ArrlTal of Train. The .following change of schedule took NEW YORK MARKETS.' No. , 8 arrives at 5, 52 a m, 44 , "10.00 aim, '-83 " 8.511X1, (flag) CQTTON - 22 .24 Dec.:. 13 23 5 ... ? . 84 , , 5!p;m(-'- , , , 1T WHEAT, . i SOUTHBOUND i-; W Jgf Y? . -.gWOi-j.;. No. 87 arrives at 8;49 a m, (flag) . j, ,5 . .,C?3 ' 73J, ' i f 44 ok . it ' u. qoaUw1 a . . V ' ' .. ." 6 10 14 3 v Closed -6 10 , 14 ; 4 ' 85 33 M 61 4. 9.20 p'mv (Las) fr feturnea home gressive merchant of Arlington, No. 35. when running ahead of No. 7: wiiere - h .ttRnHofl "Z trTeiAUUi seiisconee flagged if necessary for through travel 'air - - f J Pyi the peck one way to avoid mth of Charlotte, and is Stopped "fo ' ' wmo-K ; ' - ' , lIlTEIlI02iULLY'iCliiNiED. ; Cupid Touches the Heart of Two Whose Ages Make the Sum of One Huudred and TOtrpther; News of the Neigh . borhood. . . ; . , -. ' ; Writtenjo The. ttta.ndard. Brief, Oct. 23: Hamp Little hasL m6ved ' into our village td to conduct a general repair shop. Mr. F M :Hinson. the "pro; A NE W IS south Sassengers ftrrmng f rom Liynchburg or Wadft TTiTTiVknlT -mw. tt eyoiid: m: 36;Stops regularly for A SnrH passengers- for Salisburvl Hie PmritA -K-Wball Of the Kimball'house. Greensboro, R&idsville. Danville rand IS here to SDend two wppItr nr xr Ui x . VTil i I vtuHuiiituij. ..; q. o-Biops ior ?pas- r -Pi sengers ior regular stopping places rjCn T. south of Newells.V No. -38 stops to let UniPU4Oopper mines, spent Sun- on passengers irom regular stopping uay.nere. v . daces south of JNe wells and tn tAk nn 7 ' ' jasseugers for regular stopping places, Mr. J as. F tthinn anX Lyucnourg or pevona. ' haVe'moved out to tlirt "Rain, -mill T -f. L J J 1 . - inoh. oo aau siop ai uoncora lor WhAk TVr- ci,:' i, v x foensers to or from theC. C. & A. hlriM. ShFn a, I?OSltlon division TT-Charlotto to Augusta aud in top mill, j ;VA,:V" other point iu South Caroliha Georgia ' ' -., ' and Florida, Reached through Columbia " Mr- larence Call, .01.. Wilkes- ;--. .. 4 V.-... - ' ee a! LOT OF Nos. :7, 8, 11 and 112 are the Jocaltrains Call was formerly the sheriff .pf and connect at Salisbury with trainsof Willi 'oiiriV '. in W. N. C. Division. vi ijescppty.. " ' Sheriff Peck, is. on the go this TELEPHONE-iNO. 71. 1 fl Z7 "Z? ' bbunty; to collect "taxesV FOUNDED .1842 Mr; yno. 5ost returned to .xsosts: My is ttunday atter spends pa I 1 I i 1 , health is ally improving. ,v vJvir.,iiia. isennour, a brother ot v Mr. tibh ' Isenhour, :vho runs fa xum a:ir. xw. . . t i..ow ,v- "UvvWa' - ? ai, ,:4-T, 4.,, uSikg Their Own Praise." phoid fever at his home above TheSTIEFFisthe PIANO to buv: thls Place tf i -1 Q Ttfi on nul f ho tnA-nnw na ttm I save the middleman's wofita and it win . There is to be a marriage near last a meume; out we navf several mass soon, we learn, in wmen uaramsin otner maKes. two widows n.nd two wi do war a we uave taen in exchange for wni f Hoti ford will ho rpnrp STIEFF'S two 'Ivers- &k Pond' Pianos, Wlil alct- oucord win oe repre one, the hnest- style that firm manu- wuiwu 111 me uuartotw. ifti-fiirps ftnd it. is nlmnfit-nov - l-f xrr-i I - - ' v a ut this make here are bargains. Miss Adams, OI.KOCK JtLlll, ar- fS If WiPPf 5iftno Mnufactui-er, rivea nere, jasii pauraay on ner. vuu" 4 ".""""