Arriral of Trains, . The following change of schedule took effect Jnnel2. 1899. NORTHBOUND. " -i No. 8 arrives at 5.52 a m, m " "10 00 am, 12 u " 7-09 p m, 38 " w 8.51 p m,(flag) 34 " " 9.4S pm, 62 " 2 00 a m (iieuu t) SOUTHBOUND " No. 37 arrives at 8.49 a m, (flag) "11 " "1123 am, . 7 " " 8.51 p m, 35 " 9.20 p'm, (flag) S3 ' " 7.19 a m, 61 " u 8 49 a m, (freisrht) No. 35. when running ahead of No. 7 Mrs, Martin Dry Dead, Meeting For the Aged. Mnday afternoon the Some time during last winter STvXrr hme ofev. S D .Steffey, pastor of St. snip, and robbed him of his life 1 loir the benefit the. comfort and uurmff tne summer ;th A p-m.fcifii-n.Hnn rf tWaoWI -non. I 1 udb oeen m very bad health. Consumption was the cause of her death. She leaves behind a husband and four children three pie in his congregation and the community. ; The occasion fully met, his expectations. Next Sunday. beinff the fifth Sabbath in the month, he proposes to j i- - uaugmers and one son. The funeral was preached by Rev. hold a similar meeting and cor- Cordell, of Mt. Pleasant, at the dially invited all the aged in the! isflaggedif necessary for through travel noine- community to participate. south of C harlotte, and is stopped for m - - passengers arriving irom Lynchburg or jJ"ss Minnie Hornbuckle Dead. - Unromc JNasal Catarrh pois- beyond. Jno. di stops regularly for Mice ,M;u tt-IIV ons everv breath that is drawn Ajkj luiumu iiiii riiiiif'iicj n. i . - - for nassensrers for Salisbury. Hisrh Point. t . -rt-i ..." r' - (JreensDoro, xteiasvine, Danyille iz- "U. 1 mi i 4 lady of over twenty vears. who S!'!.J!t rAl rtO I CTQ Tl fTl W V lUTwDOTl I I I 1 ". 7 - - 1 VvUi tA Li M"! I II 1 II V 111 I I W IXI. Ill IM Washington. No: 37 stops for pas- uvea at Oannonville, died at an remedy for the cure of this efr8,comi from Lynchburg or early hour today (Tuesday). For trouble. A small quantity of ooints beyond, and to take on pas- ,. , , 47 Mj - un,,. -,- , , . Lngers for regular stopping places some time she has been suffering s Cre,am Balm placed into flouthof Newells. No., 88 stops to let witVi -hA tnenostrils spreads over an in- off passengers from regular stopping , V , " flamed and angry surf ace, reliev- Dlaces south of Newells and to take on ter 01 the Messrs. Hornbuckle iWc iTTraiafoixr -ov Chgrgorrbee" 8t P'8- btee.-r Shwas.a ydungady oflflamatlearises, leals and Nos. 3 and 34 stop at Concord for good character and was k mem!-' cureHA cold in the head van- pa-senerers to or from the a C. & A. ber" of Euworth ' Mthn1iit ishes immediately. - Sold by Uivision-Charlotto. to Angusta-and ,.'01 OIX?., . ;noaiSt p-oH fs ,w xxrU - rnlorf fV other points in South Carolina, Georgia cnurcn. . a FiettdthroURh The funeral will Wheld tomor; Nos. 7, 8,' 11 and 12 are the Jocal trains row corning at 10 ,O,!clock at Ep nd connect at Salisbury with trains of w6rth church :by Rev. T W W. N. C Division. druggists or will be mailed for 50 cents by Ely Bros., 56 War ren St.. Kew York. NEW YORK MARKETS. Smith. TELEPHONE FOUNDED ..1842. Miss. Carrie Richwine, of Salisbury, and her. friend, Mrs. Benson, of " Philadelphia, are visiting at Mr. Geo. W Brown's. "Ojten Jan. . . 03 March 9 May . . 13 Dec...'7c? cotton "High g : . 14 18 ... 05 T T : A1! TTT lvxi&o -n.iiuw vv aiKer, a . woman WHEAT. 35 or 40 years of age, who lives -pj m 711 ' at CannonvUle, died Monday ZT' " iV yi? evening about 6 o'clock. The 7'v - '- reTYiains wer a in trrp.rl in tho bugar 150t loOf cemetery. 1 Low 03 8 12 7c 70i 74 148J Closed 1 09 '17 4 70i 74i 150 "Slklg Their Own Praise." Tne uootning and Mealing prop Mr. Harry Deaton, of Moofes-1 erties of Chamberlain's Cough TriA STTEFFis the piano to bnv ville, spent Monday night here. Remedy, its pleasant taste and it has no equal for the money as you He came to assist his mother in prompt and - permanent cures save the middleman's profits and it will moving to Mooresville. We re- have made it a great favorite with last a nietime; out we navts several ffrof n lnco Vic fnmil fr-m rmU flftjAirunri,OM- T?w o-l bargains in other makes. f v " " ! 