HOW'S THIS? We offer one hundred dollars reward for any caee of catarrh that can not by cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. E. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo; Ohio.' We th undersigned, have fcnown F J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly reliable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry nt any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. HallV Catarrb Cure is taken in ternal'y, acts directly upon' fte blood and nucous surface of - the extern. Price 76o. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimo nialR free. THE CLEANSING AN HEALIM) C'ATRARH IS" Ely's Cream Balm t Easy and Pleasant to use. Contains no in jurious Drug. Is quick ly absorvcd. Gives re lef at once.' It opens nd cleans the Nasal "Passages. Allays In flamation. COLD (N HEAD Heals and protects the membrane, restores the senses of taste and smell. Large size 50c at Drug gist or by mail; Trial size 10c by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 VV arren Street. New York Winter is Coming. I ALREADY HAVE ON HAND THREE CARS OF Jellico Coal And have ten more car loads on the way. j It is time for you to lay in a supply for the -winter,, isn't it? I also haye on hand the best of antracite coal. J. A. C Blackwelder, West Depot St. at Store. JS'Phone 68. COAL! K. L. Craven Has Bought iv 800 TONS JELICO COAL. 5 200 TONS HARD COAL. Also Viriina Sit and BM Eye Cannel Coal. Best steal coal at mine prices, a Good Smith Coal. Call and get what you want. 'Phone 74. NOTICE To Consurners of Current After ''Nov. 1st, all parties using other than Edison Lamps, will be charged 50 per cent in addition to present rates , Coiicora Electric Co. 'PHONE. . .'. . : , : . : . ... . . . .104. Notice to Tax-Payers. The tax books for 1899 have been placed in my hands for collection arid all tax-payers are requested to come forward and pay their taxes at once. S. J. Ervin, City Tax Collector. LOST O R STOLEN o NOTICE i hereby given that 'a note for $100 dated May 1895 on J "VV. Cannon has been lost or stolen and parties are warned not tbrade for same. ; T C Wilson. T 'X, ... . "A WANTiSD Tt buy 10(1000 p t.n&c of old cast-iron scrap, e l v t-r - -t at t L e f o u n d ry a f o n ce, fr ivh'.u'L we will pay a fair price- No t ru viirpn wasted. h f 'rv ' Concord Eounby r o v. ' On Account Laying Corne, Stone'Ebeiibzei Baptist Church Kings Mountain, ' C.- Tickets on -sale Oct. "2.7 and . 28; limited Get. -BOth at rate round CAlMRti I Reduced Rates, Account of Horse Show, Fair, Gala Week and Carnival, Winston-Salem, N. C. Tickets on sale Oct., 23, to 28th, inclusive final limit Oct., 30th, at rate of 3.50 and on Oct., 26th, and 27th final limit Oct.-, 30th, at rate of $2.35. All tickets include one admission to the Fair Grounds. Account of ; the North Carolina Industrial. Fairr (Colored) Ral eigh, 'N. -C.v Tickets on sale Oct., 29th, 30th, 31st, and Nov. 3rd, at rate $5.50 round trip, and on Nov. 1st, and 2nd, at rate of i $3.80 1 round trip' all tickets limited returning Nov. 5th, and includes one admittance to the Fair Grounds. .HIS LIFE WAS SAVED. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling pfAithepay&: "I was taken with typhoidf ever that ran into pneu Inonia. My lungs became hard ened. 1 was so weak I couldn't even sit tip in bed. Nothing helped me ,1 expected soon to .die f of consurnption, when I Tieard of "Dr. King's New Dis covery. One bottle gave me re lief. I continued to use it, and and now am well nd strong. I can't bay too much m its praise." This marvellous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular size 50c and $1. Trial bottles f re at Fetzer's Drug Stpre. Every bottle ornarmteed. Murder: A Woman in it. A Marion dispatch of the 23rd says Ed Turner shot and almost nstantly killed Will Pyatt last Sunday. A bad woman was, at the bottom of it. For Filty jrear Mrs. Winslow's ; Soothing Syrup has been used for over 'fifty years by mil lions of -mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes' the child, softens the gums, allays kit pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for . Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by druggists in every : part of the world. v Twenty-five cents a bot tle. Be bare and ask for ' Mrs. "Vin slowsj Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. v ' . ? 8SJUSTlSCOCDFa?2AByi.tS. 1 WAR SI AMTES S . PE 3C-5Q cto, iParis Medicine Co.. t.Lc-nJ. r.vo. -v - Gentlemen: Yiv ..k; H- Vf.-.r, (ft) botkloa GROVE'S TASTt" '1 ' Zi T--;".JO ;.i-l h:sv bought three grifc..-u-cuiij i jj a y va -. ' ! i j U ; perience of H iyer&v ttro dt'; bur-inS'j, aavc never sold an axttclu tb&t to r.uca buiversal aatii Caxstioa sm your TccJc lourd tfuly. i&M4H&f SO YEARS Mf EXPERIENCE. it Trade Marks kLt . av Designs rjyijry Copyrights Anrone sending sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free waether an luvntlon ia probably. patentable. , Communis tiqju strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent sent free. Oldest aeescy for securing patents. -Parents taken tnroueh Mann & Co. rooelT9 specuu notice, witnouL cnarge, in tne Scieniifie Jfrnericahi' A fcandomely Illustrated weekly. Irfre8t cir culation of ary scientific JournaL Terms, $3 a vsr : fonr months. fL Sold hvall Tinwsnoiiorti , fiUKfi & CD.sejB-oa.. ksw York -ar m - mm 'rn mw . ir.-s t i i r.a 13 m m b hJL3 i I ! I I LiLEl Eft 11 1 1 1 -vi: S 1 Wm 1 1 I DrSl AUTUMN REVERY. It may suggest poetic thoughts When Autumn days are here, Of fodder standing in the shock As suits the time of year; Of frost upon the pumpkins where , . : 1 In golden ranks they lie, , .u But, Oh, the happy hour is when The pumpkin's in the pie! I . New Bern Journal. , Spanish Gun in Our Museum. The Spanish rapid-lire gun given by Captain Coglan and; his men on the Raleigh to our Capi tal city is now on exhibition in the Museum at the state capital. It has on its war , paint a nd all looking like when captured. It is : estimated that 5,000 people called to see it during the fair last week. ; t . . .: k -. 1 NO RIGHT TO UGLINESS. The v Oman' " v wh;o " is loyeiy m face, form and ' temper; will al ways baye friends, but'ioue yfho would b4 attractive, must keep her health. If sjie is weak, sickly, andi jall runr dowDj she owill be nervoos and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters iB the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver ajbd kidneys and purity the bood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, yelvet skin, rich com plexion. It will make a good looking, charming woman of a ran down invalid. Only 50c. at Fetzer's Drag Store. Senator Safe. A San Francisco dispatch of tho 22nd brings the welcome tid ings that the transport "Senator" sailed into the Golden Gate with Fifty -first Iowa Volunteers from Manila all safe and jolly. The vessel had borne to the east and escaped the typhoon which struck the Empress of Japan." A MOTHER TELLS HOW SHfi SAVED DAUGHTERS LIFE. , - . , I am the mother of eiht child ren and have had a great deal of experience with medicines. Last summer my little daughter bad the dysentery m its worst form. "We thoucht sho would die J. I tried everything I could think of. I saw bv an advertisement in our paper that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was highly recommended arid sent and got a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the very beat medicines we ever had m the house. It saved my little daught er's life. I am anxious for every mother to know what an, excellent medicire it is. ;Had,l nown it at first it would have saved me a great dfai of anxietv arid my little daughter mucht euffering. Ycurs truly, Mrs. Geo. F. Bur dio.k, Liberty, R. I. For Sale, by M. L. Marsh & Co., Druggist: BISMARCK'S IRON NERVIJ Whs the result of his 'splendid ! health. Indomitable will and trerjciendou8 energy are not found wher stomach, livfr, kidneys and bowels ar out of order. If you want tbese-qualitiesund the suc-ce-P they bring use fDr. Kino's iNrew Life Pills. They develop r ever v power ot Drain and body. Only 25c. at Feizer's Drua: Store. 