-y wav to Mr. tsnaKesneare Harris. Mm BfaiiCll f arerOOm. i V; She is a daughter of Mrs. Adams, ciiunoito,,!. t. who visited there a short while Co o. womotlhi, mgr.: , ago; Fixe Tuning. Palace Organs. Chas. Montgomery, son of Mr. Chas. G Montgomery, who for merly lived at.thisjpl,ace, is now clerk at the Yarboro house in T1 Cotton is bringing 7.40 today; ; Italeih. Mrs. Owens, of Rowan county, Mr. Samuel. .Schull, returned is visiting at Dr. Smooth. " 1 here lastSabirday1 -night after m -nr. po " oi tvt tt taking part in the University- L Parks spent 'Sunday at G4S?Sf stf y' . ! Sbhull is captain of the JJniyer- Gilbert, son of Mr. . Jno. , M I sity team. Hisliome is in Stras- Hendrix, Jhas heen ; sick for sevr burg, Pa., and is related to Mrs. eral weeks. V - ' : ' TBE Harris, of this place. Let Alexander fc -Hendrix Corn-huskings are again , in full blast, ushering in the inaug uration of the oleaginous dump lingas king 'of' nocturnal dietary festivities. A certain father elderly spin ster who evidently still entertain sweet visions of Edenic fields'of matrimony, explains that she is edentulous from having worn out her teeth on the bottle from which she imbibed nutriment in her infantile adolescence. .- Hosts of friends bespeak a hal cyon sea for the conjugal Voyage of Ivlr. and Mrs. Robt. McManus, who were recently , married at the residence of .'Squire McMa nus. It is interesting ? to note that the combined ages of this couple aggregate 150 years the groom being 74, the bride 76 both hale, jolly, arid affable. For some time previous there t . ; i ...... had been ' a pronounced lull in the terrific matrimonial 'trade- win, which prevailed oyer this region last summer, wh en pupid with his modern battering-rams beat down the ancient walls of celibacy and furiously assailed the lofty, snow-capped citadels OX llltlliy lieai tS, lUUS prmim-in L ' ' . i --: 3 - j t;i 1.1. L I '. a general uompounu uouuio-uus-tle amohg the " young; folks, and instigating six; marriages '.. in a 1 ! i, - - ' -i h smaii area; a process wnicn very i - naturally reduced the number of ' marriageable youngsters in this l lovaple section. But Cupid Is a -J air 1 . " " LADIES r- AND MISSES Uptoda.te CASTOR BROWN BLUE-AND BLACK- Cahnotfa& FetzerCo. clean and press your clothes tT satisfaction guaranteed.' ' ;rffr Nl LINE OF Mr. Robt. Walthall has gone to Norwood to look '.affir some building .for several weeksV : ' CR flD d V:FriUl 3 1 etc. Thorue White, is stavine: in.the store q$ the Cannon& Fetzer Co. I i v r r 'Mr. E. ;F, Cook and wife, of, Bessemer City," are :t spending: several weeks at Forest Hill.; . The three vear old child of Mr,' and Mrs. R ,H .Talhirt, & Cau onville died Sunday hight. ', ' ' ' Capt.t P J Johnson, of Lenoir, spent Sunday here' with his. brother, Dr. D D Johnson. " ; AT THE Concord Bakery. sharper hot to be outgeneraled f 4 ' i m mm . J . . . k py unxavoraoie : circumstances like that. So, it appears that h , is now nurjing a rep not iusuiau.e of uxariousness at the unpro tected hearts of our elderly ce- - a libates. PJ" Now, we do not desire to as-: sume the" role of a 14 natural if - ' v - born" prophet, but if another old-f blk's marriage