ArriTl or Trains, The foiio wing change of schedule took ;2ect JunelS, 1399. NORTHBOUND. vn 8 arrives at 5 52 a m, J? "10 00 am, 12 v " 7-09pm, H gg " " 8.51 p m, (flag) ? u " " 9-45 p m, . v, 63.. " " 2.00 a m (lieiui t) SOUTHBOUND Vrt 37 arrives at 8 49 a m, (flag) li "1123 a m, M 7 " " 8.5t p m, 35 " 9.20 p'm, (flag) , 33 7 19 a m, 61 " 8 49 a m, (freight) v0. 35. when running ahead of No. 7. Mrs. T. M. PIiiii -f" -"Cu. mu fi .11 m tirh Number of .JL - . . i quittances remember that arrived here this morning from PVir ag Mrs- T M Columbia, S. C, to spend a few fnillips, of Hillsboro. mother nf davs with his rlati VPS ' 'PVlOTT Mrs. L P Cole, of this place; fell were married yesterday after- and broke her hip. - Since that 110011 at 4 o'clock. ' The Columbia time Mrs. Cole has spent most of Stato;of this morning; has the her time by her bedside, and jllwmg account of the mar resigned her position in the j tiage whicl1 was a home affair: graded school. For 1 1 ' The bridal party; was ushered weeks Mrs. Pwiuo .into the tastefully, decorated uaa uvvu. Ill olc 4-"U .e r a h0SOital ah hnvlnff. i-x tuKtuu, ux rnen- delssohn,-. The l f bridesmaid, Miss Flora "Wiley,1 of this city, was followed by the dainty little flower girls, Misses Marguerite Earle and Marion Dudley. Next came the bride,- accompanied by her maid of honor- and sister. Miss Annie Miller;, 'followed by the groom with his brother, Mr. D C Correll also : of Spartan -burg: v ' :v r ;; 'During the impressive cere-' mohy the pianist, Mr. .D A Jfressiy, rendered soitlv a selection from Chopin. .mm l ' ' n m m ' ' "3 Tne bricie was attirea m ai I traveling suit of blue silk v trim med with black ... satm, . and ANEW LOT OF hospital at Charlotte in a critical condition. In the latter i: of-Wednesday night death passengers arriving from Lynohburg or Came, Which had been expected beyond- .N.?: 2?..&ELw.y and is a relief from t,h riArr passengers iui wmwumj, rums, ftrflfinsboro, Beidsville, Danville and she has uti d ArtroTi o RV. a - -q o o n nrincipal stations between Danville and ' , , , . Washington. No. 37 stops . for pas- aged lady, and . leaves three aengers coming irom J-ynchbarg or daughters Mrs: T!nla W T,Vo points beyona, ana to tase on pas- w WJU for regular stopping places place: Mrs. A A SnH no's, nnw south of Newells. No. ;88 stops to let - nv,olwU ' T. off passengers irom regular Btopping vuwiw, ;ttuu. mrs. jno. places south of NeweUsandto takeon Boyd, of Spartanburg 'S. 0. passengers for regulaif stopping places, xtuuuib, v. A lio remains . passed nere to- J J&L CO ISx -IBS ': 09 LADIES Lvnohbnrg or beyond. Nos. & and 34 stop at Concord for Ma v YThnrsrl 'n.xr trvTTiiicWv an nnsera to or from the C. O. A: A. v -v ' jy i division Charlotte to Augustaand companied by ithe three daugh ffittSSM52S Ms Mayfied cole joined or Augusta. xLem at ureensboro. Nos. 7, o, 11 and la are the local trams nd connect at Salisbury with trains of Annual Inspection Saturday Afternoon, If . 