THE GRAND JURY'S REPORT. Wooing a Schoolteacher. ' 'Yes, " said a young man, mi tt a - iney jtina tne County's Property in es, saia a young man, as Good Condition Eyery where One Sug- e threw himself at the feet of gestion Made. ... j the pretty sphoolmistress. . "I The grand jury, through their !love you' and would go tbe foreman, Mr. R C Harris, sub mitted the following to Judge Robinson: "We have acted on all bills sent us by the solicitor as far as we could procure witnesses and made presentments of all things so known to us. world's end for you J 'You could not go to the end of the world for mer James. The world, or the earth, as it is called, is round like a ball, : slightly flat tened at the poles. One of the nrs lessons in elementary, geog raphy is devoted to the shape of the globe. You must have senders for Arrival of Train, The following change of schedule took 2ect Junel2. 1899. NORTHBOUND. . - - No. 8 arrives at 5 52 a m, 36 " "10 00 am, M 12 " " 7-09 p m, 3S " t 8.51 p m, (flag) " 34 " 9.45 pm, ,62 " 44 2 00 a m (ireiftj t) 1 SOUTHBOUND . No. 87 arrives at 8 49 a m, (flag) 11 " 11.23 am, u 7 c u 8.5i p m 85 " 9.20 p'm, (flog) . 33 v V. IMl ftDi,' . .. 61 M " 849 a m, (freight) No. 85. when running ahead of No. 7. :aattrai if naeeasarv for throne'h nh of C harlotte, and is. stoDDed for Visited the iail in" a' hnrlv and PMe?i,?er8 S?TSST !K fo- it in a good sanitary con- Soiea wnen you were a ooy. rwflflenfirers ior. -ti-uujr. .irii roinu -.i, wuverHUU wiLn inn . tvtik- OWJS!! oners who said tW w,rA n " 'd is np longer , a theory: eBffitSre W , Circumnavigators ? have estab- sengers co JTZ ffest that frlass be nut in Rom nf the tacty" pom., r w " - r-llT Wow whAt-T mAJiT, was regular BKipping places J uue.vvinclOWS. I ."::p- :. ;T . that 1 would do anything to I please you. Ah, Minerva, tif you knew the aching .void?- i nere is no sucn tmnsr as a void, James, Nature abhors a ' - V--?. - - i .2 vacuum. . But admitting "that there could be such a thing, how could, the void you speak of be a ' void if there was an ache in it ?" "I meant to say that my life !1V 1 1 1 . A 1 j ' Burned for Burning a Family WUi u loneiy wiwiPUi you; xna. i A MemBhis TfinnftSSflfl diJyu a?e daUy; thought and patch of the 20th gives an ac- -"' "'f1'1 u "a"1: , -1 s" cbunt of . horrible traedita at St- anywhere with you. If you AnM. Leake Oountv. Miss. A weF- m Australia ' or at the . r ' 1 ik.T .11. i x ' i n rt- i " Tificrro. .To T.AflnrA. arid- anonrd-Poie WOUld ny LOyoU" D . - ' If "T7M 1 T i .fll ' 1 .- 11 ine to his statement. Bob and TJ win oe anomer cen- Andrew Smith' tied' Mrs. Gam- ty before men can fly. Even brl a white lTv anH bfir fnnr Wten tne laWS Ot gravitation are i mi i.iV . e ii i I aUUooaal Ull Y UVOIUUIUO, tUOiO cnuoreu to pne noor ox ine nouse, . ; . - win stui remain, maintaining a Bonthof Newfi Us.. 'No. 38. stops to let . Triau Aire i. j .if ndffiATers from Mniftr atnnnino. v isited the dmerent offices of -r, r- r places sonth of Newellsand to take on the court house and found them ocon nr r Tor taoti ar nmnm n d nianpa i ..-..- , ynchburg or beyond. t in good condition. Nos. ana d4 stop at uoneord for Visited the county borne by .caano-ora to or from thfi fJ. f!. A: A. vwuuvjyiuw .j, division Charlotte to Ansnsta and committee and found the home other points in South Carolina, Georgia and ininates in good condition, end Florida, reached through Columbia , n . fo . r Auensta - - the health of the ' inmates good. Nos. 7,8, 11 and lis are the local trains buildings and bedding neat and tnd connect at Salisbury with trains of - fe , -. w6 i w. N. c. Division. clean and iood ot good quality." TELEPHONE NO: 71. P0C1NDED .1842; Sikg Their Own Praise." The STIEFF is the PIANO to buy: then saturated the surroundings it has no equal for the money as you :f VrnWp.Wft nil anrl apt'firft tn mve the middleman's profits and it will Wltn kerosene Oil ana set We 10 last a lifetime; but we hav several the buildins:. .At first the - fire ThaLr8-exoh.nee for thought to have been acci STIEFF'S two Ivers & Pond Pianos, dental but murder will out and one, the finest style that hrm manu tMtnres and it is almost new.. If yon Joe was caught. After being cor- Therepi balance" "Well, at " all events!" ex claimed the youth, "I've got a pretty fair balance in the bank, and! want you to be my wife. uaut this make here are bargains. (MStteer, nered he told the story without ap parent care for mercy. He was tied tot a stake in the yard where he did the deed and was burned to death. No shooting or desecra- Fixe Tuning. Palace Organs, tion of the body- was indulged in. Pinna Manufacture" Baltimore Hl. ititt flnnttrtK TTTnTiminnTTi Wo. 213 N. D1UUU YVulDiUUUl, TrjonRt., J hj r fUCa AVI v7! W C. H. -Wilmoth, Mgr. "Well, James, since you put it in that light, I See notice of Concord Electric Light Co. in another