4 (all Pi Woman's Crowning Virtue Bbltox, Mo., July 27. For years I suffered terrible pains ereiy month and my doctor told roe I could not be cured except by an operation. I felt I could not submit to that and was so des pondent I had given up ail hopes of a cure. My husband insisted on my trying Wine of Cardui and at last than God I did try it. Last month I did not have a pain,, and did. all my work, which I had not done in seyen yean. , MES. MINNIE LITTLE. mm (Screw Modesty is the crowning virtue of American women. It is the tratt that all mankind admires. A modest woman is the most pleasing of all created things. Because of this becoming virtue thousands of women prefer to suffer untold miseriesLiather than confide, their troubles to a physician, and to even think of subnjitf tng to an examination is revolt? ing. They can't get their own consent tain operation. Wine of Cardui -permits sensitive women to retain their modesty. With it they can cure " female troubles" in the quiet of their own rooms. If special treatment Is required they can write to the Advisory Department of the Chatta nooga Medicine Co., and their letters will be promptly answered by - X J At 1 UBIES ADYIS3SY DEfAHTMHT. C For advice in caees requiring special directions, addrees, giving symptoms. IUm Alitor j Itop't, 1 fco CUaTTIHOOGa BJCDICIXK co Chattanooga, Tenn. A LARGE BOTTLE OF g? COSTS $I.OO AT TIEORUC QTORE. THE CLE A SSI XO ' AN HEALING CUKE FOK CATRARH IS Cream Balm Easy and Pleasant to use. Contains no in jurious Drug. Is quick ly atsorvcd. Gives re ief at once. It opens nd cleans the Nasal Passages. Allays In' COLD !N HEAD lamation. Heals and protects the membrane, restores, the Winter is Coming, I ALREADY HAVE ON HAND THREE CARS OF " Jellico Coal And have ten more car loads on the way. It is time for ou to lay in a supply for -the winter, isn't it? -I 'also haye on hand the best of antracite coal. J. A. C. Bl&ckwelder, West Depot St. at Store. f'Phone 68. L Has Bought 800 TONS' JEIICO COAL. : 200 Tg.NS.MRD.COA : Also Tirgina Split ana Bird Eye ' Cannel CoaL Best steamJc(iallfintteL!Drice Good Smith Coal. Call and get what yon want. 'Phone 74. NOTICE To Consumers of Current. After Nov. 1st, all parties using other than Edison Lamps, will be charged 50 ' per centi in addition to present rates. ' ' Concord Electric Liaht Co. ." ';! 'PHONE.. .... ... ..: 104. .-it Notice to Tax-Payers. ... .1 . .. t, i i " i: . senses of taste and smell. Large size 50c at Drug gist or by mail; Trial size 10c By mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 W arren Street. New York QOA tThe . tax - books'for 1899havei been placed in- my- Handi rf6r cbllectioi( and all tax-payers ar ? requested to come forward and pay their taxes at once. . ,t , S. J. Ervin, ' ; ' "City Tax Collector. LOST OR STOLEN. NOTICE is horcbv feiven that a note for $100 dated . May 1 8-J5 i on J W Cannonhas been losfor stolen and .parties are warned TC Wilson. WANTED Tt buy i0O,(Ai pounds of old cast-iron scrap, de livered at the foundry at once, for which we will pay a fair price. No t urn t iron wanted. aiCtf, Ccncobd Foundry 'Co. tcjAflpI rtrfrfll y women tram et ur xne cure ux Swinanly(weak&esses ;and irregu 4arities. Tnere should be no hesita tion. Delayed treatment means a chronic condition. The longer postponed the' harder to cure. WINE OF CARDUI A MOTHER TELLS HOW SHE SATED DAUGHTERS LIFE. I am the mother of eight child ren and have had a great deal of experience with .medicines. Last Rnromermy little daughter had tne dysentery1 in its worst form. We thought she would die. I tried everything I could think of. I saw by an advertisement in our paper, that Chamberlain's Lolic, Cholera' and Diarrhoea Remedy was. highly recommended and sent and got a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the very best medicines we ever had in the house. It saved my little daught ers life. I am anxious for every first it would . have saved mav great dcaj3f'v apxi -apdmy ;&4Cd,ruggist. . The assignment of Rear .Ad miral Sampson to ' the - Boston .... -5 .' ;. . . f .'