11. auavu. . I . '1 J I'll' 1 Mr. li Jf Mobgood. of Oxford, carried a oouquei., oi ; pin ana the inspector-general of the white carnations. State Guard, and Col. J P Arm- ' 1 -"The parlors were tastefully field, of Statesville, are expected decorated with palms and gplden hftro Satnrdav. Thov pnmo n rod, and were well, nlled with hold the annual inspection of the friends of the. bride. and groom. military company. Of course "The presents received were thfi ins-noction will onlv ho a, numerous and well selected. matter of . viewing the members in line, as no arms and uniforms have been issued .to the members yet. ' - - mmm FOR AND MISSES, Up-to-daTc:. TELEPHONE NO. 71. FOUNDED...... .........1842. CASTOR BROWN BLUE AND BLACK. ' ' Their Own Praise. " The STIEFF is the PIANO to buy; it has no equal for the money as you save the middleman's profits and it will last a lifetime: but we have several bargains in other makes. We have taken in exchange for STIEFF'S two Ivers & Pond Pianos, ue, the finest style that firm manu factures and it is almost new. If you uant this mate here are bargains. Piano Manufacturer, Baltimore 3XI. FnntnTnT DnrmnVi WrmnnnfYm N. I&lilUl T Didlibll YVdlClUUUI, Tryon St., charlotte, N. C. THE BEST PEESCRIPTION CHILLS and fever is a bottle c Grove's Taste less Unill Ton 10. 14 ever iails to cure; Then whv experiment with worthless imitations? Price 50 cents. money back if it fails to cure. Millions Given It is certainly'gratying to the public to know of one cancer in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. ' The proprietors 'of Dr. King's New .Discovery for Con-1 . . i - rt 1 t Cannon & Fetzer Co. sumption, Coughs and. Colds, have given away over ten million trial bot-1 ties of this great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma. Bronchitis. Hoarseness and all diseases ox tne inroat. uneeiana juurnra are surely cured by it. Call at Fetzer 's Dr. J E Smoot, adminstrator gf'fe of Mary Moore, deceased, will tie guaranteed, or price refunded. sell a lot of nousenold goods and r-n "S.tiS about 21 new home-m quilts 7L at public sale at the residence of . r J Tt w8 Ne; x 1 TTT-n 3 -rn j. t 4- that ever was made is Dr. Kings JNew Jno. Wllleford on East Depot TifA pniSJ Everv pill is a sugar-coated Ftvt TTTAnWn PATiPpHprANcj street Saturday, the 28th, at 2 globule of health, that .'changes weak lINE 1UMNG. FALACE ORGANS. , , , , negs into strenc,th, . listlessness into energy, oram-iag mio meniai puwtsi:. TIiavVa wonderful in building- up the health. Only 25o per box. Sold by Fetzer's Drug store, A . Ciias. I SM, Co H. Wilmoth, Mgr. Mountain Buckwheat, Apples und Cabbage fresh at Jno. P Allison's. Add to your telephone list No. 137 Mr. Jno. D Hatchett's residence. Mrs. B E Harris and little son have returned home from Dun more, Pa., where they spent some time. - Let Alexander & Hendrix cloan and press your clothes satisfaction guaranteed. Mr. J Henry Tharpe, a mer 'chant at Harm on v. in Iredell . . coanty, spnt last night here Cotton Weigher Propst had to handle 212 bales today. This is the climax of the season in this market. Chas. Cox', of No. 8 township, was badly hurt on Sunday night, j torn, uv xctniii lAuui NEW YORK MARKETS. Open Jan . . . 7.03 March 7.07 May . . 7.11 Dec ... 7c. Sugar 153i Dec. May COTTON High 7;09 7.13 7.16 7.06 155i CHICAGO WHEAT. 70 71 70 74 . 74i 74i LOW 7.01 7.06 11 6.99 1521 Closed 7.08 7.13 15 7.06 153i m ;74f Th ey Are Like Your Home Home- and Comfortable. Daoi imc ! LINE OF Caody, Fruits, etc. AT THE Concord Bakery. Is what every loving woman likes, as well as having it beau tiful and in the latest up-to-date styles in furnishings. We have many bargains to show you in Bed Room Furniture, Side Boards, Window Shades, etc. Have your pictures framed now. ; Our stock of Moulding is beautiful. Remember this: A good dinner Every one of them is best prepared on a BUCK STOVHJ. we sen em. will please you.; Come and see Ihm. A fine it of Opal Rings. :G. L.;RHELL, TtlK JKWKLEk. the