occurs shortly, why, we' do not! agree to be surprised thereby. r : ! ' AUQtlSTINE. M45SiiiBiwr TheMhite Woman'sa Burden Will be heavier than the white man's if you ask her to cook 3 meals a day on an old worn out cook stove. COOK STOVES Are clean, convenient, durable, economical an hand some. . jThey, Mve large square ovens with white enameled oyen doors and racks. They bake better thanahy stove made and cost no more than other s.toyes. M"rs. W R Kindley has returned to Mt. Pleasant after visiting ter daughter, Mrs. ! Edl BfeiUg, in oalisbury. . Miss , Kate .Means returned home Sunday night from 'Char lotte where she visited Mrs Jno. .P Yorke; - i - Mr. Benton White, father of Mr. EL White 'of. this place, has gone to Charlotte to spend ' a week or two with his brother:1 : ; If medium sized lady, rho; is a dark blond, wore a lieht 'dress and dark hat, who passed court house about 5:S0 wiih thrPA othor ladies on Thursday; Oct. .?19th, Will rrmmni:.k' l,ir' " signed may fihd. something to her advantage. ; , Address, " "Hum- Chronic .NasaL Catarrh pois- ! ons every breath tha 4 is- , drawn : into the Jlungs, . ;xnere- is pro- : curaole from any, jdruggistr the Pickled'Piks Feet .and Loose Pickles. . U k ' flamed and angry, surface, reliey- re: -f Joe Fisher, Proprietor. .ing imniemateiy -thy; painful in-. TO ' 'PHONE 199 V':T": ' T i VflamatiSiir hfes- -h6als ?,and :frf1 , WJ--r,r. fSL a cold: in:the - head Van- - t . - - jishesl, immediately.. xSoldv )?y i drusrsists or ,w,1Jf .Vn "a01110"- avx ! 50 cen'ty 56 , War- Also Undertakers. O. 1 tticiii i si b:- For Sale ren St. .'-'New York. r 5 dozen Ladies Linen. . Hand kerchiefs at 60c. doz. X20 pairs Misses Ribbed-Hose,v two.thread, 2x2 ribbed, sizes 5 to 9i,' at 10c. ). Ladies Black Hose, .with white feet for 25c. i Ladies Black Hose with split) feet jf or 25c. . v Shoes! Shoes!! Don't forget us on Shoes. We have the best in town for the money. Beauties! .'.--- .Gibson & Morrison. Every, ,one;Sof them will plasW you. Come and see tiemV ' A fine lot, of Opal . Rings. : W.- G. CORRELL, " - . We are .prepared to give thef . people this winter bft iter bargains than us n al in 'all OI '. rocenes. ( pvrf! lb business public a reliable, per ' J luti Viit. conservative aud accommodate i- ... Jl': 1 , lug hRK instatlun." r . At wholesale arid rejbail. tt will pay you tOt see our xjaretj dwub. ui i-Tinware, tWoodware, 'Glassware, , Crockery, Shoes- . iMafsvEtc.Jv f before buying. For Clover Seed, Seed Eye, and Bock Salt goto' -; -' . -: d.'.WilPatterson's. assurance of honorable treatment . and due appieciation of your patronage. til we can serve you aiiy time we, will be glad to have you come a. ad see as. LIBERAL A-CdOMMODATIONS J TO CUSTOMERS, v - -l Capital aniMplns"- -;$I0JBD: - ; D. B CotiTBANE, Ohashier, J. M. OdejIj j-Te-ddent. l L. Brown & BRo. LIVERY FEED AND SALE n' STABLES. Just io rear ol S?.. Cloud Hotfll.,Opi mbuBee met nlf passeogiftr trainp Oiitlite ot all ; kiads i farmshed prom ptly and at r reasonable prices. Horfiea and mulea alwayB on hand "or sale Jv Bfeier i of jihoroughbre Poland JKia g t rr-r" t - N.. V ft :4 V r : I?" iJnery," uall Box 204. , S , : '4

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