7 ,r oy iii.u. iuarsn k o., xrnggisxs. Wo muvp tnlfn in oTnhancra f nr 1 tUVVll. one. tbe finest stvJe that firm manui Mr. Luther Weddington, who jacmrea and it is almost new. If you is a salesman at Dayvault's, has ivuLt this make here are bargains- liido. J!!. uliUUlj Baltimore ftty Brand Wareroom. v;y?is- C. H. Wilmoth, Mgr. Fixe Tuning. Palace Organs. purchased a lot from Mr. .Elam King on South Spring street ad joining the home of Mr. Ed. Kestler. HARRIS LITH1A WATER is- the strongest Natural Lithia water on the market and has Mrs. Baxter Parks and Mr. H L Parks returned home Monday Ltha; endorsement of the most night from Gaffney after spend- noted physicians of the country Judge Montgomery has gone to attend court at Shelby. ing Sunday. Mrs. Stephens, of Charlotte, who is recovering from typhoid fever, accompanied them here. TVitt mpptinjr at, "Forpst Hill Attorney M B Stickley Spent TocWarmn nhnrp.h r.nntinnas to Monday in Albemarle on legal grow A good crowd was pres business. ent last night, and entered heart- Mountain Buckwheat, Apples ily into the service. The singing and Cabbage fresh at Jno. P was again a great feature of Allison's enjoyment. Services again to night at 8 o'clock and every Albert Frieze spent Monday at afternoon at 3.30 o'clock instead Gaffney, where he went to place Gf the morning services hereto - a monument. See Craven Bros. ad. todayj i They advertise furniture and Buck's stoves. Miss Emily Gibson has gone to Winston where she visits her friend, Miss Williamson. Mrs. Robt. S Young returned home Monday night after spend ing Sunday in. Charlotte. His friends and relatives will be sorry to know that Mr. D P Cannon is confined to his bed to day. . Miss Alice , Jones and May Oates arrived here Monday night from Charlotte to be the guest of their friend, Miss Margaret Can non. ,;. . . Mrs. Caudle, of Ansonville, mother of Mr. J A Caudle, of CannonvUle, and her son, Marshall, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J A Caudle. Mr. H Li Parks has - gone on a business trip to New York to be gone about a week. His brother-in-law, Mr. W C Thomp son, of Gaffney, S. C. accom panied him. Mr. Jno. W Phillips, who for many years has lived on North Spring street, has moved to the larm above town formerly occu pied by Mr. J Robt. Winecoff. Mr. Winecoff is agitating, the question of going to South America to engage in railroad fore announced. LINE OP Candy, Friuits, etc. AT THE Concord Bakery. Fielded Pfes Feet - and Loose Joe Fisher, Proprietor -PHONE 122. as j to its superiority over all others. Read what the noted Dr. John Hey Williams, of Ashe- ville, has to say for Harris Lithia, springsr . - Ashe ville; N. C' April 24, 1893. An extended clinical use of Har ris Lithia Water prompts me to the statement that I regard it as one of the best if not the best Lithia Water .known , to the pro f ession. In the: condition of Phosphaiic Urine, Us action is marvellous. -Its use in the Rheu matic and: County Diseases afford me more, comfort than either the Buffalo or Londonderry Waters. Very truly yours, JOHN HEY WILLIAMS, M. D. We guarantee that one glass of Harris Lithia carbonated water will relieve any, case of indiges- LlOn lU OHO LLlUlUWa Ui uur oiqxsij. is authorized to. refund you the money,' or if taken after each meal will cure the most stubborn case of indigestion. Why suf f er when you have the guarantee? r ' j gent for Concord". -rr- : - : . For Sale. 5 dozen Ladies Linen Hand kerchiefs at 60c. doz. 120 uairs Misses Ribbed Hose two thread, 2x2 ribbed, sizes 5 to 9J, at 10c. Ladies Black Hose with white feet for 25c. Ladies Black Hose with split feet for 25c. Shoes! Shoes!! Don't forget us on Shoes. We have the best m town for the money. Gibson & Morrison. They Are Beauties i ANEW LOT OF LADIES AND MISSES, Up-to-date. CASTOR BROWN, BLUE AND BLACK- Cannonl& Fetzer Co. A Short Purse Will buy along list of new and handsome Furniture In this store. See our new Fall Stock. Gem Heaters Is the Stove you want. You may not think so now, but you will when you see it. It is the "more heatless fuel stove," and costs no more than other stoves. o- Also Undertakers.- -o THE lllllil 11 Every one of them will Dlease you.: Come and see them, A fine lot of - . Opal Rings. Wv THEJJEWELBK. We are prepared to give he people this winter better bargains than usual in au of Heavy smd . . -Fancy j! At wholesale and retail. tt will pay you to see our Large Stock of Tinware, Woodware, Glassware, Crockery, SKoes, Hats; Etc., before buying. For Oloyer Seed, Seed Bye, and Eock Salt goto:; ::y:::;r-. : f Q.W Patterson's. flero th business pnblio a reliable, per ' niaiiHiit, o mservative and accommodate itig :! tanking instation. j We bolicit vour patronage with the assurance of honorable treatment and doe appieciation of your patronage. If we can serre yon any time we wI,' be glad to haye yon come and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS. - - Capital and Snrplns - - $1000 L D. B, Chashier, J. M. OdsiIi, President. M. L. Brown & BRo,, - LIVERY FEED AND 8ALE 8TABLES. Just in rear of St. Cloud HotL Om QibuBes meet all passenger trainp. Outfits or all kiada furnished promptly and at reasonable price?. Horses and mules always on hand or sale. Breeder of .horoughbre Poland 'JKiaa worn.

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