column. Mr. Truman Chapman has gone on a visit to Mason ; in Warren t-ounty. Mr. and Mrs. H McNamara returned home Friday night from Raleigh, Two negroes were tried before Mayor Means Friday night for fighting They paid their hnes. Mrs. L N Burleyson and Mrs. M J Corl returned home Friday nigh after attending the State '"Fair. . . - - ,.; . Mr. Sam McLoster and wife have returned to Goldsboro where Mr. McLester is employed in the cotton mill there. Curtain. Wichita Eagle. VOLCAN lcf ERUPTIONS Are crand, bat vskju eruptions He was simply burned. One rob lif of joy. Bucklen's Arnica oft.hA othP.rR was about to be Salve cures themj also old, run- w .c c fT. w hing and fever sores, ulcers, r . boils felons, corns, warts, cuts ne mign, oe innocent. bruises, burns, scalds, chaooed - - - - m 0 0 jl a TVio nnntafi 1,5, o. Twnrd n.s hands, chilblains; best pile cure divorce States, but they are not b rito the Qnly ones. L.ast year one fouaranteed. " Sold at Fetzer's county m-Illinois put odd 111- Drue: Store. paired couples through the mill, one county in Massachusetts 600, and the State of Massachusetts 2,113. . For twenty years Massa chusetts has averaged a thous and a year. Morning Star. For Sale CURE A OOIjD in one day 5 dozen Ladies Linen Hand kerchiefs at 60c 'idoz. BC tffM3i-0lf9- IT ' 10A nntno ATccrvD T?vV-Vrl TTncQ r , t rni.Lc, I XJ Udli-O miooco .x -,v, TftKe uaxauve oronu uiuw - Q1 0--9 viKW siaq EStn II It IH1IM TJ) I U YY w xiv. - (--wv, - All drue-rists refund money enro. 2oo. Tne gennin has K n each tablet NEW YORK MARKETS. Miss Anne Parks Hutchinson, j of Charlotte, who has been s snendins some time here with Miss Margaret Allison,, has re. turned home. The Salisbury Sun- states that arrangements are being madd to put anew passenger train on the Yadkin road as' soon as " a schedule can be arranged. If medium sized lady, who is a dark blond, wore a light dress and dark hat, who passed court house about 5.30 with three other ladies on Thursday, Oct. 19th, will communicate with under signed may find something to her advantage. Address, "Hum phery," Call Box 203. Mr," Milton Hartsell returned lome' Friday night from Ker hawj where he went to accoin pany his pother, Mr. Avery Hartsell, here. . His; Brother has been very sick for some time and is yet confinecb to his bed. Open J LIU . . . 0 March May . . Dec . . . 17 22 07 Dec. . . 70 May . . 73f Sugar 147 COTTON : ir 19 24 08 WHEAT, 70i 74ir 149J ANEW - ' LOT OF B3T-J9 LADIES AND MISSES Up 'T0DA.TE.. CASTOR BROWN, BLUE AND BLACK. Canhoti & Fetzer Co. Low Closed 12 14 15 18 19 23 li 10 69 J . 69 J 734 734 . 94, at 10c. Ladies Black Hose with white feet for 25c. Ladies Bla-ck Hose . with split feet for 25c. T . , Shoes! Shoes!! Don't forget us on Shoes. Weliave the best in town for the money. . -.. Gibson & Morrison. 1 ISlI3rSIM The White 3 urden woman Will be heavier than thejwhite man's if you ask her to cook 3 meals a day a- on an old worn out cook stove. -- COOK STOVES Are" clean, convenient, durable, economical and hand some. They have large square ovens with white enameled oven doors and racks. They bake better than any stove made and cost no more than other stoves. Also Undertakers.- 146 149 BANK STATEMENT. . j 263,725 1.633,4001 284,500 tBeserve Increase , Species Decrease . . iejaii iu-ica . . . Loans Decrease .... JLepOSlvs J-ecrt . . Circulation increase EE SALES MAN WANTED. Free outfit. Trust undersold. Ground protected. Commission on season's trade. Several earn 5.356,000 6,570,500 140, 50P ramicy Beauties 1 font LINE OF ; Caridly9 Fruits, etc. at the Concord Bakery, iPicMed Pigs and Loose Pickles Every one of them will pleas yon. uome anu see them. A tine lot oi Opal Rings. GORRELL TEE JEWEliEiU We are prepared to give the people 'this winter better bargains than nsnai jn ait o! - :. . ' Heavy and'1; urogrtes . At wholesale and retail. It will pay yoa to see our Large Stock of Tinware, Wood ware, - -Glassware, - - Crockery; Shoes, Hats, Etc., "before bnvine. For Clofer Seed, Seed Bye,' and Book Salt goto G. WPatterson's. Offera the busdiiesa publici a reliable, per manent, conseryative and aocommodai lug banking instation. . ,We solicit your . patronage with the- afisnrance of honorable treatment ana due appreciation of your patronage. ; If we can serve you any time we will be glad to haye you come and see us. -UBERAIj ..OOOMMODATIONS' TO OUSTOMI-fe- ... - - Capital aii Surplus : - - $70000.. D. B Ooltrane,' Cha8hier, J1L 0d2m, Weaident. M, L. Brown & BRo. ; LIVERY. FEED AND oAJLJv ' " ? STABLES. Just in rwar of St. Cloud HoUu. Om nibusea meet all passenger trains. Outfits of ali kinds furnished promptly and at reasonable pricep. Horses and mules always on hat i or sale. Breeders of .horoughbre Poland CMna iLus, : Jos Fisher , Pro 'PHONE 122. $du weekly; p. O. 1371. New -ork. '

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