1 CUEE A COLiD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund" money if it fails to cure. i25o. Th&gennin has Ij. B. Q m each tablet ' . ADMINISTBATOB'S NOTICE, Having been duly qualified as admin istrator of the estate of John Martin Dry, deceased, I hereby give notice that all persons indebted to said, estate must make prompt payment, and all persons having claims against said estate must present the same -for. payment on or be fore Oct. 16, 1900 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Wm. F. Dry, Administrator. Oct. 16, 1899. . ft- 7 iiiiiiiiiMHiiii'LiiiiiiiiiimiirtHinnii'iiMmMMimiiuiiiiiKni'.iiiiiiiriiiiL'Miti '? AycgtabkPxeiyaxdnforAs-; similaUng tfcglbod krd2iM lingUieStQJiifdandBaiQf - 1 QflHMma a; r.' P 1 fi &axittea ?1 a. j ApcrfectHcmcdy for Constipa tion, SourStotnactr.Diantoca, Worms .ConvtilsioiisXtjvmsh vasss andLossOJP SlEER ; : YacSimoe Signature: of XACT COPYOT WEAEPEB ODELL i . . ...- -M-f MANUFACTURERS OF HhfJ FINE Sheeting Salt Bags AND Cloths. -o- -DEALEB IN- General MercMrdisa -o- BUYERS OP COUNTRY i ROD UGE " , of all kind.- M - o ... ' . i Four-foot Wood always Wanted. Beet Price for same. - 'i " v O '''. - We invite anlinspection of all the.'goods . . we'raanufaQture . ... till - Maaufesturi 1 1 1 i I Plaids Outing oncord N. c. .t eVIf'A:' :ri ; For Infants and Children. mm mm mmchm The Kind You Havs Bears the Signatcu of You Have THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. fnAiiit'i i'i i.i nit Ti"rnl oat hern ail way N EFFECT JULY THE 16TH, 1899. This condensea schedule is pub lished as inFnrmatfnn and ic subject to change without notice to the public : Trains leave uoncord N. C i 15.52 A. M. No 8, daily, for Eich mond; connects at Greensboro for Raleigh and Goldsboro; at Goldsboro for Norfolk, at Danville for Washington and points North, at Salisbury for AsheviHe,TKnoxville and;points West. 7. 19 A. M No. 33, the New York and Florida Express, carries Pullman Sleep ing Oars between New York and Au gusta, New York and Tampa, Fla., and Norfolk to Charlotte. ; 8;49 A. M; No.'1 37," daily, Wash ington and Southwestern limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Mont gomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points ..South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis, Dining car, vestibuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta! 1 0:00 Al" M;No7 36; daily, for Wash ington, Eichmond, Raleigh and all points North. Carries Pullman drawing room buffet sleeper, New Orleans to New Yoik; Jacksonville to New York: Pullman tourist cars from Han. Francisco via New Orleans and South em Pacific Sundays and Wednesdays. 11:23 A. M.-:No. 11, daily for Atlanta and all points Soutn. Solid train, Rich mond to Atlanta. 7:09 P. M.No. 12, daily, for Rich mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, Raleigh, Norfolk, and all points North. ; 8; 51 P.M. -No 7, daily, from Rich mond, Washington, Goldsboro, Selma, Raleigh, 1reensbcro Knoxville and Asheville to Charlotte. N. t C. i 8: 51 P. M.-No 38, dailv, Washington and South western limited fnr Wooii mgton und all points North. Through Pullman car, Memphis to New York New Orleans. to New York. Also carries' vestibuled coach and dining car. Close connection at Greensboro with sleeper for Norfolk. ; n : , - 9-20 ?.,M.No. 35, daily, foi Atlanta and New , Orleans, carries - Pullman sleeper New York to Naw Orleans. New York to Jacksonville aud Charlotte to Atlanta; dinning car. ; AIpo Pull nan tourist car Washington to San Francis jco,,via New Orleans Tuesday ; and Fri days,, '' . . 4 ; rr , ; Tt5 Sr-l 'dy, tlie New York aud Florida Express, carries Pull man bieepinpr. Cars between Augusta NeJ York. Tampa, Fla, and New xork and Charlnff fo. uu-a n Ties sleepers .Charlotte to Norfolk yia First 8ecbn-na rt local ireignt trams cariy passengers S schedul where-tliey stop according ill Always Bought AW , w The fJ Kind Always Bought. tkmm mm -'mm m a vvv m . m. m wt ia n Third Vice-Pres. and Gen'l. Man. " Wasnington, D. O. JohnM. Culp, Traffic Manager, Washington, D, Q; . W. A. Turk, Gen'l. Pass. Agent, Washington, D. C. 0 owanfDasenbery, Local Agen Concord. N.Q;

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