WW Price $4.00 Per Tear. CONCOllD, K 0., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1899. Sicgle Copy 5 Cents IkM N I -ft I 1 WS HP-JT 'rflAS VT AW e--V-i S.'.Jlt THE WIDOW COMPENSATED, The Jr. 0. U. A. M. Making Their Set tlement Since the Death of Their Member Church News. Written for The Standard..-, '..l.. .... .S Glass, Oct. Sd.-jThe, jpretty weather still , continues and-, the farmers are very busy sowing wheat and pulling corn. aeau auu puiimg corn. jmucnoia iauure as people! enemy, Gen. duller is not yet' Mr. G W Winecoff, who is, thought. There wiU'pMabilbnith attending school at Huntersyille,;; spent Saturday and Sunday with his father, Mr. S W Winecoff. Miss Ruth Caldwellf romvCon cord and a young man from Harrisburg are visiting at F W Glass, : . --v Mr. Will Horner, of Salisbury, was here yesterday in the inter- est of the Junior Order of j Americau Mechanics. He made the arrangement for Mr. Douglas Patterson's widow to draw two ; hundred and a fifty dollars. Be-1 sides this they paid, her five dollars per week during Mr. Patterson's illness. Some young men and boys have been shooting birds in this j section. VYe wouid advise them to stop this . until the 15th of November. We hope a hint to the wise will be sufficient. Opossums are right plenty here this season. Robt. Pethel has caught forty -two. The Center Grove people will hold their annual Children's Day Sunday. A pleasant time is expected. , Rev. J F Pharr is visiting his father in Georgia, so there will be no preaching at Bethpage until the fourth Sunday in N6 - vember. ! Protracted Meeting at Central Church. : A protracted meeting is in progress at Central Methodist church and will continue during this week. The other Methodistl ministers ' here will assist the pastor; Rev. J E Thompson. Tho services will begin at 7.30 each evening. j ' 1 Rev. T W , Smith will conduct the services tonight. ' ; : ' i-o-wn J j- , i Their Mode of Playing. f Two negroes were arraigned be fore Mayor Means Monday ni)rit for fighting. :- The negroes;. usd as their weapons a wagon ; wrip and brick-bats but on trial they both claimed that they twere iiot mad and that this was their way of playing with each other, he case was dismissed. " . 7 Returns to Railroad Work. Youdc: Caldwell, who f or aome time" has been staying, ati Mr. h mu wtsiaiui. - xxis niai .. uiiiuw 4 work is near BerkevilL Va. Killed in a Card-Playin O Ui iday Wm. Floyd and j Henry Aldridge, both white were; j play -; !"'g cards near Silver ipbsjtonice, southwest , of - this placwhen loy; quarreled and. Jpught! Floyd was stabbed by Abridge and died from the electa! " Ali bridge escaped. FloyL wis just! ! rsd Glass' at Glass, left ,Mon- face grew pale and blank; it was day night for Virginia wh ire he too late to jut; as through the will again resume work as; He f floor he sank he said : - T wilt. " , u tlle cnain gang'i of . Vjriio county; . 1 ' ' V AN EXCELLENT SCHOOL. Georgevilie Academy Has a Good At tendance and a Brighter Future Ar--ranging a Public Debate Honeymoons - Kot-Far Away. Written for The Standard. '.GrEjORGEyiKLE, Oct. 23xfm- i ing in this section has not been as much of a failure as ripiorilA Pe,a.naif crop of cotton andl the , iaiiur& win nave, an average ' M-r- fiugh McWhirte UUoon j move m the house near the acad emy made vacant byrWiil Widenhouse, who moved to Coh- cord. We have only a few hundred' inhabitants,. but we iudcre from Madame. Rumor's - report vthere j ( will be a general increase before .long. The Madame informs us tnat there will be bef ore Christ- mas twelv couples setting sail j on the dark