. The newspaper men, we learn, are not allowed at the front and must get their news as best they can. "We -do not expect satis factory news from this war. One Joseph C Cunningham, a "negro, citizen of Charlotte we "believe but now resident in Washington writes a scathing tirade against Senator Pritchard -especially, together with Presi dent McKinley, Chairman Hol ton and others, but it is clearly visible that if they would keep him m a fat office ho would be all right. They who are in poli tics as a pig with snout and feet in the swill trough get none of our sympathy when a bigger hog lifts them to the corner of the pen to squeal while tne tempting -contents are being mulched. An Englishman who insulated hisbedstead by placing under -aieath each post a broken-off bot tle, says he had not been free from rhematism or gout for. fif teen years, aiid that he began to improve immediately after the application of the insulators. A paper, quoting this, wisely adds: There's many a iollow who could cure his gout if he would . break off the bottoms of his glas bottles in time." Anderson. In lelligencer. - 4. V Chronic Nasal Catarrh pois ons wery breath that is drawn into the lungs. . There is pro curable -from any druggist the xemedy for the cure of this trouble. A small quantity tof ilv'sv Cream JBalm placed ..into the nostrils spreads .over an in- flamed and angry surf ace, reliev ' ihg immediately the painful in- ; tfVamation. cleanses, neais ana mres. A cold in the head van ishes immediately. r Sold by druggists or will be mailed for 50 cents by my Jros., oo war xen St.. New York. DON'T GO TO CHURCH. Tomorrow is the Sabbath. The cn'urch bells will ring calling you. to. worship ut don't go, if you have no soul with which to worship. Don't go if the God whose institution the church is is no greater ftnan "yourself or is a fit subject ..idr , your criticism. Don't go if man's existence is but that of the beast. Don't go if you know the bible to be un reliable. Stay at home and read fiction and fancy and facts the more reliable from being filtered through human sieves. Don't go if things pertaining to time are more important than those of eternity. Don't go if you don't like to hear or engage in singing what the '.'weaker minds" call the (sweet songs of Zion. Don't go if you don't like to hear the devout soul breathing its com munions with its God. Gather at public, places and join in the coarse and mora satisfying hi larity. Don't go and hear the preacher, who has been trained by a course of . study and has been spending hours of prayer ful meditation in his study to benefit the people and glorifiy God in bringing out of the great storehouse of knowledge things both new and old. Gather with the groups and discuss the more up-to-date topics. Don't go to church and hear a preacher in whom you can detect some flaw. Stay away where you meet, see and hear only the perfect. Your father and mother go and you see in their devotion the mani festation . of some secret spring of imperishable hope, a strange fidelity to principle and truth, you see in them a meek and hum ble spirit. Don't go if you are pitying their lack of your more exhalted philosophy. J ust re count the many, many instances in which these , devoted church goers have suddenly awaked to the truth and have renounced all this as of no use, and contemplate how very few have .ever been grieved over their neglect of spiritual matters, especially when they came to the brink of an other sphere that is a "Leap ill he dark." Don't go to church it tnere never arises m your bosom a painful realization that you were created for some grand ana no Die purpose m time or eternity for which; you are not developing Don't go to' church if you find your ideal people out side rather than in side' the church and would rather abide forever with these outside. Don't go to church if there is , no i God that you should adore, no Saviour to whom you owe loving gratitude, no Spirit that you, would hat ever with you as a monitor to warn you of error and danger, aria you . with courage and strength in ordeals and speak comfort to you when depressed. Donjt go. to church if you are sur,e thai there is no heaven for you to win and no hellfor -you to shun., . f i We are sorry to note from an sxchange that Editor J G, Boylin of the, Wadesbpro Messenger and Intelligencer lost his barn and contents, rjfiaxept Jive stock, Te-i cently'by:fire. It is a loss that seldom fulls to an editor. A Hard.toBeaU The Windsor (Bertie county) Ledger says: teC W Spruvill picked 135 bushels of peanuts from one acre of