horse. He was badly bruised. One arm suffered the most injury. Mr. Joseph A Graham, who was formerly principal of the Salisbury graded school, has has been elected principal of the Clyde High School at Clyde, S. C. - Mrs. Ed. Mitchell and chil dren, who have been visiting here in this county, left Wednes day night for their home in Con way, Ark. Mr. Mitchell is now paymaster on the Hartford. The Dodson-Ramseur Chapter Daughters of the Confederacy is called to meet at 4:30 p. m. to morrow at the home of Mrs. D F Cannon to hear the . report of Mrs. H M Barrow, the delegate to the Henderson convention. It is hoped that every member will be present as a most inter esting and enjoyable report is Pickled Pigs beet and Loose Pickles o Jos FIsBier, Proprietor. 'PHONE 122. For Sale. - . x. -jm y m v n mm www mm m "n b hp. -a ww wt m am m mr . o Also Undertakers. o S1! Farm For Saie. : v ..t s:ile duiv rnd. red iu the ;op-1 j-c rior Court of Cabjirrus ctmuU, iu 1jo . lease of J C Query et; al. ex parte, thei rnm-crnpfl will ftxoofee to Dublic alt i (lo nnnrt linimt floor 111 -the tOWn of 1 f rriVA thA noonle -this winter ! Concord. N C. on -Monday bo- , haraains than usual in all T H 1 j UMN We are prepared 5 dozen Ladies Linen Hand kerchief s at 60c. doz. 120 pairs Misses Ribbed Hose, two tnread, 2x2 ribbed, sizes 5 to 9i, at 10c. v Ladies Black Hose with white feet for 25c. Ladies Black Hose with split feet for 25c. , Shoes! Shoes!! Don't forget us on Shoes. We have the best m town for the money. Gibson & Morrison. wi5 . ! vember tith, 1899, at 12 o'ciock xl , Uko frllnwin trat ot land- iu No. 1 township, bounded as -ionows:- xe ginnins afc a O. in the lane, Andrew corner and runs with Andrew line S. 6. tn white oak in the lane theri ' 11 E. 24 poles to a black jackin the lane. then S 46, iii. ou poies c !" tk,i!,.,o nnmfir. then with Phillips land 'N 14 E 35 poles to hickory, Phillips nAr thAn will! rmiiipsauu jviuk r 120 Dolea-to a io8toak. Kings cor ner, then N. 26 poles jo hickory on Mor gan's line, then with , it N. 81,. W. 59 fr a stake bv an old road, Mor- n'ooTner. then S. 20 ,W, 1TO pgra a with Harris' line to a J. J., AQdrew's corner, thea with Andrew's ft5 W 76 poles to a B. J. by the side of I glSerthen S. 3, E. 50 votes to a B. t t5w then S. 23, W. 26 poles to rcrLTZT nnntainins 106f acres, r0,Trmaof sale: One-half balance payable 12 months after lle reserved till purchase PMobbis'oW, Comr: Concord. N. 0. Oct. 5, 1899. Caldwell & Stickley, Att'ys. ; of Heavy sind Qroceries. Faecy y At wholesale and retail. It will pay you to see our Large Stock of Tinware, Woodware, Glassware, Crockery, Shoes, Hats, Etc, before buying. For Clover Seed, Seed Rye, and Rock Salt go to G W: Patterson's. flrrr th- business pnblio a reliable, pci- up 'j3t conservative and accomiruxuiw mg ban Wins instution. We solicit your patronage with the assurance of honorable treatment and due appieciation of your patronage. If we can serve yoa any time we will -be glad to have you couie and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS J TO CUSTOMERS. - N- - - - - Canital and Sarplas - - $10 000. D. B CotiTRNS, Chashier, .1. M-JOdki ii, President. ? II, t. BROWN & BRo. LI VERY FKKD" :ND 8 ALE STABLES. Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Om nibuaea meet ail passenger trains Outfits oi all kinds furnished promptly and at reasonable prices Horses and mules always on hand or8al8.--.Bfnl9f3of aorocusiibre Pnlad Win L , SPIBSA!.KfflB?aSSSagf assured.