and mysterious sea cers and men, 27 killed and 175 and fever is a bottle c Grove's Taete of matrimony. .We . old folks ' wounded. S Tne Boer loss' is not les Ghi Tonio- .Never faHs to .enre; wisn them a nappy voyage. j The young gentlemen of the . Grady literary society are going to ive a ubHc debate Qne Fri day night soon. The question for debate is, "Resolved, That we should have woman's suf frage." The1 speakers i are A L Aycock, J P Cox and X M Shinn on the affirmative; W H Turner, B A Brown and W B Shinn on JL . . . tne negative. Under the voice and prudent ! management of Prof. Albright, Georgeville now has one of the foremost schools of the county, and we anticipate a larger at tendance in the future. They Attended the Fair. Besides the number that had already returned home from, the State Fairi a large crowd reached here Monday, night,, after taking in the; Fair and visiting their rel atives r there. The following composed the party: Dryand Mrs. W H Lilly, Mrs. J D Arnold, Misses Lucy Lore, Lizzie Mont - gomory, Annie Furgeson, Alice Sims,. Katherine and Elsie Mor- rison, and Stuart Morrison. j ' - " ; t :. ' : Thus They Were Married. An exchange prints the follow- ing marriage ceremony which was said by a Tennessee Squire. a short time agp : 4 'Wilt thou take her for thy pard; for better or foriworse; to have, to hold, to fondly guard till hauled off in a hearse? Wilt thou let her have her way, consult her many wishesr make the tiro every ' clay and help -her wash the dishes? Wilt thou comfort and support hei father and mother, Aunt Jemima and Uncle John, three sisters and a brother?" And his Daiinj; the ciyil war, as wejl a3 in our late war with Spain, diar--rboefi was one of the mtbt tronblesomo ..diseases; the-v uriDy had -to contend with. In many it. Mr. David Taylor" of Wind - - . . , " " Ridge, Greene county, Pa;lSionfl o these. -He uses da Colic, Cholera dnd Diarrhoea Kenjey and says' he never found anything that wonld give him such quick relief. It is lor sale by M. L. i Marsh '& 0 o., Druggist I AVAEIS SOUTU AFRICA. Bad on the BoersRumors of Surrender. -The war thus far in South to the ! Sirica is very depressing to tne . uur cause. , XJrimsn victories seem tne rwe; -Tae -Boers nave fought vfthentty, but suffered de-; feat with-greater, osses than the that rthe Boers- expected to s;rike;beforehis' arrival seem is -expected t that .they will ' now natural strpngholds. Dispatches even' say that President Kruger favors , unaonditional surrender, i These dis&tches lack confirm a- tion. howSW The casfialities in the fijrht on 21st, at Elandslaagte, are, for the British, five officers killed, in- eluding one colonel and thirty wounded, uon commissioned offi- so well known, but is estimated decidedly greater including two generals killed and several rank- ing ofiicers captured. Mrs. Allen Purchases a Lot. , Mrs. Laura Allen, of Winston, bo is here at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Ann Fink, -has pur- , chased from her mother the lot Georgia avenue and : Academy. . BL1U t ' x a- - "Prosirionf MfTvar fiTrnfcVinc x, ,, . . , lusiUUUmu& muug tistics; Of thefirst 426 students enrolled at the State Normal and Industrial College 142 are mem- church; 122 of the Presbyterian church; 3lJ ot the Episcopal church;; 14 of. the Christian nil ittttVi. 