. , ...... ? i nay yarjll annum,; -cpuliin'g "6tbre duty pay and allowances. rrAoirarSbxiley JaV'isd'withput. perquisites, will receive $7,500. Durham Sun. - i BIS i LIFE WAS SAVED; MrV' J. -ElWpromlnt naa a wonaeriuH deliverance from a t rightYul' de'atfiT In tellmg of it he says: . 'I w8 taken with typhoid fever that i an into pneu mbuiii..JEdj;:inngs became hard ened. "Twas fib weak I couldn't even sit np in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected soon to die of consumption, when I hejard of Dr. - King's New Dis coyery. One bottle gave me re lief,' .1 continued to use it. and aAi now am well a nd strong I Isanjt say tob ffinch in, its praise1 Tmrf --4x . ." xua marvellous meaicme is tne Safest t and quickest cure in the woricT tcii 1 'k throat and lung WdBfdVEenlar size 50c and $1. S lTTwn Z6r8 r,g Store. Every bottle guaranteed. :Xrm botrlesfree at FetzerV Drue Cprcorrn-T-So you've been to EoWii, "V" DM' youx" find' thl streets crooked ? ' 4 BrcheflingCf obked ! Great snakes ! Every tinie I - went pui for a walk I met myself coming back. New York Press.. , AKCK'S IKON NERVE - " resnit oil hi splendid j- i . Indomitable : will and tremenffous energy are not found where stomachi liver, kidneys and bowels (arevout of order.-If you warit these qualities and the' suc ceei they ? bring use , Dr. . King's Cew Iirfe TiUs. - They develop very power of brain, and body. Only 25c. at Fetzer's Drug Store, mother to know 4what,an excellent medicme jLm Had v known it at Ycurs trulxlrs- lGeo .'"jSuti dick, Liberty, K. I. FbrSale by M . L. Marsh Fewer Marriages. The statistics issued by Secre tary Kinney show, general pros perity has not had '.mucb, to dp with the marriage industry in this State, says .the Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. . ,-&ot- the than for the rjrecedins: year.. But it may be said that the-vakef urosDeritv had not reached its height during that year and ttat a biff increase wilr be, observed. m the present . statistical year, ending' with next March. In this connection is worth npting that the greatest number of mar riages was in December. , June has been called the montti of roses and brides, . but grim and gray Decmeber ' holds the blue ribbon. The', Christmas season probably accounts for the odd condition of affairs Ex. . NO CURE. NQ PAY . That is the way all druggists sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonio for chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron ' and Quinine in , a tasteless f orra . Children sove it. Adalts refer it to bitter.fnau leatinft ToDca -Price. 50o. x The Pretty Weatlier Past. We have just passed thrpugh an ideal spell of weather, proba bly feeling that it was a matter of course, arid called for no spe cial felicitation, tbuV Friday morning gave the mariners' warning of a beautiful red ia the east. The wind during the even ing and night began to tell of change. Our eye had escaped till now that: two .or three days ago there was a snow fall in Te tori county, Mirihesota, of four feet on a level. Four sheepf herdef s are J positively reported to have perished, with a number more Denevea to oe iosl m xne storm. : NO RIGHT TO UGLINESS. THe ; woman wboj is loy ely in iiacet form' an4 temper will al iway s have friends, bnt one . who ; would ba attractive must keen llr healtn. If she isi weak, sickly, auu) an ?Uxi uuwij, so wiii,ue nervous and irritable. If sHe Bas constipation or kiinby trouble' impure blood will cause pimples, piptcnes, sKin eruptions ana a wretched complexion. " Etectrid Betters is the best . medicine in;the world to regulate stomach,' liver and kidneys and purity the bood. It gives strong. nerves, bright,eyes, smooth , yelvet skin',; rch cbm-i plexion. It wiU make a gobiV looking,' .charming woman: of 4! run down invalid. Only 50c. at Fetzer's Drug Store. The latest dog story comes from a Pennsylvania town, where a little fellow was playing with a pet dog. He had a rope tied around his waist, which was also tied around the dog's neck. In their scampering around the lit tle fellow , fell into a cistern, which had five or six feet of wa ter in it, but the dog braced himself, kept the rope taut and the child on top of the water until-the cries from the cistern brought assistance. Morning Star. . Earning tne civil