land this f aU. IllSlllIil is the? strongest Natural Lithia water onHhe market ' and .has the endorsement of the inost noted physicians of the country as to its superiority ovefr all others. ., Read what the noted Dr. John HeyWilliams, of Ashe-4 ville, has -to say for Harris Lithia," springs. Asheville, NV C., April 24,' 1893; An extended clinical use of Har ris Lithia "Water prompts me to. the statement that I regard it as one of the best if not the -best, Lithia Water known to the pro fession. In the condition of Phosphatic Urine, its action is marvellous. Its use in theEheu matic and County Diseases afford me more' comfort than either the Buffalo or Londonderry Waters; Very truly yours, - JOHN HEY WILLIAMS, -M. D. We guarantee that one glass of Harris Iithia carbonated water will relieve any case of indiges tion in one minute or our agent is authorized to refund you the money, or if taken after ' each meal will cure the most stubborn case of indigestion. Why suf fer when you have the guarantee? M L Marsh, Tent for Concord. Southern Supremacy. The State of North Carolina alone manufactures more cotton now than was manufactured in the whole South in 1885. The utili zation of motive power in oper ating cotton mills, will still further reduce the cost of pro duction in the . South and will stimulate mill building, thus hastening the supremacy which this section is destined to . have in that industry, and the time when" the South' will be , the world's cotton manufacturing centre, with the sceptre wrested from both Old England and New England. Morming Star. r HOW'S THIS? We offer one hundred dollars reward for any caee of catarrh that can not by cured by Hall s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney& Co., Pros., Toledo, Ohio. We the undersigned have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly reliable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, -. " ' ' Toledo, O. vvjilduig Kmnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, , - - Toledo, O: Hall's Catarth Cure is taken in r ternalty, acts directly upon th blood aud oancoua surface of the svatem. - Price 75c. per bottle. qo14 by all druggists. Testim Young Mother Oh, dear! -:I wonder what the baby . is crying for now? We Have given him everything he seemed to want. ? Young Father V (grimly) I guess he is crying for some to cry for. Judge, You a8sum e no, riely when you buy Chamberlain's Colic. .Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. J 1, L. Marsh & Co. will refund your money if you are riot satisfiiEl after using it. It is evervwheref admitted to be tha jndstiniicc2i3 fal rexnedy:in.Tis8 for cJboweU tjoiri plaints . und "the only oae rtnat nbyer fails. It Is pleasant, cafe and reliable. Bednced Rates. :f" On account Laying Corner Stone Ebenezer Baptist Church, Kings, Mountain N; C. Tickets on sale Oct. 27. and 28; limited Oct. 30th at rate $2.75l round trip. r TH E RACKE We have just received a ldt; bi Stamped Linens which we ' ' " ' " ;v''. '' ; " . ' .--v are selling far below their uSual values; If you anticipate doujg '. : . . . ' - v 'v-f . , '. any Embroidery for Christmas pres6nts now4s a good time to start your -work. , : Small Doylies or suair.es $t 'larger : ones 2J to iOc. Table and Tray Coyer, Center iecesj, Splashers and Scarfs, 15 to 25 cents.' Wide hemnied w See Ou r Window; Display. " JEmbrbidery 'Silks, - wask colors, 3c, worth 5c. :-:':.:: ':;:i ' . .. . r'''- EJiiibrbider EmbroiderFSerim 15c. y-""';. Embroider Silk (j&ot wash colors) l-2c per skein. - - G Obttdn 4 and 5c. Silk 5c- Short length spools. " Special in Stationery Department V 200 New Novels at 10c. : ; Indelable ink at 106. White Ink at 10c Game Boards, containing sixteen gams, $2.25 and twenty dito See cur 5 and 10c Departments up-stairs. Nice lot of Glass etc. in them. llf 5 you are not a subscriber to 1 f The Standard ? .now la the time to subscribe. ? tiffin t is published every day ' (Sunday ex cepted) and delivered at your door for only 10c- per week or 35 c- per: '.-. - TnOTbtfai ; . .......... ;.' , , k ijlE: JDIiRtt ; prints home qurvd J)iBer niui 's that is of interest to our readers and to make it grffi-pffi th6 patm t t ron&geof the people. . . ..... us artrial when you make :your nexteriorM.i,,M,. Job ! If lyou WantEto buy anything yonl oanSoaU tor it :ihnnb '. i The Standard - STORE above at 5 to 50c. for $3.50. D. Bostian. J If you have anything to sell jou can make it known through 5 5 The Standard. 4 X ... Work re&dy when promised. : lAdvertisjates: Jin' $ The StnndnrH made knownon application. Work AifciMiAAA.t