1 1 -k-f5 4-Vi- TJ-PAfocfonf Methodist, church: 5 of the Lutheran church; 1 is a member pi .me J nenas cnurcn; i oi tne 1 merman Keiormea cnurcn- i oi w, , , , , . o0i rntnl church membership. Of the 35 ! non-church members, 2 prefer; the Friends church; 6 the Pres-! byterian; lithe Baptist,, and 1(5 : the . Methodist. ' Greensboro Patriot. j i: , ., ?v,'--;r . . ! You assun. e no risk whe rj y.i a i buy CbfirabeVlrtin's CpHc,; Choie i and: Diarrhoea R-medv M L Marsh; & Co. will refund your j mo'jey it you aie . iVbt sati-fied J nt't4r n'Riuc'it: It--"iv 'eyerv"Whefvi Hi ibv l-H"to iW the i&st ' j;cc plMwit- ?n7 ut-n-r Uvz b jeu amlh',hli' : : 3 Vf onlV ' . --Messrs Will Gibson and. Gaston. : Means ;and ins pi-end, ;, Mr.; Schull : returned to Chapel! Hill this morning. v, . .. ; A lilFE AND DEATH FIGHT. ' Mri W. A; Hmes oi manchester. Ia. writing of ins almost miraculous escape i , jfl4it, f vfl- Exposnra after measles induced serious .lung trouble ,,,r,hf flTld lioTT nfafisnnTi Hi Then I began to use Drying's New Discoveryrnsumij 5.00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recommleadation .'4 faUs to on Sd foJ Trial bottles free at Fetzers Drug store, r ; " 11 .nff frnm frequent: hemorrhasM jmd couched "All IUY UUvWi a Fire in Darham: Loss $8,000. East Durham had a fire early Monday morning inflicting a loss of about $8,000. ' One. fireman Mr. S J Gooch.was severly hurt Am thQ names of losers are JSH pci CrabWee,riE j fi Herbert L ' Jmitb, Thomas and Campbell, knights TT: Wd:d n GroTe TatelesfrG&ul .Tonxaotar Bnina Qninine in a tasteless- j. is simpiy iron ana ftsteless fornit Oinlardril sove it. Awaits -.refer ibtd bitte.fnan j ''i tU,fe ' " bellow leier xet. Yellow fever is yet a menace far south. Six hew 1 cases at Tn prn. Miss. v-ArA rAnortAd Mondav. Eisrht were reported at Miami and thirteen hew cases and two deaths at Key West. THE BEST. PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS imitations? Price 50 cents. Your raonev back if it Jails to enre. PERSONAL POINTERS. i Mr..- Grant1 Buchanan, of Charlotte, is hero today: :: ; ;vi AMrs: D J Bostian Teturned ome last night from Durham. ' - p Q Bradshaw of bury; who ig engaged in the rev. enue business is here tod ay. ' Mrs Jno P Allison and Mi.g: j M Odell went over to unariotto tms morning to spena xno aitemoon. . r Miss Mary Penick accom- panied Misses Katherine and Elsie Morrison home last night from Raleigh. She .will leave tomorrow morning for her home i ill ' 1 A art; chesses. ii In OF S3 f'flMjI :S' iii n nil f 1 V4 I " ; AT : ,: 1 J. felfc Worlds of Matresses in stock and a solid car of 100 on the way. Like ' 2ieb : ' V ahep's whiskey all Matteresses are good but some are better than others. See our Royal IFelt, Acma Spring, -Perfection, Sea. Ivloss, Pire iiber, Curled Hair, Cotton, . Cotton and Husk last but by, no meansleast our Hice Straw with cotton top, the Matti ess for the millions. - We have Mattresses to spare. Con ferenceis coming. Don't forget us. We are unloading a solid car of Beds today Solid car of Spring s - last week. We are at your : service. Take a look at our line' of Carpets. We are agents for J. & J. Dobson, the largest Manufacture of the United States- If ytu haven't time to come, 'Phone orders No. 12. Be!!, Harris & G0 i Willi! cool mo in- .;.turn ; ''your . ghtsto wards naerwear aiiq. we are prenared. to fill youx want's. Ribbed vests and drawers, 50 per cent wool, only 95c. suit. Fine Merino vests 98c. Woman's E-ibbed .. union suits, 48 c, 75 c. and 98c. All kinds of Child ren' s union suit s and separate suits in wool or cotton. We have durDble ur -derwear and have been verv careful in our selection. We boast about our 10c. and 15c. i children' and sses t Black P;.bbed Ho se ; there are no better to be fburd. Drop in and see them. H. L. Parks & Co. anressesi ML

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