war, as well as in our late war with Spain, diar rhoea was one , of the most troublesome diseases ?th 4 army had to contend with. in many instances it became chronic and the old soldiers still suffer from 'it. iMr; David J Taylor; of -Wind Ridge,' Greene county, Pa.; is- One of these. He uses Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and says he never found anything that wppld give Jhim such quick relief ; it is;tofsale by D. Marsh i; Co..' Druseist 3 FOR SALEA new WheKW & ilsoh sewing machine with five drawersoustpmi the fac tory. GaU t this" office and eet ui xir&u uict&s iuacmne on easv terms tf year ended. March, 31, Ibyy, , .the marriages were about, i,Q00 less wwHflmwffltttfHiiimimfltiwawimmptiiiiuituiiHM - Acfa1i!cPrcoafba slmilating tfasToodantlBeSula rme theStoinacns anojDcrama - 'if V V 'PromotesBigfesSi tiess andBtetContefnsfldQier Opiumf orphifte fpj Woall TIIrT.PT7Tirxli AbcSenrio - Jtpperrnmt . " i- Z'i GrfaaateJb2iB ' ffGmJeed - AtrfpTf iicmcav for consuoa- tion, SoiirfStoiMcK,lian1 yvonnsvw)nvnLSiORSvrcvcri5a tiessandLossOFSlEER EXACT COPY OT WBAEFEQ' -f MAMUPACTUREIIS OF f-f j FINE gs AND Outing Cloths. DEALER IN- Genera 1 MereEandise ; T-BUYERS OP COUNTRY " ' '. - - of all kind. O . a . Four-foot Wood always Wanted.RBest 1 -1 I'rice for same. . " U. We invite anjinspection ol aU.the'goods X r . f . weSmanufacture . ft 8 CJoncord N. c. a ODELL r.lMiUFACTUniilG COlIH nams Plaids Salt Ba I For Infants arid Children. The Kind You Have ays E Aliays THK OCNTAUR OOMMNY, NEW YORK CITY. outhern ailway SGBCIll)ULE, IN EFFECT JULY THE 16TH. 1899. 6-This condensea schedule is pub lished information arid is subject to change without notice to. the' public: 'r Trains leave uoncord N. C - 1 5.52 A. M. No , 8, . daily, for Eich tmond; ijoiniectS1 at . Greensboro ,.for .Raleigh and Goldsboro; at3 Goldsboro f6r Norfolk, at Danville for Washington and tp'oints- Ndrthj at Salisbury for Asheyille Knoxyille and points West. -?j 7.19 A: MNo. 33, the New York ar " Florida Express, carries PnllmanSle ih Oars between New Tort and Au gusta, New York and Tampa, Pla., and Ndrf oik td ChaHotte. . - , 1 :8;49 A. M. No. 37, daily, Wash ington, and i Southwestern limited for AtlantaBirnnnfehaihr. Memphis; Mont ginery, Mobile ahd'New Orleans attd ftUt j points jputliii :andv. Southwest Tlirongh Pnllman sleeper New York to Nety PilfeansandNew Ybrktb Memphis, Dining carveatibiiled jcoach, between f4i' '-TV Wash5ngtb& and AtfaritaC Y'V " , 5 lObOOMo&allyi W ' Wash- ingiou, xviuuixiuiiu, xvaieign ana all points North. Carries Pnllman drawing room buffet sleeper, New Orleans to New r, Yor k: ; Jacksonville to New t-York: Pullman tourist cars from ISan firanciscovia jwew.uneans ana oouth eru Pacific Sundays and Wednesdays. 11:23 A. M. No. 11, daily for Atlanta and all points Soutn. Solid train, Rich mond to Atlanta. 7:09 P. M.-No. 12, daily, for Rich mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, Raleigh, Norfolk, and all points Norths t . 8;51 P. M. -No 7, daily, from Rich ondi Washington, -.Goldsboro, Selma, Kaleigh, urreensbcro Knoxville and Asheville to Charlotte. N. C. C8:5i IMNo' 38,aUv; Washington and Southwestern 'limited, for Wa'slt-" mgton and all points 'North; -Throngh -Pullman car. Memphis to New York New Orleans to 'Navr.Yn-rh-: Alo -e J vestibuled, coach and dining car. Close uyunecjiuxva vrreensDoro.with sleeper iHcksonviHe. and Charlotte, to ifjxrist? car WashinsrtoH to San Tvoi foovia New Orleans Tuesday, and Fiir UOJD, vr-dai1 therlNew gf ffilonda Expressi parries Pull, man oleeninsr Cars liAiwoW i0: J?6?1.; a. and New ftwiu:wiariowe to-iiichmond Car ries sleeperiB; Charlotte Lto Norfolk, via Greensboro. r-,,.;, i tions of regular;'; throngxi "or locilj freight trains' cany" passengers only to points where they stop according to schedule. - r-- 1 . -' -r . ; Frank 8. Gannon, Third Tice-Pres and Gen'l. Man; , 3 v Washington, DC. ' J ohn ,M; Gulp,' Traffic 'Manager, " ' " Washington D, 0- - W. A. Turk, Gfcn'l. Pas. Agent, Washington, D. C. Gcwan Dasenbery, JLocal Agent, . ConcorJ, N.C Aw ought i j The Kind Ur You Have Bought 1 w ml m M iii 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 uuuu u - C7 A